Committee | Chair |
Aeronautics and Astronautics | Adam P. Bruckner |
Anesthesiology | Frederick W. Cheney, MD |
Animal Care Committee (IACUC) | |
Applied Mathematics | Ka Kit Tung |
Aquatic and Fishery Sciences | Jane Meredith |
Astronomy | Bruce Balick |
ASUW Board of Directors | |
Biology | Thomas Daniel |
Bothell, Academic Council | Tom Bellamy |
Bothell, Business | Steve Holland |
Bothell, Computing and Software Systems | Frank Cioch |
Bothell, Education | Susan Franzosa |
Bothell, General Faculty Org-Executive Council | Linda Watts |
Bothell, Graduate Nursing Faculty | May Baroni |
Bothell, Interdisciplinary Arts and Sciences | JoLynn Edwards |
Bothell, Master of Arts in Policy Studies | JoLynn Edwards |
Bothell, Nursing Advisory Committee | Mary Baroni |
Bothell, Nursing Faculty and Staff | Mary Baroni |
Chemical Engineering | Eric M. Stuve |
Classics | James J. Clauss |
Communication | Gerald J. Baldasty |
Comparative Medicine | Dennny Liggitt |
Computer Science and Engineering Executive Committee | David Notkin |
Computer Science and Engineering Faculty | David Notkin |
Dance Program | Elizabeth Cooper |
Dental Public Health Sciences | Douglas S. Ramsay |
Dentistry, Chairs | |
Dentistry, Faculty Council | |
Dentistry, Faculty Meeting | |
Drama | Sarah Nash Gates |
Electrical Engineering | R. Bruce Darling |
Environmental and Occupational Health Sciences | David Kalman |
Epidemiology | Scott Davis |
Evans School of Public Affairs | Sandra Archibald |
Faculty Senate | |
Family Medicine | Alfred O. Berg |
Forest Resources | Richard R. Gustafson |
Geography | James Harrington, Jr. |
Germanics | Sabine Wilke |
GPSS Exec. | |
GPSS Senate | |
Harborview, Board Bond Oversight Committee | |
Harborview, Board Executive Committee | |
Harborview, Board Facilities Ad Hoc Committee | |
Harborview, Board Finance Committee | |
Harborview, Board Health Care/Strategic Planning | |
Harborview, Board Joint Conference Committee | |
Harborview, Board Lunch | |
Harborview, Board Meeting | |
Harborview, Hospital Quality Assurance | |
Health Services | Bill Dowling |
Immunology | Christopher Wilson, M.D. |
Industrial Engineering | Richard L. Storch |
Information School | Mike Eisenberg |
Law School | Dean Knight |
Materials Science and Engineering | Rajendra Bordia |
Mathematics | Selim Tuncel |
Mechanical Engineering | Mark E. Tuttle |
Medicine Board | Ann Ramsay-Jenkins |
Microbiology | E. Peter Greenberg |
Music | Robin McCabe |
Near Eastern Languages and Civilization | Michael A. Williams |
Nursing, Ad Hoc Committee for Professors | |
Nursing, APT Committee | TBD |
Nursing, BNHS Faculty | M. Heitkemper |
Nursing, Deans and Charis | Dean Nancy F. Woods |
Nursing, Faculty Council | F. O'Connor |
Nursing, Faculty Meeting | F. O'Connor |
Nursing, Faculty Retreat | S. Spieker |
Nursing, FCN Faculty | K. Swanson |
Nursing, Governing Council | Dean Nancy F. Woods |
Nursing, PCH Faculty | B. Berkowitz |
Nutritional Sciences | Adam Drewnowski |
Obstetrics and Gynecology, Executive Finance Committee | David Eschenbach |
Obstetrics and Gynecology, Faculty | David Eschenbach |
Orthodontics | Gregory J. King |
Pathobiology | Andy Stergachis |
Pathology | Nelson Fausto |
PBI Board Meetings | |
Pharmacy, Curriculum committee | Valerie Daggett |
Pharmacy, Executive Committee | Sid Nelson |
Pharmacy, Faculty | Danny Shen |
Philosophy | Kenneth Clatterbaugh |
Physics | David Boulware |
Public Health Executive Committee | Patricia Wahl |
Radiation Oncology | George Laramore |
Rehabilitation Medicine | Lawrence R. Robinson, MD |
Restorative Dentistry | Dr. Richard McCoy |
Social Science Chairs and Administrators | Dean Bob Stacey |
Social Work | Dean Dorothy Van Soest |
Sociology | Stewart Tolnay |
Statistics | Werner Stuetzle |
Tacoma, Building and Facilities use | Linda Schmitz, Ann Gagner |
Tacoma, Business | Dean Shahrokh Saudagaran |
Tacoma, Education | |
Tacoma, Executive Committee | Robert Jackson |
Tacoma, Faculty Assembly | Robert Jackson |
Tacoma, Institute of Technology/CSS | Larry Crum |
Tacoma, Interdisciplinary Arts and Sciences | Bill Richardson |
Tacoma, Nursing | Marjorie Dobratz |
Tacoma, Social Work Program | Marcie Lazzari |
Tacoma, Urban Studies | Brian Coffey |
Technical Communication | Dr. Judy Ramey |
Urology, Executive Committee | Paul H. Lange, M.D. |
Urology, Faculty | Paul H. Lange, M.D. |
Urology, Faculty Retreat | Paul H. Lange, M.D. |
Use of University Facilities Committee (UUFC) | K. J. (Gus) Kravas |
Women Studies | Judith Howard |