WSR 01-14-068



[ Filed July 2, 2001, 3:39 p.m. ]

Semiannual Rule Agenda

July 2001

WAC Chapter Chapter Title Contact Person CR-101

Filing Date


Filing Date


Filing Date

Scope of Changes/ Sections to Amend
Air Quality
173-400, 173-405, 173-410, 173-433, 173-434,

AO #99-07, 7/96

Emissions standards for solid waste incinerators; general regulation for air pollution sources; Kraft pulping mills; sulfite pulping mills; solid fuel burning device standards Peter Lyon

(360) 407-7530


Tom Todd

(360) 407-7528

Mar 99 Jul 02 Dec 02 Hog Fuel Boiler RACT; define terms related to wood derived fuels; reorganize state incinerator rule.
173-400, AO #99-06, 7/98 General regulation for air pollution sources Elena Guilfoil

(360) 407-6855

Apr 99 Feb 01 Aug 01 This action focuses on two air quality programs located in chapter 173-400 WAC: The prevention of significant deterioration or PSD program which addresses major new air pollution sources; and the best available retrofit technology provisions.
Shorelands and Environmental Assistance
173-700, AO #98-26, 1/99 Compensatory wetland mitigation banks Lauren Driscoll

(360) 407-6861

Jan 99 Jul 01 Dec 01 Develop procedures for the operation, monitoring and implementation of wetland banks.
173-158, 7/99 #00-26 Floodplain management Tim D'Acci

(360) 407-6796

Oct 00 Aug 01 Nov 01 Amend WAC to implement ESHB1963 which allows reconstruction in floodways under certain circumstances.
197-11, #00-05, 7/00 SEPA rules Marv Vialle

(360) 407-6938

Mar 00 Aug 01 Oct 01 Revise environmental checklists (nonproject).
Solid Waste and Financial Assistance
173-304, AO #99-24, 7/97 Minimum functional standards for solid waste handling Mike Hibbler

(509) 456-3270

Nov 99 Aug 01 Jan 02 Update approaches to nonmunicipal solid waste management. Respond to state legislation aimed at removing impediments to recycling.
Spill Prevention, Preparedness and Response
317-10, 173-181, AO #00-03, 7/99 Oil spill contingency plans and response contractor standards Roy Robertson

(360) 407-7202

Feb 00 Jan 02 May 02 Update plan requirements, mandate incident command systems, incorporate planning standards, and update primary response contractor standards.
xxx-xx, AO #00-23, 9/00 Tank vessel rule Jeff Fishel

(360) 407-7504

Sep 00 Sep 02 Mar 03 Develop rules for tank vessels that address peculiarities of Washington waters.
Water Resources
173-537, #99-25 1/00 Water resources management for the Yakima River basin Bob Barwin

(509) 457-7107

Oct 99 Dec 02 May 03 Withdraw ground water from further appropriation, per MOA with BoR and Yakama Nation.
508-64, AO #00-01, 1/00 Water use metering Jeff Marti

(360) 407-6636

Feb 00 Jul 01 Dec 01 Amend or replace rule to address metering requirements (RCW 90.03.360).

AO #00-25, 10/00

Water right administration, Phase 1 of several phases Steve Hirschey

(425) 649-7066

Oct 00 Feb 03 Jul 03 Set forth statutory provisions and common law holding and interpretation for the administration of water rights.
Water Quality
173-201A, AO #98-20, 7/98 Surface water quality standards for the state of Washington Mark Hicks

(360) 407-6477

Feb 99 Nov 01 May 02 A. Develop regulatory language to guide the implementation of a water quality antidegradation policy. This would focus on protecting water quality standards, implementing technology-based pollution control requirements, and ensuring degradation that is allowed is in the overriding public interest. It would also include provisions to set aside waters constituting an outstanding national resource from all degradation.

B. Look at the way beneficial uses are assigned for protection to waterbodies under the water quality standards.

Dates that are in "bold" print, indicate that filing has occurred.

Jerome D. Thielen

Regulatory Affairs Manager

© Washington State Code Reviser's Office