WSR 04-14-056


[ Filed June 30, 2004, 2:16 p.m. ]

     Below is a table of toxics cleanup program (TCP) policies, procedures and implementation memos that have been updated or are newly created. A description of each document, the document number, description of the document contents and the action taken are included.

     This information is also being forwarded to Linda Thompson to be included in the Toxics Cleanup Program Site Register. In addition, Carol Dorn, TCP's forms and records analyst, and Barb Huether, TCP's internet coordinator, are being notified of the changes.

     To receive a copy of any one of the following documents please contact Carol Dorn at (360) 407-7224.


Policy (POL) Number

Title Description Change Contact for


POL 300 Site Discovery -- Release Reporting This policy provides guidance on the types of releases that should be reported under WAC 173-340-300 and the procedures for reporting such releases. Updated Carol Dorn

(360) 407-7224

POL 101 Site Discovery -- Release Reporting This policy provided guidance on the types of releases that should be reported under WAC 173-340-300 and the procedures for reporting such releases. Deleted and incorporated into POL 300 Not applicable
POL 102 Reporting Independent Cleanups This policy provided guidance on which independent actions Ecology expected to be reported under WAC 173-340-300 Site discovery and reporting. Deleted and incorporated into POL 300 Not applicable
POL540A Enforcement This policy applies whenever the department intends to issue Model Toxics Control Act orders requiring a potentially liable person to provide remedial action, or pay for cleanup costs or natural resource damage assessments. This policy is intended to supplement requirements specified in statute and rule. Updated Carol Dorn

(360) 407-7224


Procedure (PRO) Number

Title Description Change Contact for Copies
PRO 320 Site Hazard Assessment and Ranking of Model Toxics Control Act (MTCA) Sites By Ecology Staff This procedure applies to ecology staff responsible for actions taken to conduct a site hazard assessment and rank the site using the Washington ranking method. Updated Carol Dorn

(360) 407-7224

PRO 321 Site Hazard Assessment of Model Toxics Control Act (MTCA) Sites By Local Health Districts/Departments For Ranking Under Washington Ranking Method This procedure applies to ecology staff and local health district/department site hazard assessors responsible for conducting site hazard assessments under the MTCA. Updated Carol Dorn

(360) 407-7224


Implementation Memo Number

Title Description Change Contact for Copies
Implementation Memo #4


Determining Compliance with Method A Cleanup Levels for Diesel and Heavy Oil The purpose of this memo is to describe the actions necessary for determining the petroleum products within a soil or water sample when the petroleum products are unknown and/or when multiple types of petroleum products are suspected to be present. New Carol Dorn

(360) 407-7224

Implementation Memo #5


Collecting and Preparing Soil Samples for VOC Analysis The purpose of this memo is to provide technical guidance regarding implementation of the United States Environmental Protection Agency Method 5035A. This is the method setting the requirements and procedures for the collection and preparation of soil samples for volatile organic compound analysis. New Carol Dorn

(360) 407-7224

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