Date of Adoption: February 8, 2003.
Purpose: Amend coastal commercial fishing rules.
Citation of Existing Rules Affected by this Order: Amending WAC 220-33-060, 220-36-03001, and 220-40-030.
Statutory Authority for Adoption: RCW 77.12.047.
Adopted under notice filed as WSR 03-02-077 on December 30, 2002.
Changes Other than Editing from Proposed to Adopted Version: In WAC 220-36-03001 (6)(b) change closure to start February 1st.
Number of Sections Adopted in Order to Comply with Federal Statute: New 0, Amended 0, Repealed 0; Federal Rules or Standards: New 0, Amended 0, Repealed 0; or Recently Enacted State Statutes: New 0, Amended 0, Repealed 0.
Number of Sections Adopted at Request of a Nongovernmental Entity: New 0, Amended 0, Repealed 0.
Number of Sections Adopted on the Agency's Own Initiative: New 0, Amended 3, Repealed 0.
Number of Sections Adopted in Order to Clarify, Streamline, or Reform Agency Procedures: New 0, Amended 0, Repealed 0.
Number of Sections Adopted Using Negotiated Rule Making:
New 0,
Amended 0,
Repealed 0;
Pilot Rule Making:
New 0,
Amended 0,
Repealed 0;
or Other Alternative Rule Making:
New 0,
Amended 0,
Repealed 0.
Effective Date of Rule:
Thirty-one days after filing.
February 14, 2003
Susan Yeager
for Will Roehl, Chair
Fish and Wildlife Commission
AMENDATORY SECTION(Amending Order 01-36, filed 3/13/01,
effective 4/13/01)
WAC 220-33-060
Herring and anchovies.
It is unlawful to
fish for herring or anchovies in the lower Columbia River for
commercial purposes or to possess herring or anchovies taken
from those waters for commercial purposes, except as provided
in this section:
(1) Purse seine and lampara gear may be used to fish for
((herring or)) anchovies if the cork line of the gear does not
exceed 1,400 feet in length and the mesh size of the gear is
not less than one-half inch stretch measure.
(2) Lampara gear may be used to fish for herring if the cork line of the gear does not exceed 1,400 feet in length and the mesh size of the gear is not less than one-half inch stretch measure.
(3) It is unlawful to fish with purse seine or lampara gear in the waters of the Columbia River if any part of the purse seine or lampara is in waters that are less than 20 feet deep.
(((3))) (4)(a) A baitfish purse seine fishery license is
a license required to operate a gear provided for in this
section and allows the operator to retain anchovies.
(b) ((A herring purse seine fishery license is a license
required to operate a gear provided for in this section and
allows the operator to retain herring.
(c))) A baitfish lampara fishery license is a license
required to operate a gear provided for in this section and
allows the operator to retain anchovies.
(((d))) (c) A herring lampara fishery license is a
license required to operate a gear provided for in this
section and allows the operator to retain herring.
Fishing periods
(((4)))(5)(a) Purse seine and lampara gear may be used to
fish for ((herring or)) anchovies in SMCRA 1A 7 days per week
from January 1 through December 31 of each year.
(b) Lampara gear may be used to fish for herring in SMCRA 1A 7 days per week from January 1 through December 31.
(((5))) (6) Species of fish other than herring or
anchovies, except shad and pilchard, taken in the operation of
the purse seine and lampara gear shall be returned immediately
to the water. Pilchard taken incidental to the herring and
anchovy fisheries provided for in this section may not exceed
twenty-five percent of the weight of any landing.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 77.12.047. 01-07-016 (Order 01-36), § 220-33-060, filed 3/13/01, effective 4/13/01. Statutory Authority: RCW 75.08.080. 95-23-020 (Order 95-166), § 220-33-060, filed 11/8/95, effective 12/9/95; 94-12-009 (Order 94-23), § 220-33-060, filed 5/19/94, effective 6/19/94; 88-18-066 (Order 88-86), § 220-33-060, filed 9/2/88.]
AMENDATORY SECTION(Amending Order 95-166, filed 11/8/95,
effective 12/9/95)
WAC 220-36-03001
Grays Harbor -- Seasons and lawful
gear -- Varieties other than salmon and sturgeon.
(1) It
((shall be)) is unlawful in Marine Fish-Shellfish Management
and Catch Reporting Area 60B to fish for food fish, other than
sturgeon and salmon, with purse seine or lampara gear
exceeding 900 feet in length or having meshes of less than
one-half inch stretch measure, or with drag seine gear
exceeding 700 feet in length or having meshes less than 4-1/2
inches stretch measure, except as provided in WAC 220-36-03001(6). It is unlawful to fish for or possess salmon
or sturgeon taken with purse seine, lampara, or drag seine
(2) It ((shall be)) is lawful to fish for and possess
bottomfish in Marine Fish-Shellfish Management and Catch
Reporting Area 60B at any time with set line and hand line jig
(3) It ((shall be)) is lawful to retain for commercial
purposes bottomfish taken incidental to any lawful commercial
salmon fishery in Grays Harbor Salmon Management and Catch
Reporting Areas 2A, 2B, 2C, and 2D, and it ((shall be)) is
lawful to retain bottomfish taken incidental to any lawful
sturgeon fishery in Marine Fish-Shellfish Management and Catch
Reporting Area 60B.
(4) It ((shall be)) is lawful to take, fish for and
possess smelt taken for commercial purposes in all waters of
Grays Harbor except it is unlawful to take smelt for
commercial purposes during weekly closed periods extending
from 8:00 a.m. Thursday to 8:00 p.m. Saturday.
(5) It ((shall be)) is lawful to fish for and possess
herring, anchovies, candlefish, or pilchards taken for
commercial purposes with dip bag net gear at any time in the
waters of Marine Fish-Shellfish Management and Catch Reporting
Area 60B.
(6)(a) June 1 through October 31 - It ((shall be)) is
lawful to fish for((, take)) and possess ((herring,))
anchovies, candlefish, or pilchards with purse seine or
lampara in the waters of Grays Harbor, provided ((such)) it is
unlawful to use gear ((shall not exceed)) exceeding 1,400 feet
in length ((nor contain)) or containing meshes of less than
1/2-inch stretch measure. It is lawful to fish for herring
with lampara gear in the waters of Grays Harbor, provided it
is unlawful to use gear exceeding 1,400 feet in length or
containing mesh less than 1/2-inch stretch measure. All
species of fish other than herring, pilchard, candlefish, and
anchovy taken in operation of such purse seine or lampara gear
must be immediately((, with care,)) returned to the water.
(b) ((March)) February 1 through April 15 - Closed to all
commercial herring, anchovy, candlefish, or pilchard fishing
except dip bag net.
(7) It ((shall be)) is lawful to take, fish for and
possess herring, candlefish, pilchards, or anchovies taken for
commercial purposes with a herring weir from April 1 through
September 30 in the waters of Marine Fish-Shellfish Management
and Catch Reporting Area 60B, provided that the lead shall not
exceed 300 feet in length or extend into any navigation
channel or customary gill net drifting lane. It shall be
unlawful for any person to install or operate a herring weir
without obtaining written permission from the director of
(8) It is unlawful to fish with purse seine or lampara gear at all times in the waters of Marine Fish-Shellfish Management and Catch Reporting Area 60B if any part of the purse seine or lampara is in waters that are less than 20 feet deep.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 75.08.080. 95-23-020 (Order 95-166), § 220-36-03001, filed 11/8/95, effective 12/9/95; 85-06-033 (Order 85-14), § 220-36-03001, filed 3/1/85; 84-08-014 (Order 84-24), § 220-36-03001, filed 3/27/84; 80-09-072 (Order 80-69), § 220-36-03001, filed 7/18/80; 79-05-007 (Order 79-20), § 220-36-03001, filed 4/11/79; 78-07-067 (Order 78-45), § 220-36-03001, filed 6/30/78; Order 77-14, § 220-36-030 (codified as WAC 220-36-03001), filed 4/15/77; Order 76-148, § 220-36-030 (codified as WAC 220-36-03001), filed 12/2/76; Order 1049, § 220-36-030, filed 4/11/73; Order 925, § 220-36-030, filed 6/3/71; Order 864, § 220-36-030, filed 5/12/70; Order 726, § 4 (part), filed 4/24/67; subsections 1 and 2 from Order 525, filed 5/3/61; subsection 7 from Order 605, filed 4/21/64; Orders 336 and 256, filed 3/1/60.]
AMENDATORY SECTION(Amending Order 95-166, filed 11/8/95,
effective 12/9/95)
WAC 220-40-030
Willapa Bay -- Seasons and lawful
gear -- Varieties other than salmon and sturgeon.
(1) It
((shall be)) is unlawful in Marine Fish-Shellfish Management
and Catch Reporting Area 60C to fish for food fish, other than
sturgeon and salmon, with purse seine or lampara gear
exceeding 900 feet in length or having meshes of less than
one-half inch stretch measure, or with drag seine gear
exceeding 700 feet in length or having meshes of less than
4-1/2 inches stretch measure, except as provided in WAC 220-40-030(3). It is unlawful to fish for or possess salmon
or sturgeon taken with purse seine, lampara, or drag seine
(2) It ((shall be)) is lawful to fish for and possess
bottomfish taken for commercial purposes in Marine
Fish-Shellfish Management and Catch Reporting Area 60C, at
anytime with set line and hand line jig gear.
(3)(a) June 1 through October 31 - It ((shall be)) is
lawful to fish for and possess ((herring,)) anchovy,
candlefish, or pilchards taken for commercial purposes with
purse seine or lampara in the waters of Willapa Bay, provided
((such)) it is unlawful to use gear ((shall not exceed))
exceeding 1,400 feet in length ((nor contain)) or containing
meshes less than one-half inch stretch measure. It is lawful
to fish for and possess herring taken for commercial purposes
with lampara gear from the waters of Willapa Bay, except it is
unlawful to use lampara gear exceeding 1,400 feet in length or
containing mesh less than 1/2-inch stretch measure. All
species of fish other than herring, anchovy, candlefish and
pilchard taken in operation with such purse seine or lampara
gear must be immediately, with care, returned to the water.
(b) February 1 through March 15 - Closed to all commercial herring, anchovy, candlefish or pilchard fishing except dip bag net.
(c) It ((shall be)) is lawful to fish for, take and
possess herring, anchovy, candlefish, or pilchards with dip
bag net gear at any time in the waters of Willapa Bay.
(4) It ((shall be)) is lawful to retain for commercial
purposes bottomfish taken incidental to any lawful commercial
salmon fishery in Willapa Bay Salmon Management and Catch
Reporting Areas 2G, 2H, 2J, 2K, and 2M, and it shall be lawful
to retain bottomfish taken incidental to any lawful sturgeon
fishery in Marine Fish-Shellfish Management and Catch
Reporting Area 60C.
(5) It ((shall be)) is lawful to take, fish for and
possess smelt taken with hand dip nets in any of the waters of
Willapa Bay except it is unlawful to take smelt for commercial
purposes during weekly closed periods extending from 8:00 a.m.
Thursday to 8:00 p.m. Saturday.
(6) It ((shall be)) is lawful to take bottom fish with
drag seine in Marine Fish-Shellfish Management and Catch
Reporting Area 60C from March 1 through June 30.
(7) It is unlawful to fish with purse seine or lampara gear at all times in the waters of Marine Fish-Shellfish Management and Catch Reporting Area 60C if any part of the purse seine or lampara is in waters that are less than 20 feet deep.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 75.08.080. 95-23-020 (Order 95-166), § 220-40-030, filed 11/8/95, effective 12/9/95; 91-08-054 (Order 91-13), § 220-40-030, filed 4/2/91, effective 5/3/91; 85-06-033 (Order 85-14), § 220-40-030, filed 3/1/85; 84-15-008 (Order 84-66), § 220-40-030, filed 7/6/84; 84-08-014 (Order 84-24), § 220-40-030, filed 3/27/84; 80-09-072 (Order 80-69), § 220-40-030, filed 7/18/80; 79-05-007 (Order 79-20), § 220-40-030, filed 4/11/79; Order 77-14, § 220-40-030, filed 4/15/77; Order 76-148, § 220-40-030, filed 12/2/76; Order 76-26, § 220-40-030, filed 1:45 p.m., 4/20/76; Order 925, § 220-40-030, filed 6/3/71; Order 864, § 220-40-030, filed 5/12/70; Order 726, § 4 (part), filed 4/24/67; subsections 1, 2, 3 from Order 679, filed 4/20/66; Order 638, filed 4/28/65; Order 605, filed 4/21/64; Order 569, filed 4/11/63; Order 544, filed 4/3/62; Order 525, filed 5/3/61; Order 507, filed 4/13/60; Orders 483 and 256, filed 2/1/60; subsection 4 from Order 544, filed 4/3/62; Order 525, filed 5/3/61; Orders 448 and 256, filed 3/1/60; subsection 5 from Order 544, filed 4/3/62; Orders 448 and 256, filed 3/1/60; subsections 6, 8, 9 from Order 525, filed 5/3/61; Orders 341 and 256, filed 3/1/60; subsection 7 from Orders 346 and 256, filed 3/1/60.]