Purpose: Purpose of this proposal is to provide governance of student behaviors on campus. Also, to outline the disciplinary actions and/or hearings process students and the college must follow.
Citation of Existing Rules Affected by this Order: Repealing X [WAC 132C-120-030]; and amending X [WAC 132C-120-015, 132C-120-040, 132C-120-060, 132C-120-065, 132C-120-100, 132C-120-110, 132C-120-115, 132C-120-120, 132C-120-125, 132C-120-130, 132C-120-135, 132C-120-140, 132C-120-145, 132C-120-150, 132C-120-210, 132C-120-215, 132C-120-220, 132C-120-225, and 132C-120-230.]
Statutory Authority for Adoption: Chapter 28B.50 RCW.
Adopted under notice filed as WSR 05-06-029 on February 24, 2005.
Number of Sections Adopted in Order to Comply with Federal Statute: New 0, Amended 0, Repealed 0; Federal Rules or Standards: New 0, Amended 0, Repealed 0; or Recently Enacted State Statutes: New 0, Amended 0, Repealed 0.
Number of Sections Adopted at Request of a Nongovernmental Entity: New 0, Amended 0, Repealed 0.
Number of Sections Adopted on the Agency's Own Initiative: New 2, Amended 20, Repealed 1.
Number of Sections Adopted in Order to Clarify, Streamline, or Reform Agency Procedures: New 2, Amended 20, Repealed 1.
Number of Sections Adopted Using Negotiated Rule Making: New 0, Amended 0, Repealed 0; Pilot Rule Making: New 0, Amended 0, Repealed 0; or Other Alternative Rule Making: New 2, Amended 20, Repealed 1.
Date Adopted: April 26, 2005.
Peter Crane, Chair
Board of Trustees
AMENDATORY SECTION(Amending Order 24, Resolution No. 52-0585,
filed 6/18/85)
WAC 132C-120-015
Freedom of expression.
Fundamental to
the democratic process are the rights of free speech and
peaceful assembly. Students and student organizations shall
be free to examine and to discuss all questions of interest to
them and to express opinions publicly and privately. They
shall always be free to support causes by orderly means which
do not disrupt the regular and essential operation of the
institution. At the same time, it should be made clear to the
academic and the larger community that in their public
expressions, students or student organizations speak only for
Any recognized student organization may invite to the
campus any speaker a group wishes to hear, providing suitable
space is available and there is no interference with the
regular scheduled program of the college and officially
sanctioned procedure is followed. It is understood that the
appearance of such speakers on the campus implies neither
approval nor disapproval of them or their viewpoints by this
college, its students, its employees, or the board of
trustees. In the case of speakers who are candidates for
political office, equal opportunities shall be available to
opposing candidates if desired by them. Speakers are subject
to normal considerations for law and order ((and to the
specific limitations imposed by the Washington State
Constitution which prohibits religious worship, exercise, or
instruction on state property)).
In order to insure an atmosphere of open exchange and to
insure that the educational objectives of the college are not
obscured, the president may prescribe reasonable time, place
and manner restrictions for the conduct of the meeting, such
as requiring a designated member of the faculty as
((chairman)) chair, or requiring permission for comments and
questions from the floor. Likewise, the president may
encourage the appearance of one or more additional speakers at
the meeting in question or at a subsequent meeting so that
other points of view may be expressed.
[Statutory Authority: Chapter 28B.50 RCW. 85-13-067 (Order 24, Resolution No. 52-0585), § 132C-120-015, filed 6/18/85; 80-05-004 (Order 21, Resolution No. 49-0280), § 132C-120-015, filed 4/4/80.]
((All such materials shall indicate the name of the
sponsor. )) Distribution of any printed materials by persons
not members of the college community shall be prohibited
unless approved in advance by the ((dean of students))
vice-president of student services or designee.
[Statutory Authority: Chapter 28B.50 RCW. 85-13-067 (Order 24, Resolution No. 52-0585), § 132C-120-040, filed 6/18/85; 80-05-004 (Order 21, Resolution No. 49-0280), § 132C-120-040, filed 4/4/80.]
(1) Prohibit the entry of, or withdraw the license or privilege of a person or persons or any group of persons to enter onto or remain upon any portion of a college facility; or
(2) Give notice against trespass to any person, persons, or group of persons against whom the license or privilege has been withdrawn or who have been prohibited from entering onto or remaining upon all or any portion of a college facility; or
(3) Order any person, persons, or group of persons to leave or vacate all or any portion of a college facility.
Such authority and power may be exercised to halt any event that is deemed to be unreasonably disruptive of order or threatens to disrupt the movement of persons from facilities owned and/or operated by the college. Any student or person who shall disobey a lawful order given by the college president or designee pursuant to the requirements of this rule shall be subject to disciplinary and/or legal action.
[Statutory Authority: Chapter 28B.50 RCW. 85-13-067 (Order 24, Resolution No. 52-0585), § 132C-120-050, filed 6/18/85; 80-05-004 (Order 21, Resolution No. 49-0280), § 132C-120-050, filed 4/4/80.]
[Statutory Authority: Chapter 28B.50 RCW. 85-13-067 (Order 24, Resolution No. 52-0585), § 132C-120-060, filed 6/18/85; 80-05-004 (Order 21, Resolution No. 49-0280), § 132C-120-060, filed 4/4/80.]
(1) Materially and substantially interferes with the personal rights or privileges of others or the educational process of the college;
(2) Violates any provision of the student conduct code;
(3) Commits any of the following acts which are hereby prohibited:
(((a) All forms of dishonesty including cheating,
plagiarism, knowingly furnishing false information to the
college, and forgery, alteration or use of college documents
or instruments of identification with intent to defraud.
(b) Failure to comply with lawful directions of faculty,
administrators, and other regularly employed personnel acting
in performance of their lawful duties.
(c) Conduct which intentionally and substantially
obstructs or disrupts freedom of movement, teaching,
administration, disciplinary proceedings, or other lawful
activities of the college.
(d) Physical abuse of any person or conduct which is
intended unlawfully to threaten imminent bodily harm or to
endanger the health or safety of any person on college-owned
or controlled property or at college-sponsored or supervised
(e) Malicious damage to or malicious misuse of college
property, or the property of any person where such property is
located on the college campus.
(f) Refusal to comply with any lawful order to leave the
college campus or any portion thereof.
(g) Possession or use of firearms, explosives, dangerous
chemicals, or other dangerous weapons or instruments on the
college campus, except for authorized college purposes; unless
prior written approval has been obtained from the dean of
students, or any other person designated by the college
(h) Intentionally inciting others to engage in imminent
lawless activity, including any conduct prohibited herein.
(i) Possessing, consuming, or furnishing of alcoholic
beverages on college-owned or controlled property or at
college-sponsored or supervised functions where prohibited.
(j) Disorderly conduct, including disorderly conduct
resulting from drunkenness.
(k) Engaging in lewd, indecent, or obscene behavior on
college-owned or controlled property or at college-sponsored
or supervised functions.
(l) Using, possessing, furnishing, or selling any
controlled substance as defined in Washington statutes, except
when the use or possession of a drug is specifically
prescribed as medication by a licensed health care
(m) Falsely setting off or otherwise tampering with any
emergency safety equipment, alarm, or other device established
for the safety of individuals and/or college facilities.
(n) Theft or conversion of college property or private
(o) Entering any administrative office or any locked or
otherwise closed college facility in any manner, at any time,
without permission of the college employee or agent in charge
thereof.)) (a) Assault, reckless endangerment, intimidation,
harassment, or interference upon another person.
(b) Disorderly, abusive, or bothersome conduct. Disorderly or abusive behavior that interferes with the rights of others or obstructs or disrupts teaching, research, or administrative functions.
(c) Failure to follow instructions. Inattentiveness, inability, or failure of student to follow the instructions of a college official, thereby infringing upon the rights and privileges of others.
(d) Providing false information to the college, forgery, or alteration of records.
(e) Illegal assembly, disruption, obstruction or other act which materially and substantially interferes with vehicular or pedestrian traffic, classes, hearings, meetings, the educational and administrative functions of the college, or the private rights and privileges of others.
(f) Inciting others. Intentionally encouraging, preparing, or compelling others to engage in any prohibited conduct.
(g) Hazing. Hazing means any method of initiation into a student organization or any pastime or amusement engaged in with respect to such an organization that causes, or is likely to cause, bodily danger or physical, mental or emotional harm to any student or other person.
(h) False complaint. Knowingly or recklessly filing a formal complaint falsely accusing another student or college employee with violating a provision of this chapter.
(i) False alarms. Falsely setting off or otherwise tampering with any emergency safety equipment, alarm, or other device established for the safety of individuals and/or college facilities.
(j) Sexual harassment. Engaging in unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature where such behavior offends the recipient, causes discomfort or humiliation, or interferes with job or school performance.
(k) Malicious harassment. Malicious harassment involves intimidation or bothersome behavior directed toward another person because of, or related to that person's race, color, religion, gender, sexual orientation, ancestry, national origin, or mental, physical, or sensory disability.
(l) Theft and robbery. Theft of the property of the district or of another as defined in RCW 9A.56.010 through 9A.56.050 and RCW 9A.56.100 as now law or hereafter amended. Includes theft of the property of the district or of another; actual or attempted theft of property or services belonging to the college, any member of its community or any campus visitor; or knowingly possessing stolen property.
(m) Damage to any college facility or equipment. Intentional or negligent damage to or destruction of any college facility, equipment, or other public or private real or personal property.
(n) Unauthorized use of college or associated students' equipment or supplies. Converting of college equipment, supplies, or computer systems for personal gain or use without proper authority.
(o) Illegal entry. Entering, or remaining in any administrative office or otherwise closed college facility or entering after the closing time of college facilities without permission of an employee in charge.
(p) Possession or use of firearms, explosives, dangerous chemicals, or other dangerous weapons, instruments, or substances that can be used to inflict bodily harm or to damage real or personal property, except for authorized college purposes or law enforcement officers.
(q) Refusal to provide identification (e.g., valid driver's license, student identification, passport, or state identification card) in appropriate circumstances to any college employee in the lawful discharge of the employee's duties.
(r) Smoking. Smoking in any classroom or laboratory, the library, or in any college facility, office, or any other smoking not in compliance with college policy or chapter 70.160 RCW.
(s) Controlled substances. Using, possessing, being demonstrably under the influence of, or selling any narcotic or controlled substance as defined in chapter 69.50 RCW as now law or hereafter amended, except when the use or possession of a drug is specifically prescribed as medication by an authorized medical doctor or dentist. For the purpose of this regulation, "sale" shall include the statutory meaning defined in RCW 69.50.410 as now law or hereafter amended.
(t) Alcoholic beverages. Being demonstrably under the influence of any form of alcoholic beverage. Possessing or consuming any form of alcoholic beverage on college property, with the exception of sanctioned events, approved by the president or his or her designee and in compliance with state law.
(u) Computer, telephone, or electronic technology violation. Conduct that violates the college published acceptable use rules on computer, telephone, or electronic technology use, including electronic mail and the internet.
(v) Computer trespass. Gaining or denying others access, without authorization, to a computer system or network, or electronic data owned, used by, or affiliated with Olympic College.
(w) Ethics violation. The breech of any generally recognized and published code of ethics or standards of professional practice that governs the conduct of a particular profession for which the student is taking courses or is pursuing as an educational goal or major. These ethics codes must be distributed to students as part of an educational program, course, or sequence of courses and the student must be informed that a violation of such ethics codes may subject the student to disciplinary action by the college.
(x) Criminal law violation, illegal behavior, other violations. Students may be accountable to the civil or criminal authorities and the college for acts which constitute violations of federal, state, or local law as well as college rules where the students' behavior is determined to threaten the health, safety, and/or property of the college and its members. The college may refer any such violations to civilian or criminal authorities for disposition.
[Statutory Authority: Chapter 28B.50 RCW. 85-13-067 (Order 24, Resolution No. 52-0585), § 132C-120-065, filed 6/18/85; 80-05-004 (Order 21, Resolution No. 49-0280), § 132C-120-065, filed 4/4/80.]
(1) Cheating is intentionally using or attempting to use unauthorized materials, information, or study aids in any academic activity.
(2) Plagiarism includes submitting to a faculty member any work product that the student fraudulently represents to the faculty member as the student's work product for the purpose of fulfilling or partially fulfilling any assignment or task required by the faculty member as part of the student's program of instruction.
(3) Fabrication is the intentional and unauthorized falsification or invention of any information or citation in an academic activity.
(4) Facilitating academic dishonesty is intentionally or knowingly helping or attempting to help another to violate a provision of this section of the disciplinary code.
Acts of dishonesty are serious breaches of honor and shall be dealt with in the following manner:
(a) Any student who commits or aids in the accomplishment
of an act of academic dishonesty shall be subject to
disciplinary action.
(b) In cases of academic dishonesty, the student's final grade may be adjusted. The instructor may also refer the matter to the vice-president of student services for disciplinary action.
An instructor has the authority to exclude a student from any single class session during which the student is disruptive to the learning environment. The instructor shall report any such exclusion from the class to the vice-president of student services or designee who may summarily suspend the student or initiate conduct proceedings as provided in this procedure. The vice-president of student services may impose a disciplinary probation that restricts the student from the classroom until the student has met with the vice-president of student services and the student agrees to comply with the specific conditions outlined by the vice-president of student services for conduct in the classroom. The student may appeal the disciplinary sanction according to the disciplinary appeal procedures.
All rules herein adopted shall apply to every student on any college property or engaged in any college related activity or function. Sanctions for violation of the rules of student conduct herein adopted will be administered by the college in the manner provided by said rules. When violations of the laws of the state of Washington and/or the United States are involved, the college may in addition refer such matters to civil authorities. In the case of minors such conduct may be referred to parents or guardians.
This code is applicable in all matters of discipline, and any disciplinary action imposed upon a student shall be taken in accordance with this code, unless the disciplinary action was imposed according to separate college policy which the student contractually accepted as a condition to participation in a particular course of study.
Disciplinary action, including dismissal from the college, may be imposed on a student for failure to abide by rules of conduct contained herein. The form of disciplinary action imposed will determine whether and under what conditions a violator may continue as a student at the college. Practices in disciplinary cases may vary in formality according to the severity of the case.
((Faculty members shall have the authority to take such
actions as may be necessary to maintain order and proper
conduct in the classroom to insure the cooperation of students
in the accomplishment of the objectives of the course of
instruction. Such actions may be appealed to the dean of
students within five instructional days of such action.))
College administrative officers may deny admission to a prospective student or reregistration to a current student if, in their judgment, the student would not be competent to profit from the curricular offerings of the college, or would, by the student's presence or conduct, create a disruptive atmosphere within the college inconsistent with the purpose of the institution.
When reference in this document is made to a college official, that reference shall be read to include the specified college official or designee.
[Statutory Authority: Chapter 28B.50 RCW. 85-13-067 (Order 24, Resolution No. 52-0585), § 132C-120-100, filed 6/18/85; 80-05-004 (Order 21, Resolution No. 49-0280), § 132C-120-100, filed 4/4/80.]
All disciplinary proceedings will be initiated by the
((dean of students)) vice-president of student services who
may also establish advisory panels to advise or act for the
office in disciplinary proceedings.
Any student accused of violating any provision of the
rules of student conduct will be called for an initial
conference with the ((dean of students)) vice-president of
student services and will be informed of what provision or
provisions of the code of student conduct he/she is charged
with violating and what appears to be the range of penalties
which might result from consideration of the disciplinary
After considering the evidence in the case and
interviewing the accused, the ((dean of students))
vice-president of student services may take any of the
following actions:
(1) Terminate the proceeding, exonerating the accused;
(2) Dismiss the case after whatever counseling and advice may be appropriate;
(3) Impose ((minor)) sanctions directly such as warning,
reprimand, restitution, ((and/or)) disciplinary probation,
suspension, and/or expulsion;
(4) Refer the matter to the student conduct board for a
recommendation to the ((president of the college))
vice-president of student services as to appropriate action((;
(5) Recommend to the president of the college that the
accused be dismissed)).
A student accused of violating any provision of the code
of student conduct shall be given written notification of the
((dean of students')) vice-president of student services'
Disciplinary action recommended by the ((dean of
students)) vice-president of student services is final unless
the accused exercises his/her right of appeal ((within five
instructional days)) as provided in WAC 132C-120-115.
[Statutory Authority: Chapter 28B.50 RCW. 85-13-067 (Order 24, Resolution No. 52-0585), § 132C-120-110, filed 6/18/85; 80-05-004 (Order 21, Resolution No. 49-0280), § 132C-120-110, filed 4/4/80.]
Time periods referenced in the code may be altered or
waived on written agreement of the accused and ((dean of
students)) vice-president of student services.
An appeal of a disciplinary action stays enforcement of the action until the appeal process is exhausted or a final decision reached.
[Statutory Authority: Chapter 28B.50 RCW. 85-13-067 (Order 24, Resolution No. 52-0585), § 132C-120-115, filed 6/18/85; 80-05-004 (Order 21, Resolution No. 49-0280), § 132C-120-115, filed 4/4/80.]
(1) The college president shall appoint three members and an alternate from the faculty.
(2) The president shall appoint one member from the college administration and an alternate.
(3) ((Three student members and an alternate appointed by
the president of the associated students of Olympic College.))
The college president shall appoint two members from the
student body. The president may consult the president of the
associate students of Olympic College for a recommendation of
student members.
(4) The president of the college shall designate a
((chairman)) chair from the membership who shall preside at
all meetings and hearings. The ((chairman)) chair shall not
vote except to break a tie vote.
[Statutory Authority: Chapter 28B.50 RCW. 85-13-067 (Order 24, Resolution No. 52-0585), § 132C-120-120, filed 6/18/85; 80-05-004 (Order 21, Resolution No. 49-0280), § 132C-120-120, filed 4/4/80.]
The accused has a right to a fair and impartial hearing before the student conduct board on any charge of violating rules of student conduct. The accused's failure to cooperate with hearing procedures shall not prevent the student conduct board from making its findings of fact, conclusions, and recommendations. Failure by the accused to cooperate may be taken into consideration by the student conduct board in recommending appropriate disciplinary action to the president.
The accused shall be given written notice of the time and place of the hearing before the student conduct board and afforded not less than five instructional days notice thereof. Said notice shall contain:
(1) A statement of the time, place, and nature of the disciplinary hearing.
(2) A statement of allegations and reference to relevant sections of the student conduct code involved.
The accused shall be entitled to hear and examine evidence against him/her and be informed of the identity of its source, shall be entitled to present evidence or witnesses in his/her own behalf and cross-examine adverse witnesses as to relevant factual matters.
Only those matters presented at the hearing in the presence of the accused will be considered by the student conduct board in determining whether there is sufficient evidence to cause it to believe the accused violated the student conduct code.
The student may be represented by counsel of choice at
the disciplinary hearing. If the student elects to choose a
duly licensed attorney admitted to practice in any state as
counsel, he/she may do so provided that not less than three
instructional days notice of the same is given the ((dean of
students)) vice-president of student services.
In all disciplinary proceedings, the college may be
represented by the ((dean of students)) vice-president of
student services, designee, and/or assistant attorney general
who shall present the college's case against the student
accused of violating rules of the student conduct code.
The ((chairman)) chair of the student conduct board shall
preside at the disciplinary hearing and may establish
organizational or operational procedures necessary to the
conduct of the hearing. The ((chairman)) chair may rule on
all questions before the student conduct board and may limit
repetitious testimony and exclude immaterial or irrelevant
evidence. Strict rules of evidence shall not be applied.
The proceedings of the hearing shall be recorded and
copies of presented materials retained. Such shall be kept in
the ((dean of students)) vice-president of student services
office after use by the student conduct board.
[Statutory Authority: Chapter 28B.50 RCW. 85-13-067 (Order 24, Resolution No. 52-0585), § 132C-120-125, filed 6/18/85; 80-05-004 (Order 21, Resolution No. 49-0280), § 132C-120-125, filed 4/4/80.]
Any student or staff member attending the student conduct
board hearing as an invited guest who continues to disrupt
said proceedings after the ((chairman)) chair of the student
conduct board has asked him/her to cease and desist therefrom
shall be subject to disciplinary action.
[Statutory Authority: Chapter 28B.50 RCW. 85-13-067 (Order 24, Resolution No. 52-0585), § 132C-120-130, filed 6/18/85; 80-05-004 (Order 21, Resolution No. 49-0280), § 132C-120-130, filed 4/4/80.]
(1) That the student or students be exonerated and the proceedings terminated.
(2) That any disciplinary action provided in WAC 132C-120-145 be imposed on the student or students.
Disciplinary action recommended by the student conduct board shall be automatically imposed unless the accused exercises his/her right of appeal to the president as provided in WAC 132C-120-115.
[Statutory Authority: Chapter 28B.50 RCW. 85-13-067 (Order 24, Resolution No. 52-0585), § 132C-120-135, filed 6/18/85; 80-05-004 (Order 21, Resolution No. 49-0280), § 132C-120-135, filed 4/4/80.]
No hearing shall be held at this stage and the decision of the president shall be final.
[Statutory Authority: Chapter 28B.50 RCW. 85-13-067 (Order 24, Resolution No. 52-0585), § 132C-120-140, filed 6/18/85; 80-05-004 (Order 21, Resolution No. 49-0280), § 132C-120-140, filed 4/4/80.]
Disciplinary warnings: Notice to a student either verbally or in writing that he/she has been in violation of the rules of student conduct or has otherwise failed to satisfy the college's expectations regarding conduct. Such warnings imply that continuation or repetition of the specific conduct involved or other misconduct will result in one of the more serious disciplinary actions described below.
Reprimand: Formal action censuring a student for violation of the rules of student conduct. Reprimands are always made in writing. A reprimand indicates to the student that continuation or repetition of the specific conduct involved or other misconduct will result in one of the more serious disciplinary actions described below.
Disciplinary probation: Formal action placing conditions upon the student's continued attendance for violation of the code of student conduct. The action will specify, in writing, the period of probation and any conditions such as limiting the student's participation in extracurricular activities. Disciplinary probation may be for a specified term or for an indefinite period which may extend to graduation or other termination of the student's enrollment in the college.
Dismissal: Termination of student status for violation
of the code of student conduct. ((A student may be dismissed
only with the approval of the president of the college.)) Dismissal may be for a stated or for an indefinite period. The notification dismissing a student will indicate, in
writing, the term of the dismissal and any special conditions
which must be met before readmission. There is no refund of
tuition and fees for the quarter in which action is taken but
tuition and fees paid in advance for a subsequent quarter are
to be refunded.
Restitution: The college may demand restitution from individual students for destruction or damage of property. Failure to make arrangements for restitution promptly will result in the cancellation of the student's registration and will prevent the student from reregistration.
[Statutory Authority: Chapter 28B.50 RCW. 85-13-067 (Order 24, Resolution No. 52-0585), § 132C-120-145, filed 6/18/85; 80-05-004 (Order 21, Resolution No. 49-0280), § 132C-120-145, filed 4/4/80.]
[Statutory Authority: Chapter 28B.50 RCW. 85-13-067 (Order 24, Resolution No. 52-0585), § 132C-120-150, filed 6/18/85; 80-05-004 (Order 21, Resolution No. 49-0280), § 132C-120-150, filed 4/4/80.]
(1) The charges against the student including reference to provisions of the student conduct code and/or law.
(2) That the student charged must appear before the
((dean of students)) vice-president of student services for a
summary suspension hearing at a time specified in the notice.
[Statutory Authority: Chapter 28B.50 RCW. 85-13-067 (Order 24, Resolution No. 52-0585), § 132C-120-210, filed 6/18/85; 80-05-004 (Order 21, Resolution No. 49-0280), § 132C-120-210, filed 4/4/80.]
[Statutory Authority: Chapter 28B.50 RCW. 85-13-067 (Order 24, Resolution No. 52-0585), § 132C-120-215, filed 6/18/85; 80-05-004 (Order 21, Resolution No. 49-0280), § 132C-120-215, filed 4/4/80.]
The student may offer oral testimony, present witnesses, submit any statement or affidavit, examine any affidavit or cross-examine any witness who may appear against him/her and submit any matter in extenuation or mitigation of the offense or offenses charged.
The ((dean of students)) vice-president of student
services shall at the time of the summary suspension hearing
determine whether there is probable cause to believe that a
violation of law or of the code of student conduct has
occurred and whether there is cause to believe summary
suspension continues to be necessary pursuant to WAC 132C-120-200 through 132C-120-220. In the course of making
such decisions the ((dean)) vice-president of student services
may consider only the affidavits and oral testimony of persons
who alleged that the student charged has committed a violation
of law or the student conduct code and the oral testimony and
affidavits submitted by the student charged.
[Statutory Authority: Chapter 28B.50 RCW. 85-13-067 (Order 24, Resolution No. 52-0585), § 132C-120-220, filed 6/18/85; 80-05-004 (Order 21, Resolution No. 49-0280), § 132C-120-220, filed 4/4/80.]
(1) Sustain the summary suspension for its duration or portion thereof, subject to disciplinary actions which may be brought under the code of student conduct rules following the suspension.
(2) Stay the summary suspension and impose any disciplinary action(s) enumerated in WAC 132C-120-110 Disciplinary proceedings of the code of student conduct.
Following the summary suspension hearing, the student shall be provided written notification of findings, conclusions, and disciplinary actions, if any. Notification and any attendant instructions or information will be provided through personal service or sent the student by registered or certified mail at the student's last known address.
[Statutory Authority: Chapter 28B.50 RCW. 85-13-067 (Order 24, Resolution No. 52-0585), § 132C-120-225, filed 6/18/85; 80-05-004 (Order 21, Resolution No. 49-0280), § 132C-120-225, filed 4/4/80.]
[Statutory Authority: Chapter 28B.50 RCW. 85-13-067 (Order 24, Resolution No. 52-0585), § 132C-120-230, filed 6/18/85.]
The following section of the Washington Administrative Code is repealed:
WAC 132C-120-030 | Student records. |