Effective Date of Rule: Thirty-one days after filing.
Purpose: Revising TITLE 479 WAC to update program changes that may include, but not limited to, program name changes, deleting programs no longer funded by the transportation improvement board (repealed by passage of I-695), and incorporating policy language into WACs.
Citation of Existing Rules Affected by this Order: Repealing WAC 479-05-010, 479-05-050, 479-05-070, 479-05-090, 479-05-110, 479-05-150, 479-05-160, 479-05-180, 479-05-190, 479-05-200, 479-05-210, 479-05-220, 479-05-230, 479-05-240, 479-05-250, 479-05-260, 479-05-270, 479-05-280, 479-05-290, 479-14-008, 479-14-010, 479-14-100, 479-14-110, 479-14-120, 479-14-130, 479-14-140, 479-14-150, 479-14-160, 479-14-170, 479-14-180, 479-14-190, 479-12-008, 479-12-100, 479-12-110, 479-12-120, 479-12-130, 479-12-140, 479-12-150, 479-12-200, 479-12-210, 479-12-220, 479-12-230, 479-12-240, 479-12-250, 479-12-300, 479-12-310, 479-12-340, 479-12-350, 479-12-360, 479-12-370, 479-12-400, 479-12-410, 479-12-420, 479-12-430, 479-12-440, chapter 479-15 WAC (all sections); chapter 479-17 WAC (all sections); and chapter 479-510 WAC (all sections).
Amending WAC 479-01-010, 479-01-020, 479-01-030, 479-01-040, 479-01-050, 479-02-010, 479-02-050, 479-02-060, 479-02-070, 479-02-080, 479-02-090, 479-02-100, 479-02-110, 479-02-120, 479-02-130, 479-05-020, 479-05-030, 479-05-040, 479-05-060, 479-05-080, 479-05-100, 479-05-120, 479-05-130, 479-05-140, 479-05-170, 479-14-005, 479-12-005, and 479-12-011.
Statutory Authority for Adoption: Chapter 47.26 RCW.
Adopted under notice filed as WSR 07-11-138 on May 22, 2007.
Number of Sections Adopted in Order to Comply with Federal Statute: New 0, Amended 0, Repealed 0; Federal Rules or Standards: New 0, Amended 0, Repealed 0; or Recently Enacted State Statutes: New 0, Amended 0, Repealed 0.
Number of Sections Adopted at Request of a Nongovernmental Entity: New 0, Amended 0, Repealed 0.
Number of Sections Adopted on the Agency's Own Initiative: New 59, Amended 28, Repealed 69.
Number of Sections Adopted in Order to Clarify, Streamline, or Reform Agency Procedures: New 59, Amended 28, Repealed 69.
Number of Sections Adopted Using Negotiated Rule Making: New 0, Amended 0, Repealed 0; Pilot Rule Making: New 0, Amended 0, Repealed 0; or Other Alternative Rule Making: New 59, Amended 28, Repealed 69.
Date Adopted: July 27, 2007.
Stevan Gorcester
Executive Director
AMENDATORY SECTION(Amending WSR 03-16-077, filed 8/4/03,
effective 9/4/03)
WAC 479-01-010
Organization of the transportation
improvement board.
The transportation improvement board is a
twenty-one member board, organized under the provisions of
((chapter 269, Laws of 1995)) RCW 47.26.121. The board
administers the urban arterial trust account ((and)), the
transportation improvement account, and the small city
pavement and sidewalk account. ((The board evaluates
petitions requesting any additions to or deletions from the
state highway system and forwards recommendations to the
legislature. Board membership is defined in RCW 47.26.121.))
[Statutory Authority: Chapter 47.26 RCW. 03-16-077, § 479-01-010, filed 8/4/03, effective 9/4/03. Statutory Authority: Chapters 47.26 and 47.66 RCW. 99-24-038, § 479-01-010, filed 11/23/99, effective 12/24/99. Statutory Authority: 1995 c 269 § 2601. 95-22-056, § 479-01-010, filed 10/30/95, effective 11/30/95. Statutory Authority: Chapter 47.26 RCW. 95-04-072, § 479-01-010, filed 1/30/95, effective 3/2/95; 90-11-035, § 479-01-010, filed 5/10/90, effective 6/10/90; 83-22-021 (Order 83-01, Resolution Nos. 770, 771 and 772), § 479-01-010, filed 10/26/83; Order 31 (part), § 479-01-010, filed 11/8/67.]
A special meeting of the board may be called by the
chairperson or by a majority of the members of the board((, by
delivering personally or by mail)). A written notice to all
other board members ((of the board)) is required at least
twenty-four hours before the time of ((such)) the meeting ((as
specified in the notice)). The notice calling a special
meeting ((shall state)) will include:
• The purpose for ((which)) the meeting ((is called
• The date((, hour, and));
• The time;
• The place ((of such meeting and));
All provisions of RCW 47.26.150 transportation
improvement board meetings, and chapter 42.30 RCW ((shall))
otherwise known as the Open Public Meetings Act will apply.
[Statutory Authority: Chapters 47.26 and 47.66 RCW. 99-24-038, § 479-01-020, filed 11/23/99, effective 12/24/99. Statutory Authority: Chapter 47.26 RCW. 95-04-072, § 479-01-020, filed 1/30/95, effective 3/2/95; 92-12-014, § 479-01-020, filed 5/26/92, effective 6/26/92; 90-11-035, § 479-01-020, filed 5/10/90, effective 6/10/90; 83-22-021 (Order 83-01, Resolution Nos. 770, 771 and 772), § 479-01-020, filed 10/26/83; Order 279, § 479-01-020, filed 4/17/73; Order 31 (part), § 479-01-020, filed 11/8/67.]
((Executive Director,))
Transportation Improvement Board
Post Office Box 40901
Olympia, Washington 98504-0901.
[Statutory Authority: Chapter 47.26 RCW. 95-04-072, § 479-01-030, filed 1/30/95, effective 3/2/95; 90-11-035, § 479-01-030, filed 5/10/90, effective 6/10/90; 83-22-021 (Order 83-01, Resolution Nos. 770, 771 and 772), § 479-01-030, filed 10/26/83; Order 281, § 479-01-030, filed 5/21/73; Order 31 (part), § 479-01-030, filed 11/8/67.]
(1) TIB - the transportation improvement board.
(2) Board - the transportation improvement board refers to the group of board members defined in RCW 47.26.121 and does not include the executive director or staff.
(((2) TIB - the transportation improvement board.))
(3) Director - the executive director of the transportation improvement board.
(4) Staff - refers to the employees of the transportation improvement board excluding the executive director.
(5) Agency - all cities, towns, counties, and ((public
transit agencies)) transportation benefit districts eligible
to receive board funding.
(((5))) (6) Local agency official – refers to a local
agency elected official or staff who is authorized to sign
contracts on the city, town, county, or transportation benefit
district's behalf.
(7) Urban area - ((the term "urban area" as used for the
arterial improvement program and the transportation
partnership program)) refers to the portion of a county within
the federal urban area boundary as designated by ((FHWA)) the
Federal Highway Administration and/or Washington state's
Growth Management Act.
(8) Six-year transportation plan – refers to the city or county six-year transportation plan for coordinated transportation program expenditures per RCW 35.77.010 and 36.81.121.
(9) Small city – refers to an incorporated city or town with a population of less than five thousand.
(10) Sidewalk program – refers to both the urban and small city sidewalk programs.
(11) Population – is defined as office of financial management official published population at the time of application.
(12) Highway urban area population – as published by the office of financial management.
(13) Scope change – refers to a change in the physical characteristics and/or dimensions of a project.
(14) RJT – route jurisdiction transfer.
(15) RTP – road transfer program (also known as the City Hardship Assistance Program or CHAP).
(16) UATA – urban arterial trust account.
(17) TIA – transportation improvement account.
(18) Matching funds – all funds contributed to a project other than TIB funds.
[Statutory Authority: Chapters 47.26 and 47.66 RCW. 99-24-038, § 479-01-040, filed 11/23/99, effective 12/24/99. Statutory Authority: Chapter 47.26 RCW. 95-04-072, § 479-01-040, filed 1/30/95, effective 3/2/95; 90-11-035, § 479-01-040, filed 5/10/90, effective 6/10/90.]
[Statutory Authority: Chapter 47.26 RCW. 03-16-077, § 479-01-050, filed 8/4/03, effective 9/4/03. Statutory Authority: Chapters 47.26 and 47.66 RCW. 99-24-038, § 479-01-050, filed 11/23/99, effective 12/24/99. Statutory Authority: 1995 c 269 § 2601. 95-22-056, § 479-01-050, filed 10/30/95, effective 11/30/95.]
(1) The executive director will direct and supervise all day-to-day activities of the staff.
(2) The executive director is the appointing authority of the staff and may authorize subordinates to act in the executive director's place to carry out administrative duties.
(3) The executive director has waiver authority for value engineering studies as described in WAC 479-05-040.
(4) The executive director has sidewalk deviation authority as described in WAC 479-12-500 and 479-14-200.
(5) The executive director has administrative increase authority for projects up to the following levels:
(a) Urban corridor program – fifteen percent of project costs or seven hundred fifty thousand dollars whichever is less.
(b) Urban arterial program – fifteen percent of project costs or seven hundred fifty thousand dollars whichever is less.
(c) Small city arterial program – up to one hundred twenty-five thousand dollars.
(d) Road transfer program – up to seventy-five thousand dollars.
(e) Sidewalk program – up to fifty thousand dollars.
(f) Small city preservation program – up to two hundred thousand dollars within available funding limitations.
AMENDATORY SECTION(Amending WSR 99-24-038, filed 11/23/99,
effective 12/24/99)
WAC 479-02-010
The purpose of this chapter
shall be to ensure compliance by the ((Washington))
transportation improvement board with the provisions of
chapter 42.56 RCW ((42.17.250 through 42.17.348)) dealing with
public records.
[Statutory Authority: Chapters 47.26 and 47.66 RCW. 99-24-038, § 479-02-010, filed 11/23/99, effective 12/24/99. Statutory Authority: Chapter 47.26 RCW. 91-13-056, § 479-02-010, filed 6/17/91, effective 7/18/91.]
[Statutory Authority: Chapters 47.26 and 47.66 RCW. 99-24-038, § 479-02-050, filed 11/23/99, effective 12/24/99. Statutory Authority: Chapter 47.26 RCW. 91-13-056, § 479-02-050, filed 6/17/91, effective 7/18/91.]
[Statutory Authority: Chapters 47.26 and 47.66 RCW. 99-24-038, § 479-02-060, filed 11/23/99, effective 12/24/99. Statutory Authority: Chapter 47.26 RCW. 91-13-056, § 479-02-060, filed 6/17/91, effective 7/18/91.]
(l) A request shall be addressed to the public records
officer. Such request shall include the following:)) Public
records requests should be sent to the public records officer
at the office location using the following procedures:
(1) To ensure accuracy, any requests for public records should be made in writing and may be mailed, e-mailed, faxed, or delivered to the office during business hours.
(2) For prompt response, the following information should be provided in the request:
(a) The name of the person requesting the record((.));
(b) The ((time of day and calendar)) date on which the
request ((was)) is made((.));
(c) ((If the matter requested is referenced within the
current index maintained by the board, a reference to the
requested record as it is described in such current index.
(d) If the requested matter is not identifiable by
reference to the board's current index, a statement that
identifies the specific record requested.
(e))) A specific description of the material requested;
(d) A verification that the records requested ((shall))
will not be used to compile a sales list or used for
commercial ((sales list.
(2) The public records officer shall inform the member of
the public making the request whether the requested record is
available for inspection or copying at the Transportation
Improvement Boards office in Olympia, Washington.
(3) When it appears that a request for a record is made
by or on behalf of a party to a lawsuit or a controversy to
which the board is also a party or when such a request is made
by or on behalf of an attorney for such a party the request
shall be referred to the assistant attorney general assigned
to the board for appropriate response)) gain;
(e) Instructions as to whether the requestor wants to view the document at the TIB offices, receive a copy by mail, or receive an electronic copy if available.
(3) TIB's public records request form is available on the web site.
[Statutory Authority: Chapter 47.26 RCW. 95-04-072, § 479-02-070, filed 1/30/95, effective 3/2/95; 91-13-056, § 479-02-070, filed 6/17/91, effective 7/18/91.]
(1) The requested record;
(2) An estimate of the time it will take to provide the record or a schedule for providing the records in installments, including:
(a) An estimate of the copying and shipping costs of the record; and
(b) A request for advanced partial payment of the copy and shipping costs;
(3) A request for further information or identification of the desired public records;
(4) A request for verification that the records requested will not be used to compile a sales list, or that the records will not be sold for commercial gain; or
(5) A denial of the request pursuant to WAC 479-02-110.
[Statutory Authority: Chapter 47.26 RCW. 91-13-056, § 479-02-080, filed 6/17/91, effective 7/18/91.]
(2) The board ((shall impose)) will charge a reasonable
((charge)) fee for providing copies of public records ((and
for the use by any person of agency equipment to copy records;
such charges shall not exceed the amount necessary to
reimburse the board for its actual costs incident to such
copying. Actual costs shall include the labor costs of staff,
machine cost and paper cost necessary to provide copies of
requested records)) as provided in RCW 42.56.120.
[Statutory Authority: Chapter 47.26 RCW. 91-13-056, § 479-02-090, filed 6/17/91, effective 7/18/91.]
(l) Copying of public documents ((shall)) will be done by
((the board personnel and)) staff or under ((the)) their
supervision ((of said personnel, upon the request of members
of the public under the procedures set down in WAC 479-02-070)).
(2) ((No document shall be physically removed by a member
of the public from the area designated by the board for the
public inspection of documents for any reason whatever.
(3) When a member of the public requests to examine an
entire file or group of documents, as distinguished from a
request to examine certain individual documents which can be
identified and supplied by themselves, the board shall be
allowed a reasonable time to inspect the file to determine
whether information protected from disclosure by RCW 42.17.310, is contained therein, and the board shall not be
deemed in violation of its obligation to reply promptly to
requests for public documents by reason of causing such an
inspection to be performed)) Public documents will not be
removed by the requestor.
(3) Inspection of documents will be monitored by staff.
(4) If a request is submitted to examine or copy an entire file or group of documents, the public records officer will review the file and identify any protected records under RCW 42.17.310. A reasonable time to do the review will be given to the public records officer without being in violation of the obligation to reply promptly.
[Statutory Authority: Chapter 47.26 RCW. 95-04-072, § 479-02-100, filed 1/30/95, effective 3/2/95; 91-13-056, § 479-02-100, filed 6/17/91, effective 7/18/91.]
(2) Each denial of a request for a public record shall be
accompanied by a written statement to the person requesting
the record clearly specifying the reasons for denial,
including a statement of the specific exemption authorizing
the withholding of the record and a brief explanation of how
the exemption applies to the record withheld.)) Whenever the
record requested clearly falls within the statutory exemptions
of chapter 42.56 RCW, or when the exempt status of the record
is unclear:
(1) The public records officer will consult with the assistant attorney general to determine if a requested public record is exempt; and
(2) Any denial of a request based upon an exemption will be made by a written statement to the requestor together with specific explanation of the reasons for and how to request a review of the exemption.
[Statutory Authority: Chapters 47.26 and 47.66 RCW. 99-24-038, § 479-02-110, filed 11/23/99, effective 12/24/99. Statutory Authority: Chapter 47.26 RCW. 95-04-072, § 479-02-110, filed 1/30/95, effective 3/2/95; 91-13-056, § 479-02-110, filed 6/17/91, effective 7/18/91.]
[Statutory Authority: Chapter 47.26 RCW. 95-04-072, § 479-02-120, filed 1/30/95, effective 3/2/95; 91-13-056, § 479-02-120, filed 6/17/91, effective 7/18/91.]
(a) State legislation and proposed rules and regulations pertaining to board standards.
(b) Those statements of policy and interpretations of
policy, statute and bylaws which have been adopted by the
board;)) The public records officer will maintain a current
index of board records.
(1) The following list of records is included in the index:
(a) Legislation, rules, and regulations of the board;
(b) Bylaws adopted by the board;
(c) Minutes of board meetings;
(d) Resolutions approved by the board;
(e) ((TIB)) Program guidelines;
(f) Program reports and publications((;
(g) Budgets and expenditures;
(h) TIB project administration and accounting files)).
(2) ((A system of indexing shall be as follows:
(a) The indexing system will be administered by the
board's public record officer.
(b) Copies of the index shall be available for public
inspection and copying in the manner provided in chapter 479-02 WAC.
(c))) The public records officer ((shall)) will update
the index at least once a year ((and shall revise the index))
or when deemed necessary by the ((board)) executive director.
(3) The index will be available for inspection and copying as other public records.
[Statutory Authority: Chapter 47.26 RCW. 95-04-072, § 479-02-130, filed 1/30/95, effective 3/2/95; 91-13-056, § 479-02-130, filed 6/17/91, effective 7/18/91.]
WAC 479-05-011
Submission of proposed projects.
A call
for projects may be made as the board deems appropriate.
Subsequent to a call, a priority array may be adopted. The
array will be published and will list all approved
Special funding programs or a special call for projects may be made by the board as funds allow.
(1) There has been a significant change in the location or development of traffic generators in the area of the project.
(2) The work proposed is necessary to avoid or reduce serious traffic congestion in the area of the project in the near future.
(3) A partially funded project that, if completed, would enable a community to secure an unanticipated economic development opportunity.
(4) Other funding sources the local agency has applied for or secured for the project.
(5) The funding of the project would not adversely impact currently funded projects.
The agency may be asked to make a presentation to the board on the project.
((A copy of the six-year transportation program including
the proposed projects to be approved shall be submitted to the
board along with a copy of the resolution of the city or
county adopting such program.))
[Statutory Authority: Chapters 47.26 and 47.66 RCW. 99-24-038, § 479-05-020, filed 11/23/99, effective 12/24/99.]
[Statutory Authority: Chapters 47.26 and 47.66 RCW. 99-24-038, § 479-05-030, filed 11/23/99, effective 12/24/99.]
[Statutory Authority: Chapters 47.26 and 47.66 RCW. 99-24-038, § 479-05-040, filed 11/23/99, effective 12/24/99.]
(1) Project receives less than twenty percent in TIB funds; or
(2) Project is construction only.
The executive director has the discretion to waive the value engineering study requirement if the total project cost is less than five million dollars.
The board has the discretion to waive the value engineering study requirement on any project.
(1) Design phase – documents that must be received prior to phase approval include:
(a) Signed funding status form confirming that the funding partners are fully committed;
(b) Page from the adopted six-year transportation plan which lists the project;
(c) Signed fuel tax agreement; and if applicable
(d) Consultant agreement (small city arterial and small city sidewalk programs only).
(2) Bid phase – documents that must be received prior to phase approval include:
(a) Signed bid authorization form that contains:
(i) Plans and specification package;
(ii) Written confirmation of funding partners; and
(iii) Confirmation that full funding is available for the project;
(b) Signed confirmation that right of way is acquired or possession and use agreement is in place;
(c) Engineer's estimate is in final format; and if applicable:
(i) Consultant agreement (small city arterial and small city sidewalk programs only);
(ii) Certification that a cultural resource assessment was completed;
(iii) Traffic signal warrants.
(3) Construction phase – documents that must be received prior to phase approval include:
(a) Updated cost estimate form signed by a local agency official and the project engineer;
(b) Bid tabulations; and
(c) Description of cost changes.
(4) Project closeout phase – documents that must be received prior to phase approval include:
(a) Updated cost estimate form signed by a local agency official and the project engineer;
(b) Final summary of quantities; and
(c) Accounting history signed by a local agency official or the financial manager.
(1) A change in the project limits with a request for an increase in funding beyond the executive director's administrative authority in WAC 479-01-060;
(2) Adding or decreasing through lanes;
(3) Adding or eliminating grade separations;
(4) Reducing limits greater than one hundred lineal feet;
(5) Inclusion or exclusion of major project element that may be considered a scope change by the executive director; or
(6) Changes to project components that were used to rate the project.
(1) Utility and railroad relocations and adjustments;
(2) ((Installation of traffic control devices, if
accomplished by the personnel of the agency.
A competitive bid is not required for projects which meet
the requirements of)) Government force work;
(3) Work eligible from the small works roster; and
(4) Local agencies may be otherwise exempt from bidding
requirements if so authorized by an applicable statute
contained in chapter((s)) 36.77, 35.22, 35.23, ((and)) or
35.27 RCW.
[Statutory Authority: Chapters 47.26 and 47.66 RCW. 99-24-038, § 479-05-060, filed 11/23/99, effective 12/24/99.]
[Statutory Authority: Chapters 47.26 and 47.66 RCW. 99-24-038, § 479-05-080, filed 11/23/99, effective 12/24/99.]
(1) If it is a direct cost for utility adjustments that are owned by the local government;
(2) If the utility provider owns the property in fee title; or
(3) If the utility franchise agreement requires the local agency to pay for those utility adjustments or relocations required by state or local government.
Upgrading of utilities is not eligible for reimbursement by UATA or TIA funds.
If the proposed work will cause a significant change in scope, the agency must seek board approval.
[Statutory Authority: Chapters 47.26 and 47.66 RCW. 99-24-038, § 479-05-100, filed 11/23/99, effective 12/24/99.]
(1) TIB will reimburse the local agency for reasonable and necessary costs.
(2) There is a direct impact within the project limits.
Improvements beyond the necessary replacement costs to mitigate the impacts of the project will not be reimbursed.
(1) The contractor for the construction phase of the project; or
(2) Local agency employees.
UATA or TIA funds may be used in the costs to underground service connections for street illumination and traffic signal services within the approved project scope.
[Statutory Authority: Chapters 47.26 and 47.66 RCW. 99-24-038, § 479-05-120, filed 11/23/99, effective 12/24/99.]
The three percent limitation for landscaping and related
costs shall not affect the agency's authority to include
landscaping and the use of other plantings or supporting
materials in the project in amounts that exceed the three
percent limit provided they are paid for solely with funds
other than board supplied funds.)) Cost of landscaping and
aesthetic improvements is limited to three percent of the
total eligible authorized project costs.
(1) Landscaping includes:
(a) Cost of trees, shrubs, sod, and other plant material.
(b) Top soil and bark.
(c) Irrigation and tree grates.
(d) Labor for installation.
(2) Aesthetic improvement includes:
(a) Ornamental lighting.
(b) The local agency share of the cost of undergrounding of utilities.
(c) Public art.
(d) Special surfacing treatments (stamped concrete, pavers).
(e) Labor for installation.
(3) Items not considered landscaping or aesthetic improvements are:
(a) Erosion control treatments.
(b) Wetland mitigation (plantings) required by federal or state regulations.
(c) Property restoration.
Requests for increases in landscaping and related costs are subject to WAC 479-05-201, 479-05-202, and 479-05-203. Landscaping costs in excess of the three percent limit may be paid for by funding sources other than TIB funds.
[Statutory Authority: Chapters 47.26 and 47.66 RCW. 99-24-038, § 479-05-130, filed 11/23/99, effective 12/24/99.]
(1) Sound walls/berms: Unless required by specific regulations, TIB will not participate in this cost.
(2) Superfund sites: TIB funds will not participate in the cost of cleanup.
(3) Bridges: Bridge designs exceeding the most cost effective are not eligible for participation.
(4) Wetlands: Mitigation in excess of what is required by federal or state requirements is not eligible to be reimbursed.
UATA or TIA funds may not be used for excessive design, mitigation beyond federal or state requirements, or other unusual project features.
At bid phase, right of way acquisitions should be completed and certified. If all right of way cannot be certified, the local agency must have possession and use agreements for the remaining parcels.
[Statutory Authority: Chapters 47.26 and 47.66 RCW. 99-24-038, § 479-05-140, filed 11/23/99, effective 12/24/99.]
(1) It is deemed by TIB to be in the best interest of the project to purchase the entire parcel;
(2) An entire parcel take is required by local resolution; or
(3) An uneconomic remnant will remain.
If after the completion of the project, the uneconomic remnant is sold, transferred, or rezoned to make it an economic remnant, the proceeds of any sale will be placed back in the local agency's motor vehicle fund to be used for road improvement purposes only.
In the event the project is not built, TIB funds expended for right of way may be requested to be refunded to the board.
Surveying and materials testing costs, even if they are
part of the contract costs, are considered part of
construction engineering and are subject to the twenty-five
percent limit. Exceptions to the twenty-five percent
engineering limit may be considered ((by the board)) for small
city projects when an unforeseen issue arises that is beyond
the control of the local agency. The local agency may request
an increase through WAC 479-05-202 processes. ((Agency costs
for value engineering and other special studies and right of
way appraisals and acquisition costs will not be used to
determine the amount subject to the limit.))
[Statutory Authority: Chapters 47.26 and 47.66 RCW. 99-24-038, § 479-05-170, filed 11/23/99, effective 12/24/99.]
The executive director will consider increase requests up to the levels in WAC 479-01-060.
Increase requests above the executive director administrative authority require board action. The local agency may be asked to prepare and make a presentation to the board justifying the increase.
(1) Whether the granting of the request will obligate funding beyond an acceptable level or will adversely affect authorized funds previously approved by the board.
(2) Whether the request would fund expansion of the scope of work beyond that approved at design phase.
(3) Whether the local agency should have anticipated an increase would be necessary at the outset of the project.
(4) Requests for increases at construction phase will take priority over other phase requests.
(5) Local agency funding partner ability to contribute to the increased costs.
(6) Other criteria on a case-by-case basis.
(1) If the executive director hears the request and does not approve it, the local agency may:
(a) Proceed with the project, paying for any additional costs with local or other funds;
(b) Withdraw the request for participation;
(c) Request a formal review of the executive director's decision by the board; or
(d) Submit a request to the executive director to reduce the scope of the project as provided in WAC 479-05-052.
(2) If the board hears the request and does not approve it, the local agency may:
(a) Proceed with the project, paying for additional costs;
(b) Withdraw the request for participation; or
(c) Request a scope modification or reduction as provided in WAC 479-05-052.
In either case, the project will need to retain a usable and functional improvement to be granted a scope reduction.
(1) Urban corridor program projects do not reach construction phase within five years and six months.
(2) Urban arterial program projects do not reach construction phase within four years and six months.
(3) All other programs must reach construction phase within two years and six months.
The date funding is made available to the local agency by TIB is the starting point in calculating the delay date.
(1) Stage 1 delay - if the project does not meet the project target date per WAC 479-05-211.
(2) Stage 2 delay - if the project does not meet the revised bid date as agreed in Stage 1 delay under WAC 479-05-213(1), or one year after Stage 1 delay.
(3) Stage 3 delay - if the project does not meet the revised bid date as agreed to under Stage 2 delay under WAC 479-05-213(2), or one year after Stage 2 delay.
The executive director has discretion when moving projects from one stage of delay to the next and may consider pending bid dates or other indications or impending progress.
(1) Stage 1 - agency plan letter. The TIB staff report the delayed project to the board at a regularly scheduled board meeting. The executive director requests a letter from the local agency to respond with a progress plan to get back on schedule.
(2) Stage 2 - explanation and commitment. The local agency provides TIB staff with an explanation of why the project continues to be delayed and a commitment date which is acceptable to the executive director or board.
(3) Stage 3 - hearing. If the agency misses the agreed upon date(s) or deadlines set in the Stage 2 review, the agency will be provided a hearing in front of the board at the next regularly scheduled meeting. The result of the hearing will include an absolute date for resolution which is agreed to by the board.
If the local agency does not meet the absolute date for resolution as agreed to by the board in the Stage 3 hearing, the project may be suspended or the agency may be requested to withdraw the project and reapply for funding in a later application cycle.
The following sections of the Washington Administrative Code are repealed:
WAC 479-05-010 | Time and place for submission of proposed transportation improvement board projects. |
WAC 479-05-050 | Procedures for project approval. |
WAC 479-05-070 | Registered engineer in charge. |
WAC 479-05-090 | Design standards for transportation improvement board projects. |
WAC 479-05-110 | Undergrounding utilities. |
WAC 479-05-150 | Inclusion of bicycle facilities in transportation improvement board projects. |
WAC 479-05-160 | Reimbursable costs. |
WAC 479-05-180 | Direct costs. |
WAC 479-05-190 | Indirect costs. |
WAC 479-05-200 | Partial or progress payments for project costs. |
WAC 479-05-210 | Record requirements. |
WAC 479-05-220 | Audits of project records. |
WAC 479-05-230 | Expenditure schedule of board funds. |
WAC 479-05-240 | Procedure to request increase in board funds. |
WAC 479-05-250 | Review of delayed projects. |
WAC 479-05-260 | Recovery of board funds on canceled projects. |
WAC 479-05-270 | Identification and consideration of surplus funds on authorized board projects. |
WAC 479-05-280 | Funding shortfall. |
WAC 479-05-290 | Over-programming of funds. |
(1) Agency direct labor and employee benefits:
(a) Salaries and wages of agency nonadministrative employees working directly on the project as documented by payroll records.
(b) Employee benefits are calculated as a percentage of direct labor dollars as set by the board and include:
(i) F.I.C.A. (Social Security) - employer's share;
(ii) Retirement benefits (employer's share of actual cost);
(iii) Hospital, health, dental and other welfare insurance;
(iv) Life insurance;
(v) Industrial and medical insurance.
(c) Employee leave:
(i) Vacation;
(ii) Sick leave;
(iii) Holiday pay;
(iv) Civil leave.
(2) Contract engineering services as specified by a consultant agreement.
(3) Permit fees.
(4) Right of way acquired for the project includes the following costs:
(a) Purchase cost of all property and property rights needed for specific projects in accordance with chapter 8.26 RCW including access rights, easements, losses in property value or damages (if any);
(b) Salaries, expenses, or fees of appraisers, negotiators and attorneys.
(5) Contract construction work.
(6) Project specific capital equipment acquisition approved by the board.
(7) Project specific vehicle and equipment charges will be reimbursed based on the actual rental cost paid for the equipment. If agency owned equipment is used, rental rates established by the agency's "equipment rental and revolving fund" will be reimbursed. All vehicle and equipment costs will be charged the agency standard rate for all projects regardless of the source of funding. Agencies without an equipment revolving fund will be reimbursed based on rates published by department of transportation for similar equipment.
(8) Project specific direct materials, supplies, and services used for projects will be reimbursed based on actual cost.
(1) Incurred costs must be in conformity with all applicable federal and state laws, rules, regulations, and procedures.
(2) Agencies will submit requests for payment on forms prescribed by the board. Requests for payment will be submitted as the project progresses.
(3) The director may require a payment to be divided into installments if one of the following criteria is met:
(a) The agency has not billed for six months or longer;
(b) The agency has billed for an amount over the director determined level; or
(c) Cash balance of the account is below fifty percent of the minimum operating reserve.
(4) Costs incurred prior to phase approval are not eligible for reimbursement.
(2) Records must be maintained in accordance with the Records Retention Schedule as published by the secretary of state's office.
A unilateral closeout of a project may be initiated by the board when an agency has not responded to requests for final documentation and all funds are expended.
[Statutory Authority: Chapters 47.26 and 47.66 RCW. 99-24-038, § 479-12-005, filed 11/23/99, effective 12/24/99. Statutory Authority: Chapter 47.26 RCW. 95-04-072, § 479-12-005, filed 1/30/95, effective 3/2/95.]
(1) The urban arterial program;
(2) The small city arterial program; and
(3) The sidewalk programs:
(a) Urban sidewalk program;
(b) Small city sidewalk program.
[Statutory Authority: Chapters 47.26 and 47.66 RCW. 99-24-038, § 479-12-011, filed 11/23/99, effective 12/24/99.]
(1) Incorporated cities with a population of five thousand or greater.
(2) Incorporated cities with a population less than five thousand which are located in a federal urban area.
(3) Counties with a federally designated urban area.
Generally, the eligible agency will be designated as the project lead. However, the executive director may designate another agency as lead in the best interest of project completion or for convenience to both parties.
Any urban street that is not functionally classified at the time of award must obtain functional classification prior to approval to expend board funds.
For the urban arterial program, sidewalks are required on both sides of the roadway unless a sidewalk deviation is granted by the executive director or board through WAC 479-12-500.
(1) Safety improvements - addresses accident reduction, eliminates roadway hazards, and corrects roadway deficiencies.
(2) Mobility improvements - improves level of service, improves access to generators, and connects urban street networks.
(3) Pavement condition - replaces or rehabilitates street surfaces and structural deficiencies.
(4) Mode accessibility - provides additional high occupancy vehicle lanes, bus volume, or nonmotorized facilities.
(5) Local support - demonstrates initiative to achieve full funding and project completion.
(1) Puget Sound region includes eligible agencies within King, Pierce, and Snohomish counties.
(2) Northwest region includes eligible agencies within Clallam, Island, Jefferson, Kitsap, San Juan, Skagit, and Whatcom counties.
(3) Northeast region includes eligible agencies within Adams, Chelan, Douglas, Ferry, Grant, Lincoln, Okanogan, Pend Oreille, Spokane, Stevens, and Whitman counties.
(4) Southeast region includes eligible agencies within Asotin, Benton, Columbia, Franklin, Garfield, Kittitas, Klickitat, Walla Walla, and Yakima counties.
(5) Southwest includes eligible agencies within Clark, Cowlitz, Grays Harbor, Lewis, Mason, Pacific, Skamania, Thurston, and Wahkiakum counties.
The average of the ratios of region urban area population (RUP) divided by statewide urban population (SUP) plus the region functionally classified lane miles within the urban area (RFC) divided by statewide functionally classified lane miles within urban areas (SFC).
The equation is as follows:
(1) For cities:
(a) If the city valuation is under $1.0 billion, the matching rate is ten percent of total project costs.
(b) If the city valuation is $1.0 billion to $2.5 billion, the rate is fifteen percent of total project costs.
(c) If the city valuation is over $2.5 billion, the rate is twenty percent of total project costs.
(2) For counties:
(a) If the road levy valuation is under $3.0 billion, the rate is ten percent of total project costs.
(b) If the road levy valuation is between $3.0 billion to $10.0 billion, the rate is fifteen percent of total project costs.
(c) If the road levy valuation is over $10.0 billion, the rate is twenty percent of total project costs.
The board uses the current valuations from the department of revenue.
(1) Serves as a logical extension of a county arterial or state highway through the city; or
(2) Acts as a bypass or truck route to relieve the central core area; or
(3) Serves as a route providing access to local facilities such as:
(a) Schools;
(b) Medical facilities;
(c) Social centers;
(d) Recreational areas;
(e) Commercial centers;
(f) Industrial sites.
Sidewalks are required on one side of the roadway unless a deviation is granted under WAC 479-12-500.
(1) Safety improvement - projects that address accident reduction, hazard elimination, and roadway deficiencies.
(2) Pavement condition - replaces or rehabilitates street surfaces and structural deficiencies.
(3) Local support - projects that improve network development and address community needs.
(1) Puget Sound region includes eligible agencies within King, Pierce, and Snohomish counties.
(2) East region includes eligible agencies within Adams, Asotin, Benton, Chelan, Columbia, Douglas, Ferry, Franklin, Garfield, Grant, Kittitas, Klickitat, Lincoln, Okanogan, Pend Oreille, Spokane, Stevens, Walla Walla, Whitman, and Yakima counties.
(3) West region includes eligible agencies within Clallam, Clark, Cowlitz, Grays Harbor, Island, Jefferson, Kitsap, Lewis, Mason, Pacific, San Juan, Skagit, Skamania, Thurston, Wahkiakum, and Whatcom counties.
Region small city population divided by statewide small city population.
The board may adjust the regional allocation by plus or minus five percent to fully fund the approved list of regional projects. When requested by the board, staff will update the regional allocations to ensure equitable distribution of funds.
(1) Urban sidewalk program agency eligibility:
(a) Incorporated cities with a population of five thousand and over.
(b) Incorporated cities with a population less than five thousand which are located within a federally designated urban area.
(c) Counties with a federally designated urban area.
(2) Small city sidewalk program agency eligibility:
Incorporated cities with a population under five thousand.
(1) Urban sidewalk program project eligibility:
(a) Must be on or related to a functionally classified route; and
(b) Primary purpose of the project is transportation and not recreation.
(2) Small city sidewalk program project eligibility:
(a) The project must be located on or related to a street within the TIB designated arterial system; and
(b) Primary purpose of the project is transportation and not recreation.
For both of the subprograms, TIB does not participate in the cost for right of way acquisitions.
For the urban sidewalk program, TIB does not provide funding increases.
(1) Safety improvement - projects that address hazard mitigation and accident reduction.
(2) Pedestrian access - projects that improve or provide access to facilities including:
(a) Schools;
(b) Public buildings;
(c) Central business districts;
(d) Medical facilities;
(e) Activity centers;
(f) High density housing (including senior housing);
(g) Transit facilities;
(h) Completes or extends existing sidewalks.
(3) Local support - addresses local needs and is supported by the local community.
(1) Puget Sound region includes eligible agencies within King, Pierce, and Snohomish counties.
(2) East region includes eligible agencies within Adams, Asotin, Benton, Chelan, Columbia, Douglas, Ferry, Franklin, Garfield, Grant, Kittitas, Klickitat, Lincoln, Okanogan, Pend Oreille, Spokane, Stevens, Walla Walla, Whitman, and Yakima counties.
(3) West region includes eligible agencies within Clallam, Clark, Cowlitz, Grays Harbor, Island, Jefferson, Kitsap, Lewis, Mason, Pacific, San Juan, Skagit, Skamania, Thurston, Wahkiakum, and Whatcom counties.
(1) Urban sidewalk program - the average of the ratios of region urban area population (RUP) divided by statewide urban population (SUP) plus region functionally classified lane miles within the urban area (RFC) divided by statewide functionally classified lane miles within urban areas (SFC).
The equation is as follows:
For either program, the board may adjust regional allocations by plus or minus five percent to fully fund the approved list of regional projects. When requested by the board, staff will update the regional allocations to ensure equitable distribution of funds.
(1) The urban sidewalk program requires a match of at least twenty percent of total project costs.
(2) Small city sidewalk program matching rates are dependent on the city population as follows:
(a) Cities with a population of five hundred and below are not required to provide matching funds.
(b) Cities with a population over five hundred but less than five thousand, require a match of at least five percent of the total project costs.
(1) The executive director has administrative authority to grant sidewalk deviations as follows:
(a) On one side if the roadway is a frontage road immediately adjacent to a limited access route;
(b) On one side if the roadway is immediately adjacent to a railroad or other facility considered dangerous to pedestrians;
(c) On both sides if the roadway is a ramp providing access to a limited access route; or
(d) On both sides of a designated limited access facility if:
(i) Route is signed to prohibit pedestrians; or
(ii) Pedestrian facilities are provided on an adjacent parallel route.
(2) All other sidewalk deviation requests require board action.
The following sections of the Washington Administrative Code are repealed:
WAC 479-12-008 | Definitions. |
WAC 479-12-100 | Intent of the arterial improvement program. |
WAC 479-12-110 | Priority criteria for arterial improvement program projects. |
WAC 479-12-120 | Establishing regions for arterial improvement program. |
WAC 479-12-130 | Apportionment of funds to arterial improvement program regions. |
WAC 479-12-140 | Eligible arterial improvement program projects. |
WAC 479-12-150 | Matching ratios for arterial improvement program projects. |
WAC 479-12-200 | Intent of the small city program. |
WAC 479-12-210 | Priority criteria for small city program projects. |
WAC 479-12-220 | Establishing regions for small city program. |
WAC 479-12-230 | Apportionment of funds to small city program regions. |
WAC 479-12-240 | Eligible small city program projects. |
WAC 479-12-250 | Matching requirements for small city program projects. |
WAC 479-12-300 | Intent of the city hardship assistance program. |
WAC 479-12-310 | Priority criteria for city hardship assistance program projects. |
WAC 479-12-340 | Eligible city hardship assistance program agencies or streets. |
WAC 479-12-350 | Matching ratios for city hardship assistance program projects. |
WAC 479-12-360 | Allowable city hardship assistance program activities. |
WAC 479-12-370 | City hardship assistance program participation with other funds. |
WAC 479-12-400 | Intent of pedestrian safety and mobility program. |
WAC 479-12-410 | Priority criteria for pedestrian safety and mobility projects. |
WAC 479-12-420 | Establishing regions for the pedestrian safety and mobility program. |
WAC 479-12-430 | Apportionment of funds to pedestrian safety and mobility program regions. |
WAC 479-12-440 | Eligible pedestrian safety and mobility projects. |
[Statutory Authority: Chapters 47.26 and 47.66 RCW. 99-24-038, § 479-14-005, filed 11/23/99, effective 12/24/99.]
(1) Counties that have an urban area;
(2) Incorporated cities with a population of five thousand or more; and
(3) Transportation benefit districts.
Generally, the eligible agency will be designated as the project lead. However, the executive director may designate another agency as lead in the best interest of project completion or for convenience to both parties.
(1) Improvements on federally classified arterials; or
(2) Within the urban growth area in counties which are in full compliance with Washington state's Growth Management Act.
Any urban street that is not functionally classified at the time of award must obtain functional classification prior to approval to expend board funds.
Sidewalks are required on both sides of the arterial unless a deviation is granted under WAC 479-14-200.
(1) Mobility improvements - includes system connectivity, improves flow of vehicles and freight, and extends or completes corridor for network connections.
(2) Local support - demonstrates initiative to achieve full funding and project completion.
(3) Growth and development improvements - provides or improves access to urban centers, economic development, supports annexation agreements, and increases residential density.
(4) Safety improvements - addresses accident reduction, elimination of roadway hazards, corrects roadway deficiencies, and eliminates railroad at-grade crossing.
(5) Mode accessibility - additions to or enhancements of high occupancy vehicle and nonmotorized transportation modes.
(1) Puget Sound region includes eligible agencies within King, Pierce, and Snohomish counties.
(2) East region includes eligible agencies within Adams, Asotin, Benton, Chelan, Columbia, Douglas, Ferry, Franklin, Garfield, Grant, Kittitas, Klickitat, Lincoln, Okanogan, Pend Oreille, Spokane, Stevens, Walla Walla, Whitman, and Yakima counties.
(3) West region includes eligible agencies within Clallam, Clark, Cowlitz, Grays Harbor, Island, Jefferson, Kitsap, Lewis, Mason, Pacific, San Juan, Skagit, Skamania, Thurston, Wahkiakum, and Whatcom counties.
The average of the ratios of region urban area population (RUP) divided by the statewide urban population (SUP) plus region functionally classified lane miles within the urban area (RFC) divided by statewide functionally classified lane miles within urban areas (SFC).
(1) For cities:
(a) If the city valuation is under $1.0 billion, the matching rate is ten percent of total project costs.
(b) If the city valuation is $1.0 billion to $2.5 billion, the rate is fifteen percent of total project costs.
(c) If the city valuation is over $2.5 billion, the rate is twenty percent of total project costs.
(2) For counties:
(a) If the road levy valuation is under $3.0 billion, the rate is ten percent of total project costs.
(b) If the road levy valuation is between $3.0 billion to $10.0 billion, the rate is fifteen percent of total project costs.
(c) If the road levy valuation is over $10.0 billion, the rate is twenty percent of total project costs.
The board uses the current published valuation from the department of revenue.
(1) The executive director has administrative authority to grant sidewalk deviations as follows:
(a) On both sides if the roadway is a ramp providing access to a limited access route;
(b) On both sides of a designated limited access facility if:
(i) Route is signed to prohibit pedestrians; or
(ii) Pedestrian facilities are provided on an adjacent parallel route;
(c) On one side if the roadway is a frontage road immediately adjacent to a limited access route; or
(d) On one side if the roadway is immediately adjacent to a railroad or other facility considered dangerous to pedestrians.
(2) All other sidewalk deviation requests require board action.
The following sections of the Washington Administrative Code are repealed:
WAC 479-14-008 | Definitions. |
WAC 479-14-010 | Programs funded from the transportation improvement account. |
WAC 479-14-100 | Intent of the transportation partnership program. |
WAC 479-14-110 | Priority criteria for the transportation partnership program. |
WAC 479-14-120 | Establishing regions for transportation partnership program. |
WAC 479-14-130 | Apportionment of funds to transportation partnership program regions. |
WAC 479-14-140 | Eligible transportation partnership program projects. |
WAC 479-14-150 | Designation of lead agency for transportation partnership program projects. |
WAC 479-14-160 | Verification of coordination with planning authority for transportation partnership program projects. |
WAC 479-14-170 | Planning requirements for multiagency transportation partnership program projects. |
WAC 479-14-180 | Local/private matching funds on transportation partnership program projects. |
WAC 479-14-190 | Certification of local/private matching funds for transportation partnership program projects. |
The following chapter of the Washington Administrative Code is repealed:
WAC 479-15-005 | Purpose and authority. |
WAC 479-15-008 | Definitions. |
WAC 479-15-010 | Programs funded from the public transportation systems account. |
WAC 479-15-100 | Intent of the public transportation systems program. |
WAC 479-15-110 | Priority criteria for public transportation systems program. |
WAC 479-15-120 | Establishing regions for public transportation systems program. |
WAC 479-15-130 | Apportionment of funds to public transportation systems program regions. |
WAC 479-15-140 | Eligible public transportation systems program projects. |
The following chapter of the Washington Administrative Code is repealed:
WAC 479-17-100 | Transportation Equity Act for the 21st Century or its successor acts, surface transportation program, statewide competitive program account -- Eligibility. |
WAC 479-17-200 | Transportation Equity Act for the 21st Century or its successor acts, statewide competitive program account -- Criteria. |
WAC 479-17-300 | Transportation Equity Act for the 21st Century or its successor acts, enhancement program account -- Eligibility. |
WAC 479-17-400 | Transportation Equity Act for the 21st Century or its successor acts, enhancement program account -- Criteria. |
The following chapter of the Washington Administrative Code is repealed:
WAC 479-510-450 | Transportation Equity Act for the 21st Century or its successor acts, enhancement program account -- Eligibility. |
WAC 479-510-460 | Transportation Equity Act for the 21st Century or its successor acts, enhancement program account -- Criteria. |