(Economic Services Administration)
Effective Date of Rule: May 1, 2006.
Purpose: To amend WAC 388-450-0005 Income -- Ownership and availability, 388-450-0015 What types of income are not used when figuring out my benefits?, and 388-450-0175 GA-U (general assistance-unemployable) earned income incentive and deduction, in order to update references to other department rules and reflect current policy how the department considers various sources of income in determining eligibility and benefits for department programs.
Citation of Existing Rules Affected by this Order: Amending WAC 388-450-0005, 388-450-0015, and 388-450-0175.
Statutory Authority for Adoption: RCW 74.04.005, 74.04.050, 74.04.055, 74.04.057, 74.04.510, and 74.08.090.
Adopted under notice filed as WSR 06-04-044 on January 26, 2006.
Number of Sections Adopted in Order to Comply with Federal Statute: New 0, Amended 0, Repealed 0; Federal Rules or Standards: New 0, Amended 2, Repealed 0; or Recently Enacted State Statutes: New 0, Amended 0, Repealed 0.
Number of Sections Adopted at Request of a Nongovernmental Entity: New 0, Amended 0, Repealed 0.
Number of Sections Adopted on the Agency's Own Initiative: New 0, Amended 0, Repealed 0.
Number of Sections Adopted in Order to Clarify, Streamline, or Reform Agency Procedures: New 0, Amended 1, Repealed 0.
Number of Sections Adopted Using Negotiated Rule Making: New 0, Amended 0, Repealed 0; Pilot Rule Making: New 0, Amended 0, Repealed 0; or Other Alternative Rule Making: New 0, Amended 3, Repealed 0.
Date Adopted: March 8, 2006.
Andy Fernando, Manager
Rules and Policies Assistance Unit
3632.2 (1) ((The department counts)) We count all available
income owned ((or possessed by a client to figure the client's
eligibility and benefit level)) or held by people in your
assistance unit under chapter 388-408 WAC to decide if you are
eligible for benefits and calculate your monthly benefits
(a) You get or expect to get the income in the month.
(b) ((It is income)) We must count the income based on
rules under chapter 388-450 WAC.
(c) You own the income. We use ((applicable)) state and
federal laws ((pertaining to)) about who owns property
((ownership)) to ((determine)) decide if you actually own the
income. ((For married persons, ownership of)) If you are
married, we decide if income is separate ((and)) or community
income ((is determined)) according to chapter 26.16 RCW.
(d) You have control over the income, which means the income is actually available to you. If you have a representative payee, protective payee, or other person who manages your income for you as described in chapter 388-460 WAC, we consider this as you having control over this income.
(e) You can ((user)) use the income to meet your current
needs. We count the gross amount of available income in the
month ((it is received)) your assistance unit gets it. If you
normally get the income:
(i) ((If the income is usually available)) On a specific
day, we ((consider)) count it ((to be)) as available on that
(ii) ((If you usually get the income)) Monthly or
((semi-monthly)) twice monthly and your pay date changes due
to a reason beyond your control, such as a weekend or holiday,
we count it in the month you ((actually get it)) would
normally get it.
(iii) ((If you usually get the income)) Weekly or
((bi-weekly)) every-other week and your pay date changes due
to a reason beyond your control, we count it in the month you
would normally get it.
(2) ((We consider the income that is legally yours as
available income,)) If income is legally yours, we consider
the income as available to you even if it is paid to someone
else for you. For example, the father of your child has a
court order to pay you two hundred fifty dollars per month in
child support. Instead of giving the money directly to you
(as required in the court order), he gives the money to your
landlord to pay part of your rent. We still count the two
hundred fifty dollars as income even though you never actually
got the money.
(3) We may also count the income of certain people who
live in your home, even if they are not getting ((assistance))
or applying for benefits. Their income counts as part of your
(a) For cash assistance, we count the income of
ineligible, disqualified, or financially responsible people as
defined in WAC ((388-405-0100)) 388-450-0100.
(b) For food assistance, we count the income of ineligible assistance unit members as defined in WAC 388-408-0035.
(c) For family and SSI-related medical assistance, we count the income of financially responsible people as defined in WAC 388-408-0055 and chapter 388-475 WAC.
(d) For long-term care services, we count the income of financially responsible people as defined in WAC 388-506-0620.
(4) If you have a joint bank account with someone who is
not in your AU, we ((consider)) count any money deposited into
that account as your income unless:
(((i))) (a) You can show that all or part of the funds
belong ((exclusively)) only to the other account holder and
are held or used ((solely)) only for the benefit of that
holder; or
(((ii))) (b) Social Security Administration (SSA) used
that money to determine the other account holder's eligibility
for SSI benefits.
(5) Potential income is income you may ((have access to))
be able to get that can be used to ((reduce the)) lower your
need for assistance. If we determine that you have a
potential source of income ((source exists)), you must make a
reasonable effort to make the income available in order to get
cash or medical assistance.
(a) We do not count that income until you actually get it; and
(b) You can choose whether to ((receive)) get TANF/SFA or
Supplemental Security Income (SSI) benefits.
(6) ((The income of an alien's sponsor is considered
available to the alien under the rules of this chapter when
determining the alien's eligibility and benefit level)) If
your assistance unit includes a sponsored immigrant, we
consider the income of the immigrant's sponsor as available to
the immigrant under the rules of this chapter. We use this
income when deciding if your assistance unit is eligible for
benefits and to calculate your monthly benefits.
(7) For SSI-related medical:
(a) ((Income is considered available and owned when it
is)) We consider income to be owned by someone and available
to the person when the person:
(i) ((Received)) Gets the income; and
(ii) Can ((be used)) use the income to meet ((the
clients)) their needs for food, clothing and shelter, except
as provided in WAC 388-511-1130.
(b) Loans and ((certain other receipts)) getting cash in
certain other ways are not defined as income for SSI-related
medical purposes as described in 20 C.F.R. Sec. 416.1103.
(8) For medical programs, see WAC 388-561-0100 for more information about trusts.
(9) You may give us proof about ((an)) a type of income
((source)) at anytime, including when we ask for it or if you
disagree with a decision we made, about:
(a) Who owns the income;
(b) Who has legal control of the income;
(c) The amount of the income; or
(d) ((The availability of the income)) If the income is
[Statutory Authority: RCW 74.08.090, 74.08A.100, 74.09.080, and 74.09.415. 02-17-030, § 388-450-0005, filed 8/12/02, effective 9/12/02. Statutory Authority: RCW 74.08.090 and 74.04.510. 99-16-024, § 388-450-0005, filed 7/26/99, effective 9/1/99. Statutory Authority: RCW 74.04.050, 74.04.055, 74.04.057 and 74.08.090. 98-16-044, § 388-450-0005, filed 7/31/98, effective 9/1/98. Formerly WAC 388-505-0590 and 388-506-0610.]
(1) There are some types of income ((that)) we (((the
department))) do not count ((when figuring)) to figure out if
you can get benefits and the amount you can get. Some
examples of income we do not count are:
(a) Bona fide loans as defined in WAC ((388-470-0025))
388-470-0045, except certain student loans as specified under
WAC 388-450-0035;
(b) Federal earned income tax credit (EITC) payments;
(c) Title IV-E and state foster care maintenance payments
if ((the foster child is not included)) you choose not to
include the foster child in your assistance unit;
(d) Energy assistance payments;
(e) Educational assistance ((as specified in)) we do not
count under WAC 388-450-0035;
(f) Native American benefits and payments ((as specified
in)) we do not count under WAC 388-450-0040;
(g) Income from employment and training programs ((as
specified in)) we do not count under WAC 388-450-0045;
(h) Money withheld from a ((client's)) benefit to repay
an overpayment from the same income source. For Basic Food,
((this exclusion does not apply when the)) we do not exclude
money that is withheld ((to recover an intentional
noncompliance overpayment from)) because you were overpaid for
purposely not meeting requirements of a federal, state, or
local means tested program such as TANF/SFA, GA, and SSI;
(i) Legally obligated child support payments received by
someone who gets TANF/SFA ((recipients)) benefits;
(j) One-time payments issued under the Department of State or Department of Justice Reception and Replacement Programs, such as Voluntary Agency (VOLAG) payments; and
(k) Payments ((specifically excluded from being counted))
we are directly told to exclude as income under state or
federal law. ((Disregard certain payments made by the
Veterans Administration to children of Vietnam veterans (P.L.
106-419, see FR 67147§3.815);))
(l) For cash and Basic Food: payments made to ((a third
party on behalf)) someone outside of the household for the
benefits of the assistance unit using funds that are not owed
to the household; and
(m) For medical assistance: only the portion of income used to repay the cost of obtaining that income source.
(2) For Children's, Family, or Pregnancy Medical, we also do not count any insurance proceeds or other income you have recovered as a result of being a Holocaust survivor.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 74.04.050, 74.04.055, 74.04.057, 74.04.510, 74.08.090 and Public Law 106-419. 05-03-078, § 388-450-0015, filed 1/17/05, effective 2/17/05. Statutory Authority: RCW 74.08.090 and 74.04.510. 02-14-022, § 388-450-0015, filed 6/21/02, effective 6/22/02. Statutory Authority: RCW 74.04.050, 74.04.057, 74.08.090, 74.09.530 and 2000 2nd sp.s. c 1 § 210(12). 01-18-006, § 388-450-0015, filed 8/22/01, effective 9/22/01. Statutory Authority: RCW 74.08.090 and 74.04.510. 99-17-025, § 388-450-0015, filed 8/10/99, effective 10/1/99. Statutory Authority: RCW 74.04.050, 74.04.055, 74.04.057 and 74.08.090. 98-16-044, § 388-450-0015, filed 7/31/98, effective 9/1/98. Formerly WAC 388-505-0590.]
(1) ((When a client's countable income is determined,))
We subtract eighty-five dollars plus one half of the remainder
of ((a client's)) your monthly gross earned income ((is
disregarded)) as an incentive to employment.
(2) ((In addition to the work incentive provided in
subsection (1) of this section, work expenses are disregarded
in an amount equal to)) We also subtract an amount equal to
twenty percent of ((the)) your gross earned income to allow
for work expenses((; or
(3) At the option of the client, actual verified work
expenses, including:
(a) Mandatory deductions required by law or as a
condition of employment, such as FICA, income tax, and
mandatory retirement contributions;
(b) Union dues when union membership is required for
(c) Clothing costs when the clothing is necessary for
(d) Tools necessary for employment;
(e) Other expenses reasonably associated with employment,
such as legally binding contracts with employment agencies;
(f) Transportation expenses as follows:
(i) If public transportation (other than for-hire
vehicles such as taxis) is available and practical, the actual
monthly cost, based on a commuter's pass, ticket book, or
tokens at reduced quantity rates, even if the client does not
use public transportation; or
(ii) If public transportation is not available or
practical, the actual amount if the client pays another person
to drive; or
(iii) If public transportation is not available or
practical and the client uses his or her own vehicle, the
costs, based on the percentage of work-related miles driven,
for service and repairs, replacement of worn parts,
registration and license fees, the interest on car payments,
and either eight cents per mile or the actual cost for gas,
oil, fluids, and depreciation)).
[Statutory Authority: RCW 74.04.050, 74.04.055, 74.04.057 and 74.08.090. 98-16-044, § 388-450-0175, filed 7/31/98, effective 9/1/98.]