WSR 16-09-035 PROPOSED RULES DEPARTMENT OF SOCIAL AND HEALTH SERVICES (Developmental Disabilities Administration) [Filed April 14, 2016, 9:39 a.m.]
Supplemental Notice to WSR 15-09-024.
Preproposal statement of inquiry was filed as WSR 14-12-093, 14-22-082, 14-22-083, and 15-12-060.
Title of Rule and Other Identifying Information: The department is proposing to amend chapters 388-823, 388-825, 388-828, 388-831, and 388-845 WAC, and create new sections in chapter 388-845 WAC. The proposed rule changes are related to the individual and family services (IFS) waiver, the community first choice (CFC) program, the client's choice for place of assessment, and overnight planned respite services.
Existing Sections Being Amended: WAC 388-823-0010 Definitions, 388-825-020 Definitions, 388-825-057 Am I eligible to receive paid services from DDD?, 388-825-0571 What services am I eligible to receive from DDD if I am under the age of eighteen, have been determined to meet DDD eligibility requirements, and I am in a dependency guardianship or foster care with children's administration?, 388-825-059 How will I know which paid services I will receive?, 388-825-068 What medicaid state plan services may DDD authorize?, 388-825-083 Is there a comprehensive list of waiver and state-only DDD services?, 388-825-305 What service providers are governed by the qualifications in these rules?, 388-825-310 What are the qualifications for providers?, 388-825-325 What are required skills and abilities for individuals and agencies contracted to provide respite care, personal care services through the medicaid personal care program or the DDD HCBS Basic, Basic Plus, CIIBS, or Core waivers, or attendant care services?, 388-825-330 What is required for agencies to provide care in the home of a person with developmental disabilities?, 388-825-355 Are there any educational requirements for individuals providing respite care, attendant care, or personal care services?, 388-828-1020 What definitions apply to this chapter?, 388-828-1060 What is the purpose of the DDD assessment?, 388-828-1500 When does DDD conduct a reassessment?, 388-828-1520 Where is the DDD assessment and reassessment administered?, 388-828-1540 Who participates in your DDD assessment?, 388-828-8000 What is the purpose of the individual support plan (ISP) module?, 388-831-0065 What if I refuse to participate in the risk assessment?, 388-831-0160 What services may I receive if I refuse placement in the community protection program?, 388-845-0001 Definitions, 388-845-0015 What HCBS waivers are provided by the developmental disabilities administration (DDA)?, 388-845-0020 When were the HCBS waivers effective?, 388-845-0030 Do I meet criteria for HCBS waiver-funded services?, 388-845-0041 What is DDA's responsibility to provide my services under the DDA HCBS waivers administered by DDA?, 388-845-0045 When there is capacity to add people to a waiver, how does DDA determine who will be enrolled?, 388-845-0052 What is the process if I am already on a DDA HCBS waiver and request enrollment onto a different waiver DDA HCBS?, 388-845-0055 How do I remain eligible for the waiver?, 388-845-0060 Can my waiver enrollment be terminated?, 388-845-0100 What determines which waiver I am assigned to?, 388-845-0105 What criteria determine assignment to the community protection waiver?, 388-845-0110 Are there limitations to the waiver services I can receive?, 388-845-0111 Are there limitations regarding who can provide services?, 388-845-0115 Does my waiver eligibility limit my access to DDA nonwaiver services?, 388-845-0200 What waiver services are available to me?, 388-845-0210 Basic Plus waiver services, 388-845-0215 Core waiver services, 388-845-0220 Community protection waiver services, 388-845-0225 Children's intensive in-home behavioral support (CIIBS) waiver services, 388-845-0415 What is assistive technology?, 388-845-0420 Who is a qualified provider of assistive technology?, 388-845-0425 Are there limits to the assistive technology I can receive?, 388-845-0505 Who is a qualified provider of behavior support and consultation?, 388-845-0510 Are there limits to the behavior support and consultation I can receive?, 388-845-0820 Are there limits to my use of emergency assistance?, 388-845-0900 What are environmental accessibility adaptations?, 388-845-0905 Who is a qualified provider for building these environmental accessibility adaptations?, 388-845-0910 What limitations apply to environmental accessibility adaptations?, 388-845-1015 Are there limits to the extended state plan services I can receive?, 388-845-1040 Are there limits to the individualized technical assistance services I can receive?, 388-845-1110 What are the limits of behavioral health crisis diversion bed services?, 388-845-1150 What are behavioral health stabilization services?, 388-845-1160 Are there limitations to the behavioral health stabilization services that I can receive?, 388-845-1170 What is nurse delegation?, 388-845-1180 Are there limitations to the nurse delegation services that I receive?, 388-845-1300 What are personal care services?, 388-845-1310 Are there limits to the personal care services I can receive?, 388-845-1410 Are there limits to the prevocational services I can receive?, 388-845-1600 What is respite care?, 388-845-1605 Who is eligible to receive respite care?, 388-845-1607 Can someone who lives with me be my respite provider?, 388-845-1620 Are there limits to the respite care I can receive?, 388-845-1660 Are there limitations to the sexual deviancy evaluations I can receive?, 388-845-1700 What is skilled nursing?, 388-845-1710 Are there limitations to the skilled nursing services I can receive?, 388-845-1800 What are specialized medical equipment and supplies?, 388-845-1810 Are there limitations to my receipt of specialized medical equipment and supplies?, 388-845-1840 What is specialized nutrition and specialized clothing?, 388-845-1845 Who are qualified providers of specialized nutrition and specialized clothing?, 388-845-1850 Are there limitations to my receipt of specialized nutrition and specialized clothing?, 388-845-1910 Are there limitations to the specialized psychiatric services I can receive?, 388-845-2000 What is staff/family consultation and training?, 388-845-2005 Who is a qualified provider of staff/family consultation and training?, 388-845-2010 Are there limitations to the staff/family consultation and training I can receive?, 388-845-2160 What is therapeutic equipment and supplies?, 388-845-2170 Are there limitations on my receipt of therapeutic equipment and supplies?, 388-845-2210 Are there limitations to the transportation services I can receive?, 388-845-2260 What are vehicle modifications?, 388-845-2270 Are there limitations to my receipt of vehicle modification services?, 388-845-3000 What is the process for determining the services I need?, 388-845-3055 What is a waiver individual support plan (ISP)?, 388-845-3056 What if I need assistance to understand my individual support plan?, 388-845-3060 When is my individual support plan effective?, 388-845-3061 Can a change in my individual support plan be effective before I sign it?, 388-845-3062 Who is required to sign or give verbal consent to the individual support plan?, 388-845-3063 Can my individual support plan be effective before the end of the month?, 388-845-3065 How long is my plan effective?, 388-845-3070 What happens if I do not sign or verbally consent to my individual support plan (ISP)?, 388-845-3075 What if my needs change?, and 388-845-3085 What if my needs exceed what can be provided under the IFS, CIIBS, Core or Community Protection waiver?
New Sections Being Added: WAC 388-845-0230 What is the scope of services for the individual and family services waiver?, 388-845-0650 What are community engagement services?, 388-845-0655 Who is a qualified provider of community engagement service?, 388-845-0660 Are there limitations to the community engagement services I can receive?, 388-845-1190 What is peer mentoring?, 388-845-1191 Who are qualified providers of peer mentoring?, 388-845-1192 What limitations are there for peer mentoring?, 388-845-1195 What is person-centered planning facilitation?, 388-845-1196 Who are qualified providers of person-centered planning facilitation?, 388-845-1197 What limitations are there for person-centered planning facilitation?, 388-845-1855 What is specialized clothing?, 388-845-1860 Who are qualified providers of specialized clothing?, 388-845-1865 Are there limitations to my receipt of specialized clothing?, 388-845-2130 What are supported parenting services?, 388-845-2135 Who are qualified providers of supported parenting services?, and 388-845-2140 Are there any limitations on my receipt of supported parenting services?
Hearing Location(s): Office Building 2, DSHS Headquarters, 1115 Washington, Olympia, WA 98504 (public parking at 11th and Jefferson. A map is available at, on June 21, 2016, at 10:00 a.m.
Date of Intended Adoption: Not earlier than June 22, 2016.
Submit Written Comments to: DSHS Rules Coordinator, P.O. Box 45850, Olympia, WA 98504, e-mail, fax (360) 664-6185, by 5:00 p.m., June 21, 2016.
Assistance for Persons with Disabilities: Contact Jeff Kildahl, DSHS rules consultant, by June 4, 2016, phone (360) 664-6092, TTY (360) 664-6178, or e-mail
Purpose of the Proposal and Its Anticipated Effects, Including Any Changes in Existing Rules: Changes Related to the IFS Waiver: Once SSB 6387 of the 63rd legislature, 2014 regular session, was passed, DDA worked on the new required IFS waiver while at the same time identifying and programming the necessary enhancements to the statewide CARE assessment tool to incorporate the waiver into our daily work process. Our intent was to be ready to file the emergency rules and implement the system changes to CARE upon the waiver approval date given by CMS. Once CMS approved our IFS waiver, we filed the CR-103E to make those changes to rule effective by emergency rules on June 1, 2015. This was a short period of time from when CMS approved the waiver to when the waiver would be effective. Although we had also filed the CR-102 and held the public hearing, we were unable to make those rules permanent through the regular rule-making process before additional changes were needed in some sections of chapter 388-845 WAC due to the CMS implementation date for the new CFC program.
Changes Related to the CFC Program: ESHB 2746 requires DSHS to refinance personal care services and establish a 1915(k) CFC program per ยง1915(k) of the Social Security Act. To that end, DSHS worked to develop a state plan amendment for implementation after CMS approval. This new program also required modifications to our statewide CARE assessment tool and updates to rules, some of which were the same sections in chapter 388-845 WAC that were effective via emergency rules but had not yet completed the permanent rule-making process.
Changes Related to Where the DDA Assessment and Reassessment is Administered: These changes more closely align our rules with 42 C.F.R. 441.540 (a)(3) to allow the individual to select a time and location for their convenience for assessments.
Changes Related to the Definition of Overnight Planned Respite Services: Rule changes to implement overnight planned respite services, as approved in ESSB 6052 S.L. of the 64th legislative 2015 3rd sp. sess., are being implemented by a different emergency rule filing. However, we are including the definition changes in this filing.
Reasons Supporting Proposal: The proposed changes will permit DSHS to continue the new IFS waiver, the CFC program, and the client's choice for the place of assessment. In addition, another change includes the definition of overnight planned respite services.
Statutory Authority for Adoption: RCW 71A.12.030.
Rule is not necessitated by federal law, federal or state court decision.
Name of Proponent: Department of social and health services, governmental.
Name of Agency Personnel Responsible for Drafting, Implementation, and Enforcement: Ann Whitehall, DDA, P.O. Box 45310, Olympia, 98504-5310, (360) 725-3445.
No small business economic impact statement has been prepared under chapter 19.85 RCW. The proposed rules do no impact small businesses or nonprofits, they only impact DSHS clients.
A cost-benefit analysis is not required under RCW 34.05.328. The proposed rules are exempt under RCW 34.05.328 (5)(b)(vii) and relate only to client medical or financial eligibility.
April 12, 2016
Katherine I. Vasquez
Rules Coordinator
Reviser's note: The material contained in this filing exceeded the page-count limitations of WAC 1-21-040 for appearance in this issue of the Register. It will appear in the 16-11 issue of the Register. |