Original Notice.
Preproposal statement of inquiry was filed as WSR 06-19-080.
Title of Rule and Other Identifying Information: WAC 220-16-095 Definitions -- Set net, 220-20-010 General provisions -- Lawful and unlawful acts -- Salmon, other fish and shellfish, 220-20-021 Sale of commercially caught sturgeon and bottomfish, 220-22-010 Columbia River salmon management and catch reporting areas, 220-32-055 Off-reservation Indian subsistence fishing, 220-33-005 Definitions -- River mouth sanctuaries, 220-33-010 Salmon, 220-33-020 Sturgeon, 220-36-031 Grays Harbor -- Season and gear -- Sturgeon, and 220-40-031 Willapa Bay -- Seasons and lawful gear -- Sturgeon.
Hearing Location(s): Room 175 A & B, Natural Resources Building, 1111 Washington Street S.E., Olympia, WA, on March 9-10, 2007, at 8:00 a.m.
Date of Intended Adoption: April 6-7, 2007.
Submit Written Comments to: Rules Coordinator, 600 Capitol Way North, Olympia, WA 98501-1091, e-mail, fax (360) 902-2944, by March 7, 2007.
Assistance for Persons with Disabilities: Contact Susan Yeager by February 28, 2007, TTY (360) 902-2207 or (360) 902-2267.
Purpose of the Proposal and Its Anticipated Effects, Including Any Changes in Existing Rules: Purpose is to redefine set net gear and river mouth definitions as they apply to the Columbia River; provide amendments to general provisions to remove conflicts with federal regulations, create clarity of conservation management rules on salmon and sturgeon; modify catch and management reporting boundaries in the Columbia River; amend Columbia River off-reservation tribal fishing rules for subsistence fishing; and, reorganize sturgeon rules for coastal bays and the Columbia River to provide streamlining and reduce regulatory text. The anticipated effects of these rules are to provide complimentary [complementary] rules with federal requirements, add clarity of purpose for sturgeon and salmon conservation needs, and reorganize rules to reduce verbiage.
Statutory Authority for Adoption: RCW 77.12.047.
Statute Being Implemented: RCW 77.12.047.
Rule is not necessitated by federal law, federal or state court decision.
Name of Proponent: Department of fish and wildlife, governmental.
Name of Agency Personnel Responsible for Drafting: Morris W. Barker, 1111 Washington Street, Olympia, (360) 902-2826; Implementation: Lew Atkins, 1111 Washington Street, Olympia, (360) 902-2651; and Enforcement: Bruce Bjork, 1111 Washington Street, Olympia, (360) 902-2373.
A small business economic impact statement has been prepared under chapter 19.85 RCW.
2. Kinds of Professional Services That a Small Business is Likely to Need in Order to Comply with Such Requirements: None required.
3. Costs of Compliance for Businesses, Including Costs of Equipment, Supplies, Labor, and Increased Administrative Costs: There may be a small insignificant cost of compliance to the individual fishers for treating catch in a conservative manner, but the longer term economic gain to the industry will outweigh the interim impacts.
4. Will Compliance with the Rule Cause Businesses to Lose Sales or Revenue? No. These rules should provide greater economic benefit to the industry.
5. Cost of Compliance for the 10% of Businesses That are the Largest Businesses Required to Comply with the Proposed Rules, Using One or More of the Following as a Basis for Comparing Costs:
1. Cost per employee;
2. Cost per hour of labor; or
3. Cost per one hundred dollars of sales.
There should be no significant costs, and the number of businesses affected is less than 10% of the classified industry.
6. Steps Taken by the Agency to Reduce the Costs of the Rule on Small Businesses or Reasonable Justification for Not Doing So: Immediate costs are expected to be de minimis, and in the long term, the rule would improve economic benefits.
7. A Description of How the Agency Will Involve Small Businesses in the Development of the Rule: A public hearing under the fish and wildlife commission public rule-making process will be conducted, and public comment on the rule proposal will be considered in the rule-making process.
8. A List of Industries That Will Be Required to Comply with the Rule: Commercial gillnet fishers on the coast and in the Columbia River.
A copy of the statement may be obtained by contacting Lori Preuss, 600 Capitol Way North, Olympia, WA 98501-1091, phone (360) 902-2930, fax (360) 902-2155, e-mail
A cost-benefit analysis is not required under RCW 34.05.328. These proposals do not affect hydraulics.
January 22, 2007
Loreva M. Preuss
Rules Coordinator
AMENDATORY SECTION(Amending Order 810, filed 4/17/69)
WAC 220-16-095
Definitions -- Set net.
"Set net" shall be
defined as a gill net which is anchored, tied, staked, laid in
part on shore or whose lead line is so heavily weighted that
it cannot drift; except that set net does not mean a
nondrifting gill net operated in the Deep River, Blind
Slough/Knappa Slough or South Channel Select Areas in
accordance with an open fishery season and associated gear
[Order 810, § 220-16-095, filed 4/17/69. Formerly WAC 220-16-010 (part).]
AMENDATORY SECTION(Amending Order 06-135, filed 6/13/06,
effective 7/14/06)
WAC 220-20-010
General provisions -- Lawful and unlawful
acts -- Salmon, other fish and shellfish.
(1) It shall be
unlawful to take, fish for, possess or transport for any
purpose fish, shellfish or parts thereof, in or from any of
the waters or land over which the state of Washington has
jurisdiction, or from the waters of the Pacific Ocean, except
at the times, places and in the manners and for the species,
quantities, sizes or sexes provided for in the regulations of
the department.
(2) It shall be unlawful for any person to have in possession or under control or custody any food fish or shellfish within the land or water boundaries of the state of Washington, except in those areas which are open to commercial fishing or wherein the possession, control or custody of salmon or other food fish or shellfish for commercial purposes is made lawful under a statute of the state of Washington or the rules and regulations of the commission or director, unless otherwise provided.
(3) It shall be lawful to fish for, possess, process and otherwise deal in food fish and fish offal or scrap for any purpose, provided; that it shall be unlawful to use any of the following listed species for purposes other than human consumption or fishing bait:
Pacific halibut | (Hippoglossus stenolepis) |
Pacific herring (except as prescribed in WAC 220-49-020) |
(Clupea harengus pallasi) |
Salmon | |
Chinook | (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) |
Coho | (Oncorhynchus kisutch) |
Chum | (Oncorhynchus keta) |
Pink | (Oncorhynchus gorbuscha) |
Sockeye | (Oncorhynchus nerka) |
Masu | (Oncorhynchus masu) |
Pilchard | (Sardinops sagax) |
Except as provided for in WAC 220-88C-040 |
(5) It shall be unlawful for the owner or operator of any commercial food fish or shellfish gear to leave such gear unattended in waters of the state or offshore waters unless said gear is marked.
(a) Shellfish pot, bottom fish pot, set line and set net gear must be marked with a buoy to which shall be affixed in a visible and legible manner the department approved and registered buoy brand issued to the license, provided that:
(i) Buoys affixed to unattended gear must be visible on the surface of the water except during strong tidal flow or extreme weather conditions.
(ii) When two or more shellfish pots are attached to a common ground line the number of pots so attached must be clearly labeled on the required buoy.
(b) It is unlawful to operate any gill net, attended or unattended, unless there is affixed, within five feet of each end of the net, a buoy, float, or some other form of marker, visible on the corkline of the net, on which shall be marked in a visible, legible and permanent manner the name and gill net license number of the fisher.
(c) It shall be unlawful at any time to leave a gill net unattended in the commercial salmon fishery.
(6) It shall be unlawful to place any commercial food fish or shellfish gear in any waters closed to commercial fishing, provided; that this provision shall not apply to reef nets or brush weirs or to gear being tested under supervision of the department, provided further that it shall be unlawful to take, fish for or possess food fish with any type of commercial fishing gear in the waters of Carr Inlet north of north latitude 47°20' from August 15 through November 30 except as provided in chapter 220-47 WAC.
(7) It shall be unlawful for the owner or operator of any fishing gear to refuse to submit such gear to inspection in any manner specified by authorized representatives of the department.
(8) It shall be unlawful for any person taking or possessing fish or shellfish taken from any of the waters or beaches of the Columbia River, the state of Washington or the Pacific Ocean for any purpose to fail to submit such fish or shellfish for inspection by authorized representatives of the department.
(9) It shall be unlawful for any person licensed by the department to fail to make or return any report required by the department relative to the taking, selling, possessing, transporting, processing, freezing and storing of fish or shellfish whether taken within the jurisdiction of the state of Washington or beyond or on Indian reservations or usual and accustomed Indian fishing grounds.
(10) It shall be unlawful to take, fish for or possess or to injure, kill or molest fish in any fishway, fish ladder, fish screen, holding pond, rearing pond, or other fish protective device, or to interfere in any manner with the proper operation of such fish protective devices.
(11) It shall be unlawful to club, gaff, shoot with firearm, crossbow, bow and arrow or compressed air gun, snag, snare, dip net, harass, spear, stone or otherwise molest, injure, kill or destroy any fish or shellfish or parts thereof, or for any person to attempt to commit such acts, or to have any fish, shellfish or parts thereof so taken in possession, except as provided for in this subsection:
(a) It shall be lawful to use a dip net or club in the landing of fish taken by personal-use angling unless otherwise provided and it shall be lawful to use a gaff in the landing of tuna, halibut and dogfish in all catch record card areas.
(b) It shall be lawful to use a dip net, gaff, or club in the landing of food fish or shellfish taken for commercial purposes, except that it is unlawful to use a fish pew, pitchfork, or any other instrument that will penetrate the body of the food fish or shellfish while sorting commercial catches during the act of discarding those fish that are not going to be retained.
(c) It shall be lawful to use a spear in underwater spear fishing as provided for in WAC 220-56-160.
(d) It shall be lawful to use a bow and arrow or spear to take carp as provided for in WAC 220-56-280.
(e) It shall be lawful to snag herring, smelt, anchovies, pilchard, sand lance, and squid when using forage fish jigger gear or squid jigs.
(f) It shall be lawful to shoot halibut when landing them with a dip net or gaff.
(12) It shall be unlawful to take or possess for any purpose any fish or shellfish smaller than the lawful minimum size limits. Any such fish either snagged, hooked, netted or gilled must be immediately returned to the water with the least possible injury to the fish or shellfish and it shall be unlawful to allow undersized salmon entangled in commercial nets to pass through a power block or onto a power reel or drum.
(13) It shall be unlawful to possess aboard any vessel engaged in commercial fishing or having commercially caught fish aboard, any food fish or shellfish in such condition that its species, length, weight or sex cannot be determined if a species, species group or category, length, weight, or sex limit is prescribed for said species and it is unlawful to possess food fish or shellfish mutilated in any manner such that the natural length or weight cannot be determined if a length or weight limit is prescribed for said species.
(14) It shall be lawful to possess, transport through the waters of the state, or land, dressed sablefish ("dressed" is defined by WAC 220-16-330).
(15) It shall be lawful to possess, transport through the waters of the Pacific Ocean, or land, dressed salmon caught during a lawful salmon troll fishery provided that frozen chinook salmon, dressed heads off, shall be 21 1/2 inches minimum and frozen coho salmon dressed heads off shall be 12 inches minimum, measured from the midpoint of the clavicle arch to the fork of the tail.
(16) It shall be lawful to possess, transport through the waters of the Pacific Ocean, or land, dressed halibut if allowed by IPHC rules and such fish meet any IPHC size requirements.
(17) It shall be unlawful in any area to use, operate or carry aboard a commercial fishing vessel a licensed net or combination of such nets, whether fished singly or separately, in excess of the maximum lawful size or length prescribed for a single net in that area, except as otherwise provided for in the rules and regulations of the department.
(((15))) (18) It shall be unlawful for any permit holder
to fail to comply with all provisions of any special permit or
letter of approval issued to him under the authority of the
director, or to perform any act not specifically authorized in
said document or in the regulations of the commission or
(((16))) (19) It shall be unlawful to use, place or cause
to be placed in the waters or on the beaches or tidelands of
the state any substance or chemical used for control of
predators or pests affecting fish or shellfish or other
aquatic marine organisms, without first having obtained a
special permit to do so from the director.
(((17))) (20) It shall be unlawful to test commercial
fishing gear except as follows:
(a) Bellingham Bay - inside and northerly of a line from Governor's Point to the south tip of Eliza Island to Point Frances in waters 10 fathoms and deeper.
(b) Boundary Bay - north of a line from Birch Point to Point Roberts and south of the international boundary in waters 10 fathoms and deeper during times not under IPSFC control.
(c) San Juan Channel - within a 1 mile radius of Point Caution during times not under IPSFC control.
(d) Port Angeles - inside and westerly of a line projected from the east tip of Ediz Hook through buoy C "1" to the mainland.
(e) Port Gardner - within a 2 mile radius of the entrance to Everett breakwater in waters 10 fathoms and deeper.
(f) Central Puget Sound - between lines from Meadow Point to Point Monroe and Skiff Point to West Point in waters 50 fathoms and deeper.
(g) East Pass - between lines from Point Robinson true east to the mainland and from Dash Point to Point Piner in waters 50 fathoms and deeper.
(h) Port Townsend - westerly of a line from the Coast Guard station in Port Townsend to Walan Point to Kala Point in waters 10 fathoms and deeper.
(i) All tows or sets are limited to 20 minutes exclusive of setting and retrieving time.
(j) All testing is to be accomplished between 8:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m.
(k) Codends of trawl nets must be left open, all hooks of set line gear must be unbaited, and no lures or baited hooks shall be used with jig or troll gear.
(l) Any and all incidentally caught fish and shellfish must be returned to the waters immediately, and no fish or shellfish are to be retained aboard the vessel at any time during a gear test operation.
(m) It shall be unlawful for any person conducting such gear testing operations to fail to notify the fish and wildlife enforcement office in Olympia prior to testing.
(((18))) (21) It is unlawful for any person or
corporation either licensed by the department or bringing fish
or shellfish into the state to fail to comply with the
directions of authorized department personnel related to the
collection of sampling data or material from fish or
shellfish. It is also unlawful for any such person or
corporation to fail to relinquish to the department, upon
request, any part of a salmon or other fish containing
coded-wire tags, including but not limited to, the snouts of
those salmon that are marked by having clipped adipose fins.
(((19))) (22) It is unlawful for any person to possess
live bottom fish taken under a commercial fishery license.
(((20))) (23) It is unlawful for any person to use
chemical irritants to harvest fish, shellfish or unclassified
marine invertebrates except as authorized by permit issued by
the department.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 77.12.047. 06-13-023 (Order 06-135), § 220-20-010, filed 6/13/06, effective 7/14/06; 05-08-056 (Order 05-53), § 220-20-010, filed 3/30/05, effective 4/30/05; 02-08-048 (Order 02-53), § 220-20-010, filed 3/29/02, effective 5/1/02. Statutory Authority: RCW 75.08.080, 77.12.040. 00-08-038 (Order 00-29), § 220-20-010, filed 3/29/00, effective 5/1/00. Statutory Authority: RCW 75.08.080. 00-01-096 (Order 99-214), § 220-20-010, filed 12/15/99, effective 1/15/00. Statutory Authority: RCW 75.08.080, 77.12.040. 98-15-081 (Order 98-122), § 220-20-010, filed 7/15/98, effective 8/15/98. Statutory Authority: RCW 75.08.080. 98-15-031 (Order 98-120), § 220-20-010, filed 7/7/98, effective 8/7/98. Statutory Authority: RCW 77.12.040 and 75.08.080. 98-06-031, § 220-20-010, filed 2/26/98, effective 5/1/98. Statutory Authority: RCW 75.08.080. 93-15-051, § 220-20-010, filed 7/14/93, effective 8/14/93; 91-08-054 (Order 91-13), § 220-20-010, filed 4/2/91, effective 5/3/91; 91-01-023, § 220-20-010, filed 12/10/90, effective 1/10/91; 89-02-022 (Order 88-186), § 220-20-010, filed 12/29/88; 88-10-013 (Order 88-15), § 220-20-010, filed 4/26/88; 85-09-017 (Order 85-20), § 220-20-010, filed 4/9/85; 85-08-023 (Order 85-24), § 220-20-010, filed 4/1/85; 84-08-014 (Order 84-24), § 220-20-010, filed 3/27/84; 82-15-040 (Order 82-83), § 220-20-010, filed 7/15/82; 82-07-047 (Order 82-19), § 220-20-010, filed 3/18/82; 81-02-053 (Order 81-3), § 220-20-010, filed 1/7/81; 80-10-058 (Order 80-83), § 220-20-010, filed 8/6/80; 80-07-017 (Order 80-45), § 220-20-010, filed 6/11/80; 79-10-013 (Order 79-75), § 220-20-010, filed 9/7/79; Order 77-14, § 220-20-010, filed 4/15/77; Order 76-148, § 220-20-010, filed 12/2/76; Order 1193, § 220-20-010, filed 3/4/75; Order 1179, § 220-20-010, filed 11/19/74; Order 1106, § 220-20-010, filed 1/10/74; Order 1057, § 220-20-010, filed 5/22/73; Order 945, § 220-20-010, filed 8/16/71; Order 920, § 220-20-010, filed 5/13/71; Order 817, § 220-20-010, filed 5/29/69; Order 810, § 220-20-010, filed 4/17/69; Order 771-A, § 220-20-010, filed 3/29/68; Order 767, § 1, filed 12/22/67; Order 758, § 3, filed 10/16/67; Order 726, §§ 2, 3, filed 4/24/67; Order 721, § 1, filed 3/9/67; Subsections 1, 2 from Orders 405 and 256, filed 3/1/60; Subsection 3 from Order 677, filed 3/31/66; Subsection 16 from Order 525, filed 5/3/61; Orders 355 and 256, filed 3/1/60; Subsection 4 from Order 591, filed 10/28/63; Orders 479 and 256, filed 3/1/60; Subsection 5 from Orders 383 and 256, filed 3/1/60; Subsections 6, 26, 35 from Order 568, filed 3/26/63; Order 543, filed 3/20/62; Order 507, filed 4/13/60; Order 256, filed 3/1/60; Subsections 7-11, 13-15, 17, 18, 22 from Orders 355 and 256, filed 3/1/60; Subsection 12 from Orders 407 and 256, filed 3/1/60; Subsections 19, 27 from Orders 480 and 256, filed 3/1/60; Subsection 20 from Order 677, filed 3/31/66; Orders 483 and 256, filed 3/1/60; Subsection 23 from Order 677, filed 3/31/66; Order 605, filed 4/21/64; Order 568, filed 3/26/63; Order 543, filed 3/20/62; Order 507, filed 4/13/60; Order 256, filed 3/1/60; Subsection 24 from Order 605, filed 4/21/64; Orders 407 and 256, filed 3/1/60; Subsection 25 from Orders 449 and 256, filed 3/1/60; Subsections 28-33 from Orders 456 and 256, filed 3/1/60; Subsection 34 from Orders 486 and 256, filed 3/1/60; Subsection 36 from Order 591, filed 10/28/63; Subsections 37 and 38 from Order 677, filed 3/31/66; Subsection 39 from Order 672, filed 12/28/65.]
(a) Keep sturgeon smaller or greater than the size limits
provided for in WAC 220-20-020, keep more than one sturgeon
for personal use, or keep more than the equivalent of one
daily limit of sport caught bottomfish for personal use. Any
lingcod to be retained for personal use taken east of the
mouth of the Sekiu River must be greater than 26 inches in
length and may not exceed 40 inches in length. All
commercially taken sturgeon ((and)), bottomfish, and halibut
retained for personal use must be recorded on fish receiving
(b) Sell any sturgeon ((or)), bottomfish, or halibut
taken under such license to anyone other than a licensed
wholesale dealer within or outside the state of Washington,
except that a person who is licensed as a wholesale dealer
under the provisions of RCW ((75.28.300)) 77.65.280 may sell
to individuals or corporations other than licensed wholesale
(c) Sell, barter, or attempt to sell or barter sturgeon eggs that have been removed from the body cavity of any sturgeon taken under such license prior to the time that the sturgeon is sold under subsection (1)(b) of this section.
(2) It is unlawful for any wholesale dealer licensed
under RCW 75.28.300 to purchase or attempt to purchase
sturgeon eggs from sturgeon taken by any person licensed to
take sturgeon for commercial purposes under chapter ((75.28))
77.65 RCW if the sturgeon eggs have been removed from the body
cavity of the sturgeon prior to the sale of the sturgeon.
(3) It is unlawful to purchase, sell, barter or attempt to purchase, sell, or barter any sturgeon eggs taken from sturgeon caught in the Columbia River below Bonneville Dam.
(4) It is unlawful to retain sturgeon not of lawful size, as provided for in WAC 220-20-020(1), and to fail to return any sturgeon not of lawful size immediately to the water.
(5) It is unlawful to fail to return immediately to the water any sturgeon taken in excess of any commercial catch or possession limits prescribed by the department rule.
(6) All sturgeon in transit must not have head or tail removed.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 77.12.047. 06-05-094 (Order 06-24), § 220-20-021, filed 2/14/06, effective 3/17/06. Statutory Authority: RCW 75.08.080. 97-07-043 (Order 97-51), § 220-20-021, filed 3/14/97, effective 4/14/97; 94-12-009 (Order 94-23), § 220-20-021, filed 5/19/94, effective 6/19/94; 85-08-023 (Order 85-24), § 220-20-021, filed 4/1/85; 82-17-040 (Order 82-105), § 220-20-021, filed 8/13/82.]
AMENDATORY SECTION(Amending Order 79-42, filed 6/22/79)
WAC 220-22-010
Columbia River Salmon Management and
Catch Reporting Areas.
(1) Area 1A shall include those waters
of the Columbia River easterly of a line projected from the
inshore end of the north jetty in the state of Washington to
the knuckle of the south jetty in the state of Oregon, and
westerly of a line projected from Grays Point in Washington to
Tongue Point in Oregon.
(2) Area 1B shall include those waters of the Columbia
River easterly of a line projected from Grays Point in the
state of Washington to the flashing 4-second lighted red buoy
#44 off the easterly tip of Tongue Point in the state of
Oregon, and westerly of a line projected ((true north from the
water storage tank at the Beaver Munitions Storage)) from the
4-second flashing green lighted marker #81 on the Washington
bank to a boundary marker on the easterly end of the Beaver
Terminal Pier in Oregon, including all waters of Grays Bay,
those waters of Deep River downstream of the Highway 4 Bridge,
all waters of Seal Slough, those waters of Grays River
downstream of a line projected between fishing boundary
markers on both banks at the Leo Reisticka farm, and those
waters of Elokomin Slough and Elokomin River downstream of the
Highway 4 Bridge.
(3) Area 1C shall include those waters of the Columbia
River easterly of a line projected ((true north from the water
storage tank at the Beaver Munitions Storage Terminal in the
state of Oregon, and downstream)) from the 4-second flashing
green lighted marker #81 on the Washington bank to a boundary
marker on the easterly end of the Beaver Terminal Pier in
Oregon, and westerly of a line projected true west from the
east or upstream bank of the Lewis River mouth in Washington.
(4) Area 1D shall include those waters of the Columbia
River upstream of a line projected true west from the east or
upstream bank of the Lewis River mouth in Washington state and
westerly of a line projected true north from Rooster Rock in
Oregon, and those waters of Camas Slough downstream of the
westernmost powerline crossing at the ((Crown Zellerbach))
James River mill.
(5) Area 1E shall include those waters of the Columbia
River easterly of a line projected true north from Rooster
Rock in the state of Oregon, and ((downstream of a line
projected between fishing boundary markers located 4 miles
downstream from Bonneville Dam)) westerly of a line projected
from a deadline marker on the Oregon bank (approximately four
miles downstream from Bonneville Dam Powerhouse #1) in a
straight line through the western tip of Pierce Island, to a
deadline marker on the Washington bank at Beacon Rock.
(6) Area 1F (Bonneville Pool) shall include those waters of the Columbia River upstream from the Bridge of the Gods, located approximately 2.3 miles above Bonneville Dam, and downstream of a line projected from the west end of the Port of The Dalles Dock across the Columbia River to a Washington department of fisheries' boundary marker on the Washington shore.
(7) Area 1G (The Dalles Pool) shall include those waters of the Columbia River upstream from a line projected from an Oregon department of fish and wildlife deadline marker on the Oregon shore to the 5-mile-lock light (6 seconds red) on an island near the Oregon shore, to an island near the Washington shore to a Washington department of fisheries' fishing boundary marker on the Washington shore at the southwest corner of Horsethief Lake, SP&S Railroad fill and downstream of a line projected across the thread of the Columbia River at the grain elevator at Rufus, Oregon, to a deadline marker on the Washington shore.
(8) Area 1H (John Day Pool) shall include those waters of the Columbia River upstream from a line projected across the thread of the Columbia River from a fishing boundary marker approximately 1/2-mile above the John Day River, Oregon, to a fishing boundary marker on the Washington shore and downstream of a line projected across the thread of the Columbia River from the upstream bank of the Umatilla River.
(9) Select areas:
(a) Blind Slough Select Area. Blind Slough fishing area includes all waters from markers at the mouth of Gnat Creek located approximately 0.5 mile upstream of the county road bridge downstream to markers at the mouth of Blind Slough.
(b) Knappa Slough Select Area. Knappa Slough fishing area includes all waters bounded by a line from the north marker at the mouth of Blind Slough, westerly to a marker on Karlson Island, downstream to boundary lines defined by markers on the west end of Minaker Island to markers on Karlson Island and the Oregon shore.
(c) Tongue Point Select Area. Tongue Point fishing area includes all waters bounded by a line from a marker midway between the red USCG navigation light #2 at the tip of Tongue Point and the downstream (northernmost) pier (#8) at the Tongue Point Job Corps facility, to the flashing green USCG navigation light #3 on the rock jetty at the west end of Mott Island, a line from a marker at the southeast end of Mott Island northeasterly to a marker on the northwest tip of Lois Island, and a line from a marker on the southwest end of Lois Island westerly to a marker on the Oregon shore.
(d) South Channel Select Area. South Channel area includes all waters bounded by a line from a marker on John Day Point through the green USCG buoy #7 to a marker on the southwest end of Lois Island upstream to an upper boundary line from a marker on Settler Point northwesterly to the flashing red USCG marker #10, northwesterly to a marker on Burnside Island defining the upstream terminus of South Channel.
(e) Deep River Select Area. Deep River fishing area includes all waters downstream of the town of Deep River to the mouth defined by a line from USCG navigation marker #16 southwest to a marker on the Washington shore.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 75.08.080. 79-07-045 (Order 79-42), § 220-22-010, filed 6/22/79; Order 77-14, § 220-22-010, filed 4/15/77; Order 76-35, § 220-22-010, filed 5/11/76.]
AMENDATORY SECTION(Amending Order 85-112, filed 8/27/85)
WAC 220-32-055
Off-reservation Indian subsistence
(1) It is unlawful for any person, including treaty
Indian fishermen, to take, fish for, or possess salmon or
other food fish for subsistence purposes except in accordance
with the provisions of this section.
(2) It is lawful for individuals possessing treaty fishing rights pursuant to the Yakima Treaty, the Warm Springs Treaty, the Umatilla Treaty, and the Nez Perce Treaty to fish for food fish for subsistence family-use purposes subject to the following provisions:
(a) Such fishing is permitted year-round in the following areas: That area of the mainstem Columbia River from a line between a marker on the Washington shore and a marker on the Oregon shore, such line located approximately one-half mile upstream from the mouth of Eagle Creek, upstream to a point at the four-second flashing light #67 approximately 1/2 mile downstream of the Dalles Bridge; that area of the mainstem Columbia River from a point 200 feet above the Dalles Dam fishway exit upstream to a point 600 feet downstream of the John Day Dam fishway entrance; that area of the mainstem Columbia River from a point 200 feet above the John Day Dam fishway exit upstream to a point at the downstream end of the wingwall of the McNary Dam boat lock; that area of Columbia River from a point 200 feet above the McNary Dam fishway exit upstream to the Highway 12 bridge; excluding those areas within 1/4 mile radius of the mouth of Wind River, Little White Salmon River (Drano Lake), Klickitat River, and Spring Creek Hatchery fishway entrance.
(b) Lawful fishing gear by treaty Indians in the above-designated area includes dip nets and bag nets of a mesh size not exceeding 5 inches attached to a hoop 24 feet or less in circumference, spear, gaff, club, and foul hook.
(c) It is lawful to use sport angling gear in places and at times allowed under chapter 220-56 WAC series for treaty Indian subsistence purposes.
(d) It is unlawful to use drift gill nets or set gill nets for treaty Indian subsistence fishing in the mainstem of the Columbia River except as authorized by the director of the department of fisheries under the provisions of WAC 220-32-060.
(e) It is unlawful to use gill nets, set nets, hoop nets, dip or bag nets with a mesh size exceeding 5 inches, set lines, or any other type of fishing gear not otherwise specifically authorized except during times and in areas where such gear is authorized for commercial fishing purposes.
(f) It is unlawful to retain sturgeon caught from a subsistence fishery that fail to meet the legal minimum and maximum size requirement for commercially caught sturgeon.
(3) In accordance with RCW 75.08.265, it is lawful for the following Wanapum Indians to take, fish for, and possess food fish for subsistence purposes in the vicinity of Priest Rapids Dam in specified areas at specified times using specified gear authorized by the director of the department of fisheries. The individuals designated below may be revised from time to time by agreement between the Wanapum Indians and the director of the department of fisheries:
Frank Buck | Jade Buck |
Stanley Buck | Robert S. Tomanawash, Sr. |
Willie Buck | Lester Umtuch |
Harry Buck | Grant Wyena |
Ken Buck | Jerry Wyena |
Rex Buck, Jr. | Douglas Wyena |
Phillip Buck | Jimmy Wyena |
Richard Buck | Patrick Wyena |
The following provisions apply to this fishery:
(a) It is unlawful to fish at any time, place, or using gear other than that designated by the director of the department of fisheries and authorized by regulation.
(b) It is unlawful for Wanapum Indian fishermen to fail to report, in writing, their total catch to the department of fisheries within five days of the end of fishing activity under subsection (3)(a) of this section.
(c) Should any Wanapum Indian be convicted of violating the provisions of this section, or sell, barter, or attempt or sell or barter any fish taken in this fishery or any treaty Indian fishery, that fishermen will be ineligible to further participate in the Wanapum Indian subsistence fishery unless otherwise determined by the director of the department of fisheries.
(4) It is unlawful to sell, barter, or offer for sale or barter, buy, or for a commercially licensed buyer or wholesale fish dealer to have in possession food fish taken in an Indian subsistence fishery under the provisions of subsections (2) and (3) of this section.
(5) It is unlawful for fishermen participating in an Indian subsistence fishery to fail to submit their catch to department of fisheries employees for the conduct of biological sampling or to fail to allow necessary biological samples to be taken.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 75.08.080. 85-18-027 (Order 85-112), § 220-32-055, filed 8/27/85; 84-05-046 (Order 84-11), § 220-32-055, filed 2/21/84; 82-17-040 (Order 82-105), § 220-32-055, filed 8/13/82; Order 77-14, § 220-32-055, filed 4/15/77; Order 866, § 220-32-055, filed 6/12/70.]
AMENDATORY SECTION(Amending Order 89-21, filed 4/18/89)
WAC 220-33-005
Definitions -- River mouth sanctuaries.
used in this chapter and emergency rules of the director,
unless the context clearly requires otherwise:
Grays Bay
(1) "Grays Bay sanctuary" means those waters of the
Columbia River and Grays Bay northerly of a line projected
from Rocky Point Light (flashing green 4-second) easterly to
Harrington Point.
(2) "Elokomin-A sanctuary" means those waters of Elokomin
Slough and the Columbia River lying northerly and easterly of
a straight line from light "37" on the Washington shore to
light "39" on Hunting Island.
(3) "Elokomin-B sanctuary" means those waters of Elokomin Slough, Steamboat Slough and the Columbia River lying inside, northerly and easterly of a straight line from light "35" (group flashing green) located on Price Island to light "39" (flashing green) on Hunting Island and northerly and easterly of a line between flashing light "33" on Price Island and quick flashing green light "31" on the Washington shore.
(4) "Abernathy sanctuary" means those waters of the
Columbia River near the mouth of Abernathy Creek from a point
1,300 yards downstream from Abernathy Creek at light "81"
(flashing green 4-second) to a point one-half mile upstream
and extending to the mid shipping channel of the Columbia
(5) "Cowlitz sanctuary" means those waters of the
Columbia River and Carrolls Channel lying inside the center of
the shipping channel between a fishing boundary marker at the
junction of the Port of Longview docks and international paper
docks on the Washington shore approximately one mile
downstream from the Cowlitz River mouth and flashing green
light "29A" on Cottonwood Island and also those waters of
Carrolls Channel downstream of a line between a fishing
boundary marker approximately 3000 feet upstream of the
Cowlitz River mouth and a fishing boundary marker on
Cottonwood Island.
(6) "Kalama-A sanctuary" means those waters of the
Columbia River between a fishing boundary marker on the
Washington shore approximately one mile downstream and a point
one-half mile upstream of the mouth of the Kalama River and
lying within one-quarter mile of the Washington shore.
(7) "Kalama-B sanctuary" means those waters of the Columbia River between a fishing boundary marker on the Washington shore approximately one mile downstream and a point one-half mile upstream of the mouth of the Kalama River and extending completely across the Columbia River, excepting those waters west of a line projected from Coffin Rock Light "42" in Oregon to the Kalama Range Light "47A" on the Washington shore.
(8) "Lewis-A sanctuary" means those waters of the
Columbia River between a point one mile downstream and a point
one-half mile upstream of the mouth of the Lewis River and
lying within one-quarter mile of the Washington shore.
(9) "Lewis-B sanctuary" means those waters of the Columbia River near the mouth of the Lewis River lying easterly of lines projected from light "79" (flashing green) to the Red Buoy No. 4 thence to a fishing boundary marker on Bachelor Island.
(10) "Washougal sanctuary" means those waters of Camas
Slough lying upstream from a line projected true north from
the most western tip of Lady Island to the Washington shore
and inside of the State Highway 14 Bridge.
(11) "Big Creek sanctuary" means those waters of the
Columbia River at the mouth of Big Creek from the Oregon shore
across Knappa Slough to Karlson Island about one-quarter mile
upstream of the east bank of Big Creek, at the Gnat Creek
deadline downstream to the east end of Minaker Island which is
about three-quarters mile downstream from the west bank at the
mouth of Big Creek.
(12) (("Gnat Creek sanctuary" means those waters of the
Columbia River between a point one mile downstream and a point
at the upper easterly bank at the mouth of Gnat Creek and
lying within one-quarter mile of the Oregon shore.
(13))) "Sandy River sanctuary" means those waters of the
Columbia River ((between a point one mile downstream and a
point at the upper easterly bank at the mouth of the Sandy
River and lying within one-quarter mile of the Oregon shore))
within an area at the mouth of the Sandy River which is
one-quarter mile in width extending out into the Columbia
River from the Oregon bank at a right angle to the thread of
the river between a point one mile below and a point at the
upper easterly bank at the mouth of the Sandy River.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 75.08.080. 89-09-051 (Order 89-21), § 220-33-005, filed 4/18/89; 88-18-066 (Order 88-86), § 220-33-005, filed 9/2/88.]
(1) It is unlawful to use a gill net ((gear may be used))
to fish for salmon if ((it does not)) the net exceeds 1,500
feet in length along the cork line((, it is not constructed of
monofilament webbing, its mesh size does not exceed 9 3/4
inches, and it does not have a lead line weighing more than
two pounds per fathom of net as measured on the cork line)).
(2) It is ((lawful to have)) unlawful to use a gill net
((with a lead line weighing more than two pounds per fathom
aboard a vessel when the vessel is fishing in or transiting
through the Tongue Point Select Area)) to fish for salmon with
mesh size larger than 9 3/4 inches.
(3) It is unlawful to use a gill net to fish for salmon if the lead line weighs more than two pounds per fathom of net as measured on the cork line, provided that it is lawful to have a gill net with a lead line weighing more than two pounds per fathom aboard a vessel when the vessel is fishing in or transiting through the Tongue Point Select Area, and it is also lawful to have additional weights and anchors attached directly to the lead line in the Deep River, Blind Slough, Knappa Slough and South Channel Select Areas.
(4) From December 1 through March 31 it is lawful for salmon fishers to have smelt or sturgeon gill nets aboard while fishing for salmon.
Fishing periods
(((4))) (5) The lower Columbia River is closed to
commercial salmon fishing, except as provided by emergency
rule of the director.
(((5))) (6) Unless otherwise specified by emergency rule
of the director, the following areas of the lower Columbia
River remain closed during open salmon fishing periods:
(a) All tributaries flowing into the lower Columbia River.
(b) Grays Bay sanctuary.
(c) Elokomin-A sanctuary.
(d) Cowlitz sanctuary.
(e) Kalama-A sanctuary.
(f) Lewis-A sanctuary.
(g) Washougal sanctuary.
(h) Big Creek sanctuary.
(i) ((Gnat Creek sanctuary.
(j))) Sandy River sanctuary.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 77.12.047. 00-17-117 (Order 00-146), § 220-33-010, filed 8/17/00, effective 9/17/00. Statutory Authority: RCW 75.08.080. 88-18-066 (Order 88-86), § 220-33-010, filed 9/2/88.]
(1) Gill net gear may be used to fish for sturgeon if it
does not exceed 1,500 feet in length along the cork line, it
is not constructed of monofilament webbing, its mesh size does
not exceed 9 3/4 inches, and it does not have a lead line
weighing more than two pounds per fathom of net as measured on
the cork line.
(2) From December 1 through March 31 it is lawful for sturgeon fishers to have salmon or smelt gill nets aboard while fishing for sturgeon.
Fishing periods
(3) The lower Columbia River is closed to commercial
sturgeon fishing, except as provided by emergency rule of the
director. Sturgeon taken incidentally during an open
commercial salmon fishing period may be retained for
commercial purposes.
(4) ((Sturgeon smaller or greater than the size limits
provided for in WAC 220-20-020 may not be retained for
commercial purposes and shall be returned immediately to the
water. All sturgeon in transit must not have the head or tail
(5))) A person engaged in commercial fishing may retain
one sturgeon of legal commercial length for personal use.
(((6) Sturgeon eggs may not be removed)) (5) It is
unlawful to remove from the body cavity of the sturgeon any
eggs or roe prior to the time the sturgeon is sold to a
wholesale dealer licensed under RCW 75.28.300.
(((7))) (6) It is unlawful to remove either the head or
tail ((may not be removed)) from a sturgeon prior to the time
the sturgeon is sold to a wholesale dealer licensed under RCW 75.28.300 and delivered to a fish processing plant.
(((8))) (7) It is unlawful for a fish processing plant to
possess a sturgeon carcass with head and tail removed ((and
retained at a fish processing plant must be at least)) that is
less than 28 inches in length.
(((9))) (8) It is unlawful to gaff sturgeon.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 77.12.047. 00-17-117 (Order 00-146), § 220-33-020, filed 8/17/00, effective 9/17/00. Statutory Authority: RCW 75.08.080. 97-07-043 (Order 97-51), § 220-33-020, filed 3/14/97, effective 4/14/97; 88-18-066 (Order 88-86), § 220-33-020, filed 9/2/88.]
AMENDATORY SECTION(Amending Order 90-77, filed 8/24/90,
effective 9/24/90)
WAC 220-36-031
Grays Harbor -- Season and gear -- Sturgeon.
It is unlawful to fish for or possess sturgeon taken for
commercial purposes from Marine Fish-Shellfish Management and
Catch Reporting Area 60B except at those times, with the gear,
and subject to the provisions of this section:
(1) It is unlawful to take sturgeon by angling from any vessel that is engaged in commercial sturgeon fishing, has been engaged in commercial sturgeon fishing that same day, or has commercially caught sturgeon aboard.
(2) ((It is unlawful to retain sturgeon not of lawful
size, as provided for in WAC 220-20-020(1), and all sturgeon
in transit must not have head or tail removed.
(3))) It is lawful to retain for commercial purposes
sturgeon taken incidental to any lawful commercial salmon
fishery in any Grays Harbor Salmon Management and Catch
Reporting Area except it is unlawful to retain white sturgeon
taken prior to August 1st.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 75.08.080. 90-18-023 (Order 90-77), § 220-36-031, filed 8/24/90, effective 9/24/90; 85-06-033 (Order 85-14), § 220-36-031, filed 3/1/85.]
AMENDATORY SECTION(Amending Order 91-13, filed 4/2/91,
effective 5/3/91)
WAC 220-40-031
Willapa Bay -- Seasons and lawful
gear -- Sturgeon.
It is unlawful to fish for or possess
sturgeon taken for commercial purposes from Marine
Fish-Shellfish Management and Catch Reporting Area 60C except
at those times, with the gear, and subject to the provisions
of this section:
(1) It is unlawful to take sturgeon by angling from any vessel that is engaged in commercial sturgeon fishing, has been engaged in commercial sturgeon fishing that same day, or has commercially caught sturgeon aboard.
(2) ((It is unlawful to retain sturgeon not of lawful
size, as provided for in WAC 220-20-020(1), and all sturgeon
in transit must not have head or tail removed.
(3))) It is lawful to retain for commercial purposes
sturgeon taken incidental to any lawful commercial salmon
fishery in any Willapa Bay Salmon Management and Catch
Reporting Area except it is unlawful to retain white sturgeon
taken prior to August 1st.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 75.08.080. 91-08-054 (Order 91-13), § 220-40-031, filed 4/2/91, effective 5/3/91; 90-18-023 (Order 90-77), § 220-40-031, filed 8/24/90, effective 9/24/90; 85-06-033 (Order 85-14), § 220-40-031, filed 3/1/85.]