(Medical Assistance Administration)
Original Notice.
Preproposal statement of inquiry was filed as WSR 04-13-103.
Title of Rule and Other Identifying Information: Redefining outpatient short stay (part 2 of 3), amending WAC 388-550-1700 Hospital services -- Prior approval and 388-550-2900 Payment limits -- Inpatient hospital services; and repealing WAC 388-550-1750 Services requiring approval and 388-550-5900 Prior authorization -- Outpatient services.
Hearing Location(s): Office Building 2 Auditorium (DSHS headquarters), 1115 Washington, Olympia, WA 98504 (public parking at 11th and Jefferson), on September 21, 2004, at 10:00 a.m.
Date of Intended Adoption: Not sooner than September 22, 2004.
Submit Written Comments to: DSHS Rules Coordinator, P.O. Box 45850, Olympia, WA 98504, delivery 4500 10th Avenue S.E., Lacey, WA, e-mail, fax (360) 664-6185, by 5:00 p.m., September 21, 2004.
Assistance for Persons with Disabilities: Contact Fred Swenson, DSHS Rules Consultant, by September 17, 2004, TTY (360) 664-6178 or (360) 664-6097.
Purpose of the Proposal and Its Anticipated Effects, Including Any Changes in Existing Rules: The purpose of the amendments is to update rules regarding the department's policy to no longer use the twenty-four hours or less criteria in the definition for "outpatient short stay" and to clarify standards for utilization review. The anticipated effects are to define hospital admissions based on medical criteria rather than on time in order to bring the department's policies in line with industry standards, promote administrative simplicity for providers, and provide a utilization review that is more consistent with industry standards. Also, the department is repealing WAC 388-550-1750 and 388-550-5900 to delete outdated language and place applicable language in other sections.
Statutory Authority for Adoption: RCW 74.08.090 and 74.09.500.
Statute Being Implemented: RCW 74.08.090 and 74.09.500.
Rule is not necessitated by federal law, federal or state court decision.
Name of Proponent: Department of Social and Health Services, governmental.
Name of Agency Personnel Responsible for Drafting: Kathy Sayre, P.O. Box 45533, Olympia, WA 98504, (360) 725-1342; Implementation and Enforcement: Linda Ayers, P.O. Box 45506, Olympia, WA 98504, (360) 725-1680.
No small business economic impact statement has been prepared under chapter 19.85 RCW. The department has analyzed the proposed rule amendments and concludes that they will impose no new costs on small businesses. The preparation of a comprehensive small business economic impact statement is not required.
A cost-benefit analysis is required under RCW 34.05.328. A preliminary cost-benefit analysis may be obtained by contacting Linda Ayers, P.O. Box 45506, Olympia, WA 98504, phone (360) 725-1680, fax (360) 586-1471, e-mail
August 13, 2004
Brian H. Lindgren, Manager
Rules and Policies Assistance Unit
3444.2(2) The department shall require that for medical care clients not enrolled with the department's managed care carriers, providers receive prior approval from the department for the following hospital-related services:
(a) All nonemergent admissions to or planned inpatient hospital surgeries in nonparticipating hospitals in selective contracting areas;
(b) Inpatient detoxification, medical stabilization, and drug treatment for a pregnant Medicaid client as described under WAC 388-550-1100(3);
(c) Cataract surgery that does not meet requirements in WAC 388-544-0550;
(d) The following surgical procedures, regardless of the diagnosis or place of service:
(i) Hysterectomies for clients forty-four years and younger;
(ii) Reduction mammoplasty; and
(iii) Surgical bladder repair.
(e) All physical medicine and rehabilitation (PM&R) inpatient hospital stays, even when provided by MAA-approved PM&R contract facilities (see WAC 388-550-2300);
(f) All outpatient magnetic resonance imaging and magnetic resonance angiography procedures;
(g) All nonemergent inpatient hospital transfers (see WAC 388-550-3600);
(h) All out-of-state non-emergent hospital stays;
(i) Hospital-related services as described in WAC 388-550-1800 when not provided in an MAA-approved facility; and
(j) Services in excess of the department's established limits.
(3) The department shall inform providers which diagnosis codes from the International Classification of Diseases, 9th Revision, Clinical Modification and procedure codes from physicians' current procedural terminology require prior authorization for nonemergent hospital admissions.
(4) When a client's hospitalization exceeds the number of days allowed by WAC 388-550-4300(2):
(a) The hospital shall, within sixty days after discharge, submit to MAA a request for authorization of the extra days with adequate medical justification, to include at a minimum the following:
(i) History and physical examination;
(ii) Social history;
(iii) Progress notes and doctor's orders for the entire length of stay;
(iv) Treatment plan/critical pathway; and
(v) Discharge summary.
(b) The department shall approve or deny a length of stay extension request within fifteen working days of receiving the request.
(5) The department shall require prior approval for out-of-state hospital admissions of clients not enrolled with department's managed care carriers, except for emergent hospitalizations. The department shall inform providers which codes from the current revision of ICD-9CM are designated as emergent diagnosis codes. The nature of the client's emergent medical condition must be fully documented in the client's hospital's records.
(6) The department shall not reimburse ambulance providers for ambulance transports in cases involving hospital transfers without prior authorization by the department.
(7) The department shall require that providers receive
prior approval from the department for medical transportation
to out-of-state treatment programs or services authorized by
the department for clients not enrolled with the department's
managed care carriers)) This section applies to inpatient and
outpatient hospital services provided to medical assistance
clients receiving services through the fee-for-service
program. For clients receiving services through other
programs, see chapter 388-538 WAC (Managed care program),
chapters 388-800 and 388-810 WAC (Alcohol and Drug Addiction
Treatment and Support Act (ADATSA), and chapter 388-865 WAC
(Mental health treatment programs coordinated through the
mental health division or its designee). See chapter 388-546 WAC for transportation services.
(2) The medical assistance administration (MAA) may perform one or more types of utilization reviews described in subsection (3)(b) of this section.
(3) MAA's utilization review:
(a) Is a concurrent, prospective and/or retrospective (including post-pay and prepay) formal evaluation of a client's documented medical care to assure that the services provided are proper and necessary and of good quality. The review considers the appropriateness of the place of care, level of care, and the duration, frequency or quantity of services provided in relation to the conditions(s) being treated; and
(b) Includes one or more of the following:
(i) "Concurrent utilization review" -- an evaluation performed by MAA during a client's course of care;
(ii) "Prospective utilization review" -- an evaluation performed by MAA prior to the provision of healthcare services; and
(iii) "Retrospective utilization review" -- an evaluation performed by MAA following the provision of healthcare services that includes both a post-payment retrospective utilization review (performed by MAA after healthcare services are provided and reimbursed), and a prepayment retrospective utilization review (performed by MAA after healthcare services are provided but prior to reimbursement).
(4) Covered inpatient and outpatient hospital services must:
(a) Be medically necessary as defined in WAC 388-500-0005;
(b) Be provided at the appropriate level of care as defined in WAC 388-550-1050; and
(c) Meet all authorization and program requirements in WAC and MAA published issuances.
(5) Authorization for inpatient and outpatient hospital services is valid only if the client is eligible for covered services on the date of service. Authorization does not guarantee payment.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 74.08.090. 01-02-075, § 388-550-1700, filed 12/29/00, effective 1/29/01. Statutory Authority: RCW 74.08.090, 74.09.730, 74.04.050, 70.01.010, 74.09.200, [74.09.]500, [74.09.]530 and 43.20B.020. 98-01-124, § 388-550-1700, filed 12/18/97, effective 1/18/98.]
(a) Have a core-provider agreement with the department; and
(b) Be an in-state ((or)) border ((area)) city hospital
that meets the definition in RCW 70.41.020 and is certified
under Title XVIII of the federal Social Security Act; or
(c) Be an out-of-state hospital that meets the conditions in WAC 388-550-6700.
(2) The department does not pay:
(a) A hospital for inpatient care and/or services when
((the)) a managed care plan is contracted to cover those
(((3) The department does not pay))
(b) A hospital for care or services provided to a client enrolled in the hospice program, unless the care or services are completely unrelated to the terminal illness that qualifies the client for the hospice benefit.
(((4) The department does not pay))
(c) Hospitals for ancillary services in addition to the diagnosis-related group (DRG) payment.
(((5) When the hospital is paid by the RCC method, the
department and the client are not financially responsible for
payment of the))
(d) For additional days of hospitalization on a non-DRG claim when:
(((a) The additional))
(i) Those days exceed the number of days established at
the seventy-fifth percentile ((of the professional activities
study (PAS) length of stay (LOS) limitations)) as published in
the "Length of Stay by Diagnosis and Operations, Western
Region"; and
(((b))) (ii) The hospital has not requested and/or
received approval for an extended length of stay (LOS) from
the department as specified in WAC ((388-550-1700; or for
psychiatric inpatient stays, the appropriate regional support
network (RSN).
(6) LOS extensions are not required for claims reimbursed
by the DRG method.
(7) The department is not financially responsible for
payment of)) 388-550-4300(3).
(e) For elective or nonemergent inpatient services ((that
are included in the department's selective contracting program
and for those that a client receives in a nonparticipating
hospital in a selective contracting area (SCA) unless the
provider meets the department's authorization requirement in
WAC 388-550-1700(12). The client may only be held responsible
for payment of such services in accordance with WAC 388-502-0160. See WAC 388-550-4600 for selective contracting
program requirements.
(8) The department considers hospital stays of
twenty-four hours or less outpatient short stays, and does not
pay such stays under the DRG or ratio of costs-to-charges
(RCC) methods unless one of the following situations apply:
(a) Death of a client;
(b) Obstetrical delivery;
(c) Initial care of a newborn; or
(d) Transfer of a client to another acute care hospital.
(9) When the department determines that the need for
inpatient care is not evidenced in the medical record, even in
stays longer than twenty-four hours, the department considers
and reimburses the stay as an outpatient short stay.
(10) When the stay does not meet the definition of an
inpatient hospital admission, the department limits
reimbursement to the first twenty-four hours of allowed
services, and uses the outpatient payment method.
(11) The department considers all services provided by
the hospital within twenty-four hours of admission for a
scheduled or elective surgery to be included in the hospital's
inpatient payment. These services must not be charged to the
client. Clients may only be held financially responsible for
services in accordance with WAC 388-502-0160.
(12) The department does not count toward the threshold
for hospital outlier status:
(a) Any charges for extra days of inpatient stay prior to
a scheduled or elective surgery; and
(b) The associated services provided during those extra
(13) Accommodation charges: The department reimburses
charges related to accommodation costs by multiplying the
hospital's appropriate room rate charge by the hospital's RCC
(a) Effective January 1, 2001, the department no longer
requires a hospital to provide a room rate change form to
indicate its usual and customary accommodation charge. Charges must not exceed the hospital's usual and customary
charges to the general public as required by 42 C.F.R.
(b) The department does not pay hospitals for private
room accommodations. The department pays a semi-private room
rate and requires the hospital to bill using a semi-private
room revenue code when the hospital has:
(i) Only private rooms; or
(ii) Both private and semi-private rooms and provides an
MAA client accommodations in a private room.
(14) The department determines its actual payment for a
hospital admission by deducting from the basic hospital
reimbursement the client responsibility amount (referred to as
spend-down) and any third party liability amount.
(15) The department reduces reimbursement rates to
hospitals for services provided to clients eligible under the
state-only medically indigent (MI) and medical care services
(MCS) programs according to the hospital specific equivalency
factor and/or ratable, as provided in WAC 388-550-4800.
(16) The department pays for the hospitalization of a
client who is eligible for Medicare and Medicaid only when the
client has exhausted the Medicare Part A benefits)) provided
in a nonparticipating hospital. A nonparticipating hospital
is defined in WAC 388-550-1050. See also WAC 388-550-4600.
(f) For inpatient hospital services when the department determines that the medical record fails to support the medical necessity and inpatient level of care for the inpatient admission.
(3) The department limits payment for private room accommodations to the semi-private room rate. Room charges must not exceed the hospital's usual and customary charges to the general public as required by C.F.R. § 447.271.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 74.08.090 and 42 U.S.C. 1395x(v), 42 C.F.R. 447.271, .11303, and .2652. 01-16-142, § 388-550-2900, filed 7/31/01, effective 8/31/01. Statutory Authority: RCW 74.09.090, 42 U.S.C. 1395x(v) and 1396r-4, 42 C.F.R. 447.271, 11303 and 2652. 99-14-027, § 388-550-2900, filed 6/28/99, effective 7/1/99. Statutory Authority: RCW 74.08.090, 42 USC 1395 x(v), 42 CFR 447.271, 447.11303, and 447.2652. 99-06-046, § 388-550-2900, filed 2/26/99, effective 3/29/99. Statutory Authority: RCW 74.08.090, 74.09.730, 74.04.050, 70.01.010, 74.09.200, [74.09.]500, [74.09.]530 and 43.20B.020. 98-01-124, § 388-550-2900, filed 12/18/97, effective 1/18/98.]
3426.1 The following sections of the Washington Administrative Code are repealed:
WAC 388-550-1750 | Services requiring approval. |
WAC 388-550-5900 | Prior authorization--Outpatient services. |