WSR 01-24-025



[ Filed November 27, 2001, 1:54 p.m. ]

     The Washington State Lottery has recently adopted or revised the following policies:

POL 110.002 - Code of Ethics (Revised)

     Clarified that, in addition to not being able to engage in an outside business activity, employees cannot engage in an outside business "relationship." (The definition of "Outside Employment or Business Relationship" is included in POL 120.012.)

     Signed August 1, 2001.

POL 110.013 - Cellular Telephones (Revised)

     Added a definition of "cellular telephone."

     Added the option of authorizing that employees be reimbursed for making state calls on a personal line. Before the authorization is made, the information services manager or designee performs a cost analysis to determine if this service would be in the best interest of the lottery. The employee must maintain records monitoring usage; managers review the reimbursement worksheet and notify supervisors of misuse; supervisors immediately correct misuse.

     Accounts payable and the supply officer no longer have any responsibility for inventory, etc. of state phone/lines. Information services -- Customer support maintains inventory, etc.

     Removed the requirement for placing all official long distance calls on the SCAN system; however, calls are made on the phone or line only when the employee does not have access to a less costly alternative that is safe, convenient, and readily available.

     Signed July 11, 2001.

POL 110.026 - Retailer Compliance with the American[s with] Disability Act (ADA) (New)

     This policy ensures that licensed lottery retailers provide equal access to, and effective communication regarding, lottery products and services to all individuals with disabilities, pursuant to state and federal laws. Before receiving a lottery license, retailers must certify compliance or submit a plan for compliance that includes a date for completion that is no longer than ninety days after receiving the license. If a retailer proves that compliance would be an undue burden, the ADA coordinator can approve using alternative methods.

     The ADA coordinator handles complaints received, as well as inspects sites randomly selected via a computerized program. (2% of retailers in each region will be inspected the first year after implementation; 3% will be inspected each subsequent year.)

     Signed July 26, 2001.

POL 110.551 - On-Line Drawings Disaster Recovery Plan (Revised)

     Added new form to aid with conducting Daily Keno test drawings.

     The drawing coordinator may now authorize that the camera operator will attend/record the drawing. The director or deputy director may authorize the internal audit manager to witness the drawing.

     Adds information about what to do if the management terminal is not available for use. Clarifies that there are three ball sets for Daily Game - added choosing the order the sets are loaded.

     Other minor housekeeping to bring disaster recovery procedures in line with daily procedures.

     Signed September 5, 2001.

POL 110.552 - Wednesday and Saturday Daily Game, Daily Keno, Quinto, Lucky for Life, and Lotto Drawings (Revised)

     The Lucky for Life matrix is now "012" through "82." Updated Lotto language to indicate how the drawing is performed with a new machine; eliminated the Lotto cell test. Daily Keno is no longer aired as a split screen with Daily Game.

     For the new Daily Keno machines, the drawing coordinator and external auditor rotate the program used every four to five months, as determined necessary by the drawing coordinator. The external auditors now have passwords to allow them to access the maintenance portion only of the ADMs.

     Specifies that the lottery drawing official (LDO) must use twenty separate key strokes (does not hold the key down) to generate the twenty seeds for the Daily Keno drawing.

     The lottery security official (LSO) does not return the last balls drawn to the mixing chamber (done by the LDO before he/she counts the balls).

     The announcer, LSO, and external auditor no longer enter/verify the winning numbers line. The headquarters drawing official (HDO) calls the LDO to say the process is complete.

     The Lucky for Life and Quinto buttons are pushed 3-6 seconds (rather than 2-3 seconds) after pushing the mix button.

     Signed August 31, 2001.

POL 110.554 - On-Line Drawing Contingencies (Revised)

     Removed references throughout that the TV station may broadcast fouled drawings live (or that numbers may be crawled). There are times the broadcast station may be able to splice.

     If the Daily Keno ADMs or toteboards fail and the drawings must be conducted with the ball set, pre- and post-air test drawings are now performed. New forms were developed to aid this process.

     For "Inability of HDO to retrieve Daily Keno number automatically," showed that the external auditor verifies the numbers read by the LDO and HDO are correct (to correlate with regular drawing procedures).

     Added that the HDO coordinator is also notified when there is a bomb threat, fire alarm, or power failure that affects the drawings.

     Signed September 4, 2001.

POL 110.555 - Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday and Sunday Daily Keno, Daily Game, and Lucky for Life Drawings (Revised)

     See changes to 110.552, except that POL 110.555 does not include Quinto or Lotto. Also developed instructions for reducing the Lucky for Life matrix from "00" through "99" to "01" through "82" via an addendum memo.

     Policy signed September 4, 2001; addendum memo signed August 20, 2001.

POL 120.001 - Tuition Reimbursement (Revised)

     Added that tuition reimbursement is for off-hours development only (classes not taken during work time). However, managers may approve the employee adjusting his/her work week to accommodate the class, if doing so would not conflict with the quality of the employee's work or service provided.

     Signed July 11, 2001.

POL 120.012 - Outside Employment or Business Activity/Relationship (Revised)

     Clarified that, in addition to not being able to engage in an outside business activity, employees cannot engage in an outside business "relationship."

     Added a definition of "Outside Employment or Business Activity/Relationship" as: "Includes but is not limited to physically working for another individual or business, whether or not the employee receives a salary or other compensation (includes intellectual property rights, such as creating something or owning an idea for/with the individual or business, where there is a potential for profit), or owning or operating a private or in-house business (e.g. selling Avon or Amway)."

     Signed August 1, 2001.

POL 130.003 - Certifying On-Line Balls (Revised)

     Updated to indicate the Lucky for Life matrix is now "00" through "82" and other minor housekeeping changes.

     Signed September 6, 2001.

POL 220.010 - Petty Cash (Revised)

     Information on regional and headquarters petty cash funds was incorporated into one document. (Headquarters does not currently have a petty cash fund, but the policy allows the financial services manager to establish one.)

     Checking accounts are no longer part of the petty cash boxes. The boxes will contain cash only - the financial services manager determines the amount.

     Eliminated references to the internal audit manager. The general accounting manager now initiates frequent, periodic audits, in the time frame he/she determines appropriate.

     Other housekeeping changes related to the above changes.

     Signed July 11, 2001.

POL 230.001 - Inventorying Instant Tickets (Revised)

     Biweekly inventories and supply officer responsibilities were eliminated.

     Added that if packs are missing during a quarterly inventory, security is contacted and an investigation conducted. Accounts receivable does not research noted discrepancies.

     Signed July 1, 2001.

POL 240.004 - Terminating Retailers (who voluntarily terminate) (Revised)

     In addition to picking up all unsold tickets, district sales representatives (DSRs) pick up all lottery products. DSRs no longer discuss the final settlement process with a retailer. Added a note referring to another policy, to clarify that the lottery encourages retailers in a change of ownership situation to sell any tickets in activated or settled status to the new owners.

     Signed August 9, 2001.

POL 240.007 - Lotto ... To Go! Player Express (PLEX) Terminals (New)

     This policy establishes guidelines for placing and removing PLEX terminals in lottery retail locations.

     Signed September 6, 2001.

POL 250.003 - Receipt of Cash (Revised)

     Added information on sending billings. (Accounts receivable sends all billings for miscellaneous services or reimbursements, except for installation fees and rejection/penalties. Before the event (if at all possible), or as soon as possible after the event, contract managers advise accounts receivable of the need for reimbursement. After the event, they provide accounts receivable with the billing information by completing an accounts receivable invoice).

     Cash/checks received for services not provided or provided free of charge are no longer deposited and a check written for the amount to return. Checks are stamped "void" and returned with a letter. Cash is returned with a letter.

     Added a reference to the mail administration policy regarding items received outside the normal mail delivery system (see also POL 410.002 - Mail administration below).

     Signed July 3, 2001.

POL 310.014 - Instant Ticket Vending Machine (ITVM) Placement (Revised)

     Added categories that the retailer must fall into to receive an ITVM. Added that we give preference to locations with higher sales. Added specific criteria for retaining the ITVM.

     Added that accounts must agree to installation requirements, provide power, place the ITVM in a location that the lottery agrees to, and carry as many games as the ITVM will allow. However, locations with an in-counter dispenser must carry all games available.

     Signed September 11, 2001; effective October 1, 2001.

POL 320.005 - Promotional On-Line Ticket Acquisition and Processing (New)

     This policy establishes guidelines for approving promotions using on-line tickets. The procedure outlines the process used to request, print, and document the promotional tickets.

     Signed September 11, 2001.

POL 410.002 - Mail Administration (Revised)

     Two people (from different divisions) must now open all headquarters mail. Most mail is opened by an administrative services designee and a financial services designee. Customer service mail is opened by a customer service designee and a retailer services designee.

     Mail received outside the regular mail delivery system must be opened by the recipient and an employee outside the recipient's work unit. If a negotiable item is found, the two employees take the item to accounts payable. (If no employee outside of the recipient's work unit is available, the guard may witness opening the item.)

     Signed July 3, 2001.

POL 410.003 - Receiving and Distributing Scratch Tickets (Revised)

     The seal on the delivery truck is no longer required to be broken by a security designee or the internal auditor manager (although they remain on the list of people designated to be the "second designee" for verifying the seal number, etc.).

     Added that verification of the seal number is documented on the bill of lading.

     Deleted the section on inspecting packs.

     The financial services designee no longer ensures the analysis of the variance report agrees with the load report.

     Other minor housekeeping.

     Signed September 29, 2001.

POL 420.015 - Forms Management (Revised)

     Clarified that a form may be electronic and/or a template in Microsoft Word.

     Managers do not need to approve changing or designing a form if they have designated someone to work with the forms/records analyst; however, managers must continue to approve the final form. The forms/records analyst will work with information services to post revised forms on the Intranet.

     Signed July 25, 2001.

POL 420.004 - Recycling and Waste Reduction (Revised)

     Deleted references to recycling "hard acrylics." Updated definition of cardboard to indicate "corrugated." Clarified that carbonless multi-part forms are recyclable.

     Deleted that "sample ticket and other items with a foil covering cannot be recycled at this time."

     Deleted that RSMs send recyclable items to headquarters if a regional vendor is not available. Also deleted sending styrofoam, shrink-wrap and hard acrylics to administrative services. Deleted requirements for employees to turn in shrink-wrap, styrofoam and hard acrylics to administrative services.

     Signed August 29, 2001.

POL 420.006 - Parking (Headquarters) (Revised)

     Added references to carpools being able to use spots marked "vanpool." Clarified the definition of a "reserved space," as well as clarifying the language regarding requesting and approving reserved spots due to medical disability (but not using a "disabled" spot).

     Signed September 29, 2001.

POL 420.008 - Inventorying Supplies and Postage (Revised)

     Deleted: Inventorying forms, reference to the internal audit manager receiving information on discrepancies or determining to perform extended audits, and the banking accountant reviewing listing and updating prices. Clarified in the procedures that regions have postage meters (no stamps); headquarters has stamps (no postage meter).

     Signed September 12, 2001.

POL 420.010 - Occupational Injury and Illness Reporting Requirements (Revised)

     Clarified that the accident reports completed by physicians are forwarded to lottery employee services, rather than administrative services. When an accident involves a vehicle, form SF 137 is used instead of OSHA 101.

     Eliminates an executive committee making final determinations of actions to take to prevent recurrence of accidents involving minor and/or major injuries - the decision is not made by the director of deputy director. However, the safety committee continues to make a recommendation to the director/deputy director.

     Signed August 31, 2001.

POL 440.005 - Electronic Mail Use (Revised)

     Deleted the statement that the director, deputy director, an assistant director or a manager has to approve sending a written communication via hard copy rather than e-mail.

     Attachment A - E-Mail Etiquette - was updated to eliminate reference to Lott-o-Scoop, and suggests posting personal messages (items for sale, etc.) in the break room or other location(s). If in doubt whether a message should be sent to "All Headquarters" or "All Employees," employees should consult with their supervisors.

     Attachment B - Electronic Mail Recommendations - was updated for terms used with the current e-mail system. Added a note re: retaining e-mail message via retention schedule.

     Signed September 6, 2001.

     To receive a copy of any of these policies, contact Becky Zopolis, Washington State Lottery, P.O. Box 43000, Olympia, WA 98504-3000, phone (360) 664-4816, fax (360) 664-4817.

November 26, 2001

Becky L. Zopolis

© Washington State Code Reviser's Office