Insurance Services Policy #A. 03 "Confidential Information
Obtained from other State Agencies," is a new policy developed to
cover the handling of confidential information received when
accessing other state agencies' files or records. This policy
applies to crime victims. This policy was issued on August 17,
Contact Linda Norris, Mailstop 4310, phone (360) 902-4999.
Doug Connell
Assistant Director
Insurance Services Policy #61.23 "Determining the Status of
a Sub Contractor who only Furnishes Labor," is a new policy that
applies when determining Industrial Insurance coverage for
subcontractors engaging in a business registered under chapter 18.27 RCW, or licensed under chapter 19.28 RCW, who perform work
for a contractor and who do not furnish anything other than their
personal labor. This policy does not apply to crime victims.
This policy was issued on August 17, 2001.
Contact Linda Norris, Mailstop 4310, phone (360) 902-4999.
Doug Connell
Assistant Director
Insurance Services Policy #64.90 "Qualification for
Drug-Free Workplace Discount," has been repealed. The drug-free
workplace program was discontinued, so this policy is no longer
needed. This policy does not apply to crime victims. This
policy was repealed on August 17, 2001.
Contact Linda Norris, Mailstop 4310, phone (360) 902-4999.
Doug Connell
Assistant Director
Insurance Services Policy #64.91 "Application of Drug-Free
Workplace Discount," has been repealed. The drug-free workplace
program was discontinued, so this policy is no longer needed.
This policy does not apply to crime victims. This policy was
repealed on August 17, 2001.
Contact Linda Norris, Mailstop 4310, phone (360) 902-4999.
Doug Connell
Assistant Director
Insurance Services Policy #64.92 "Enrollment Deadline for
Drug-Free Workplace Discount," has been repealed. The drug-free
workplace program was discontinued, so this policy is no longer
needed. This policy does not apply to crime victims. This
policy was repealed on August 17, 2001.
Contact Linda Norris, Mailstop 4310, phone (360) 902-4999.
Doug Connell
Assistant Director
Insurance Services Policy #94.93 "Maximum Premium Discount
for Drug-Free Workplace Discount," has been repealed. The
drug-free workplace program was discontinued, so this policy is
no longer needed. This policy does not apply to crime victims.
This policy was repealed on August 17, 2001.
Contact Linda Norris, Mailstop 4310, phone (360) 902-4999.
Doug Connell
Assistant Director
Insurance Services Policy #74.02 "Adjusting Claim Cost
Penalties," is a new policy developed to provide guidelines to
litigation specialists for the adjudication of claim cost
penalties that have been assessed under RCW 51.48.101. This
policy does not apply to crime victims. This policy was issued
on August 17, 2001.
Contact Linda Norris, Mailstop 4310, phone (360) 902-4999.
Doug Connell
Assistant Director
Insurance Services Policy #91.20 "Using Internal Revenue
Service (IRS) Information," is a new policy that applies to the
use of confidential documentation obtained from the IRS. It has
been updated to clarify who maintains the list of authorized
requesters, and who is considered an authorized requester. This
policy does not apply to crime victims. This policy was issued
on August 17, 2001.
Contact Linda Norris, Mailstop 4310, phone (360) 902-4999.
Doug Connell
Assistant Director
Specialty Compliance Services Division
Specialty Compliance Policy #ES.F.3 "Procedure for Issuing
Notices of Infraction Order for Violations of Chapter 296-131 WAC," is a new policy. The civil infraction process was revised
to be in compliance with chapter 7.80 RCW, Civil infraction. The
department, in its capacity as a law enforcement agency, will
begin issuing nontraffic civil infractions to agricultural
employers when there is a reasonable cause to believe the
employer has committed an infraction contrary to chapter 49.30 RCW, Agricultural labor or chapter 296-131 WAC, Agricultural
employment standards. The monetary penalty per RCW 7.80.120 is
$250 per violation. Infractions may be contested in district
court. Policy #ES-039 is repealed and replaced with this policy.
This policy was issued on June 28, 2001.
Contact Elaine Fischer, Mailstop 4510, phone (360) 902-5552.
Patrick Woods
Assistant Director
WISHA Services Division
WISHA Regional Directive (WRD) #2.15 "Targeting WISHA
activities (Construction)," is a new policy that provides
guidance to WISHA enforcement and consultation staff regarding
programmed activities within construction. It replaces and
rescinds WISHA Interim Operations Memorandum, #98-6-D and will
remain in effect indefinitely. This policy was issued on August
14, 2001.
Contact Marcia Benn, Mailstop 4648, phone (360) 902-5503.
Michael Silverstein
Assistant Director
WISHA Regional Directive (WRD) #27.00 "Contractor
Responsibility Under Stute [States] v. PBMC," is a clarification
of the original Stute [State] WRD which established guidelines
for WISHA enforcement and consultation staff when assessing a
prime or general contractor's compliance with WISHA as it applies
to a subcontractor or its employee. WISHA Interim Interpretative
Memorandum (WIIM) #96-3-A, "Citations of Contractors Under Stute
[States]" has been rescinded, since the guidance contained in it
has been incorporated in the amended WISHA Regional Directive
Contact Marcia Benn, Mailstop 4648, phone (360) 902-5503.
Michael Silverstein
Assistant Director
Christine Swanson
Legislative and
Governmental Affairs Office