Effective Date of Rule: Thirty-one days after filing.
Purpose: The purpose of this expedited rule making is to clean up all of the rules involved with creating chapter 173-455 WAC, the air quality fee rule. For this rule making, we will strike out language related to fees and add in language pointing readers to chapter 173-455 WAC for fee information.
Citation of Existing Rules Affected by this Order: Amending WAC 173-400-035, 173-400-045, 173-400-104, 173-400-116, 173-400-180, 173-407-040, 173-433-170, 173-491-030, 173-495-060, 173-495-065, and 173-495-070.
Statutory Authority for Adoption: RCW 70.94.181, [70.94.]152, [70.94.]331, [70.94.]650, [70.94.]745, [70.94.]892, [70.94.]011.
Adopted under notice filed as WSR 07-13-078 on June 18, 2007.
Number of Sections Adopted in Order to Comply with Federal Statute: New 0, Amended 0, Repealed 0; Federal Rules or Standards: New 0, Amended 0, Repealed 0; or Recently Enacted State Statutes: New 0, Amended 0, Repealed 0.
Number of Sections Adopted at Request of a Nongovernmental Entity: New 0, Amended 0, Repealed 0.
Number of Sections Adopted on the Agency's Own Initiative: New 0, Amended 11, Repealed 0.
Number of Sections Adopted in Order to Clarify, Streamline, or Reform Agency Procedures: New 0, Amended 0, Repealed 0.
Number of Sections Adopted Using Negotiated Rule Making: New 0, Amended 0, Repealed 0; Pilot Rule Making: New 0, Amended 0, Repealed 0; or Other Alternative Rule Making: New 0, Amended 0, Repealed 0.
Date Adopted: September 6, 2007.
Jay J. Manning
AMENDATORY SECTION(Amending Order 99-06, filed 8/15/01,
effective 9/15/01)
WAC 173-400-035
Portable and temporary sources.
(1) For
portable sources which locate temporarily at particular sites,
the owner(s) or operator(s) shall be allowed to operate at the
temporary location providing that the owner(s) or operator(s)
notifies ecology or the authority of intent to operate at the
new location at least thirty days prior to starting the
operation, and supplies sufficient information to enable
ecology or the authority to determine that the operation will
comply with the emission standards for a new source, and will
not cause a violation of applicable ambient air quality
standards and, if in a nonattainment area, will not interfere
with scheduled attainment of ambient standards. The
permission to operate shall be for a limited period of time
(one year or less) and ecology or the authority may set
specific conditions for operation during that period. A
temporary source shall be required to comply with all
applicable emission standards. A temporary or portable source
that is considered a major stationary source within the
meaning of WAC 173-400-113 must also comply with the
requirements in WAC 173-400-141.
(2) This section applies statewide except where an authority has its own rule regulating such sources.
(3) Fees relating to this section can be found in chapter 173-455 WAC.
[Statutory Authority: Chapter 70.94 RCW, RCW 70.94.141, [70.94.]152, [70.94.]331, [70.94.]510 and 43.21A.080. 01-17-062 (Order 99-06), § 173-400-035, filed 8/15/01, effective 9/15/01.]
(2) Fee schedule for source-specific determinations where RACT analysis and determination are performed by ecology.
(a) Basic RACT analysis and determination fee:
(i) Low complexity (the analysis addresses one type of emission unit) - one thousand five hundred dollars;
(ii) Moderate complexity (the analysis addresses two to five types of emissions units) - seven thousand five hundred dollars;
(iii) High complexity (the analysis addresses more than five types of emission units) - fifteen thousand dollars.
(b) Additional charges based on criteria pollutant emissions: In addition to those fees required under (a) of this subsection, a fee will be required for a RACT analysis and determination for an emission unit or multiple emission units of uniform design that, individually or in the aggregate, emit one hundred tons per year or more of any criteria pollutant - two thousand dollars.
(c) Additional charges based on toxic air pollutant emissions: In addition to those fees required under (a) and (b) of this subsection, the following fees will be required as applicable:
(i) RACT analysis and determination for an emissions unit or multiple emissions units of uniform design that, individually or in the aggregate, emit more than two tons per year but not more than ten tons per year of any toxic air pollutant - one thousand dollars; or
(ii) RACT analysis and determination for an emissions unit or multiple emissions units of uniform design that, individually or in the aggregate, emit more than ten tons per year of any toxic air pollutant - two thousand dollars.
(3) Fee schedule for source-specific determinations where RACT analysis is performed by the source and review and determination conducted by ecology.
(a) Basic RACT review and determination fees:
(i) Low complexity (the analysis addresses one type of emission unit) - one thousand dollars;
(ii) Moderate complexity (the analysis addresses two to five types of emissions units) - five thousand dollars;
(iii) High complexity (the analysis addresses more than five types of emission units) - ten thousand dollars.
(b) Additional charges based on criteria pollutant emissions: In addition to those fees required under (a) of this subsection, a fee will be required for a RACT analysis and determination for an emission unit or multiple emissions units of uniform design that, individually or in the aggregate, emit one hundred tons per year or more of any criteria pollutant - one thousand dollars.
(c) Additional charges based on toxic air pollutant emissions: In addition to those fees required under (a) and (b) of this subsection, the following fees will be required as applicable:
(i) RACT analysis and determination for an emissions unit or multiple emissions units of uniform design that, individually or in the aggregate, emit more than two tons per year but not more than ten tons per year of any toxic air pollutant - five hundred dollars; or
(ii) RACT analysis and determination for an emissions unit or multiple emissions units of uniform design that, individually or in the aggregate, emit more than ten tons per year of any toxic air pollutant - one thousand dollars.
(4) Fee schedule for reviews authorized under RCW 70.94.153 for the replacement or substantial alteration of control technology.
(a) Notice of construction application. Review and approval of notice of construction application (NOCA) for replacement or substantial alteration of control technology - three hundred fifty dollars.
(b) RACT analysis and determination. Review and approval of a RACT analysis and determination for affected emission unit - five hundred dollars.
(5) Fee schedule for categorical RACT determinations. Fees for categorical RACT determinations (for categories with more than three sources) shall be assessed as shown below. The fees described in (a) of this subsection shall be based on the most complex source within a category. Except as provided in (b) and (d) of this subsection, fees for individual sources in the category will be determined by dividing the total source category fee by the number of sources within the category.
(a) RACT analysis and determination (RACT analysis performed by ecology with assistance from sources):
(i) Low complexity source category (average source emissions of individual criteria pollutants are all less than twenty tons per year, average source emissions of individual toxic air pollutants are all less than two tons per year, or the analysis addresses one type of emission unit) - twenty-five thousand dollars;
(ii) Moderate complexity source category (average source emissions of one or more individual criteria pollutants are greater than twenty tons/year and less than one hundred tons per year, average source emissions of one or more individual toxic air pollutants are greater than two tons per year and less than ten tons per year, or the analysis addresses two to five types of emissions units) - fifty thousand dollars; or
(iii) High complexity source category (average source emissions of one or more individual criteria pollutants exceed one hundred tons per year, average source emissions of one or more individual toxic air pollutants exceed ten tons per year, or the analysis addresses more than five types of emission units) - one hundred thousand dollars.
(b) If an emission unit is being evaluated for more than one categorical RACT determination within a five-year period, ecology will charge the owner or operator of that emission unit one fee and the fee will reflect the higher complexity categorical RACT determination.
(c) Ecology may adjust the fee to reflect workload savings from source involvement in source category RACT determination.
(d) Ecology may approve alternate methods for allocating the fee among sources within the source category.
(6) Small business fee reduction. The RACT analysis and determination fee identified in subsections (2) through (5) of this section may be reduced for a small business.
(a) To qualify for the small business RACT fee reduction, a business must meet the requirements of "small business" as defined in RCW 43.31.025.
(b) To receive a fee reduction, the owner or operator of a small business must include information in an application demonstrating that the conditions of (a) of this subsection have been met. The application must be signed:
(i) By an authorized corporate officer in the case of a corporation;
(ii) By an authorized partner in the case of a limited or general partnership; or
(iii) By the proprietor in the case of a sole proprietorship.
(c) Ecology may verify the application information and if the owner or operator has made false statements, deny the fee reduction request and revoke previously granted fee reductions.
(d) For small businesses determined to be eligible under (a) of this subsection, the RACT analysis and determination fee shall be reduced to the greater of:
(i) Fifty percent of the RACT analysis and determination fee; or
(ii) Two hundred fifty dollars.
(e) If due to special economic circumstances, the fee reduction determined under (d) of this subsection imposes an extreme hardship on a small business, the small business may request an extreme hardship fee reduction. The owner or operator must provide sufficient evidence to support a claim of an extreme hardship. The factors which ecology may consider in determining whether an owner or operator has special economic circumstances and in setting the extreme hardship fee include: Annual sales; labor force size; market conditions which affect the owner's or operator's ability to pass the cost of the RACT analysis and determination fees through to customers; and average annual profits. In no case will a RACT analysis and determination fee be reduced below one hundred dollars.
(7) Fee reductions for pollution prevention initiatives. Ecology may reduce RACT analysis and determination fees for an individual source if that source is using approved pollution prevention measures.
(8) Fee payments. Fees specified in subsection (4)(a) of this section shall be paid at the time a notice of construction applications is submitted to the department. Other fees specified in subsections (2) through (7) of this section shall be paid no later than thirty days after receipt of an ecology billing statement. For fees specified in subsection (5) of this section, a billing for one-half of the payment from each source will be mailed when the source category rule-making effort is commenced as noted by publication of the CR101 form in the Washington State Register. A billing for the second half of the payment will be mailed when the proposed rule is published in the Washington State Register. No order of approval or other action approving or identifying a source to be at RACT will be issued by the department until all fees have been paid by the source. All fees collected under this regulation shall be made payable to the Washington department of ecology.
(9) Dedicated account. All control technology fees collected by the department from permit program sources shall be deposited in the air operating permit account created under RCW 70.94.015. All control technology fees collected by the department from nonpermit program sources shall be deposited in the air pollution control account.
(10) Tracking revenues, time, and expenditures. Ecology shall track revenues on a source-specific basis. For purposes of source-specific determinations under subsections (2) through (4) of this section, Ecology shall track time and expenditures on the basis of source complexity categories. For purposes of categorical determinations under subsection (5) of this section, ecology shall track time and expenditures on a source-category basis.
(11) Periodic review. Ecology shall review and, as
appropriate, update this section at least once every two
years.)) Fees can be found in chapter 173-455 WAC.
[Statutory Authority: Chapter 70.94 RCW. 96-19-054 (Order 94-35), § 173-400-045, filed 9/13/96, effective 10/14/96. Statutory Authority: RCW 70.94.153 and 70.94.154. 94-17-070, § 173-400-045, filed 8/15/94, effective 9/15/94.]
(2) Budget preparation. Ecology shall conduct a workload analysis projecting resource requirements for administering the registration program. Workload estimates shall be prepared on a biennial basis and shall estimate the resources required to perform registration program activities listed in WAC 173-400-099(2). Ecology shall prepare a budget for administering the registration program using workload estimates identified in the workload analysis for the biennium.
(3) Registration fee schedule. Ecology's registration program budget shall be distributed to sources located in its jurisdiction according to the following:
(a) Sources requiring periodic registration and inspections shall pay an annual registration fee of four hundred dollars.
(b) Sources requiring annual registration and inspections shall pay a registration fee comprised of the following three components:
(i) Flat component. This portion of a source's fee shall be calculated by the equal division of thirty-five percent of the budget amount allocated to annual registration sources by the total number of sources requiring annual registration.
(ii) Complexity component. Each source is assigned a complexity rating of 1, 3, or 5 which is based on the estimated amount of time needed to review and inspect the source. This portion of the fee is calculated by dividing forty percent of the budget amount allocated to annually registered sources by the total complexity of sources located in ecology's jurisdiction. The quotient is then multiplied by an individual source's complexity rating to determine that source's complexity portion of the fee.
(iii) Emissions component. This portion of a source's fee is calculated by dividing twenty-five percent of the budget amount allocated to annually registered sources by the total billable emissions from those sources. The quotient is then multiplied by an individual source's billable emissions to determine that source's emissions portion of the fee. Billable emissions include all air pollutants except carbon monoxide and total suspended particulate.
(4) Regulatory orders. Owners or operators registering a source as a synthetic minor must obtain a regulatory order which limits the source's emissions. The owner will be required to pay a fee based on the amount of time required to research and write the order multiplied by an hourly rate of sixty dollars.
(5) Fee reductions for pollution prevention initiatives. Ecology may reduce registration fees for an individual source if that source demonstrates the use of approved pollution prevention measures or best management practices beyond those required of the source.
(6) Fee reductions for economic hardships. If a small business owner believes the registration fee results in an extreme economic hardship, the small business owner may request an extreme hardship fee reduction. The owner or operator must provide sufficient evidence to support a claim of an extreme hardship. The factors which ecology may consider in determining whether an owner or operator has special economic circumstances and in setting the extreme hardship fee include: Annual sales; labor force size; market conditions which affect the owner's or operator's ability to pass the cost of the registration fee through to customers; average annual profits, and cumulative effects of multiple site ownership. In no case will a registration fee be reduced below two hundred dollars.
(7) Fee payments. Fees specified in this section shall be paid within thirty days of receipt of ecology's billing statement. All fees collected under this regulation shall be made payable to the Washington department of ecology. A late fee surcharge of fifty dollars or ten percent of the fee, whichever is more, may be assessed for any fee not received after the thirty-day period.
(8) Dedicated account. All registration fees collected by ecology shall be deposited in the air pollution control account.
(9) Tracking revenues, time, and expenditures. Ecology shall track revenues collected under this subsection on a source-specific basis. Ecology shall track time and expenditures on the basis of ecology budget functions.
(10) Additional registration fee for fossil fueled
electric generating facilities. A fossil fueled electric
generating facility subject to the provisions of chapter 80.70 RCW and RCW 70.94.892, is subject to additional fees pursuant
to that chapter.)) Fees can be found in chapter 173-455 WAC.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 70.94.152. 05-03-033 (Order 03-07), § 173-400-104, filed 1/10/05, effective 2/10/05. Statutory Authority: [RCW 70.94.331, 70.94.510 and chapter 70.94 RCW.] 00-23-130 (Order 98-27), § 173-400-104, filed 11/22/00, effective 12/23/00. Statutory Authority: Chapter 70.94 RCW. 95-07-126 (Order 93-40), § 173-400-104, filed 3/22/95, effective 4/22/95.]
(2) Basic review fees. All owners or operators of proposed new sources are required to pay a basic review fee. The basic review fee covers the costs associated with preapplication assistance, completeness determination, BACT determination, technical review, public involvement and approval/denial orders. Complexity determination shall be based on the project described in the notice of construction application. The basic review fees are either (a) or (b) below:
(a) Basic new source review fees.
(3) Additional charges. In addition to those fees required under subsection (2)(a) through (c) of this section, the following fees will be required as applicable:
(a) Major NSR actions under WAC 173-400-720 and 173-400-112.
(4) Small business fee reduction. The new source review fee identified in subsections (2) and (3) of this section may be reduced for a small business.
(a) To qualify for the small business new source review fee reduction, a business must meet the requirements of "small business" as defined in RCW 19.85.020. In RCW 19.85.020, "small business" means any business entity, including a sole proprietorship, corporation, partnership, or other legal entity, that is owned and operated independently from all other businesses, that has the purpose of making a profit, and that has fifty or fewer employees.
(b) To receive a fee reduction, the owner or operator of a small business must include information in the application demonstrating that the conditions of (a) of this subsection have been met. The application must be signed:
(i) By an authorized corporate officer in the case of a corporation;
(ii) By an authorized partner in the case of a limited or general partnership; or
(iii) By the proprietor in the case of a sole proprietorship.
(c) Ecology may verify the application information and if the owner or operator has made false statements, deny the fee reduction request and revoke previously granted fee reductions.
(d) For small businesses determined to be eligible under (a) of this subsection, the new source review fee shall be reduced to the greater of:
(i) Fifty percent of the new source review fee; or
(ii) Two hundred fifty dollars.
(e) If due to special economic circumstances, the fee reduction determined under (d) of this subsection imposes an extreme hardship on a small business, the small business may request an extreme hardship fee reduction. The owner or operator must provide sufficient evidence to support a claim of an extreme hardship. The factors which ecology may consider in determining whether an owner or operator has special economic circumstances and in setting the extreme hardship fee include: Annual sales; labor force size; market conditions which affect the owner's or operator's ability to pass the cost of the new source review fees through to customers; and average annual profits. In no case will a new source review fee be reduced below one hundred dollars.
(5) Fee reductions for pollution prevention initiatives. Ecology may reduce the fees defined in subsections (2) and (3) of this section where the owner or operator of the proposed source demonstrates that approved pollution prevention measures will be used.
(6) Fee payments. Fees specified in subsections (2) through (5) of this section shall be paid at the time a notice of construction application is submitted to the department. A notice of construction application is considered incomplete until ecology has received the appropriate new source review payment. Additional charges assessed pursuant to subsection (3) of this section shall be due thirty days after receipt of an ecology billing statement. All fees collected under this regulation shall be made payable to the Washington department of ecology.
(7) Dedicated account. All new source review fees collected by the department shall be deposited in the air pollution control account.
(8) Tracking revenues, time, and expenditures. Ecology shall track revenues collected under this subsection on a source-specific basis. Ecology shall track time and expenditures on the basis of complexity categories.
(9) Periodic review. Ecology shall review and, as
appropriate, update this section at least once every two
years.)) Fees can be found in chapter 173-455 WAC.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 70.94.152. 05-03-033 (Order 03-07), § 173-400-116, filed 1/10/05, effective 2/10/05. Statutory Authority: Chapter 70.94 RCW, RCW 70.94.141, [70.94.]152, [70.94.]331, [70.94.]510 and 43.21A.080. 01-17-062 (Order 99-06), § 173-400-116, filed 8/15/01, effective 9/15/01. Statutory Authority: Chapter 70.94 RCW. 96-19-054 (Order 94-35), § 173-400-116, filed 9/13/96, effective 10/14/96. Statutory Authority: RCW 70.94.153 and 70.94.154. 94-17-070, § 173-400-116, filed 8/15/94, effective 9/15/94.]
(1) Jurisdiction. Sources in any area over which a local air pollution control authority has jurisdiction shall make application to that authority rather than ecology. Variances to state rules shall require ecology's approval prior to being issued by an authority. Ecology or the authority may grant such variance, but only after public involvement per WAC 173-400-171.
(2) Full faith and credit. Variances granted in compliance with state and federal laws by an authority for sources under their jurisdiction will be accepted as variances to this regulation.
(3) EPA concurrence. No variance or renewal shall be construed to set aside or delay any requirements of the Federal Clean Air Act except with the approval and written concurrence of the USEPA.
(4) Fees relating to this section can be found in chapter 173-455 WAC.
[Statutory Authority: Chapter 70.94 RCW. 93-18-007 (Order 93-03), § 173-400-180, filed 8/20/93, effective 9/20/93; 91-05-064 (Order 90-06), § 173-400-180, filed 2/19/91, effective 3/22/91.]
AMENDATORY SECTION(Amending Order 03-09, filed 12/22/04,
effective 1/22/05)
WAC 173-407-040
Carbon dioxide mitigation program fees.
(((1) Statutory authorization. RCW 70.94.892 authorizes the
department to determine, assess, and collect fees sufficient
to cover costs to review and approve or deny the carbon
dioxide mitigation plan components of an order of approval.
The order of approval will specify costs to monitor
conformance related to the carbon dioxide mitigation plan.
(2) Fees. The fees for the carbon dioxide mitigation
program are described in this section and listed in the table
below. The fees listed are added to the fees established in
chapters 173-400 and 173-401 WAC, when the carbon dioxide
mitigation plan requirements are triggered.
(( |
[Statutory Authority: RCW 70.94.892 and chapter 80.70 RCW. 05-01-237 (Order 03-09), § 173-407-040, filed 12/22/04, effective 1/22/05.]
AMENDATORY SECTION(Amending Order 91-55, filed 2/3/93,
effective 3/6/93)
WAC 173-433-170
Retail sales fee.
(((1) A person
selling a solid fuel burning device at retail shall collect a
fee from the buyer, pursuant to RCW 70.94.483.
(2) The fee shall be:
(a) Set at a minimum of thirty dollars on January 1,
1992. Thereafter, ecology may annually adjust the fee to
account for inflation as determined by the office of the state
economic and revenue forecast council. Adjustments in the fee
should be rounded down to the nearest dollar.
(b) Applicable to all new and used solid fuel burning
(c) Procedures for masonry fireplaces. Generally,
contractors will collect, pay, and report the fee to the
department of revenue on the combined excise tax return for
the tax reporting period during which the retail sales tax is
billed to the customer for the construction of the masonry
fireplace. (See WAC 458-20-170 for a detailed explanation.)
Collection and payment of the fee by contractors shall be in
accordance with the following:
(i) A masonry contractor or other subcontractor who
builds a masonry fireplace. The retail sale occurs at the
time the general or prime contractor or customer is billed for
the work. The masonry contractor or other subcontractor must
collect the fee and pay it to the department of revenue,
unless the masonry contractor or other subcontractor has
received a resale certificate from the general or prime
contractor. The fee shall be reported on the combined excise
tax return.
(ii) A general or prime contractor building a custom
building. The retail sale occurs at the time the customer is
billed for the construction. The fee is charged and reported
with the first progress payment after the masonry fireplace
has been substantially completed. If a general or prime
contractor subcontracts the work on a custom building to a
masonry or other contractor, the general or prime contractor
may give the masonry or other subcontractor a resale
certificate. The general or prime contractor is responsible to
collect the fee and pay it to the department of revenue. The
fee is reported on the combined excise tax return.
(iii) A general or prime contractor building a
speculation building. The fee is required to be paid at the
time the fireplace is complete. The fee must be reported to
the department of revenue on a combined excise tax return and
paid to the department of revenue. If the prime or general
contractor subcontracts the building of the masonry fireplace
to a masonry contractor or other subcontractor, the general or
prime contractor may not give a resale certificate to the
masonry or other subcontractor. The masonry or other
subcontractor must collect and pay the fee to the department
of revenue as provided in (c)(i) of this subsection.
(d) Procedures for all other solid fuel burning devices. Collected by the retailer at the time of sale and remitted to
the department of revenue in conjunction with the retail sales
tax under chapter 82.08 RCW.
(3) If the retailer or contractor fails to collect and
remit the fee to the department of revenue as prescribed in
chapter 82.08 RCW, the retailer or contractor shall be
personally liable to the state for the amount of the fee, with
subsequent actions taken in accordance with the collection
provisions of chapter 82.32 RCW.
(4) Beginning July 1, 1990, and each calendar quarter
thereafter, the funds collected under RCW 70.94.483 shall be
used solely for the purposes of public education and
enforcement of the solid fuel burning device program. The
department shall distribute the funds from the woodstove
education and enforcement account as follows:
(a) Sixty-six percent of the funds shall be distributed
to those local air authorities with enforcement programs,
based upon the fraction of the total state population residing
in the counties within their respective jurisdictions. Population figures used to establish this fraction shall be
determined by the office of financial management. Where an
activated local air authority does not exist or does not
implement an enforcement program, or elects not to receive the
funds, ecology shall retain the funds that would otherwise be
distributed under this subsection; and
(b) Thirty-four percent of the funds shall be distributed
to ecology for the purposes of enforcement and educating the
public about:
(i) The effects of solid fuel burning device emissions
upon health and air quality; and
(ii) Methods of achieving better efficiency and emission
performance from solid fuel burning devices.)) Fees can be
found in chapter 173-455 WAC.
[Statutory Authority: Chapter 70.94 RCW and 501-506 ESHB 1028, 1991. 93-04-105 (Order 91-55), § 173-433-170, filed 2/3/93, effective 3/6/93. Statutory Authority: Chapter 70.94 RCW. 91-07-066 (Order 90-58), § 173-433-170, filed 3/20/91, effective 4/20/91. Statutory Authority: Chapters 70.94 and 43.21A RCW. 89-02-054 (Order 88-38), § 173-433-170, filed 1/3/89.]
AMENDATORY SECTION(Amending Order 90-63, filed 7/2/91,
effective 8/2/91)
WAC 173-491-030
(1) The owner or operator
of a gasoline loading terminal, bulk gasoline plant, or
gasoline dispensing facility subject to the provisions of WAC 173-491-040 (2) through (5) shall register annually the
facility with ecology or local air authority. Annual
registration shall be made by the owner or operator on a form
provided by ecology or local air authority within sixty days
of receipt of the form. Such registration form shall require
information relevant to determining whether the facility is in
compliance with the requirements of this chapter and be
accompanied by ((the following fee: Gasoline loading
terminals five hundred dollars, bulk gasoline plants two
hundred dollars, gasoline dispensing facilities one hundred
dollars, or a greater amount duly adopted by a local air
pollution authority. The amount of the fees collected shall
only be used to administer the registration program for
facilities subject to this chapter)) fees outlined in chapter 173-455 WAC.
(2) Administration of the registration program shall include:
(a) Initial registration and annual or other periodic reports from the source owner providing information directly related to air pollution registration.
(b) On-site inspections necessary to verify compliance with registration requirements.
(c) Data storage and retrieval systems necessary for support of the registration program.
(d) Emission inventory reports and emission reduction credits computed from information provided by sources pursuant to registration.
(e) Staff review, including engineering analysis for accuracy and currentness, of information provided by sources pursuant to registration program requirements.
(f) Clerical and other office support provided in direct furtherance of the registration program.
(g) Administrative support provided in directly carrying out the registration program.
(3) Ecology or local air authority will provide a written verification of registration to owners or operators of facilities subject to the provisions of WAC 173-491-040 (2) through (5). Such verification shall be available for inspection by ecology or local air authority personnel during normal business hours.
(4) The owner or operator of a gasoline loading terminal or a gasoline dispensing facility shall maintain total annual gasoline throughput records for the most recent two calendar years. Such records shall be available for inspection by ecology or local air authority personnel during normal business hours.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 70.94.331. 91-14-101 (Order 90-63), § 173-491-030, filed 7/2/91, effective 8/2/91.]
AMENDATORY SECTION(Amending Order 99-14, filed 12/3/99,
effective 1/3/00)
WAC 173-495-060
Procedures for issuing license.
(1) Any
person or organization desiring to obtain a license or
restricted license shall apply to ecology on the form
prescribed, listing name, business address, etc.
(2) Ecology may require additional information of the applicant to determine competency in the field of meteorology. The additional information must be requested of the applicant by certified mail, and must be submitted in writing.
(3) Before issuing any license, the applicant shall pay a
fee ((of one hundred dollars to the state of Washington)) as
outlined in chapter 173-455 WAC.
(4) The application shall be deemed received by ecology when received at the Headquarters Offices, Air Quality Program, Department of Ecology, P.O. Box 47600, Olympia, Washington, 98504-7600.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 79.94.331, chapters 70.94 and 43.37 RCW. 00-01-009 (Order 99-14), § 173-495-060, filed 12/3/99, effective 1/3/00. Statutory Authority: RCW 70.94.331. 90-19-062 (Order 90-10), § 173-495-060, filed 9/17/90, effective 10/18/90; Order DE 77-29, § 173-495-060, filed 12/29/77. Formerly chapter 508-20 WAC.]
(2) The licensee may request a renewal of the license no
later than December 1st. Ecology shall review the license
renewal request after receiving a renewal fee ((of one hundred
dollars made payable to the state of Washington)) outlined in
chapter 173-455 WAC.
(3) In the determination of whether or not to grant a license renewal, ecology shall consider information provided by the applicant on the facts and circumstances used to issue the original permit that were changed or altered. If ecology determines that the licensee no longer meets the requirements of competency in the field of meteorology, ecology may refuse to renew the license.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 79.94.331, chapters 70.94 and 43.37 RCW. 00-01-009 (Order 99-14), § 173-495-065, filed 12/3/99, effective 1/3/00. Statutory Authority: RCW 70.94.331. 90-19-062 (Order 90-10), § 173-495-065, filed 9/17/90, effective 10/18/90; Order DE 77-29, § 173-495-065, filed 12/29/77. Formerly chapter 508-20 WAC.]
(2) A license holder desiring to conduct a weather modification operation shall submit an application for a permit to ecology.
(3) The permit applicant must hold a valid weather modification license from the state of Washington.
(4) The applicant shall publish a notice of intention at least once a week for three consecutive weeks in a newspaper that has general circulation within the county in which the operation is to be conducted or affected.
(5) The licensee shall file proof of publication of the notice of intention with ecology within fifteen days from the date of last publication of the notice.
(6) The notice of intention must contain at least the following:
(a) The name and address of the licensee;
(b) The nature and object of the intended operation and the person or organization on whose behalf it is to be conducted;
(c) The area in which and the appropriate time during which the operation will be conducted;
(d) The area intended to be affected by the operation; and
(e) The materials and methods to be used in conducting the operation.
(7) The applicant shall furnish proof of financial responsibility, as described in WAC 173-495-120 of this chapter.
(8) The applicant shall pay a permit fee ((of one and
one-half percent of the estimated cost of the operation. The
estimated cost will be computed by ecology from available
data)) outlined in chapter 173-455 WAC.
(9) Before issuing a permit, ecology shall state, in writing, that the weather modification and control activities proposed have been determined to be for the general welfare and public good.
(10) Ecology shall hold a public hearing before any weather modification permit is issued.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 79.94.331, chapters 70.94 and 43.37 RCW. 00-01-009 (Order 99-14), § 173-495-070, filed 12/3/99, effective 1/3/00. Statutory Authority: RCW 70.94.331. 90-19-062 (Order 90-10), § 173-495-070, filed 9/17/90, effective 10/18/90; Order DE 77-29, § 173-495-070, filed 12/29/77. Formerly chapter 508-20 WAC.]