January 11 | Tukwila | 12806 Gateway Drive (L&I field service location) |
February 8 | Lacey | 4224 6th Avenue S.E. Building 1 (AGO Conference Center) |
March 8 | Olympia | 2425 Bristol Court S.W. (Conference Room 148) |
April 12 | Tukwila | 12806 Gateway Drive (L&I field service location) |
May 10 | Olympia | 2425 Bristol Court S.W. (Conference Room 148) |
June 14 | Tukwila | 12806 Gateway Drive (L&I field service location) |
July 12 | Olympia | 2425 Bristol Court S.W. (Conference Room 148) |
September 13 | Tukwila | 12806 Gateway Drive (L&I field service location) |
October 11 | Olympia | 2425 Bristol Court S.W. (Conference Room 148) |
November 8 | Tukwila | 12806 Gateway Drive (L&I field service location) |
For additional information or reasonable accommodations to attend meetings, please contact board staff at (360) 586-3265. Reasonable accommodation requests should be made at least ten working days prior to the scheduled meeting date.