Effective Date of Rule: Thirty-one days after filing.
Purpose: These rule changes will protect rockfish stocks in Puget Sound.
Reasons Supporting Proposal: These changes are needed to comply with provisions [of] the Endangered Species Act (ESA) and to provide protection for rockfish species in Puget Sound. On July 27, 2010, a federal decision to list two species of rockfish as threatened, and one species of rockfish as endangered, in Puget Sound became effective. The intent of these regulations is to comply with the ESA and to protect the listed species from capture in these fisheries. While the ESA listing does not cover all of Puget Sound, the agency has concluded it is necessary to make these restrictions effective in all Puget Sound marine fish-shellfish management and catch reporting areas due to concern that leaving a small portion of Puget Sound open to these commercial fishing gears will concentrate fishing effort in that area, leading to challenges with conservation and conducting an orderly fishery.
Citation of Existing Rules Affected by this Order: Repealing WAC 220-48-011, 220-48-013, 220-48-016, 220-48-017, 220-48-028 and 220-48-031; and amending WAC 220-48-005, 220-48-015, 220-48-029, 220-48-032, 220-48-062, 220-48-071, and 220-52-051.
Statutory Authority for Adoption: RCW 77.04.020, 77.12.045, and 77.12.047.
Other Authority: 50 C.F.R., Parts 223 and 224.
Adopted under notice filed as WSR 10-21-118 on October 20, 2010.
Changes Other than Editing from Proposed to Adopted Version: The following rules were not adopted by the fish and wildlife commission based on public comment and the Governor's Executive Order 10-06, which suspends noncritical rule making through December 2011. These WACs will be withdrawn: WAC 220-48-041 Commercial jig -- Gear, 220-48-051 Troll lines -- Bottomfish gear, 220-48-052 Bottomfish troll -- Seasons, 220-49-012 Herring, anchovy and smelt fishing -- Purse seine, and 220-49-020 Herring and anchovy -- Seasons -- Lawful gear -- Purpose.
Number of Sections Adopted in Order to Comply with Federal Statute: New 0, Amended 0, Repealed 0; Federal Rules or Standards: New 0, Amended 7, Repealed 6; or Recently Enacted State Statutes: New 0, Amended 0, Repealed 0.
Number of Sections Adopted at Request of a Nongovernmental Entity: New 0, Amended 0, Repealed 0.
Number of Sections Adopted on the Agency's Own Initiative: New 0, Amended 7, Repealed 6.
Number of Sections Adopted in Order to Clarify, Streamline, or Reform Agency Procedures: New 0, Amended 0, Repealed 0.
Number of Sections Adopted Using Negotiated Rule Making: New 0, Amended 0, Repealed 0; Pilot Rule Making: New 0, Amended 0, Repealed 0; or Other Alternative Rule Making: New 0, Amended 0, Repealed 0.
Date Adopted: February 5, 2011.
Miranda Wecker, Chair
Fish and Wildlife Commission
AMENDATORY SECTION(Amending Order 02-66, filed 3/27/02,
effective 4/27/02)
WAC 220-48-005
Puget Sound bottomfish -- General
(1) It is unlawful to possess any English sole
less than 12 inches in length taken by any commercial
bottomfish gear in all Puget Sound Marine Fish-Shellfish
Management and Catch Reporting Areas.
(2) It is unlawful to possess any starry flounder less than 14 inches in length taken by any commercial bottomfish gear in all Puget Sound Marine Fish-Shellfish Management and Catch Reporting Areas.
(3) It is unlawful to possess lingcod taken with any commercial gear the entire year in Puget Sound Marine Fish-Shellfish Management and Catch Reporting Areas 23D, 24A, 24B, 24C, 24D, 25B, 25C, 25D, 26A, 26B, 26C, 26D, 27A, 27B, 27C, 28A, 28B, 28C, and 28D.
(4) It is unlawful to possess any lingcod less than 26
inches in length or greater than ((40)) 36 inches in length
taken by any commercial gear in all state waters east of the
Bonilla-Tatoosh line.
(5) It is unlawful to possess lingcod taken by any commercial gear from June 16 through April 30 in Puget Sound Marine Fish-Shellfish Management and Catch Reporting Areas 20A, 20B, 21A, 21B, 22A, 22B, 23A, 23B, 23C, 25A, 25E, and 29.
(6) It is unlawful to possess any species of shellfish taken with lawful bottomfish gear except as provided in WAC 220-52-063 and 220-52-066.
(7) Incidental catch.
(a) It is lawful to retain bottomfish taken incidental to any lawful salmon fishery, provided the bottomfish could be lawfully taken.
(b) It is unlawful to retain salmon or sturgeon taken incidental to any lawful bottomfish fishery in Puget Sound.
(c) It is unlawful to retain any species of shellfish taken incidental to any bottomfish fishery in Puget Sound, except that it is lawful to retain octopus and squid.
(d) It is unlawful to retain any whiting taken incidental to any bottomfish fishery in Catch Areas 24B, 24C or 26A except using pelagic trawl gear when these areas have been opened by the director for a directed whiting fishery.
(8) A vessel trip is defined as having occurred upon the initiation of transfer of catch from a fishing vessel.
(9) Pacific cod.
(a) It is unlawful to discard any Pacific cod taken by any commercial fishing gear.
(b) All Pacific cod taken by a commercial gear shall be landed at a licensed commercial dealer.
(10) Sablefish. It is unlawful to take more than 300 pounds of sablefish per vessel trip or more than 600 pounds of sablefish per two-month cumulative limit from open Puget Sound Marine Fish-Shellfish Management and Catch Reporting Areas. A two-month cumulative limit is the maximum amount of fish that may be taken and retained, possessed or landed per vessel per two-fixed calendar month period. The fixed two-month periods are January-February, March-April, May-June, July-August, September-October and November-December.
(11) Sixgill shark. It is unlawful to retain sixgill shark taken by commercial fishing gear in all Puget Sound Marine Fish-Shellfish Management and Catch Reporting Areas.
(12) Rockfish. It is unlawful to retain any species of rockfish taken by commercial fishing gear in all Puget Sound Marine Fish-Shellfish Management and Catch Reporting Areas.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 77.12.047. 02-08-026 (Order 02-66), § 220-48-005, filed 3/27/02, effective 4/27/02. Statutory Authority: RCW 75.08.080. 98-05-043, § 220-48-005, filed 2/11/98, effective 3/14/98; 94-12-009 (Order 94-23), § 220-48-005, filed 5/19/94, effective 6/19/94; 93-15-051, § 220-48-005, filed 7/14/93, effective 8/14/93; 92-11-011 (Order 92-28), § 220-48-005, filed 5/12/92, effective 6/12/92; 85-08-023 (Order 85-24), § 220-48-005, filed 4/1/85; 83-24-024 (Order 83-200), § 220-48-005, filed 11/30/83, effective 1/1/84; 82-24-080 (Order 82-215), § 220-48-005, filed 12/1/82, effective 1/1/83; 82-14-056 (Order 82-72), § 220-48-005, filed 7/1/82.]
(a) Those waters of Area 20A east of a line projected from Point Whitehorn to Sandy Point are closed the entire year.
(b) Those waters of Area 20A within an area bounded by lines from Lilly Point to Birch Point and from the southwest corner of Point Roberts to Point Whitehorn to where these two lines are intersected by a line south from Kwomais Point in British Columbia and a line from Lilly Point to the north Alden Bank buoy are closed April 15 through May 31.
(c) Those waters of Area 20A within an area bounded by lines from Lilly Point to Birch Point and Lilly Point to the north Alden Bank buoy to where those lines are intersected by a line projected approximately 230 degrees south from Birch Point to Alden Point on Patos Island are closed June 1 through June 30.
(d) Areas 20A, 20B, 21A, 22A and 22B are closed to all trawl fishing in waters less than 30 feet deep.
(e) Areas 20A, 20B, 21A, 22A and 22B are closed in waters deeper than 40 fathoms from 12:01 a.m. September 15 through December 31 except if the Pacific cod quota for these waters has not been taken by September 15, these waters may be opened by emergency rule for the taking of the Pacific cod quota.
(f) Area 23C is closed to otter trawl fishing the entire year in waters shallower than 50 fathoms and is closed to beam trawl fishing in waters less than 60 feet deep.
(g) Area 23C is closed to otter trawl Wednesday, Saturday and Sunday, January 1 through August 31, and closed to all otter trawl September 1 through December 31.
(2) It is lawful to fish for and possess bottomfish taken with beam trawl gear in Marine Fish-Shellfish Management and Catch Reporting Areas 23A, 23B, 25A and 25B the entire year with the following exceptions:
(a) All of Area 25A is closed February 1 through April 15 of each year.
(b) Those waters of Area 25A lying southerly and westerly of a line projected from Kiapot Point to Gibson Spit (Sequim Bay) are closed the entire year.
(c) Areas 23A, 25A and 25B are closed to beam trawl fishing in waters less than 60 feet deep.
(3) It is unlawful to fish for or possess bottomfish taken with otter trawl gear in Marine Fish-Shellfish Management and Catch Reporting Areas 23A, 23B, 25A and 25B the entire year.
(4) It is unlawful to take, fish for or possess bottomfish taken with bottom trawl or beam trawl gear in Marine Fish-Shellfish Management and Catch Reporting Areas 21B, 23D, 24A, 24B, 24C, 24D, 25C, 25D, 25E, 26A, 26B, 26C, 26D, 27A, 27B, 27C, 28A, 28B, 28C, 28D, and 29 the entire year.
(5) It is unlawful to take more than 500 pounds of
rockfish with beam trawl and bottom trawl gear during any
vessel trip in all Puget Sound Marine Fish-Shellfish
Management and Catch Reporting Areas)).
[Statutory Authority: RCW 77.12.047. 01-10-001 (Order 01-58), § 220-48-015, filed 4/18/01, effective 5/19/01; 01-02-060 (Order 00-266), § 220-48-015, filed 12/29/00, effective 1/29/01. Statutory Authority: RCW 75.08.080. 98-05-043, § 220-48-015, filed 2/11/98, effective 3/14/98; 97-07-053 (Order 97-52), § 220-48-015, filed 3/17/97, effective 4/17/97; 94-19-001 (Order 94-96), § 220-48-015, filed 9/7/94, effective 10/8/94; 94-12-009 (Order 94-23), § 220-48-015, filed 5/19/94, effective 6/19/94; 91-13-051 (Order 91-39), § 220-48-015, filed 6/14/91, effective 7/15/91; 89-14-010 (Order 89-48), § 220-48-015, filed 6/22/89; 87-04-003 (Order 87-03), § 220-48-015, filed 1/22/87; 85-08-023 (Order 85-24), § 220-48-015, filed 4/1/85; 84-08-014 (Order 84-24), § 220-48-015, filed 3/27/84; 83-24-024 (Order 83-200), § 220-48-015, filed 11/30/83, effective 1/1/84; 83-04-025 (Order 83-04), § 220-48-015, filed 1/27/83; 82-24-080 (Order 82-215), § 220-48-015, filed 12/1/82, effective 1/1/83; 82-14-056 (Order 82-72), § 220-48-015, filed 7/1/82.]
(a) Areas 20A and 20B - November 1 through June 15.
(b) Area 21A - March 1 through June 15.
(c) Areas 21B, 22A, 22B, 23A, and 23B - Closed all year.
(d) Areas 23C and 23D - September 16 through June 15.
(e) Areas 24A, 24B, and 24D - September 16 through June 15.
(f) Area 24C - September 16 through June 15, except those waters south of a line projected due east of East Point on Whidbey Island are closed all year.
(g) Areas 25A, 25B and that portion of Area 25C west of a line from Twin Spits to the Port Gamble Millstack - September 16 through June 15.
(h) Area 25D and that portion of 25C east of line from Twin Spits to the Port Gamble Millstack - Closed all year.
(i) Area 25E - Closed all year.
(j) Area 26A - September 16 through June 15, except those waters southerly and westerly of a line between the ferry dock at Mukilteo and the ferry dock at Clinton are closed all year.
(k) Area 26B - September 16 through June 15, except those waters provided for in WAC 220-20-020(4) (Shilshole Bay) are closed at all times and those waters west of a line from Point Jefferson to Point Monroe are closed from January 1 to April 15. Those waters west of a line projected 178 degrees true from the end of the Indianola dock to the landfall on the south shore of Port Madison are closed at all times.
(l) Area 26C - Open April 16 through June 15 and September 16 through December 31, except those waters north of a line projected true east of Point Bolin and those waters west of a line projected 178 degrees true from the end of the Indianola dock to the landfall on the south shore of Port Madison are closed at all times.
(m) Area 26D - September 16 through June 15, except Quartermaster Harbor and those waters south of lines projected from Dash Point to Point Piner on Maury Island and from Point Dalco true west to the Kitsap Peninsula are closed all year.
(n) Areas 27A, 27B, and 27C - Closed all year.
(o) Area 28A - September 16 through June 15, except those waters north of a line projected true east of Fox Point on Fox Island, and east of a line projected due north from the northwest tip of Fox Island are closed all year.
(p) Areas 28B, 28C, and 28D - September 16 through June 15, except those waters provided for in WAC 220-20-010(6) (upper Carr Inlet).
(q) Area 29 - September 16 through June 15.
(2) Incidental catch: It is unlawful to retain any
shellfish or fish other than bottomfish)).
[Statutory Authority: RCW 77.12.047. 04-17-098 (Order 04-218), § 220-48-029, filed 8/17/04, effective 9/17/04; 03-05-063 (Order 03-27), § 220-48-029, filed 2/18/03, effective 3/21/03. Statutory Authority: RCW 75.08.080. 91-13-051 (Order 91-39), § 220-48-029, filed 6/14/91, effective 7/15/91; 89-14-010 (Order 89-48), § 220-48-029, filed 6/22/89; 84-08-014 (Order 84-24), § 220-48-029, filed 3/27/84; 82-24-080 (Order 82-215), § 220-48-029, filed 12/1/82, effective 1/1/83; 82-14-056 (Order 82-72), § 220-48-029, filed 7/1/82.]
(2) It is unlawful to take, fish for, and possess dogfish and other bottomfish taken with set lines in:
(a) All Marine Fish-Shellfish Management and Catch Reporting Areas June 16 through September 15.
(b) That portion of Area 26C north of a line projected due east from Point Bolin to Bainbridge Island is closed all year.
(c) That portion of Area 26D south of lines projected due west of Point Dalco on Vashon Island, and from Dash Point to Point Piner on Maury Island, is closed all year.
(d) That portion of Area 28A east of a line projected due north from the northwest tip of Fox Island, and north of a line projected due east from Fox Point on Fox Island is closed all year.
(e) Those waters provided for in WAC 220-20-010(6) and 220-20-020(4).
(f) Marine Fish-Shellfish Management and Catch Reporting Areas 27A, 27B, and 27C.
(3) Incidental catch: It is unlawful to retain any
shellfish and any fish other than bottomfish, and the
cumulative weight of rockfish and lingcod shall not exceed 30
pounds for any vessel trip in all open Puget Sound Marine
Fish-Shellfish Management and Catch Reporting Areas)).
[Statutory Authority: RCW 77.12.047. 04-17-098 (Order 04-218), § 220-48-032, filed 8/17/04, effective 9/17/04; 03-05-063 (Order 03-27), § 220-48-032, filed 2/18/03, effective 3/21/03. Statutory Authority: RCW 75.08.080. 98-05-043, § 220-48-032, filed 2/11/98, effective 3/14/98; 87-04-003 (Order 87-03), § 220-48-032, filed 1/22/87; 82-24-080 (Order 82-215), § 220-48-032, filed 12/1/82, effective 1/1/83; 82-14-056 (Order 82-72), § 220-48-032, filed 7/1/82.]
(((a) Areas 20A, 21A, 21B, 23A, and 23B - Open April 15
through November 30.
(b) Areas 23C and 23D - Open December 1 through April 14.
(c) All other areas are closed the entire year, except by
permit from the director.)) Areas 23C and 29 open only by
permit from the director.
(2) Licensing: A bottomfish pot fishery license is the license required to operate the gear provided for in this section.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 75.08.080. 98-05-043, § 220-48-071, filed 2/11/98, effective 3/14/98; 94-12-009 (Order 94-23), § 220-48-071, filed 5/19/94, effective 6/19/94; 84-08-014 (Order 84-24), § 220-48-071, filed 3/27/84; 82-24-080 (Order 82-215), § 220-48-071, filed 12/1/82, effective 1/1/83; 82-14-056 (Order 82-72), § 220-48-071, filed 7/1/82.]
The following sections of the Washington Administrative Code are repealed:
WAC 220-48-011 | Beam trawl and otter trawl -- Gear. |
WAC 220-48-013 | Beam trawl and otter trawl logbooks. |
WAC 220-48-016 | Pelagic trawl -- Gear -- Licensing. |
WAC 220-48-017 | Pelagic trawl -- Seasons. |
WAC 220-48-028 | Set net -- Dogfish -- Gear. |
WAC 220-48-031 | Set line -- Gear. |
AMENDATORY SECTION(Amending Order 04-218, filed 8/17/04,
effective 9/17/04)
WAC 220-48-062
Drag seines -- Seasons.
It is unlawful to
take, fish for, and possess bottomfish with drag seine gear
for commercial purposes except in the following Marine
Fish-Shellfish Management and Catch Reporting Areas during the
seasons designated below:
(1) Areas 28A, 28B, 28C, and 28D - Open January 1 through April 30.
(2) All other areas - Open September 1 through April 30,
except Areas 27A, 27B, ((and)) 27C, and 29 are closed
[Statutory Authority: RCW 77.12.047. 04-17-098 (Order 04-218), § 220-48-062, filed 8/17/04, effective 9/17/04. Statutory Authority: RCW 75.08.080. 89-14-010 (Order 89-48), § 220-48-062, filed 6/22/89; 82-24-080 (Order 82-215), § 220-48-062, filed 12/1/82, effective 1/1/83; 82-14-056 (Order 82-72), § 220-48-062, filed 7/1/82.]
AMENDATORY SECTION(Amending Order 05-275, filed 12/9/05,
effective 1/9/06)
WAC 220-52-051
Shrimp fishery -- Puget Sound.
(1) A Puget
Sound shrimp pot license or a Puget Sound shrimp trawl license
will only be issued to an individual who is a natural person,
and this person shall be the primary operator. Holders of
Puget Sound shrimp pot licenses and Puget Sound shrimp trawl
licenses may designate a single alternate operator per
(2) It is unlawful to fish for shrimp for commercial purposes in Puget Sound using shellfish pot gear except during seasons opened by emergency rule:
(a) Gear restrictions -
(i) In all areas, maximum 100 pots per fisher except for dual licensees as provided for in RCW 77.70.410.
(ii) In all areas:
(A) Buoys must be orange in color and consist of durable material that will remain floating on the surface with five pounds attached; bleach or antifreeze bottles or other containers may not be used as floats.
(B) The line attaching the pot to the buoy must be weighted sufficiently to prevent the line from floating on the surface.
(C) The maximum perimeter of shrimp pots must not exceed ten feet and the maximum height must not exceed two feet.
(D) It is unlawful to set or pull shrimp pot gear from one hour after official sunset to one hour before official sunrise.
(b) Spot shrimp size restriction: It is unlawful to retain spot shrimp taken by shellfish pot gear that have a carapace length less than 1 and 3/16 inches. Carapace length is defined as the length between the posterior mid-dorsal margin to the posterior-most part of the eye-stalk orbit.
(c) Area restrictions:
(i) Pot gear closed in all Puget Sound Shrimp Districts except the Port Townsend Shrimp District.
(ii) Pot gear closed in Lopez Sound south of a line projected true east-west from the northern tip of Trump Island from the season opening through July 9th.
(3) It is unlawful to fish for shrimp for commercial
purposes in Puget Sound using trawl gear except during seasons
opened by emergency rule((:)) and authorized by a permit
issued by the director.
(a) Gear restrictions - Beam trawl gear only. Otter trawl gear may not be used.
(i) Maximum beam width in Marine Fish-Shellfish Management and Catch Reporting Areas 20A, 20B, 21A, and 22A is 25 feet.
(ii) Maximum beam width in Marine Fish-Shellfish Management and Catch Reporting Areas 23A, 23B, 23C, 25A, 25B, and 29 is 60 feet.
(b) It is unlawful to retain spot shrimp.
(c) Area restrictions:
(i) Shrimp trawl fishing closed in all Puget Sound Shrimp Districts.
(ii) Shrimp trawl fishing closed in Lopez Sound south of a line projected true east-west from the northern tip of Trump Island from the season opening through July 9th.
(d) It is unlawful to fish for shrimp in Puget Sound with beam trawl gear in waters shallower than 100 feet.
(e) It is lawful to fish for shrimp in Puget Sound with beam trawl gear in Marine Fish-Shellfish Management and Catch Reporting Area 21A only in those waters north and west of a line from the southern tip of Sinclair Island to Carter Point on Lummi Island.
(f) The following restrictions apply to shrimp beam trawl harvest in Marine Fish-Shellfish Management and Catch Reporting Area 20A:
(i) Closed in waters east of a line from the southwest corner of Point Roberts to Sandy Point.
(ii) Closed in waters shallower than 20 fathoms.
(g) It is unlawful to operate shrimp beam trawl gear in Puget Sound from one hour after official sunset to one hour before official sunrise.
(h) It is unlawful to fish for, retain, land or deliver shrimp taken with trawl gear without a valid Puget Sound shrimp trawl fishery permit.
(i) It is unlawful to take, retain, land, or deliver any shrimp taken with trawl gear without complying with all provisions of a Puget Sound shrimp trawl fishery permit.
(j) A violation of this subsection is punishable under RCW 77.15.750.
(4) All shrimp taken in the Puget Sound commercial shrimp fishery must be landed and recorded on Washington state fish receiving tickets within 24 hours of harvest. No fisher may land shrimp without immediate delivery to a licensed wholesale dealer, or if transferred at sea, without transfer to a licensed wholesale dealer. A fisher who is a licensed wholesale dealer may complete and return a fish receiving ticket to satisfy the requirements of this subsection.
(5) For purposes of shrimp pot harvest allocation, fishing season, and catch reporting, the Marine Fish-Shellfish Management and Catch Reporting Areas (catch areas) are modified as follows:
(a) That portion of Catch Area 22A south of a line due east from the international boundary to Lime Kiln Point light on San Juan Island, then south of the shores of San Juan Island, then south of a line from Cattle Point on San Juan Island to Davis Point on Lopez Island, then south of the shores of Lopez Island to Point Colville shall be considered to be part of Catch Area 23A.
(b) Catch Area 23A is divided into four subareas:
(i) 23A-E (east) is those waters of Catch Area 23A east of 122°57'W. Long. and north of 48°22.5'N. Lat.
(ii) 23A-W (west) is those waters of Catch Area 23A west of 122°57'W. Long. and north of 48°22.5'N. Lat.
(iii) 23A-C (central) is those waters of Catch Area 23 south of 48°22.5'N. Lat. and east of a line projected 335° true from the Dungeness lighthouse.
(iv) 23A-S (south) is those waters of Catch Area 23A west of a line projected 335° true from the Dungeness lighthouse.
(c) Catch Area 26A is divided into two subareas:
(i) 26A-E (east) is those waters of Catch Area 26A north and east of a line projected 110 degrees true from the southern tip of Possession Point on Whidbey Island to the shipwreck on the opposite shore.
(ii) 26A-W (west) is those waters of Catch Area 26A south and west of a line projected 110 degrees true from the southern tip of Possession Point on Whidbey Island to the shipwreck on the opposite shore.
(d) Catch Area 26B is divided into two subareas:
(i) 26B-1 is those waters of Catch Area 26B westerly of a line projected from West Point to Alki Point.
(ii) 26B-2 is those waters easterly of a line projected from West Point to Alki Point.
(6) For purpose of shrimp trawl harvest allocation and catch reporting, 23A East is that portion of Catch Area 23A, east of a line projected true north from the Dungeness lighthouse. 23A West is that portion of Catch Area 23A, west of the line described herein.
(7) The following areas are defined as Puget Sound Shrimp Management Areas:
(a) Shrimp Management Area 1A: Waters of Catch Area 20B west of a line from Point Doughty on Orcas Island to the bell buoy at the international boundary, and all waters of Catch Area 22A west of a line projected true north and south from the western tip of Crane Island, west of a line projected from the number 2 buoy at the entrance to Fisherman Bay to the southern tip of Shaw Island.
(b) Shrimp Management Area 1B: Waters of Catch Area 20B east of a line from Point Doughty on Orcas Island to the bell buoy at the international boundary, and waters of Catch Area 22A east of a line projected true north and south from the western tip of Crane Island, east of a line projected from the number 2 buoy at the entrance to Fisherman Bay to the southern tip of Shaw Island, and east of a line projected true south from Point Colville, and all waters of Catch Area 21A north and west of a line from the southern tip of Sinclair Island to Carter Point on Lummi Island.
(c) Shrimp Management Area 1C: Waters of Catch Areas 20A, 21B, 22B, and waters of Catch Area 21A not included in Management Area 1B.
(d) Shrimp Management Area 2E: Waters of Catch Areas 24A, 24B, 24C, 24D, and 26A-E (east).
(e) Shrimp Management Area 2W: Waters of Catch Areas 25B, 25C, 25D, and 26A-W (west).
(f) Shrimp Management Area 3: Waters of Catch Areas 23A, 23B, 23C, 23D, 25A, 25E, and 29.
(g) Shrimp Management Area 4: Waters of Catch Areas 26B and 26C.
(h) Shrimp Management Area 5: Waters of Catch Areas 27A, 27B, and 27C.
(i) Shrimp Management Area 6: Waters of Catch Areas 26D, 28A, 28B, 28C, and 28D.
(8) In Shrimp Management Areas 1A, 1B and 1C, all catch must be reported by Management Area and Catch Area combined, either 1A-20B, 1A-22A, 1B-20B, 1B-21A, 1B-22A, 1C-20A, 1C-21A, 1C-21B, or 1C-22B.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 77.12.047. 06-01-013 (Order 05-275), § 220-52-051, filed 12/9/05, effective 1/9/06; 03-05-064 (Order 03-28), § 220-52-051, filed 2/18/03, effective 3/21/03; 02-01-068, § 220-52-051, filed 12/14/01, effective 1/14/02; 01-03-016 (Order 00-271), § 220-52-051, filed 1/5/01, effective 2/5/01. Statutory Authority: RCW 74.08.080 and 1999 c 239. 00-01-124 (Order 99-217), § 220-52-051, filed 12/17/99, effective 1/17/00. Statutory Authority: RCW 75.28.740 and 75.30.220. 94-07-092 (Order 94-14), § 220-52-051, filed 3/17/94, effective 4/17/94. Statutory Authority: RCW 75.08.080. 93-15-051, § 220-52-051, filed 7/14/93, effective 8/14/93; 91-18-030 (Order 91-73), § 220-52-051, filed 8/28/91, effective 9/28/91; 87-23-006 (Order 87-187), § 220-52-051, filed 11/6/87.]