Title of Rule: WAC 316-45-001 Scope -- Contents -- Other rules, 316-45-003 Unfair labor practices -- Defined, 316-45-010 Complaint charging unfair labor practices -- Who may file, 316-45-020 Unfair labor practice complaint -- Time limitations, 316-45-030 Complaint -- Number of copies -- Filing -- Service, 316-45-050 Contents of complaint charging unfair labor practices, 316-45-110 Initial processing of complaint, 316-45-130 Examiner -- Who may act, 316-45-150 Authority of examiner, 316-45-170 Notice of hearing, 316-45-190 Answer -- Filing and service, 316-45-210 Answer -- Contents and effect of failure to answer, 316-45-230 Amendment of answer, 316-45-250 Motion to make complaint more definite and certain, 316-45-270 Hearings -- Nature and scope, 316-45-290 Briefs and proposed findings, 316-45-310 Unfair labor practice -- Decision, 316-45-330 Withdrawal or modification of examiner decision, 316-45-350 Petition for review of examiner decision, 316-45-370 Filing and service of cross-petition for review, 316-45-390 Commission action, 316-45-410 Unfair labor practice remedies, 316-45-430 Motion for temporary relief, 316-45-550 Collective bargaining -- Mandatory subjects, 316-55-001 Scope -- Contents -- Other rules, 316-55-005 Impasse procedures -- Duty to adopt, 316-55-010 Resolution of impasses -- Request for mediation, 316-55-020 Mediation request -- Information required, 316-55-030 Impasse resolution -- Appointment of mediator, 316-55-070 Impasse resolution -- Function of mediator, 316-55-090 Impasse resolution -- Confidential nature of function, 316-55-110 Impasse resolution -- Dispute resolution panel, 316-55-120 Impasse resolution -- Expenses, 316-55-130 Impasse resolution -- Disclosure, 316-55-150 Impasse resolution -- Vacancies, 316-55-160 Fact finding, 316-55-170 Waiver of mediation and fact finding, 316-55-500 Binding arbitration, 316-55-505 Final offer, 316-55-510 Single arbitrator, 316-55-515 Arbitration panel, 316-55-517 Arbitration panel chairman -- Qualifications -- Replacement, 316-55-525 Conduct of interest arbitration, 316-55-600 Central filing of agreements, 316-55-700 Result of collective bargaining agreements -- If budget or fares exceeded, 316-55-710 Collective bargaining agreements stayed, and 316-55-730 Commission action.
Purpose: To make housekeeping changes and simplify/reduce language.
Statutory Authority for Adoption: RCW 34.05.230.
Summary: Makes housekeeping changes and emphasizes "plain English" in chapters 316-45 and 316-55 WAC.
Reasons Supporting Proposal: In compliance with Executive Order 97-02, these rules were reviewed and clarification changes made to these rules.
Name of Agency Personnel Responsible for Drafting: Kathy Marshall, Evergreen Plaza Building, 711 Capitol Way South, Olympia, (360) 586-6354; Implementation and Enforcement: John D. Nelson, Chairman, Evergreen Plaza Building, 711 Capitol Way South, Olympia, (360) 586-6354.
Name of Proponent: Marine Employees' Commission, governmental.
Rule is not necessitated by federal law, federal or state court decision.
Explanation of Rule, its Purpose, and Anticipated Effects: Makes housekeeping changes and emphasizes "plain" English. The purpose and anticipated effect is to update the rules information and make the rules clearer and easier to understand.
Proposal Changes the Following Existing Rules: WAC 316-45-001, 316-45-003, 316-45-010, 316-45-030, 316-45-050,
316-45-110, 316-45-130, 316-45-150, 316-45-170, 316-45-190,
316-45-210, 316-45-230, 316-45-250, 316-45-270, 316-45-290,
316-45-310, 316-45-330, 316-45-350, 316-45-370, 316-45-390,
316-45-430, 316-45-550, 316-55-001, 316-55-005, 316-55-010,
316-55-020, 316-55-130, 316-55-150, 316-55-160, 316-55-170,
316-55-500, 316-55-505, 316-55-510, 316-55-515, 316-55-525,
316-55-600, 316-55-700, 316-55-710, and 316-55-730, plain
English changes; WAC 316-45-020, revises and makes more clear
unfair labor practices; WAC 316-45-410, revises and makes more
clear unfair labor practice remedies; WAC 316-55-110, revises
and makes more clear dispute resolution panel; WAC 316-55-120,
plain English changes, revises and makes more clear impasse
resolution expenses; and WAC 316-55-517, changes case list
requirement from five years to two years; adds requirement of
three arbitration awards; plain English changes.
March 31, 2003
Kathy J. Marshall
AMENDATORY SECTION(Amending WSR 90-01-118, filed 12/20/89,
effective 1/20/90)
WAC 316-45-001
Scope -- Contents -- Other rules.
chapter ((governs)) directs proceedings before the marine
employees' commission on complaints charging unfair labor
practices. The provisions of this chapter should be read in
conjunction with the provisions of:
(1) Chapter 10-08 WAC, which contains rules
((promulgated)) adopted by the chief administrative law judge
((governing)) outlining the conduct of adjudicative
proceedings under chapter 316-45 WAC, except:
(a) WAC 10-08-035, which is ((supplanted)) replaced by
detailed requirements in WAC 316-45-050;
(b) WAC 10-08-211, which is ((supplanted)) replaced by
WAC 316-45-350 and 316-45-370; and
(c) WAC 10-08-230, which is ((supplanted)) replaced by
WAC 316-45-070, 316-45-090, and 316-45-260.
(2) Chapter 316-02 WAC, which ((contains)) lists rules of
practice and procedure ((applicable)) which apply to all types
of proceedings before the marine employees' commission.
(3) Chapter 316-25 WAC, which ((contains)) lists rules
((relating to)) about proceedings on petitions for
investigation of questions concerning representation of ferry
system employees.
(4) Chapter 316-35 WAC, which ((contains)) lists rules
((relating to)) about petitions for clarification of existing
ferry system employees' bargaining units.
(5) Chapter 316-55 WAC, which ((contains)) lists rules
((relating to)) about resolution of impasses occurring in
ferry system collective bargaining.
(6) Chapter 316-65 WAC, which ((contains)) lists rules
((relating to)) about arbitration of grievance disputes
arising out of the interpretation or application of a
collective bargaining agreement in the Washington state ferry
(7) Chapter 316-75 WAC, which ((contains)) lists rules
((relating to)) about determination of union security disputes
arising between ferry system employees and employee
organizations certified or recognized as their bargaining
(8) Chapter 316-85 WAC, which ((contains)) lists rules
((relating to)) about surveys of compensation, benefits and
conditions of employment required by chapter 47.64 RCW.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 47.64.280 and 34.05.250. 90-01-118, § 316-45-001, filed 12/20/89, effective 1/20/90. Statutory Authority: RCW 47.64.280. 84-07-037 (Resolution No. 84-01), § 316-45-001, filed 3/20/84.]
(a) To interfere with, restrain, or coerce employees in the exercise of the rights guaranteed by chapter 47.64 RCW;
(b) To dominate or interfere with the formation or
administration of any employee organization or contribute
financial or other support to it: Provided, That subject to
rules made by the commission pursuant to RCW 47.64.130 and
47.64.280 an employer ((shall)) is not ((be)) prohibited from
permitting employees to confer with it or its representatives
or agents during working hours without loss of time or pay;
(c) To encourage or discourage membership in any employee organization by discrimination in regard to hiring, tenure of employment, or any term or condition of employment, but nothing contained in this subsection prevents an employer from requiring, as a condition of continued employment, payment of periodic dues and fees uniformly required to an exclusive bargaining representative pursuant to RCW 47.64.160: Provided, That nothing prohibits ferry system management from agreeing to obtain employees by referral from a lawful hiring hall operated by or participated in by a labor organization;
(d) To discharge or otherwise discriminate against an
employee because ((he)) the employee has filed charges or
given testimony concerning subjects covered by chapter 47.64 RCW;
(e) To refuse to bargain collectively with the representatives of its employees.
(2) It is an unfair labor practice for an employee organization:
(a) To restrain or coerce (i) employees in the exercise
of the rights guaranteed by this chapter: Provided, That this
paragraph does not impair the right of an employee
organization to prescribe its own rules with respect to the
acquisition or retention of membership therein, or (ii) an
employer in the selection of ((his)) its representatives for
the purposes of collective bargaining or the adjustment of
(b) To cause or attempt to cause an employer to discriminate against an employee in violation of subsection (1)(c) of this section;
(c) To refuse to bargain collectively with an employer, when it is the representative of employees subject to RCW 47.64.170.
(3) The rights guaranteed by chapter 47.64 RCW include:
(a) The right of self-organization, including the right to form, join, or assist a labor organization;
(b) The right to bargain collectively through a representative freely chosen by the employees themselves;
(c) The right to engage in other concerted activities for
collective bargaining or for mutual aid or protection; ((or))
(d) The right to refrain from concerted activity. The right to refrain from concerted activities is limited to the extent that lawful union security agreements may be enforced.
(4) The expression of any view, argument, or opinion, or
the dissemination thereof to the public, whether in written,
printed, graphic, or visual form, ((shall)) will not
constitute or be evidence of an unfair labor practice under
any of the provisions of this chapter, if the expression
contains no threat of reprisal or force or promise of benefit.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 47.64.280. 92-22-044, § 316-45-003, filed 10/27/92, effective 11/27/92. Statutory Authority: RCW 47.64.280 and 34.05.250. 90-01-118, § 316-45-003, filed 12/20/89, effective 1/20/90.]
[Statutory Authority: RCW 47.64.280 and 34.05.250. 90-01-118, § 316-45-010, filed 12/20/89, effective 1/20/90. Statutory Authority: RCW 47.64.280. 84-07-037 (Resolution No. 84-01), § 316-45-010, filed 3/20/84.]
(2) Where the event, activity, or practice is alleged to
be a violation of a collective bargaining agreement in
addition to violating rights protected by chapter 47.64 RCW,
and the complainant chooses also to file a request for
grievance arbitration pursuant to RCW 47.64.150, the statute
of limitations herein run only after the remedies available in
the contractual grievance procedures have been exhausted. The
commission may accept the final resolution of the grievance
arbitration process and defer to that decision. If the
commission determines that the grievance procedure did not
satisfactorily resolve the entire charge of unfair labor
practice, the commission may resume processing the remaining
unfair labor practice issue(s).)) A complaint charging an
unfair labor practice may not be filed later than one hundred
eighty calendar days after the party filing the complaint knew
or should have known of the event, activity, or practice
alleged to be a violation of RCW 47.64.130, or the regulations
implementing that statute. For the purpose of computing
timeliness, each event, activity, or practice in an alleged
series of events, activities or practices will be construed as
separate, provided that only those events, activities or
practices occurring within the one hundred eighty days before
the filing of the complaint may be remedied by the commission.
(2) Where an alleged violation of RCW 47.64.130, or the regulations implementing that statute, is also alleged to be a violation of a collective bargaining agreement and the matter is being actively pursued through the grievance and arbitration procedure of the collective bargaining agreement, the commission may hold the unfair labor practice in abeyance pending the outcome of the grievance and arbitration procedure. If the commission then determines that the grievance and arbitration procedure has satisfactorily resolved the entire matter or any portion of it, the commission may defer to that decision and dismiss the entire unfair labor practice complaint or that portion of it that has been resolved to the satisfaction of the commission. Otherwise, the commission will resume processing the unfair labor practice complaint or any portion of it that has not been resolved to the satisfaction of the commission.
(3) The limitation period specified in subsection (((2)))
(1) of this section may be tolled where the charging party did
not have actual or constructive knowledge of the alleged
unfair labor practice. In the ((instance that)) case where
the respondent has engaged in fraudulent concealment and/or
deception as to its unlawful conduct, the commission may
determine the limitation tolled, both as to the filing of the
complaint and as to the remedy.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 47.64.280. 92-22-044, § 316-45-020, filed 10/27/92, effective 11/27/92.]
[Statutory Authority: RCW 47.64.280 and 34.05.250. 90-01-118, § 316-45-030, filed 12/20/89, effective 1/20/90. Statutory Authority: RCW 47.64.280. 84-07-037 (Resolution No. 84-01), § 316-45-030, filed 3/20/84.]
(1) The name and address of the party filing the
complaint, ((hereinafter referred to as)) from now on called
the complainant, and the name, address and telephone number of
its principal representative.
(2) The name(s) and address(es) of the person(s) charged
with engaging in, or having engaged in, unfair labor
practices, ((hereinafter referred to as)) from now on called
the respondent(s), and, if known, the names, addresses and
telephone numbers of the principal representatives of the
(3) Clear and concise statements of the facts
((constituting)) about the alleged unfair labor practices,
including times, dates, places and participants in
(4) A listing of the subsections of RCW 47.64.130 and/or WAC 316-45-003 alleged to have been violated, along with a statement of which alleged facts provide evidence of that alleged violation of the identified subsections.
(5) A statement of the remedy ((sought)) wanted by the
(6) The signature and, if any, the title of the person filing the complaint.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 47.64.280 and 34.05.250. 90-01-118, § 316-45-050, filed 12/20/89, effective 1/20/90. Statutory Authority: RCW 47.64.280. 84-07-037 (Resolution No. 84-01), § 316-45-050, filed 3/20/84.]
[Statutory Authority: RCW 47.64.280 and 34.05.250. 90-01-118, § 316-45-110, filed 12/20/89, effective 1/20/90. Statutory Authority: RCW 47.64.260 and chapter 47.64 RCW. 88-10-019 (Order 88-1), § 316-45-110, filed 4/29/88. Statutory Authority: RCW 47.64.280. 84-07-037 (Resolution No. 84-01), § 316-45-110, filed 3/20/84.]
[Statutory Authority: RCW 47.64.280 and 34.05.250. 90-01-118, § 316-45-130, filed 12/20/89, effective 1/20/90. Statutory Authority: RCW 47.64.280. 84-07-037 (Resolution No. 84-01), § 316-45-130, filed 3/20/84.]
(1) To administer oaths and affirmations;
(2) To issue subpoenas in the name of the commission;
(3) To rule upon objections to evidence and offers of proof, receive relevant evidence and to exclude irrelevant, immaterial or unduly repetitious evidence;
(4) To question witnesses;
(5) To regulate the time, place, and course of the hearing;
(6) To dispose of procedural requests or other similar matters;
(7) To hold conferences for the settlement, simplification or adjustment of issues;
(8) To make and issue findings of fact, conclusions of law and orders;
(9) To take any other action authorized by these rules.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 47.64.280 and 34.05.250. 90-01-118, § 316-45-150, filed 12/20/89, effective 1/20/90. Statutory Authority: RCW 47.64.280. 84-07-037 (Resolution No. 84-01), § 316-45-150, filed 3/20/84.]
[Statutory Authority: RCW 47.64.280 and 34.05.250. 90-01-118, § 316-45-170, filed 12/20/89, effective 1/20/90. Statutory Authority: RCW 47.64.280. 84-07-037 (Resolution No. 84-01), § 316-45-170, filed 3/20/84.]
[Statutory Authority: RCW 47.64.280 and 34.05.250. 90-01-118, § 316-45-190, filed 12/20/89, effective 1/20/90. Statutory Authority: RCW 47.64.280. 84-07-037 (Resolution No. 84-01), § 316-45-190, filed 3/20/84.]
[Statutory Authority: RCW 47.64.280 and 34.05.250. 90-01-118, § 316-45-210, filed 12/20/89, effective 1/20/90. Statutory Authority: RCW 47.64.280. 84-07-037 (Resolution No. 84-01), § 316-45-210, filed 3/20/84.]
[Statutory Authority: RCW 47.64.280 and 34.05.250. 90-01-118, § 316-45-230, filed 12/20/89, effective 1/20/90. Statutory Authority: RCW 47.64.280. 84-07-037 (Resolution No. 84-01), § 316-45-230, filed 3/20/84.]
[Statutory Authority: RCW 47.64.280 and 34.05.250. 90-01-118, § 316-45-250, filed 12/20/89, effective 1/20/90. Statutory Authority: RCW 47.64.280. 84-07-037 (Resolution No. 84-01), § 316-45-250, filed 3/20/84.]
[Statutory Authority: RCW 47.64.280 and 34.05.250. 90-01-118, § 316-45-270, filed 12/20/89, effective 1/20/90. Statutory Authority: RCW 47.64.280. 84-07-037 (Resolution No. 84-01), § 316-45-270, filed 3/20/84.]
[Statutory Authority: RCW 47.64.280 and 34.05.250. 90-01-118, § 316-45-290, filed 12/20/89, effective 1/20/90. Statutory Authority: RCW 47.64.280. 84-07-037 (Resolution No. 84-01), § 316-45-290, filed 3/20/84.]
[Statutory Authority: RCW 47.64.280 and 34.05.250. 90-01-118, § 316-45-310, filed 12/20/89, effective 1/20/90. Statutory Authority: RCW 47.64.280. 84-07-037 (Resolution No. 84-01), § 316-45-310, filed 3/20/84.]
[Statutory Authority: RCW 47.64.280 and 34.05.250. 90-01-118, § 316-45-330, filed 12/20/89, effective 1/20/90. Statutory Authority: RCW 47.64.280. 84-07-037 (Resolution No. 84-01), § 316-45-330, filed 3/20/84.]
[Statutory Authority: RCW 47.64.280 and 34.05.250. 90-01-118, § 316-45-350, filed 12/20/89, effective 1/20/90. Statutory Authority: RCW 47.64.280. 84-07-037 (Resolution No. 84-01), § 316-45-350, filed 3/20/84.]
[Statutory Authority: RCW 47.64.280 and 34.05.250. 90-01-118, § 316-45-370, filed 12/20/89, effective 1/20/90. Statutory Authority: RCW 47.64.280. 84-07-037 (Resolution No. 84-01), § 316-45-370, filed 3/20/84.]
[Statutory Authority: RCW 47.64.280 and 34.05.250. 90-01-118, § 316-45-390, filed 12/20/89, effective 1/20/90. Statutory Authority: RCW 47.64.280. 84-07-037 (Resolution No. 84-01), § 316-45-390, filed 3/20/84.]
(1) Employee(s) reinstated to employment with back pay
((shall)) will have deducted from any amount due an amount
equal to any earnings such employee(s) may have received
during the period of the violation in substitution for the
terminated employment, calculated on a quarterly basis.
(2) Employee(s) reinstated to employment with back pay
((shall)) will have deducted from any amount due an amount
equal to any unemployment compensation benefits such
employee(s) may have received during the period of the
violation, and the employer ((shall)) will provide evidence to
the commission that such amount has been repaid to the
Washington state department of employment security as credit
to the benefit record of the employee(s).
(3) The commission has the discretion to make money
amounts ((due shall be)) subject to interest at the rate which
would accrue on a civil judgment of the Washington state
courts, from the date of the violation to the date of payment.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 47.64.280 and 34.05.250. 90-01-118, § 316-45-410, filed 12/20/89, effective 1/20/90. Statutory Authority: RCW 47.64.280. 84-07-037 (Resolution No. 84-01), § 316-45-410, filed 3/20/84.]
(1) The complainant ((shall)) will, at the time its
complaint is filed or as soon thereafter as facts giving rise
to the request for temporary relief become known, provide
written notice to the commission of its intent to make a
motion for temporary relief and ((shall)) will, at the same
time, serve a copy of such notice on each of the other parties
to the proceedings.
(2) ((Upon the filing of)) When a notice of intent to
make a motion for temporary relief is filed, the commission
((shall)) will expedite the processing of the matter under WAC 316-45-110.
(3) After the ((determination of the)) commission
determines that the complaint states a cause of action, any
complainant ((desiring)) wanting temporary relief may file
with the commission a motion for temporary relief together
with affidavits ((as to)) about the risk of irreparable harm
and the adequacy of legal remedies, and ((shall)) serve a copy
of ((such)) the motion and affidavits on all other parties to
the proceedings. The other parties ((shall)) will have seven
calendar days ((thereafter)) afterward to file and serve
(4) The commission ((shall)) determines whether an
injunction pendente lite should be sought. ((In)) When making
((such)) that determination, the commission ((shall)) adheres
to the following policy:
"The name and authority of the marine employees' commission ((shall)) will not be invoked in connection with a request for temporary relief prior to the completion of administrative proceedings under WAC 316-45-010, et seq., unless it appears that one or more of the allegations in the complaint of unfair labor practices is of such a nature that, if sustained, the complainant would have no fair or adequate remedy and the complainant would suffer irreparable harm unless the status quo be preserved pending the completion of administrative proceedings."
(a) If the commission concludes that temporary relief
should be sought, the commission with the assistance of the
attorney general, ((shall)) will petition the superior court
of Thurston county or the county wherein the person who is
alleged to be engaging in unfair labor practices resides or
transacts business for an injunction pendente lite.
(b) Whenever temporary relief has been ((procured))
obtained, the complaint which ((has been)) was the basis for
such temporary relief ((shall)) will be heard expeditiously
and the case ((shall be)) given priority over all other cases
except cases of like character.
(c) If the commission ((concludes)) decides that
temporary relief should not be sought ((prior to)) before the
conclusion of administrative proceedings in the matter,
((such)) that determination ((shall)) does not bar renewal of
the request for temporary relief following the completion of
administrative proceedings in which unfair labor practice
violations have been found to exist.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 47.64.280 and 34.05.250. 90-01-118, § 316-45-430, filed 12/20/89, effective 1/20/90. Statutory Authority: RCW 47.64.280. 84-07-037 (Resolution No. 84-01), § 316-45-430, filed 3/20/84.]
[Statutory Authority: RCW 47.64.280 and 34.05.250. 90-01-118, § 316-45-550, filed 12/20/89, effective 1/20/90. Statutory Authority: RCW 47.64.260 and chapter 47.64 RCW. 88-10-019 (Order 88-1), § 316-45-550, filed 4/29/88. Statutory Authority: RCW 47.64.280. 84-07-037 (Resolution No. 84-01), § 316-45-550, filed 3/20/84.]
AMENDATORY SECTION(Amending WSR 90-06-047, filed 3/2/90,
effective 4/2/90)
WAC 316-55-001
Scope -- Contents -- Other rules.
chapter ((governs)) directs activities of and proceedings
before the marine employees' commission relating to the
resolution of impasses occurring in collective bargaining. This chapter does not ((contemplate)) reflect, and does not
provide procedures for, direct involvement of the commission
in the investigation and/or settlement of contested cases
between parties. The assistance rendered by the commission to
the parties at impasse during collective bargaining, and the
commission's review of compliance with fiscal limitations are
not adjudicatory in nature and are not governed by RCW 34.05.425 or 34.12.020 or chapter 10-08 WAC. Such assistance
and/or review of compliance are ((deemed)) considered to be
ministerial acts prescribed by RCW 47.64.170 through
47.64.240. However, ((insofar as)) because the collective
bargaining process is related to bargaining unit recognition
and clarification, to fair representation of ferry employees,
to alleviation of ferry employee grievances, and to
fact-finding survey procedures and requests, the
((provisions)) terms of this chapter should be read ((in
conjunction)) together with the ((provisions)) terms of:
(1) Chapter 316-02 WAC, which ((contains)) lists rules of
practice and procedure applicable to all types of proceedings
before the marine employees' commission.
(2) Chapter 316-25 WAC, which ((contains)) lists rules
((relating to)) about proceedings on petitions for
investigation of questions concerning representation of ferry
system employees.
(3) Chapter 316-35 WAC, which ((contains)) lists rules
((relating to)) about proceedings on petitions for
clarification of an existing ferry system employees'
bargaining unit.
(4) Chapter 316-45 WAC, which ((contains)) lists rules
((relating to)) about proceedings on complaints charging
unfair labor practices in the Washington state ferry system.
(5) Chapter 316-65 WAC, which ((contains)) lists rules
((relating to)) about arbitration of grievance disputes
arising out of the interpretation or application of a
collective bargaining agreement in the Washington state ferry
(6) Chapter 316-75 WAC, which ((contains)) lists rules
((relating to)) about determination of union security disputes
arising between ferry system employees and employee
organizations certified or recognized as their bargaining
(7) Chapter 316-85 WAC, which ((contains)) lists rules
((relating to)) about fact-finding surveys of compensation,
benefits, and conditions of employment.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 47.64.280. 90-06-047, § 316-55-001, filed 3/2/90, effective 4/2/90; 84-07-037 (Resolution No. 84-01), § 316-55-001, filed 3/20/84.]
[Statutory Authority: RCW 47.64.280. 90-06-047, § 316-55-005, filed 3/2/90, effective 4/2/90.]
[Statutory Authority: RCW 47.64.280. 90-06-047, § 316-55-010, filed 3/2/90, effective 4/2/90; 84-07-037 (Resolution No. 84-01), § 316-55-010, filed 3/20/84.]
(1) The name and address of the department and the name, address and telephone number of the department's principal representative in the negotiations;
(2) The name and address of the employee organization and the name, address and telephone number of the employee organization's principal representative in the negotiations;
(3) A clear and concise statement of the disputed issues
and the parties' positions ((in relation thereto));
(4) A description of the size and composition of the bargaining unit involved;
(5) The expiration date of any collective bargaining agreement then in effect or recently expired;
(6) Any other relevant information; and
(7) The name, signature, and capacity of each officer, agent, attorney, or other individual acting for the filing party or parties.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 47.64.280. 90-06-047, § 316-55-020, filed 3/2/90, effective 4/2/90; 84-07-037 (Resolution No. 84-01), § 316-55-020, filed 3/20/84.]
[Statutory Authority: RCW 47.64.280. 90-06-047, § 316-55-030, filed 3/2/90, effective 4/2/90; 84-07-037 (Resolution No. 84-01), § 316-55-030, filed 3/20/84.]
[Statutory Authority: RCW 47.64.280. 90-06-047, § 316-55-070, filed 3/2/90, effective 4/2/90; 84-07-037 (Resolution No. 84-01), § 316-55-070, filed 3/20/84.]
[Statutory Authority: RCW 47.64.280. 90-06-047, § 316-55-090, filed 3/2/90, effective 4/2/90; 84-07-037 (Resolution No. 84-01), § 316-55-090, filed 3/20/84.]
(2) Any person may apply for membership on the panel((;
but the commission, in compiling and maintaining a panel of
arbitrators, shall require)). Each applicant ((to)) must
submit a resume((,)) which includes but is not limited to:
(a) A ((complete)) list of the applicant's cases in the
most recent ((five-year)) two-year period, with dates, names
and addresses of parties, issues involved, whether the
applicant acted as advocate, mediator, or arbitrator and other
pertinent information;
(b) Three of the applicant's grievance arbitration or interest arbitration awards, which can be provided to the parties selecting an arbitrator.
(c) Whether or not and in what capacity, within the past five years the applicant has been employed by the department of transportation or by an organization representing employees in the department;
(((c))) (d) Whether or not and in what capacity within
the past five years a close relative of the applicant has been
employed by the department or by an organization representing
employees in the department.
(3) ((The commission shall require)) Members of the panel
are required to update their resumes ((biennially)) every two
(4) When referring mediators/arbitrators from its dispute
resolution panel to the parties, the commission ((shall)) will
provide the parties with the background data submitted by the
respective mediators/arbitrators in accordance with subsection
(2) of this section. However, the commission ((shall)) is not
((be)) responsible for the validity or accuracy of the data
((so)) provided.
(5) The commission ((shall)) will maintain a log of those
persons referred to the parties as a possible mediator or
arbitrator or chairman of an arbitration panel under WAC 316-55-515(5), including dates, parties involved in the
dispute, issues, whether or not the person was acceptable to
the parties, was used as mediator or arbitrator, or was
rejected. The log ((shall)) is to be available for public
[Statutory Authority: RCW 47.64.280. 90-06-047, § 316-55-110, filed 3/2/90, effective 4/2/90; 84-07-037 (Resolution No. 84-01), § 316-55-110, filed 3/20/84.]
[Statutory Authority: RCW 47.64.280. 90-06-047, § 316-55-120, filed 3/2/90, effective 4/2/90.]
[Statutory Authority: RCW 47.64.280. 90-06-047, § 316-55-130, filed 3/2/90, effective 4/2/90; 84-07-037 (Resolution No. 84-01), § 316-55-130, filed 3/20/84.]
[Statutory Authority: RCW 47.64.280. 90-06-047, § 316-55-150, filed 3/2/90, effective 4/2/90; 84-07-037 (Resolution No. 84-01), § 316-55-150, filed 3/20/84.]
[Statutory Authority: RCW 47.64.280. 90-06-047, § 316-55-160, filed 3/2/90, effective 4/2/90; 84-07-037 (Resolution No. 84-01), § 316-55-160, filed 3/20/84.]
[Statutory Authority: RCW 47.64.280. 90-06-047, § 316-55-170, filed 3/2/90, effective 4/2/90; 84-07-037 (Resolution No. 84-01), § 316-55-170, filed 3/20/84.]
(1) The name and address of the department and the name, address and telephone number of the department's principal representative in the negotiations;
(2) The name and address of the employee organization party to the impasse and the name, address and telephone number of that party's principal representative in the negotiations;
(3) A clear and concise statement of the disputed issues
and the parties' positions ((in relation thereto));
(4) A description of the size and composition of the bargaining unit involved;
(5) The expiration date of any collective bargaining
agreement ((then)) in effect at the time or recently expired;
(6) Any other relevant information; and
(7) The name, signature and capacity of each officer, agent, attorney or other representative acting for the filing party or parties.
The original notice ((shall)) must be filed with the
commission at its Olympia office. The party filing the notice
((shall)) must serve a copy on each of the other parties to
the impasse. Amendments to notices ((shall)) must be filed
and served in the same manner as the original notice in the
[Statutory Authority: RCW 47.64.280. 90-06-047, § 316-55-500, filed 3/2/90, effective 4/2/90; 84-07-037 (Resolution No. 84-01), § 316-55-500, filed 3/20/84.]
[Statutory Authority: RCW 47.64.280. 90-06-047, § 316-55-505, filed 3/2/90, effective 4/2/90; 84-07-037 (Resolution No. 84-01), § 316-55-505, filed 3/20/84.]
[Statutory Authority: RCW 47.64.280. 90-06-047, § 316-55-510, filed 3/2/90, effective 4/2/90; 84-07-037 (Resolution No. 84-01), § 316-55-510, filed 3/20/84.]
(1) One member ((shall)) will be appointed by the
secretary of transportation;
(2) One member ((shall)) will be appointed by the ferry
employee organization;
(3) One member ((shall)) will be appointed mutually by
the members appointed by the secretary of transportation and
the employee organization. The last member appointed
((shall)) will be the chairman of the arbitration panel ((of
(4) If the third member has not been selected within four
days of notification as provided in subsection (3) of this
section, the parties ((shall)) will notify the commission in
accordance with WAC 316-55-500. A list of seven arbitrators
((shall)) will be submitted to the parties by the marine
employees' commission immediately. The two arbitrators
selected by ferry system management and the ferry employee
organization ((shall)) will determine by lot which arbitrator
((shall)) will remove the first name from the list submitted
by the commission. The second arbitrator and the first
arbitrator ((shall)) will alternately remove one additional
name until only one name remains. The person whose name
remains ((shall)) will become the chairman of the arbitration
panel ((of arbitrators)) and ((shall)) will call a meeting
within thirty days, or at such time mutually agreed to by the
parties, at a location designated by him or her. All contacts
and/or arrangements between the parties and an arbitrator
selected under this rule will be the responsibility of the
parties. In lieu of a list of seven nominees for the third
member being submitted by the marine employees' commission,
the parties may mutually agree to have either the Federal
Mediation and Conciliation Service or the American Arbitration
Association submit a list of seven nominees.
(5) No person ((shall)) will serve as an arbitrator in
any proceeding in which he/she has any financial or personal
interest in the result of the arbitration, unless the parties,
in writing, waive such disqualification.
(6) No final award may be made by the panel until three arbitrators have been chosen.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 47.64.280. 90-06-047, § 316-55-515, filed 3/2/90, effective 4/2/90; 84-07-037 (Resolution No. 84-01), § 316-55-515, filed 3/20/84.]
[Statutory Authority: RCW 47.64.280. 90-06-047, § 316-55-517, filed 3/2/90, effective 4/2/90.]
(2) The ((panel of arbitrators shall)) arbitration panel
will at no time engage in an effort to mediate or otherwise
settle the dispute in any manner other than that prescribed in
chapter 47.64 RCW.
(3) From the time of appointment until ((such time as the
panel of arbitrators)) the arbitration panel makes its final
determination, there ((shall)) is to be no discussion
concerning recommendations for settlement of the dispute by
the members of the arbitration panel ((of arbitrators)) with
parties other than those who are direct parties to the
dispute. The arbitration panel ((of arbitrators)) may conduct
formal or informal hearings to discuss offers submitted by
both parties.
(4) The ((panel of arbitrators shall)) arbitration panel
will consider, in addition to any other relevant factors, the
following factors:
(a) Past collective bargaining contracts between the parties including the bargaining that led up to the contracts;
(b) Comparison of wages, hours, employee benefits, and conditions of employment of the involved ferry employees with those of public and private sector employees in states along the west coast of the United States, including Alaska, and in British Columbia doing directly comparable work but not necessarily identical work, giving consideration to factors peculiar to the area and the classifications involved;
(c) The interests and welfare of the public, the ability of the ferry system to finance economic adjustments, and the effect of the adjustments on the normal standard of services;
(d) The right of the legislature to appropriate and to limit funds for the conduct of the ferry system; and
(e) The limitations on ferry toll increases and operating subsidies as may be imposed by the legislature.
(5) The chairman of the arbitration panel ((of
arbitrators)) may hold hearings and administer oaths, examine
witnesses and documents, take testimony and receive evidence,
issue subpoenas to compel the attendance of witnesses and the
production of records, and delegate such powers to other
members of the arbitration panel ((of arbitrators)). The
chairman of the arbitration panel ((of arbitrators)) may
petition the superior court in Thurston county, or any county
in which any hearing is held, to enforce the order of the
chairman compelling the attendance of witnesses and the
production of records.
(6) A majority of the arbitration panel ((of arbitrators
shall)) will within thirty days after its first meeting select
the most reasonable offer, in its judgment, of the final
offers on each impasse item submitted by the parties.
(7) The selections by the arbitration panel ((of
arbitrators)) and items agreed upon by the ferry system
management and the employee organization ((shall)) will be
deemed to be the collective bargaining agreement between the
(8) The determination of the arbitration panel ((of
arbitrators shall)) will be by majority vote and ((shall))
will be final and binding, subject to RCW 47.64.180 and
47.64.190. The arbitration panel ((of arbitrators shall give
written)) will write an explanation for its selection and
inform the parties of its decision.
(9) Two copies of the final award, including the written
explanation required by subsection (8) of this section
((shall)) will be filed with the commission.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 47.64.280. 90-06-047, § 316-55-525, filed 3/2/90, effective 4/2/90; 84-07-037 (Resolution No. 84-01), § 316-55-525, filed 3/20/84.]
[Statutory Authority: RCW 47.64.280. 90-06-047, § 316-55-600, filed 3/2/90, effective 4/2/90; 84-07-037 (Resolution No. 84-01), § 316-55-600, filed 3/20/84.]
[Statutory Authority: RCW 47.64.280. 90-06-047, § 316-55-700, filed 3/2/90, effective 4/2/90.]
[Statutory Authority: RCW 47.64.280. 90-06-047, § 316-55-710, filed 3/2/90, effective 4/2/90.]
[Statutory Authority: RCW 47.64.280. 90-06-047, § 316-55-730, filed 3/2/90, effective 4/2/90.]