(Aging and Disability Services Administration)
Effective Date of Rule: Immediately.
Purpose: The department is amending chapter 388-106 WAC, Long-term care services, to revise the assessment process for allocating personal care hours to disabled children as a result of the Washington state supreme court decision regarding the Samantha A. v. Department of Social and Health Services.
Citation of Existing Rules Affected by this Order: Repealing WAC 388-106-0126 and 388-106-0213; and amending WAC 388-106-0075 and 388-106-0130.
Statutory Authority for Adoption: RCW 74.08.090, 74.09.520.
Under RCW 34.05.350 the agency for good cause finds that immediate adoption, amendment, or repeal of a rule is necessary for the preservation of the public health, safety, or general welfare, and that observing the time requirements of notice and opportunity to comment upon adoption of a permanent rule would be contrary to the public interest; and that state or federal law or federal rule or a federal deadline for state receipt of federal funds requires immediate adoption of a rule.
Reasons for this Finding: The department must revise its assessment process as soon as possible in order to allocate personal care services for children on a more individualized basis. The emergency rule is necessary in order to implement as soon as possible the state supreme court decision in Samantha A. v. DSHS. The department is proceeding with the permanent adoption as the CR-101 was filed as WSR 11-22-074 on November 1, 2011.
Number of Sections Adopted in Order to Comply with Federal Statute: New 0, Amended 2, Repealed 2; Federal Rules or Standards: New 0, Amended 0, Repealed 0; or Recently Enacted State Statutes: New 0, Amended 0, Repealed 0.
Number of Sections Adopted at Request of a Nongovernmental Entity: New 0, Amended 0, Repealed 0.
Number of Sections Adopted on the Agency's Own Initiative: New 0, Amended 0, Repealed 0.
Number of Sections Adopted in Order to Clarify, Streamline, or Reform Agency Procedures: New 0, Amended 0, Repealed 0.
Number of Sections Adopted Using Negotiated Rule Making: New 0, Amended 0, Repealed 0; Pilot Rule Making: New 0, Amended 0, Repealed 0; or Other Alternative Rule Making: New 0, Amended 2, Repealed 2.
Date Adopted: November 16, 2011.
Katherine I. Vasquez
Rules Coordinator
4341.3 (1) Activities of daily living (ADL) using self
performance((,)) support provided, status and assistance
available, as defined in WAC 388-106-0010. Also, the
department determines your need for "assistance with body
care" and "assistance with medication management," as defined
in WAC 388-106-0010; and
(2) Instrumental activities of daily living (IADL) using
self performance((,)) difficulty, status and assistance
available, as defined in WAC 388-106-0010.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 74.08.090, 74.09.520. 05-11-082, § 388-106-0075, filed 5/17/05, effective 6/17/05.]
(2) The department will ((deduct from the)) adjust base
hours to account for informal supports, shared benefit, and
age appropriate functioning (as those terms are defined in WAC 388-106-0010), ((or)) and other paid services that meet some
of an individual's need for personal care services, including
adult day health, as follows:
(a) The CARE tool determines the adjustment for informal
supports ((by determining)), shared benefit, and age
appropriate functioning; determines the amount of assistance
available ((to meet your needs,)); assigns ((it)) a numeric
((percentage,)) value to those assessed indicators; and
((reduces)) adjusts the base hours assigned to the
classification group by the numeric ((percentage)) value. The
department has assigned the following numeric values for the
amount of assistance available for each ADL and IADL:
Meds | Self Performance | Status | Assistance Available | Value (( |
Self administration of medications | Rules for all codes apply except independent is not counted | Unmet | N/A | 1 |
Met | N/A | 0 | ||
Decline | N/A | 0 | ||
Age appropriate functioning | N/A | 0 | ||
Partially met | <1/4 time | .9 | ||
1/4 to 1/2 time | .7 | |||
1/2 to 3/4 time | .5 | |||
>3/4 time | .3 | |||
Unscheduled ADLs | Self Performance | Status | Assistance Available | Value (( |
Bed mobility, transfer, walk in room, eating, toilet use | Rules apply for all codes except:
Did not occur/client not able and
Did not occur/no provider = 1; Did not occur/client declined and independent are not counted. |
Unmet | N/A | 1 |
Met | N/A | 0 | ||
Decline | N/A | 0 | ||
Age appropriate functioning | N/A | 0 | ||
Partially met | <1/4 time | .9 | ||
1/4 to 1/2 time | .7 | |||
1/2 to 3/4 time | .5 | |||
>3/4 time | .3 | |||
Scheduled ADLs | Self Performance | Status | Assistance Available | Value (( |
Dressing, personal hygiene, bathing |
Rules apply for all codes except:
Did not occur/client not able and
Did not occur/no provider = 1; Did not occur/client declined and independent are not counted. |
Unmet | N/A | 1 |
Met | N/A | 0 | ||
Decline | N/A | 0 | ||
Age appropriate functioning | N/A | 0 | ||
Partially met | <1/4 time | .75 | ||
1/4 to 1/2 time | .55 | |||
1/2 to 3/4 time | .35 | |||
>3/4 time | .15 | |||
IADLs | Self Performance | Status | Assistance Available | Value (( |
Meal preparation, Ordinary housework, Essential shopping |
Rules for all codes apply except independent is not counted. | Unmet | N/A | 1 |
Met | N/A | 0 | ||
Decline | N/A | 0 | ||
Age appropriate functioning | N/A | 0 | ||
Partially met or shared benefit | <1/4 time | .3 | ||
1/4 to 1/2 time | .2 | |||
1/2 to 3/4 time | .1 | |||
>3/4 time | .05 | |||
IADLs | Self Performance | Status | Assistance Available | Value (( |
Travel to medical | Rules for all codes apply except independent is not counted. | Unmet | N/A | 1 |
Met | N/A | 0 | ||
Decline | N/A | 0 | ||
Age appropriate functioning | N/A | 0 | ||
Partially met | <1/4 time | .9 | ||
1/4 to 1/2 time | .7 | |||
1/2 to 3/4 time | .5 | |||
>3/4 time | .3 | |||
Key: > means greater than < means less than |
(3) ((Also, the department will adjust in-home base hours
(a) There is more than one client receiving ADSA-paid
personal care services living in the same household, the
status under subsection (2)(a) of this section must be met or
partially met for the following IADLs:
(i) Meal preparation;
(ii) Housekeeping;
(iii) Shopping; and
(iv) Wood supply.
(b) You are under the age of eighteen, your assessment
will be coded according to age guidelines codified in WAC 388-106-0213.
(4))) After ((deductions)) adjustments are made to your
base hours, as described in ((subsections (2) and (3)))
subsection (2), the department may add on hours based on your
living environment:
Condition | Status | Assistance Available | Add On Hours |
Offsite laundry facilities, which means the client does not have facilities in own home and the caregiver is not available to perform any other personal or household tasks while laundry is done. | N/A | N/A | 8 |
Client is >45 minutes from essential services (which means he/she lives more than 45 minutes one-way from a full-service market). | Unmet | N/A | 5 |
Met | N/A | 0 | |
Age appropriate | N/A | 0 | |
Partially met or shared benefit | <1/4 time | 5 | |
between 1/4 to 1/2 time | 4 | ||
between 1/2 to 3/4 time | 2 | ||
>3/4 time | 2 | ||
Wood supply used as sole source of heat. | Unmet | N/A | 8 |
Met | N/A | 0 | |
Declines | N/A | 0 | |
Age appropriate | N/A | 0 | |
Partially met or shared benefit | <1/4 time | 8 | |
between 1/4 to 1/2 time | 6 | ||
between 1/2 to 3/4 time | 4 | ||
>3/4 time | 2 |
(((6))) (5) The result of actions under subsections (2),
(3), and (4) is the maximum number of hours that can be used
to develop your plan of care. The department must take into
account cost effectiveness, client health and safety, and
program limits in determining how hours can be used to
((meet)) address your identified needs. In the case of New
Freedom consumer directed services (NFCDS), a New Freedom
spending plan (NFSP) is developed in place of a plan of care.
(((7))) (6) You and your case manager will work to
determine what services you choose to receive if you are
eligible. The hours may be used to authorize:
(a) Personal care services from a home care agency provider and/or an individual provider.
(b) Home delivered meals (i.e. a half hour from the available hours for each meal authorized).
(c) Adult day care (i.e. a half hour from the available hours for each hour of day care authorized).
(d) A home health aide if you are eligible per WAC 388-106-0300 or 388-106-0500.
(e) A private duty nurse (PDN) if you are eligible per WAC 388-71-0910 and 388-71-0915 or WAC 388-551-3000 (i.e. one hour from the available hours for each hour of PDN authorized).
(f) The purchase of New Freedom consumer directed services (NFCDS).
(7) If you are a child applying for personal care services:
(a) The department will complete a CARE assessment and use the developmental milestones table below when assessing your ability to perform personal care tasks.
(b) Your status will be coded as age appropriate when your self performance is at a level expected for persons in your assessed age range, as indicated by the developmental milestones table, unless the circumstances in subpart (c) apply.
(c) The department may code status as other than age appropriate for an ADL or IADL, despite your self performance falling within the expected developmental milestones for your age, if the department determines during your assessment that your level of functioning is not primarily due to your age.
Self-Directed Assistance Required Must Be Administered Supervision Limited Extensive Supervision Extensive Supervision Limited Extensive Supervision Limited Extensive Supervision Limited Extensive Total Supervision Limited Extensive Supervision Limited Extensive Total Supervision Physical help/part of bathing Supervision Extensive Supervision
Developmental Milestones for Activities of Daily Living (ADLS)
Assessed Age Range
Medication Management
Birth through the 17th year
Locomotion in Room
Birth through the 3rd year
Birth through the 1st year
Locomotion Outside Room
Birth through the 5th year
Birth through the 3rd year
Birth through the 1st year
Walk in Room
Birth through the 3rd year
Birth through the 1st year
Bed Mobility
Birth through the 2nd year
Birth through the 1st year
Birth through the 2nd year
Toilet Use
Birth through the 7th year
Birth through the 3rd year
Birth through the 2nd year
Birth through the 11th year
Physical help/Transfer only
Birth through the 7th year
Birth through the 4th year
Birth through the 11th year
Birth through the 7th year
Birth through the 4th year
Personal Hygiene
Birth through the 11th year
Limited or extensive
Birth through the 7th year
Birth through the 4th year
Developmental Milestones for Instrumental Activities of Daily Living | ||
IADL | Self Performance | Assessed Age |
Telephone Transportation Essential Shopping Wood Supply Housework Finances Meal Preparation |
Independent Supervision Limited Extensive Total |
Birth through the 17th year |
Additional Developmental Milestones coding | ||
CARE panel | Selection | Assessed Age |
Speech/Hearing: Comprehension |
By others client is= Age Appropriate | Birth through the 2nd year |
Psych Social: MMSE |
Can MMSE be administereed?=No | Birth through the 17th year |
Psych Social: Memory/Short Term |
Recent memory= Age appropriate | Birth through the 11th year |
Psych Social: Memory/Long Term |
Long Term memory= Age appropriate | Birth through the 11th year |
Psych Social: Depression |
Interview= unable to obtain | Birth through the 11th year |
Psych Social: Decision Making |
Rate how client makes decision=Age appropriate | Birth through the 11th year |
Bladder/Bowel: | Bladder/Bowel Control: Continent Usually Continent Occasionally Incontinent Frequently Incontinent |
Birth through the 11th year |
Bladder/Bowel: | Bladder/Bowel Control: Incontinent all or most of the time |
Birth through the 5th year |
Bladder/Bowel: | Appliance and programs= Potty Training | Birth through the 3rd year |
(a) When you are living with your legally responsible parent(s), the department will take into account their legal obligation to care for you when determining the availability of informal supports. Legally responsible parents include natural parents, step-parents, and adoptive parents. Legally responsible parents generally do not include other relative caregivers or foster parents. A legally responsible parent will not be considered unavailable to meet your needs due to other obligations such as work or additional children because such obligations do not decrease the parent's legal responsibility to care for you regardless of your disabilities.
(b) Informal supports for school-age children include supports actually available through a school district, regardless of whether you take advantage of those available supports.
(c) The department will presume that you have informal supports available to assist you with your ADLs and IADLs over three-fourths but not all of the time. The department will code your informal support as greater or less than the presumed amount if your assessment shows that your need for assistance with personal care tasks is fully met by informal supports or shared benefit, or if you provide specific information during your assessment to indicate why you do not have support available three-fourths or more of the time to assist you with a particular ADL or IADL.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 74.08.090, 74.09.520, and 2010 c 37. 11-11-024, § 388-106-0130, filed 5/10/11, effective 6/10/11. Statutory Authority: RCW 74.08.090, 74.09.520. 08-23-011, § 388-106-0130, filed 11/6/08, effective 12/7/08; 08-03-111, § 388-106-0130, filed 1/22/08, effective 2/22/08. Statutory Authority: RCW 74.08.090, 74.09.520, 74.39A.030. 06-16-035, § 388-106-0130, filed 7/25/06, effective 8/25/06. Statutory Authority: RCW 74.08.090, 74.09.520, 74.39A.010 and 74.39A.020. 06-05-022, § 388-106-0130, filed 2/6/06, effective 3/9/06. Statutory Authority: RCW 74.08.090, 74.09.520. 05-11-082, § 388-106-0130, filed 5/17/05, effective 6/17/05.]
Reviser's note: The spelling error in the above section occurred in the copy filed by the agency and appears in the Register pursuant to the requirements of RCW 34.08.040.
The following section of the Washington Administrative Code is repealed:
WAC 388-106-0126 | If I am under age twenty-one, how does CARE use criteria to place me in a classification group for in-home care? |
WAC 388-106-0213 | How are my needs assessed if I am a child applying for MPC services? |