Purpose: The state Parks and Recreation Commission has amended chapter 352-37 WAC, Ocean beaches, to ensure the provisions and language reflect changes in the agency's park management and operational practices. The amendments adopted by the commission include definitions for aircraft, director and drivable beach. The amendments update driving and parking limitations, clarify right-of-way privileges for nonmotorized vehicles and extend prohibitions for recreation activities on ocean beaches to various forms of aircraft. These changes also reflect changes made during the recodification of the authorizing statutes referenced in this chapter and changes to state park names. The rule-making action created new definitions and new section related to fires and campfires. The new rules specifies the park ranger's authority to place restrictions on fires for the protection of the health, safety and welfare of the public, park visitors or staff, or for the protection of park resources.
Citation of Existing Rules Affected by this Order: Amending chapter 352-37 WAC, WAC 352-37-010, 352-37-020, 352-37-030, 352-37-040, 352-37-070, 352-37-090, 352-37-100, 352-37-190 and 352-37-200; and adding a new section WAC 352-37-105.
Statutory Authority for Adoption: RCW 79A.05.030, 79A.05.035, 79A.05.055, 79A.05.070, and 79A.05.165.
Adopted under notice filed as WSR 04-21-102 on October 20, 2004.
Changes Other than Editing from Proposed to Adopted Version: (1) WAC 352-37-010 Definitions.
The existing definition for "Campfires" was shortened to read as follows: "Campfires" shall mean any open flame from a wood source.
The remaining language taken from the definition of "Campfires" is rewritten for clarity and consistency and is adopted as new WAC 352-37-105 Fires and campfires (noted below).
Explanation: The commission determined that the definition contained regulatory implications, references to park ranger authority and in general was too complicated for easy use and comprehension. The definition was shortened to provide a more precise meaning for term campfires.
(2) WAC 352-37-010 Definitions.
The existing definition of "Fires" was shortened to read as follows: "Fires" shall mean any open flame from any source or device including, but not limited to campfires, stoves, candles, torches, barbeques and charcoal.
Explanation: The commission determined that the definition contained references to park ranger authority and in general was too complicated for easy use and comprehension. The definition was shortened to provide a more precise, meaning for term fire.
(3) New WAC 352-37-105 Fires and campfires.
The commission adopted a new section of rule WAC 352-37-105 Fires and campfires, which consists primarily of the language taken from the definitions for "Campfires" and "Fire."
Explanation: The commission removed the regulatory implications and references to park ranger authority as it relates to campfires and fires from the definition sections and consolidated it into a single new WAC 352-37-105 for the ease of understanding.
Number of Sections Adopted in Order to Comply with Federal Statute: New 0, Amended 0, Repealed 0; Federal Rules or Standards: New 0, Amended 0, Repealed 0; or Recently Enacted State Statutes: New 0, Amended 0, Repealed 0.
Number of Sections Adopted at Request of a Nongovernmental Entity: New 0, Amended 0, Repealed 0.
Number of Sections Adopted on the Agency's Own Initiative: New 1, Amended 9, Repealed 0.
Number of Sections Adopted in Order to Clarify, Streamline, or Reform Agency Procedures: New 1, Amended 5, Repealed 0.
Number of Sections Adopted Using Negotiated Rule Making: New 0, Amended 0, Repealed 0; Pilot Rule Making: New 0, Amended 0, Repealed 0; or Other Alternative Rule Making: New 1, Amended 9, Repealed 0.
Date Adopted: December 2, 2004.
December 9, 2004
Jim French
Chief of Policy Research
and Program Development
AMENDATORY SECTION(Amending WSR 90-07-050, filed 3/19/90,
effective 4/19/90)
WAC 352-37-010
The purpose of this chapter is
to implement the provisions of RCW ((43.51.650)) 79A.05.600
through ((43.51.765)) 79A.05.695 which require local
governments which have a portion of the Seashore Conservation
Area within their boundaries to prepare recreation management
plans for the ocean beaches designating at least forty percent
of the beach for use by pedestrians and nonmotorized vehicles
from April 15 to the day following Labor Day of each year.
This chapter sets forth those sections of the plans which the commission has adopted as rules.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 43.51.040. 90-07-050, § 352-37-010, filed 3/19/90, effective 4/19/90.]
(((1))) "Aircraft" shall mean any machine designed to
travel through the air, whether heavier or lighter than air;
airplane, dirigible, balloon, helicopter, etc. The term
aircraft shall not include paraglider or remote controlled
"Campfires" shall mean any open flame from a wood source.
"Camping" shall mean erecting a tent or shelter or arranging bedding, or both, or parking a recreation vehicle or other vehicle for the purpose of remaining overnight.
"Commission" shall mean the Washington state parks and recreation commission.
(((2))) "Director" shall mean the director of the
Washington state parks and recreation commission or
((his/her)) the director's designee.
(((3) "Persons" shall mean all natural persons, firms,
partnerships, or combinations of persons whenever acting for
themselves or by an agent, servant, or employee.
(4) "Ocean beaches" shall mean all lands fronting on the
Pacific Ocean between Cape Disappointment and Leadbetter
Point; between Toke Point and the south jetty on Point
Chehalis; and between Damon Point and the Makah Indian
Reservation, and occupying the area between the line of
ordinary high tide and the line of extreme low tide, as these
lines now are or may hereafter be located, and, where
applicable, between the Seashore Conservation Line, as
established by survey of the Washington state parks and
recreation commission and the line of extreme low tide, as
these lines now are or may hereafter be located, or as defined
in RCW 43.51.655, provided, that the ocean beaches shall not
include any lands within the established boundaries of any
Indian reservation.
(5) "Long Beach Peninsula" shall mean that area of the
ocean beaches as defined in subsection (4) of this section
lying between Cape Disappointment on the south and Leadbetter
Point on the north.
(6) "South Beach" shall mean that area of the ocean
beaches as defined in subsection (4) of this section lying
between Toke Point on the south and the south jetty on Point
Chehalis on the north.
(7) "North Beach" shall mean that area of the ocean
beaches as defined in subsection (4) of this section lying
between Damon Point on the south and Cape Flattery on the
(8) "Hard sand area" shall mean that area over which the
tide ebbs and flows on a daily basis; and which is
sufficiently hard or firm to support the weight of, and to
provide unhindered traction for, an ordinary passenger
(9) "Dry sand area" shall mean that area lying above and
to the landward side of the hard sand area as defined in
subsection (8) of this section.
(10) "Driveable beach" shall mean that area of the ocean
beaches lying between the upper or landward limit of the hard
sand area and the clam beds.
(11) "Motor vehicle" shall mean any self-propelled device
capable of being moved upon a public highway, and in, upon, or
by which any persons or property may be transported or drawn,
and shall include, but not be limited to, automobiles, trucks,
motorcycles, motor bikes, motor scooters, mopeds, jeeps, or
similar type four-wheel drive vehicles, buses, camper trucks,
motor homes, and other self-propelled recreational vehicles. A motor vehicle must have a means of propulsion associated or
attached directly to the device, and not receive motive power
from a source independent or outside of the device. A motor
vehicle must be certificated and licensed according to the
provisions of chapter 46.12 RCW (Certificates of ownership and
registration), and chapter 46.16 RCW (Vehicle licenses).
(12) "Wind/sand sailer" shall mean a wheeled, wind-driven
recreational conveyance.
(13) "Parasail" shall mean a parachute-type device
attached to a rope pulled by a motor vehicle, resulting in the
participant being lifted from the ground by the force of the
(14) "Hovercraft" shall mean a powered vehicle supported
by a cushion of air capable of transporting persons.))
"Driveable beach" shall mean that area of the ocean beaches
lying between the upper or landward limit of the hard sand
area and the clam beds.
"Dry sand area" shall mean that area lying above and to the landward side of the hard sand area as defined in this section.
"Fire" shall mean any open flame from any source or device including, but not limited to, campfires, stoves, candles, torches, barbeques and charcoal.
"Hard sand area" shall mean that area over which the tide ebbs and flows on a daily basis; and which is sufficiently hard or firm to support the weight of, and to provide unhindered traction for, an ordinary passenger vehicle.
"Hovercraft" shall mean a powered vehicle supported by a cushion of air capable of transporting persons.
"Long Beach Peninsula" shall mean that area of the ocean beaches as defined in this section lying between Cape Disappointment on the south and Leadbetter Point on the north.
"Motor vehicle" shall mean every vehicle that is self-propelled. For the purposes of this chapter, a motor vehicle must be approved for highway use in accordance with Title 46 RCW.
"North Beach" shall mean that area of the ocean beaches as defined in this section lying between Damon Point on the south and Cape Flattery on the north.
"Ocean beaches" shall mean all lands fronting on the Pacific Ocean between Cape Disappointment and Leadbetter Point; between Toke Point and the south jetty on Point Chehalis; and between Damon Point and the Makah Indian Reservation, and occupying the area between the line of ordinary high tide and the line of extreme low tide, as these lines now are or may hereafter be located, and, where applicable, between the Seashore Conservation Line, as established by survey of the Washington state parks and recreation commission and the line of extreme low tide, as these lines now are or may hereafter be located, or as defined in RCW 79A.05.605, provided, that the ocean beaches shall not include any lands within the established boundaries of any Indian reservation.
"Parasail" shall mean a parachute-type device attached to a rope pulled by a motor vehicle, resulting in the participant being lifted from the ground by the force of the wind.
"Person" shall mean all natural persons, firms, partnerships, corporations, clubs, and all associations or combinations of persons whenever acting for themselves or by an agent, servant, or employee.
"South Beach" shall mean that area of the ocean beaches as defined in this section lying between Toke Point on the south and the south jetty on Point Chehalis on the north.
"Wind/sand sailer" shall mean a wheeled, wind-driven recreational conveyance.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 43.51.040. 90-07-050, § 352-37-020, filed 3/19/90, effective 4/19/90.]
((Areas identified within)) The Long Beach Peninsula,
South Beach, and North Beach Recreation Management Plans, as
referenced in RCW ((43.51.650)) 79A.05.600 through
((43.51.765)) 79A.05.695, as adopted by local governments
located on the same beach and approved by the commission,
identify those areas where the operation or parking of any
vehicle is prohibited. Exceptions that allow for the use of
any vehicles in these areas identified as exclusive
pedestrian/nonmotorized use areas are found in WAC 352-37-070.
Except as provided in WAC 352-37-220, any violation of this
section is an infraction under chapter 7.84 RCW.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 43.51.040 and 43.51.180(7). 92-19-098, § 352-37-030, filed 9/17/92, effective 10/18/92. Statutory Authority RCW 43.51.040. 90-07-050, § 352-37-030, filed 3/19/90, effective 4/19/90.]
(a) Motor vehicles are not allowed year round in the area located between the northern tip of Leadbetter Point and the southern boundary of Leadbetter Point State Park.
(b) Motor vehicles are not allowed in the area located between the southern boundary of Leadbetter Point State Park to the north side of the Oysterville beach access road, from April 15 to the day following Labor Day of the same year.
(2) Long Beach/Seaview exclusive pedestrian/nonmotorized vehicle use area is described as the area from the south side of the Bolstad Avenue beach access road south to the north side of the Seaview beach access road at 38th Avenue.
Motor vehicles are not allowed from April 15 to the day following Labor Day of the same year.
(3) Ft. Canby unit exclusive pedestrian/nonmotorized
vehicle use area is described as the area from the north jetty
of the Columbia River located in ((Ft. Canby)) Cape
Disappointment State Park to north head/south boundary of
Beard's Hollow ((State Park)).
Motor vehicles are not allowed on Benson Beach in front
of ((Ft. Canby)) Cape Disappointment State Park for the entire
year. Motor vehicles may not be used on the beach in front of
the state park for any clam season at any time of the year.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 43.51.040. 90-07-050, § 352-37-040, filed 3/19/90, effective 4/19/90.]
(1) Motor vehicles may be used in the areas during any recreational razor clam digging seasons designated by the department of fisheries which take place partially or entirely during the period when motor vehicles are otherwise not allowed to use the area.
(2) Motor vehicles may also be used in the areas during special events approved by the commission as set forth in WAC 352-37-200 Special group recreation event permit, which specifically allows the use of motorized vehicles. The vehicle may be used for access or in the event.
(3) As provided by RCW ((43.51.720)) 79A.05.660, public
vehicles operated in the performance of official duties and
vehicles responding to an emergency can use the areas at any
(4)(a) Motor vehicles may be used to remove sand from a beach access, gap road, or other area provided that all required permits have been obtained and the removal complies with all applicable requirements.
(b) On the Long Beach Peninsula pursuant to RCW 4.24.210,
((43.51.045)) 79A.05.035(5), and ((43.51.715)) 79A.05.655(3),
the Pacific County planning department and the city of Long
Beach may issue permits for wood debris removal during any
period of closure to vehicular traffic, in their respective
jurisdictions, if in the opinion of said jurisdiction the
amount, size, and location of such wood debris is determined
to constitute a hazard to the general public and/or impede the
movement of public vehicles on the ocean beach. Said permits
shall be valid for twenty-four hours only. Persons seeking
permits for removal of wood debris within the seashore
conservation area must apply to the director or ((his))
designee for a wood debris removal permit.
(5)(a) Motor vehicles may be used to remove wood debris
under RCW 4.24.210 and ((43.51.045)) 79A.05.035(5) provided
that all required permits have been obtained and the removal
complies with all applicable requirements.
(b) On the Long Beach Peninsula in accordance with RCW
((43.51.715)) 79A.05.655(4), the Pacific County planning
department and the city of Long Beach may issue permits, on
their respective jurisdictions, for the removal of sand on the
ocean beach during periods of closure to vehicular traffic. Said sand removal shall occur only on beach access roads and
private property under the terms of a covenant, easement, or
deed that allows such activity. The local jurisdictions shall
exercise good judgment in setting the terms of such sand
removal permits. Such terms should prohibit sand removal
during weekends, holidays, festivals, and other occasions when
and where there is increased use of the ocean beach by the
public. The hours of sand removal shall also be specified and
shall prohibit this activity from occurring too early or too
late in the day in order to minimize disturbance of nearby
businesses, residents, and visitors.
(6) In case of an emergency, motor vehicles may be used to maintain and construct erosion control devices, including bulkheads, provided that all required permits have been obtained and the operation of the vehicles and the construction complies with all applicable requirements.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 43.51.040. 90-07-050, § 352-37-070, filed 3/19/90, effective 4/19/90.]
[Statutory Authority: RCW 43.51.040 and 43.51.180(7). 92-19-098, § 352-37-090, filed 9/17/92, effective 10/18/92. Statutory Authority RCW 43.51.040. 90-07-050, § 352-37-090, filed 3/19/90, effective 4/19/90.]
[Statutory Authority: RCW 43.51.040 and 43.51.180(7). 92-19-098, § 352-37-100, filed 9/17/92, effective 10/18/92. Statutory Authority RCW 43.51.040. 90-07-050, § 352-37-100, filed 3/19/90, effective 4/19/90.]
(1) Vehicles not licensed and certificated pursuant to chapters 46.12 and 46.16 RCW.
(2) Wind/sand sailers.
(3) Parasails.
(4) Hovercraft.
(5) Powered parasail.
(6) Ultra-light aircraft.
(7) Powered hang gliders.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 43.51.040. 90-07-050, § 352-37-190, filed 3/19/90, effective 4/19/90.]
(2) In determining whether to issue the permit, the director or designee will review the proposal for consistency with established approval criteria developed by the agency, which are designed to ensure the appropriateness of the event to the ocean beaches, and the basis for any associated public recreation restrictions. The criteria are available upon request from the agency.
(3) A special group recreation event permit shall be
issued only for recreational events where there is a
reasonable expectation that a minimum of twenty persons will
participate. The event must be oriented towards a
recreational pursuit. Not more than three permits will be
issued to a given applicant for the same event during a
one-year period. The group recreation activity must be
consistent with the seashore conservation area (RCW
((43.51.650)) 79A.05.600 through ((43.51.685)) 79A.05.630),
and may include an activity otherwise excluded under this
chapter. Special group recreation events shall not exceed
three days or seventy-two hours.
(4) Persons or organizations that desire to conduct a special group recreation event on the ocean beaches shall submit a permit application provided by the director and appropriate fees to the:
Washington State Parks and
Recreation Commission
7150 Cleanwater Lane
P.O. Box 42650
Olympia, WA 98504-2650
Such application shall be submitted at least fifteen days
in advance of the proposed date of the event, to allow for
necessary internal review and analysis, consultation with
local governments, public notice, establishment of permit
conditions, and required agency preparations and coordination.
The director or his/her designee shall approve or disapprove
a permit application and establish the conditions for an
approved application. The permittee must pay any fees
published by state parks for the use of park lands or
facilities. The director or the designee shall determine the
need for any fees necessary to cover costs incurred by the
agency, as well as the need for any bond, damage deposit, or
liability insurance arising from any potential hazards
associated with the character of the event. Any such fees,
bond, damage deposit, or liability insurance shall be provided
prior to the issuance of the permit.
(5) If additional costs are incurred by the commission resulting from the event, the applicant shall reimburse the commission for such costs in a timely manner. If the additional costs are not paid, the director may recover such costs from the bond or damage deposits provided if previously required. Any funds remaining from the bond or damage deposit shall be returned to the applicant.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 43.51.040 and [43.51.]060. 95-22-067, § 352-37-200, filed 10/30/95, effective 1/1/96. Statutory Authority RCW 43.51.040. 90-07-050, § 352-37-200, filed 3/19/90, effective 4/19/90.]