Original Notice.
Preproposal statement of inquiry was filed as WSR 18-10-069.
Title of Rule and Other Identifying Information: Concerning campaign finance law enforcement and disclosure. Amend Title 390 WAC to implement chapter 304, Laws of 2018, ESHB 2938.
Hearing Location(s): On September 27, 2018, at 11:00 a.m., at the Public Disclosure Commission (PDC), 711 Capitol Way South, Suite 206, Olympia, WA 98504.
Date of Intended Adoption: November 29, 2018.
Submit Written Comments to: Barbara Sandahl, PDC, 711 Capitol Way South, Suite 206, Olympia, WA 98504, email pdc@pdc.wa.gov, by September 2018.
Assistance for Persons with Disabilities: Contact Jana Greer, phone 360-753-1111, fax 360-753-7112, email pdc@pdc.wa.gov.
Purpose of the Proposal and Its Anticipated Effects, Including Any Changes in Existing Rules: The rule is being adopted in order to synchronize the rules with chapter 304, Laws of 2018.
Reasons Supporting Proposal: The 2018 legislature passed ESHB 2938, chapter 304, Laws of 2018, concerning campaign finance law enforcement and reporting. To comply with chapter 304, Laws [of] 2018, current Title 390 WAC must be amended, repealed and new sections added. The effective date of the bill was June 7, 2018.
Rule is not necessitated by federal law, federal or state court decision.
Name of Proponent: PDC, governmental.
Name of Agency Personnel Responsible for Drafting, Implementation, and Enforcement: Barbara Sandahl, PDC, 711 Capitol Way, Suite 206, Olympia, WA, 360-753-1111.
This rule proposal, or portions of the proposal, is exempt from requirements of the Regulatory Fairness Act because the proposal:
B. G. Sandahl
(1) Expenditures made on behalf of a candidate or political committee by any person, agency, consultant, firm, organization, etc., employed or retained for the purpose of organizing, directing, managing or assisting the candidate's or committee's efforts shall be deemed expenditures by the candidate or committee. In accordance with WAC 390-16-037, such expenditures shall be reported by the candidate or committee as if made or incurred by the candidate or committee directly.
(2) If any person, agency, consultant, firm, organization, etc., employed or retained by the candidate or political committee, subcontracts or otherwise has an agreement with a subvendor or other third party to provide or perform services, the expenditures paid to that subvendor or other third party must also be disclosed.
(3) Fees paid to consultants or other agents must be disclosed by candidates or political committees as an expenditure. In addition, when subvendors are used, the candidate or political committee must disclose any portion of the expenditure retained by the consultant or other agent.
Example A: If a ((campaign))candidate or political committee pays a consultant $5,000 to prepare and mail a political advertising brochure, all costs associated with the project shall be itemized by identifying each service provided, ((vendor utilized))subvendor(s) used and amount attributable to each:
Vendor Name | Purpose | Amount |
Jones Consulting | Jones Consulting (fee) | $500 | $((5,000)) 5,500 |
| ABC Graphics | $1,200 | |
| XYZ Printing Co. (5,000 pieces) | $3,000 | |
| Your Mailhouse | $800 | |
Or, if Jones Consulting completes the project through a combination of services provided by its principals or employees and ((subcontractors))its subvendors:
Vendor Name | Purpose | Amount |
Jones Consulting | Jones Consulting (fee) | $500 | $((5,000)) 5,500 |
| Jones Consulting (graphic design) | $1,200 | |
| XYZ Printing Co. (5,000 pieces) | $3,000 | |
| Your Mailhouse | $800 | |
Example B: If a ((campaign))candidate or political committee pays a consultant or other agent directly to perform tasks such as fund-raising, survey design or campaign plan development, and the consultant does not ((subcontract with other vendors))use subvendors, the expense shall be reported as follows:
Vendor Name | Purpose | Amount |
Jones Consulting | Fund-raising, survey design, campaign plan development | $5,000 | |
Example C: If an expenditure is made directly to a vendor to purchase broadcast political advertisement, the purpose shall include the following details for both the vendor and commercial advertiser:
Vendor Name | Purpose | Amount |
Media King | Television ads | $51,000 |
| WZUB TV | $30,000 | |
| WXXX TV | $10,000 | |
| WCRB TV | $10,000 | |
| Media King (fee) | $1,000 | |
AMENDATORY SECTION(Amending WSR 12-03-002, filed 1/4/12, effective 2/4/12)
WAC 390-16-206Ratings and endorsements.
(1) Any person making a measurable expenditure of funds to communicate a rating, evaluation, endorsement or recommendation for or against a candidate or ballot proposition shall report such expenditure including all costs of preparation and distribution in accordance with chapter
42.17A RCW. However, rating, endorsement or recommendation expenditures governed by the following provisions are not reportable: The news media exemptions provided in RCW
42.17A.005 ((
(16)(b)(iv) and ((
(22)(b)(iii), and WAC 390-16-313 ((
(2)(b))), and the political advertising exemption in WAC 390-05-290.
(2) A candidate or sponsor of a ballot proposition who, or a political committee which, is the subject of the rating, evaluation, endorsement or recommendation shall not be required to report such expenditure as a contribution unless the candidate, sponsor, committee or an agent thereof advises, counsels or otherwise encourages the person to make the expenditure.
AMENDATORY SECTION(Amending WSR 12-03-002, filed 1/4/12, effective 2/4/12)
WAC 390-16-207In-kind contributions—Explanation and reporting.
(1) An in-kind contribution
must be reported on the C-3 report. An in-kind contribution, as that term is used in the act and these rules, occurs when a person provides goods, services or anything of value, other than money or its equivalent, to a candidate or political committee free-of-charge or for less than fair market value, unless the item or service given is not a contribution according to RCW
42.17A.005 or WAC 390-17-405.
(((2))) An in-kind contribution ((also occurs when a person makes))includes an expenditure that:
• | Supports or opposes a candidate or a ballot measure; |
• | Meets the definition of contribution in RCW 42.17A.005 or WAC 390-05-210; (( and)) |
• | Is an electioneering communication that is a contribution as provided in RCW 42.17A.310; and |
• | Is other than a monetary contribution made directly to a candidate or political committee. |
For example, an in-kind contribution occurs when a person, after collaborating with a candidate or a candidate's agent, purchases space in a newspaper for political advertising supporting that candidate or opposing that candidate's opponent.
(3) An in-kind contribution also occurs when a person makes an electioneering communication that is a contribution as provided in RCW 42.17A.310.))
(2) According to RCW
42.17A.430 and WAC 390-16-238, a candidate may not use his or her campaign funds to make a contribution, including an in-kind contribution, to another candidate or a political committee. However, under RCW
42.17A.430, a candidate may use surplus funds as defined in RCW
42.17A.005 to make a contribution to a political party or caucus political committee.
(((5)))(3) Valuing in-kind contributions.
(a) For purposes of determining the value of goods or services provided as in-kind contributions, refer to WAC 390-05-235 Definition—Fair market value.
(b) If an expenditure that constitutes an in-kind contribution is made, the value of the in-kind contribution to a particular candidate or political committee is the portion of the expense that benefits the candidate or political committee.
(a) If a candidate receives in-kind contributions from any person valued at more than ((
twenty-five dollars in the aggregate for an election, the contribution is reportable by the giver and the recipient pursuant to chapter
42.17A RCW and is subject to the applicable contribution limit provided in RCW
42.17A.405 or
(b) If a bona fide political party or legislative caucus committee receives in-kind contributions from any person valued at more than ((
twenty-five dollars in the aggregate during a calendar year, the contribution is reportable by the giver and the recipient pursuant to chapter
42.17A RCW and is subject to the applicable contribution limit provided in RCW
(c) If an elected official against whom recall charges have been filed or a political committee supporting the recall of an elected official receives in-kind contributions from any person valued at more than ((
twenty-five dollars in the aggregate during a recall campaign, the contribution is reportable by the giver and the recipient pursuant to chapter
42.17A RCW and is subject to the applicable contribution limits provided in RCW
42.17A.405 or
(((6)))(5)Political committees that make in-kind contributions. Except as provided for in subsection (5) of this section, a political committee that makes in-kind contributions to a candidate or political committee totaling more than (($50))fifty dollars in the aggregate during a reporting period must identify the recipient and the amount of the contribution as part of its C-4 report covering that period.
If the in-kind contribution is in the form of an expenditure that has been obligated, but not yet paid, the identity of the recipient candidate or political committee, along with a good faith estimate of the value of the contribution, must be disclosed in part 3 of Schedule B, in addition to the other information required by the ((form))C-4 report. When the expense is paid, the recipient's name and the amount of the contribution must be disclosed on Schedule A, ((along with))in addition to the other information required by the ((form))C-4 report.
If a political committee provides equipment, property or anything else of value owned, leased or controlled by it to a candidate or political committee, the contributing committee must attach a statement to its C-4 report showing the name of the candidate or political committee to whom the contribution was made and the date, description and fair market value of the in-kind contribution.
(((7)))(6)Reporting by recipients. Except as provided in subsection (5) of this section, in-kind contributions from one source are not reportable by the recipient candidate or political committee until the aggregate value of all in-kind contributions received from that source during a reporting period is more than (($50))fifty dollars. If this threshold is met, the in-kind contributions must be reported in part 1 of Schedule B to the C-4 report covering that reporting period.
(((8) Valuing in-kind contributions.
(a) For purposes of determining the value of goods or services provided as in-kind contributions, refer to WAC 390-05-235, Definition—Fair market value.
(b) If an expenditure that constitutes an in-kind contribution is made, the value of the in-kind contribution to a particular candidate or political committee is the portion of the expense that benefits the candidate or political committee.
(7)Application of RCW 42.17A.420—Last-minute contributions.(a) If an expenditure that constitutes an in-kind contribution is made no later than twenty-two days before a general election and written notice of the in-kind contribution is in the possession of the recipient candidate committee or political committee twenty-two or more days before that general election, the contribution is not subject to the respective ((
$5,000 or $50,000))
five thousand dollars or fifty thousand dollars maximum amounts specified in RCW
(b) If an in-kind contribution is in the form of personal services donated to a campaign for the duration of the twenty-one days before a general election, and if written notice of the value of this donation is in the possession of the recipient candidate or political committee twenty-two or more days before the election, that in-kind contribution is not subject to the respective ((
$5,000 or $50,000))
five thousand dollars or fifty thousand dollars maximum amounts specified in RCW
AMENDATORY SECTION(Amending WSR 12-03-002, filed 1/4/12, effective 2/4/12)
WAC 390-16-226Loans.
(1) Only loans which are recorded in a written loan agreement executed at the time of the loan and properly reported may be repaid by a candidate or political committee. Surplus campaign funds under RCW
42.17A.005 and
42.17A.430 may only be used to return a contribution to the candidate if the contribution was properly reported as a loan from the candidate, as described in subsections (2) and (3).
(2) If any person gives or loans the candidate funds in connection with his or her campaign, the funds are not considered personal funds of the candidate. See WAC 390-17-305. Such funds are considered a contribution from the original source of the contribution under chapter
42.17A RCW
and, unless the loan meets the exemption provided in RCW
42.17A.465(3) and this subsection, the contribution is subject to the contribution limits provided in chapter
42.17A RCW.
(a) If a candidate or candidate's own political committee or campaign or authorized committee receives a loan from a commercial lending institution, the loan is exempt from the contribution limits of RCW
42.17A.405 and WAC 390-16-310 only if all the following criteria are met:
(i) The loan is not guaranteed by any other person;
(ii) The loan is made in the regular course of business; and,
(iii) The loan is made on the same terms ordinarily available to the public.
(b) A commercial loan to a candidate's own committee or campaign or authorized committee is presumed to be guaranteed by the candidate. The presumption is rebuttable by clear, cogent and convincing evidence.
(3) The amount of campaign contributions which may be used to repay a loan made by the candidate to the candidate's own political committee or campaign, or to repay a commercial loan to a candidate's own political committee or campaign where the candidate is the borrower or guarantor, is limited to the loan repayment limit in RCW
42.17A.445(3) as adjusted by WAC 390-05-400. For purposes of the loan repayment limit, these loans are aggregated for each primary, general, special or recall election and must be designated accordingly by the candidate at the time the loan is made.
(4) If a candidate makes documented out-of-pocket campaign expenditures on behalf of ((his or her))their campaign expecting repayment (not intending to make an in-kind contribution), the campaign committee must repay the candidate within ((21))twenty-one days of the expenditure or the candidate will be deemed to have made a loan to his or her campaign committee which must qualify for repayment under subsections (1) and (2) in order for the candidate to be repaid. Undocumented out-of-pocket campaign expenditures by the candidate are in-kind contributions not eligible for repayment.
AMENDATORY SECTION(Amending WSR 12-03-002, filed 1/4/12, effective 2/4/12)
WAC 390-16-230Surplus campaign funds—Use in future.
(1) If ((
at any time in the future or)) after the last day of the election cycle for candidates as defined in RCW
(7))) any contribution is received or an expenditure is made from surplus funds for any purpose which would qualify the recipient or person who made the expenditure as a candidate or political committee, it will be presumed the recipient or person who made the expenditure of such funds has initiated a new candidacy or committee. Surplus funds may only be expended for a new candidacy if the candidate is seeking the same office sought at his or her last election. Within fourteen days of the day such contribution is received or expenditure is made, such candidate or political committee shall file (a) a final report for the previous campaign as provided in RCW
42.17A.235 and
42.17A.240; and (b) a statement of organization and initial report for the new campaign as provided by RCW
42.17A.235 and
42.17A.240. The surplus funds may be carried forward to the new campaign, reported as one sum and listed as a contribution identified as "funds from previous campaign." All augmentations to and all expenditures made from the retained surplus funds after the last day of the election cycle shall be reported in detail as to source, recipient, purpose, amount and date of each transaction.
(2) For candidates as defined in RCW
(7))), if at any time after the last day of the election cycle, any contribution is received or expenditure is made from such surplus funds for any purpose which would qualify the recipient or person who made the expenditure as a candidate or authorized committee, it will be presumed the recipient or person who made the expenditure of such funds has initiated a new candidacy or committee. Surplus funds may only be expended for a new candidacy if the candidate is seeking the same office sought at his or her last election. Within fourteen days of the day such contribution is received or expenditure is made, such candidate or authorized committee shall file (a) a final report for the previous campaign as provided in RCW
42.17A.235 and
42.17A.240; and (b) a statement of organization and initial report for the new campaign as provided by RCW
42.17A.235 and
42.17A.240. The surplus funds as of the last day of the election cycle may be carried forward to the new campaign, reported as one sum and listed as a contribution identified as "funds from previous campaign." "Funds from previous campaign" carried forward by a candidate to his or her new campaign are not subject to contribution limits set forth in RCW
(3) A political committee formed to support or oppose a particular ballot proposition or particular candidates which retains surplus funds to use in support or opposition of other candidates or of other ballot propositions has become a continuing political committee and must thereafter register and report in accordance with chapter
42.17A RCW.
AMENDATORY SECTION(Amending WSR 17-01-160, filed 12/21/16, effective 1/21/17)
WAC 390-16-236Surplus funds accounts—Disclosure.
(1) Registering a surplus funds account.
(a) Any person who opens an account into which surplus funds will be deposited shall register the account by filing PDC Form C-1, Candidate Registration with the ((public disclosure)) commission. The committee name on the C-1 will be the name used by the campaign committee that raised the surplus funds followed by the designation, "surplus funds account." The C-1 must identify by name the treasurer of the account and the bank or depository where the account is held.
(b) The C-1 must be filed within two weeks after the date the account is opened.
(2) Depositing surplus funds.
(a) After a surplus funds account is established, a candidate may deposit into the account all surplus funds from subsequent campaigns.
(b) Only surplus funds may be deposited in a surplus funds account.
(c) A candidate who deposits surplus funds into a surplus funds account discloses an expenditure of campaign funds with the description "transfer to surplus funds account," the amount transferred, and the date the transfer occurred.
(3) ((Disclosing))Reporting surplus funds expenditures.
(a) The treasurer shall file with the commission a report on the tenth day of each month detailing expenditures made in the preceding calendar month. This report need only be filed if the total expenditures made since the last such report exceeded two hundred dollars. The report shall be on PDC Form C-4, Campaign Summary Receipt & Expenditures.
(b) The treasurer shall file reports as required by (a) of this subsection until the account is closed, at which time a final report shall be filed.
(c) All reports filed disclosing expenditures from the surplus funds account shall be certified as correct by the treasurer.
AMENDATORY SECTION(Amending WSR 12-03-002, filed 1/4/12, effective 2/4/12)
WAC 390-16-238Personal use of contributions—Standard.
(1) Except as specifically allowed by chapter
42.17A RCW, any expenditure of a candidate's campaign funds that is not directly related to the candidate's election campaign is a personal use of campaign funds prohibited under RCW
(2) An expenditure of a candidate's campaign funds shall be considered personal use if it fulfills or pays for any commitment, obligation or expense that would exist irrespective of the candidate's election campaign.
(3) If an activity or expenditure is both personal and campaign-related, the campaign may pay no more than the fair market value of its share of the activity or expenditure. For example, if a candidate uses a personal vehicle for campaign purposes, the campaign may reimburse the candidate for:
(a) The prorated share of documented gasoline, maintenance and insurance costs directly related to the campaign's usage of the vehicle; or
(b) The standard mileage rate established by the Internal Revenue Service for those documented miles directly related to the campaign's usage.
(4) Examples of expenditures presumed to be for personal use include, but are not limited to:
(a) Mortgage, rent, utility, telephone, or maintenance expenses for personal living accommodations;
(b) Clothing purchases and maintenance expenses not related to the campaign;
(c) Automobile expenses not related to the campaign;
(d) Travel expenses not related to the campaign;
(e) Household food items;
(f) Restaurant expenses except for in-person fund-raising or campaign organizational activities;
(g) Tuition payments not related to the campaign;
(h) Admission to sporting events, concerts, theaters, or other forms of entertainment unless the event is primarily related to the candidate's campaign;
(i) ((Country))Club membership fees, dues and payments;
(j) Health club or recreational facility membership fees, dues and payments;
(k) Social, civic, fraternal, or professional membership dues, fees and payments unless the expenditure occurs during an election year and membership is required to gain access to the organization's mailing list for campaign purposes or other facilities for the candidate's campaign;
(l) Home or business internet service provider costs;
(m) Home or business newspaper and periodical subscriptions;
(n) Greeting cards to persons who would customarily receive such cards (e.g., family, friends and business associates).
AMENDATORY SECTION(Amending WSR 17-03-028, filed 1/6/17, effective 2/6/17)
WAC 390-16-240Earmarked contributions—Definition and use.
(1) Earmarked contributions, as that term is used in RCW
42.17A.270 and
42.17A.460, means any contribution given to an intermediary or conduit, either a political committee, candidate or third party, with a designation, instruction, or encumbrance, whether direct or indirect, express or implied, oral or written, which is intended to result in or which does result in all or any part of the contribution being made to or for the promotion of a certain candidate, state official, or ballot proposition.
(2) For purposes of RCW
42.17A.405 and
42.17A.410, an earmarked contribution is deemed to be for the promotion of, and attributable to any limit applicable to the candidate, authorized committee, bona fide political party, caucus of the state legislature or political committee designated by the original contributor.
(3) If an earmarked contribution is given to an intermediary or conduit to be spent on behalf of a candidate and the entire amount given is not used for this purpose, the remainder of the contribution shall be given to the designated candidate unless its use is redesignated by the original contributor. If the conduit or intermediary exercises any direction or control over the use of the remainder of the contribution, then the amount of the remainder shall be considered a contribution from the original contributor and the conduit or intermediary to the recipient.
(4) The intermediary or conduit receiving the earmarked contribution shall notify the candidate or political committee for whose use or benefit the contribution is designated within two business days after receipt of the contribution.
(5) If an earmarked contribution is refused by the designated recipient candidate or political committee, the earmarked contribution must be returned by the intermediary or conduit to the original contributor within five business days of refusal.
AMENDATORY SECTION(Amending WSR 12-03-002, filed 1/4/12, effective 2/4/12)
WAC 390-16-245Pledges.
"Pledge," as that term is used in the act and these rules, means a promise to make a future contribution. A pledge shall not be made or redeemed within twenty-one days of an election specified in RCW
42.17A.420 if the amount of the pledge or redemption exceeds the maximum amount provided in RCW
42.17A.420. However, if payment of a pledge is in the possession of the recipient twenty-two or more days before the election, that payment may be deposited into the campaign account within five business days of receipt in accordance with RCW
(2) If a pledge is made in an election campaign subject to the contribution limits provided in RCW
42.17A.405 and
(a) Except as provided in WAC 390-17-302, a pledge made with respect to the primary election shall not be made or redeemed after the date of the primary; however, if the payment of a pledge is made on or before the date of the primary, that payment may be deposited into the campaign account within five business days of receipt in accordance with RCW
42.17A.220; and
(b) A pledge made with respect to the general election shall not be made or redeemed after the final day of the applicable election cycle; however, if the payment of a pledge is made on or before the final day of the election cycle, that payment may be deposited into the campaign account within five business days of receipt in accordance with RCW
(3) During the time limit specified in RCW
42.17A.560, a state official or a person employed by or acting on behalf of a state official shall not solicit or accept a pledge or the redemption of a pledge for any purpose specified in RCW
AMENDATORY SECTION(Amending WSR 06-11-132, filed 5/23/06, effective 6/23/06)
WAC 390-16-307Contributions by controlled entities.
(1) Corporations. Two or more entities are treated as a single entity if one of the two or more entities is a subsidiary, branch or department of a corporation that is participating in an election campaign or making contributions.
(2) A corporation is participating in an election campaign if it:
(a) Makes either a monetary or an in-kind contribution to a candidate;
(b) Makes an independent expenditure or electioneering communication;
(c) Endorses a candidate prior to contributions being made by a subsidiary, branch or department of the corporation with respect to a candidate or that candidate's opponent;
(d) Makes a recommendation regarding whether a candidate should be supported or opposed prior to a contribution being made by a subsidiary, branch or department of the corporation; or
(e) Directly or indirectly collaborates or consults with its subsidiary, branch or department on matters relating to the support of or opposition to a candidate, including the amount of a contribution, when a contribution should be given, or what assistance, services or independent expenditures, or electioneering communications, if any, will be made or should be made in support of or opposition to a candidate.
(3) Trade associations, labor unions, collective bargaining organizations. Two or more entities are treated as a single entity if one of the two or more entities is a local unit or branch of a trade association, labor union or collective bargaining association that is participating in an election campaign or making contributions.
(4) A trade association, labor union or collective bargaining organization is participating in an election campaign if it:
(a) Makes either a monetary or in-kind contribution to a candidate;
(b) Makes an independent expenditure or electioneering communication;
(c) Endorses a candidate prior to contributions being made by a local unit or branch of the association, union or organization with respect to a candidate or that candidate's opponent;
(d) Makes a recommendation regarding whether a candidate should be supported or opposed prior to a contribution being made by a local unit or branch of the association, union or organization; or
(e) Directly or indirectly collaborates or consults with its local unit or branch on matters relating to the support of or opposition to a candidate, including the amount of a contribution, when a contribution should be given, or what assistance, services or independent expenditures, or electioneering communications, if any, will be made or should be made in support of or opposition to a candidate.
AMENDATORY SECTION(Amending WSR 02-03-018, filed 1/4/02, effective 2/4/02)
WAC 390-16-308Identification of source of contribution.
Any person who makes a contribution shall inform the candidate or treasurer, at the time the contribution is made, of the true and actual source of funds from which the contribution is made. To identify the source of a contribution received by check or other written instrument in the absence of other information, a candidate or treasurer shall apply the following:
Provided, that in cases where the source of the contribution is known and differs from the guidelines set forth below, the known source of the contribution shall be reported;
Provided further, that contributions made through an intermediary or conduit or transmitted by an intermediary shall identify the true and actual source of the funds.
(1) A contribution drawn upon a single account shall be attributed to the account holder as identified by the name printed on the face of the check or negotiable instrument.
(2) A contribution drawn upon a joint account shall be attributed in equal proportion to each of the account holders as identified by the names printed on the face of the check or negotiable instrument unless the candidate or treasurer is notified in writing that the contribution should be allocated in different proportions.
(3) A contribution made by a sole proprietor or drawn upon the account of a business which is a sole proprietorship shall be attributed to the owner of the business entity.
(4) A contribution drawn upon the account of a partnership shall be attributed to the partnership as a separate entity except that((;))any check drawn upon the partnership account but which is to be paid from the capital account of one or more individual partners shall identify at the time of transmittal to the candidate or treasurer the name(s) of the contributing partner(s) and shall be attributed to the contributing partner(s).
(5) A contribution drawn upon the account of a corporation, union, association or other organization shall be attributed to the corporation, union, association or other organization as a separate entity unless that entity is affiliated with another entity pursuant to WAC 390-16-309 in which case a contribution from one of those entities is attributed to both entities.
AMENDATORY SECTION(Amending WSR 12-03-002, filed 1/4/12, effective 2/4/12)
WAC 390-16-309Identification of affiliated entities.
(1) Two or more entities are treated as a single person and share one contribution limit under RCW
42.17A.405 and
42.17A.410 if one of the entities is:
(a) A corporation and the other is a subsidiary, branch or division of the corporation;
(b) A national or international labor union, or state body of such national or international labor union, and the other is a local union or other subordinate organization of such national or international labor union or state body;
(c) A trade association or state body of such trade association and the other is a branch or local unit of such trade association;
(d) A national or state collective bargaining organization and the other is a branch or local unit of such national or state collective bargaining organization;
(e) A national or international federation of labor unions, or a state federation of labor unions, and the other is a local body of such federation;
(f) A membership organization and the other is a local unit or branch of such membership organization;
(g) Any entity referenced in (a) through (f) above and a political committee established, financed, maintained or controlled by that entity.
(2) For purposes of RCW
42.17A.405 and
42.17A.410, two entities shall not be treated as a single entity solely because one of the entities is a dues paying member of the other entity.
(3) In addition to ((
paragraph (1) above))
subsection (1) of this section, two or more entities shall be treated as one entity and share a contribution limit under RCW
42.17A.405 and
42.17A.410 if one of the entities is established, financed, maintained or controlled by the other, as evidenced by any one
or more of the following factors:
(a) Whether one entity owns a controlling interest in the voting stock or securities of another entity; or
(b) Whether one entity has authority or the ability to direct or participate, other than through a vote as a member, in the governance of another entity through provisions of constitution, bylaws, contract or other formal or informal procedure or has authority or the ability to hire, appoint, demote or otherwise control, other than through a vote as a member, the officers or other decision making employees or members of another entity; or
(c) Whether (i) one entity has a common or overlapping membership with another which indicates either a formal or ongoing relationship between the two organizations or the creation of a successor entity; and (ii) the entity has an active or significant role in the formation of the other entity; and (iii) the entities have similar patterns of contributions or contributors which indicate a formal or ongoing relationship between the entities; or
(d) Whether one entity provides, causes or arranges, funds, services or goods in a significant amount or on an ongoing basis, through direct or indirect means to the other entity, for less than full consideration. Full consideration includes the payment of membership dues.
AMENDATORY SECTION(Amending WSR 12-03-002, filed 1/4/12, effective 2/4/12)
WAC 390-16-310Limitations on contributions.
(1)(a) The limitation on contributions in RCW
42.17A.405 or
42.17A.410 shall not apply to a "candidate" as that term is defined in RCW
42.17A.005 when the candidate is contributing to his or her own campaign using his or her own personal funds as defined in WAC 390-17-305.
(b) The limitation on contributions in RCW
42.17A.405, or
42.17A.410 shall apply to contributions to the candidate from the candidate's spouse, domestic partner or other immediate family members.
(2) Contributions by ((a husband and wife))spouses are considered separate contributions. Contributions by domestic partners are considered separate contributions.
(3) Emancipated minor children (children under 18 years of age) may make contributions which do not exceed the limitations on contributions and the contribution is properly attributed to the emancipated minor child if:
(a) The decision to contribute is made knowingly and voluntarily by the emancipated minor child;
(b) The funds, goods, or services contributed are owned or controlled exclusively by the emancipated minor child, such as income earned by the child, the proceeds of a trust for which the child is the beneficiary, or a savings account opened and maintained exclusively in the child's name; and
(c) The contribution is not made from the proceeds of a gift, the purpose of which was to provide funds to be contributed, or is not in any other way controlled by another person.
Contributions by emancipated minor children which do not meet these requirements and contributions by unemancipated minor children shall be considered contributions by the child's parents. Fifty percent of the contributions will be attributed to each parent, or in the case of a single custodial parent, the total amount is attributed to that parent.
(4) Contributions from a business organized as a sole proprietorship and contributions from the owner of the sole proprietorship shall be aggregated for purposes of determining the limitations of contributions under RCW
42.17A.405, or
(5) The limitations on contributions shall apply separately to the contributions made by a partnership, limited liability partnership and limited liability corporation from the contributions made by an individual partner or member. However, contributions made from or charged against the capital account of an individual partner, or member of a limited liability partnership or limited liability corporation shall be aggregated with the partner's or member's individual contributions for purposes of determining the limitations on contributions under RCW
42.17A.405, or
(6) The limitations on contributions in RCW
42.17A.405, and
42.17A.410 shall apply separately to the contributions made by an entity (corporation, subsidiary or branch, national union and local unions, collective bargaining organizations and local units, membership organizations and local units and other organizations and their local units) unless the criteria in RCW
42.17A.455 and WAC 390-16-309 are met.
AMENDATORY SECTION(Amending WSR 17-03-028, filed 1/6/17, effective 2/6/17)
WAC 390-16-312Handling contributions of uncertain origin.
No contribution shall be deposited by any candidate or treasurer who believes, from the face of the contribution instrument or for any other reason, the contribution was made in a fictitious name, by one person through an agent, relative, political committee, or any other person so as to conceal the source of the contribution or to exceed the contribution limits provided in RCW
42.17A.405, or
42.17A.410 or otherwise violate the act. The candidate or treasurer shall return such contributions within ten days to the original contributor if his or her identity is known. Otherwise, the contribution instrument shall be endorsed and made payable to "Washington state treasurer" and the contribution sent to the ((
public disclosure)) commission for deposit in the state's general fund.
AMENDATORY SECTION(Amending WSR 12-03-002, filed 1/4/12, effective 2/4/12)
WAC 390-16-320Candidates in small political subdivisions—Reporting.
(1) According to RCW
42.17A.200 and
42.17A.135(7), a candidate for election in any political subdivision must report pursuant to chapter
42.17A RCW and Title 390 WAC if the candidate receives five thousand dollars or more in contributions or expects to receive five thousand dollars or more in contributions during an election cycle.
(2) It is presumed the candidate "expects to receive" five thousand dollars or more when any one of the following first occurs:
(a) The candidate or candidate's authorized committee receives at least five thousand dollars in aggregate contributions, including contributions from the candidate;
(b) The candidate is seeking the same office last sought, the candidate's election is in the current calendar year, and his or her campaign contributions in the previous election for the same office were five thousand dollars or more in the aggregate;
(c) The contributions received on or before March 31st of the election year total one thousand two hundred fifty dollars or more;
(d) The contributions received on or before June 30th of the election year total two thousand five hundred dollars or more;
(e) The contributions received on or before September 30th of the election year total three thousand seven hundred fifty dollars or more; or
(f) The candidate otherwise anticipates that five thousand dollars or more will be received during the election cycle.
(3) Surplus funds carried over from a candidate's previous campaign are not contributions to the candidate's new campaign and do not count toward the five thousand dollar reporting threshold.
(4) A candidate or candidate's authorized committee that receives, or expects to receive, five thousand dollars or more shall:
(a) Within two weeks of the date the reporting obligation begins under subsection (1) or (2) of this section, file:
(i) A candidate registration, PDC form C-1;
(ii) A personal financial affairs statement, PDC form F1 and, if relevant, the F1 Supplement; and
(iii) Contribution and expenditure reports, PDC forms C3 and C4 with appropriate attachments and schedules; and
(b) Otherwise comply with the campaign finance reporting and other provisions of chapter
42.17A RCW and Title 390 WAC.
WAC 390-16-325Dissolution of committees.
(1) Dissolution is the process by which a committee officially ceases doing business, pursuant to RCW
42.17A.225 and
42.17A.235. Dissolution does not relieve the candidate, elected official, or officers from any obligations to address violations that occurred before the committee was dissolved.
(2) To initiate dissolution, the committee must file a notice of intent to dissolve.
(3) The official form for filing a notice of intent to dissolve a committee is designated "D-1." The D-1 must be filed using the electronic filing system provided by the commission. The commission is required to post each committee's notice of intent to dissolve on the commission web site upon receipt.
(4) On the D-1 form, the candidate or authorized committee officer must attest to the following:
(a) The committee has concluded its activities in all respects and has ceased to function and intends to dissolve;
(b) The committee has no outstanding debts or obligations, will not make any expenditure other than those related to the dissolution process, and will not engage in any political activity or any other activity that generates additional reporting requirements;
(c) The committee has filed a final report;
(d) No complaint or court action under chapter
42.17A RCW is pending against the committee and it has not been informed by the commission of any possible violations or technical corrections which remain unresolved;
(e) The committee has no outstanding penalties under chapter
42.17A RCW as assessed by the commission or a court;
(f) The committee accepts an ongoing obligation to maintain compliance with these conditions and an affirmative duty to notify the commission of any noncompliance;
(g) The committee understands that the committee's bank account may not be closed before the political committee has dissolved; and
(h) The treasurer is obligated to preserve books of account, bills, receipts, and all other financial records for five years, or as otherwise required by chapter
42.17A RCW.
(5) If, sixty days after a committee has filed its D-1, the committee is in compliance with the above requirements and has not notified the commission in writing that it revokes its intent to dissolve, the committee shall be deemed to be dissolved.
(6) The executive director will promptly acknowledge by electronic writing the committee's dissolution. The acknowledgment of dissolution will be posted on the commission's web site when sent to the committee.
(7) If the committee has not met the requirements for dissolution, the executive director will promptly notify the committee by electronic writing that it is not eligible to dissolve, and explain the reasons for its ineligibility. The committee may initiate the process again once it has come into compliance with the requirements.
The following sections of the Washington Administrative Code are repealed:
WAC 390-16-038 | Definition—Aggregate. |
WAC 390-16-313 | Independent expenditure—Definition and application. |
AMENDATORY SECTION(Amending WSR 12-03-002, filed 1/4/12, effective 2/4/12)
WAC 390-17-015Conduit—Definition.
(1) "Conduit," as that term is used in ((
chapter 42.17A RCW))
the act and these rules, is defined as a person, other than an individual, ((
that receives and spends earmarked contributions on behalf of a designated candidate, bona fide political party, caucus of the state legislature or other political committee.
(2) Pursuant to RCW
42.17A.470, a conduit may not make or transmit contributions on behalf of another.
AMENDATORY SECTION(Amending WSR 12-03-002, filed 1/4/12, effective 2/4/12)
WAC 390-17-017Definition—Facilities((—)).
"Facilities," as that term is used ((
in RCW 42.17A.005(7),))
to define candidate in the act and in these rules means that which facilitates or makes some campaign activity possible((
,)) including
, but not limited to: Use of ((
stationery, postage, machines and equipment, use of employees of an entity during working hours, vehicles, office space, room or building, publications of an entity or client list of an entity.
AMENDATORY SECTION(Amending WSR 16-10-080, filed 5/3/16, effective 6/3/16)
WAC 390-17-019Contribution limits to affiliated committees.
(((1) Intent.)) This rule sets out which committees, excluding ballot measure committees, are affiliated for the purpose of receiving contributions.
(((2))) Persons subject to contribution limits who establish, maintain, or control multiple political committees may not circumvent those contribution limits through contributions made to the various committees ((controlled by that person)).
(((3)))(1) The following committees are affiliated for purposes of this rule:
(a) The authorized committee of a candidate subject to contribution limits set out in RCW
42.17A.405 or
42.17A.410 and any other political committee established, maintained, or controlled primarily by that candidate are affiliated for the purpose of receiving contributions.
(b) A caucus campaign committee and any other political committee established, maintained, or controlled primarily by the same legislative caucus as a whole or the officers of that caucus are affiliated for the purpose of receiving contributions.
(((4)))(2) As used in this rule, the terms "established, maintained, or controlled" means the ability to direct or participate, other than through a vote as a member, in the governance of another entity through provisions of constitution, bylaws, contract or other formal or informal procedure.
AMENDATORY SECTION(Amending WSR 12-03-002, filed 1/4/12, effective 2/4/12)
WAC 390-17-030Sample ballots and slate cards.
The commission finds that,))
Under certain conditions, expenditures for slate cards and other candidate listings fall within the scope of RCW
42.17A.405(15) and are, therefore, exempt from contribution limits and eligible for payment with a bona fide political party's exempt funds. Slate cards and other candidate listings remain reportable under chapter
42.17A RCW and subject to the political advertising provisions of the ((
The purpose of this exemption from the contribution limits is to allow political parties, political committees, and other sponsors to tell the general public which candidates they support. The exemption is not intended as a device to circumvent the contribution limits and full reporting requirements ((by undertaking any degree of significant campaigning on behalf of candidates)).
(2) For purposes of RCW
(22) and
"sample ballots" means slate cards, or other candidate listings, whether written or oral, that satisfy the qualifying criteria specified in subsection (10) of this section.
(3))) Sample ballots constitute political advertising for a slate or list of candidates and must ((
be properly identified))
include sponsor identification and otherwise
be in compliance with the provisions of RCW
42.17A.320 through
(3)(a) A bona fide political party may use contributions it receives pursuant to RCW
42.17A.405(15) to produce and distribute sample ballots.
(b) Expenditures for sample ballots do not count against a bona fide political party's contribution limit to the candidates listed on the sample ballot. Further, when reporting sample ballot expenditures, a bona fide political party is not required to attribute a portion of the expenditure to each of the candidates listed on the sample ballot, but the names of the candidates must be reported along with the other information required by chapter
42.17A RCW and chapter 390-17 WAC.
(4) Any person, as defined by RCW
42.17A.005, who makes an expenditure for sample ballots has made an expenditure that does not count against that person's contribution limit to the candidates listed.
(5) An in-state political committee, when disclosing expenditures for sample ballots as part of its C-4 report, is not required to attribute a portion of the expenditure to the candidates listed on the sample ballot, but the names of the candidates and their respective party affiliations must be reported along with other information required by chapter
42.17A RCW and chapter 390-17 WAC.
(((7)))(6) An out-of-state committee, when disclosing expenditures for sample ballots on a C-5 report, is not required to ((allocate))attribute a portion of the expenditure to the candidates listed on the sample ballot, but must report that an expenditure for sample ballots was made, the name and address of the person to whom the expenditure was made, the full amount of the expenditure, and the name, office sought and party affiliation of each candidate listed on the sample ballot. The report is due no later than the 10th day of the month following the month in which the expenditure was made.
(((8)))(7) If a lobbyist or lobbyist employer makes expenditures for sample ballots, those expenditures are required to be reported in detail on the lobbyist's monthly L-2 report. Itemization of these expenditures must include the names and respective party affiliations of the candidates listed on the sample ballot, but no portion of the expenditure need be ((allocated))attributed to individual candidates listed on the sample ballot.
(((9)))(8) The candidates listed on a sample ballot are not required to report any portion of the expenditure as an in-kind contribution to their campaigns.
(9) Qualifying criteria for sample ballots, slate cards and other candidate listings. In order not to count against a person's contribution limit to the candidates listed on a sample ballot and, in the case of a bona fide political party, in order to be eligible for payment with contributions received pursuant to RCW
42.17A.405(15), a sample ballot must satisfy all of the criteria in (a) through (d) of this subsection.
(a) The sample ballot must list the names of at least three candidates for election to public office in Washington state and be distributed in a geographical area where voters are eligible to vote for at least three candidates listed. The candidate listing may include any combination of three or more candidates, whether the candidates are seeking federal, state or local office in Washington.
(b) The sample ballot must not be distributed through public political advertising; for example, through broadcast media, newspapers, magazines, billboards or the like. The sample ballot may be distributed through direct mail, telephone, electronic mail, web sites, electronic bulletin boards, electronic billboards or personal delivery by volunteers.
(c) The content of a sample ballot is limited to:
| |
• | The identification of each candidate (pictures may be used); |
• | The office or position currently held; |
• | The office sought; |
• | Party affiliation; and |
• | Information about voting hours and locations. |
Therefore, the sample ballot must exclude any additional biographical data on candidates and their positions on issues as well as statements about the sponsor's philosophy, goals or accomplishments. The list must also exclude any statements, check marks or other indications showing support of or opposition to ballot propositions.
(d) The sample ballot is a stand-alone political advertisement. It must not be a portion of a more comprehensive message or combined in the same mailing or packet with any other information, including get-out-the-vote material, candidate brochures, or statements about the sponsor's philosophy, goals or accomplishments. ((On Web sites, electronic bulletin boards or electronic billboards, the sample ballot must be a separate document.))
AMENDATORY SECTION(Amending WSR 12-03-002, filed 1/4/12, effective 2/4/12)
WAC 390-17-060Exempt contributions and activities—Definitions, reporting.
(1)(a) "Exempt contributions" are contributions made to a political committee which are earmarked for exempt activities as described in RCW
42.17A.405. Such contributions are required to be reported under RCW
42.17A.240, are subject to the restrictions in RCW
42.17A.420, but are not subject to the contribution limits in RCW
42.17A.405. Any written solicitation for exempt contributions must be so designated. Suggested designations are "not for individual candidates" or "for exempt activities."
(b) Contributions made to a caucus political committee, to a candidate or candidate's authorized committee which are earmarked for voter registration, absentee ballot information, get-out-the-vote campaigns,
or sample ballots are presumed to be for the purpose of promoting individual candidates and
therefore not exempt contributions and are subject to the contribution limits in RCW
(c) Contributions made to a caucus political committee, to a candidate or candidate's authorized committee which are earmarked for internal organization expenditures or fund-raising are presumed to be with direct association with individual candidates and
therefore not exempt contributions and are subject to the contribution limits in RCW
(2) "Exempt contributions account" is the separate bank account into which only exempt contributions are deposited and out of which only expenditures for exempt activities shall be made.
(3) "Exempt activities" are those activities referenced in RCW
42.17A.405 as further clarified by subsections (4), (5), and (6) of this section. Only exempt activities are eligible for payment with exempt contributions.
(4)(a) Activities referenced in RCW
42.17A.405 (15)(a) that do not promote, or constitute political advertising for, one or more clearly identified candidates qualify as exempt activities. For example, get-out-the-vote telephone bank activity that only encourages persons called to "vote republican" or "vote democratic" in the upcoming election may be paid for with exempt contributions regardless of the number of candidates who are benefited by this message. Expenditures or contributions for electioneering communications made in cooperation, consultation, concert or collaboration with, or at the request or suggestion of a candidate, the candidate's authorized committee or agent do not qualify as exempt activities, under WAC 390-05-210.
(b) Except as permitted under WAC 390-17-030, Sample ballots and slate cards, activities referenced in RCW
42.17A.405 (15)(a) that promote or constitute political advertising for one or more clearly identified candidates do not qualify as exempt activities.
(c) A candidate is deemed to be clearly identified if the name of the candidate is used, a photograph or likeness of the candidate appears, or the identity of the candidate is apparent by unambiguous reference.
(5)(a) "Internal organization expenditures" referenced in RCW
42.17A.405 (15)(b) are expenditures for organization purposes, including legal and accounting services, rental and purchase of equipment and office space, utilities and telephones, postage and printing of newsletters for the organization's members or contributors or staff when engaged in organizational activities such as those previously listed, all without direct association with individual candidates.
(b) "Fund-raising expenditures" referenced in RCW
42.17A.405 (15)(b) are expenditures for fund-raising purposes, including facilities for fund-raisers, consumables furnished at the event and the cost of holding social events and party conventions, all without direct association with individual candidates.
(c) If expenditures made pursuant to (a) and (b) of this subsection are made in direct association with individual candidates, they shall not be paid with exempt contributions.
(6) For purposes of RCW
42.17A.405 and this section, activities that oppose one or more clearly identified candidates are presumed to promote the opponent(s) of the candidate(s) opposed.
AMENDATORY SECTION(Amending WSR 12-03-002, filed 1/4/12, effective 2/4/12)
WAC 390-17-070Trade association—Definition.
"Trade association," as that term is used in RCW
42.17A.455 and in these rules, means a membership organization of persons engaging in a similar or related line of commerce, organized to promote and improve business conditions in that line of commerce and not to engage in a regular business of a kind ordinarily carried on for profit
, and for which no part of net earnings inures to the benefit of any member.
AMENDATORY SECTION(Amending WSR 12-03-002, filed 1/4/12, effective 2/4/12)
WAC 390-17-071Collective bargaining association—Definition.
"Collective bargaining association" and "collective bargaining organization" as those terms are used in RCW
42.17A.455 and in these rules means any organization which negotiates, on behalf of labor or management, with respect to wages, hours or conditions of employment.
AMENDATORY SECTION(Amending WSR 13-12-016, filed 5/24/13, effective 6/24/13)
WAC 390-17-100Contribution withholding authorizations for payroll deductions.
(1) Each employer or other person who withholds or otherwise diverts a portion of wages or salary of a Washington resident or a nonresident whose primary place of work is in the state of Washington shall have on file the individual's written authorization before withholding or diverting the individual's wages or salary for:
(b) Use, specifically designated by the contributing employee, for political contributions to candidates for state or local office.
(2) Forms used for payroll deduction may either conform to the suggested format below or be in a different format including an electronic format if it provides the following information:
(a) The name of the individual authorizing the withholding or diversion;
(b) The name of the individual's employer;
(c) The name of each political committee or candidate for which contributions are to be withheld;
(d) If more than one political committee or candidate is specified, the total dollar amount per pay period (or per week, month or year) to be withheld for each committee or candidate;
(e) A statement specifying that the authorization may be revoked at any time and such revocation shall be in writing;
(f) A statement that reads: "No employer or labor organization may discriminate against an officer or employee in the terms or conditions of employment for (i) the failure to contribute to, (ii) the failure in any way to support or oppose, or (iii) in any way supporting or opposing a candidate, ballot proposition, political party, or political committee"; or a statement that informs the employee of the prohibition against employer and labor organization discrimination described in RCW
(g) The individual's signature or other reliable and secure verification that the individual is authorizing the withholding or diversion; and
(h) The date on which the form was completed.
(3) Forms used for payroll deduction may have information in addition to that listed in subsection (2) of this section. A form that satisfies subsection (2) of this section constitutes the written authorization of the individual authorizing the withholding or diversion.
(4) Employers and other persons who withhold or divert wages or salaries must:
(a) Maintain the completed forms, with the individual's signature or verification, for as long as the withholding or diversion continues;
(b) Keep the forms and other documents described in RCW
42.17A.495(4) open for public inspection for three years after the last disbursement of wages or salaries; and
(c) Provide the forms and other documents described in RCW
42.17A.495(4) to the commission upon request.
Political Contribution Withholding Authorization
No employer or other person may withhold a portion of a Washington State resident's earnings (or that of a nonresident whose primary place of work is in Washington) in order to make contributions to a political committee that must report to the Public Disclosure Commission or to a candidate for state or local office without written permission from that individual. Completion of this form entitles the entity specified to make such a withholding. This authorization form remains in effect until revoked in writing by the employee.
I, | | | | | , | authorize | |
| First Name | Middle Initial | Last Name | | | | Name of Employer or Other Person |
| | | to withhold $ | | per/pay period/week/month/year/ |
| | | | Amount | Circle One |
from my earnings in order to make political contributions to | |
| | | | | Name of |
political committee(s) and/or candidate(s) to receive deductions | | |
If more than one recipient is indicated, each is to receive the following portion of the | |
deduction made: | | . | |
| | | | |
According to state law, no employer or labor organization may discriminate against an officer or employee in the terms or conditions of employment for (a) the failure to contribute to, (b) the failure in any way to support or oppose, or (c) in any way supporting or opposing a candidate, ballot proposition, political party, or political committee.
AMENDATORY SECTION(Amending WSR 12-03-002, filed 1/4/12, effective 2/4/12)
WAC 390-17-105Payroll deductions for small contributors of twenty-five dollars or less.
(1) To comply with RCW
42.17A.495(4), each person or entity who withholds contributions of individuals shall, in lieu of disclosing the names and signatures, substitute unique numerical identifiers for persons making contributions in the amount of twenty-five dollars or less during a calendar or fiscal year on the signed withholding authorization form or on other documents (such as payroll deductions) subject to RCW
(2) Contribution withholding authorization forms or payroll deduction documentation of contributors whose annual aggregate contribution is twenty-five dollars or less during any calendar or fiscal year are not required by the commission to be made available for public inspection or copying when such records display the names, signatures, home addresses, Social Security numbers, or other information capable of personally identifying those contributors ((whose annual aggregate contribution is twenty-five dollars or less during any calendar or fiscal year)).
(3) The names, signatures, home addresses, Social Security numbers or other information capable of personally identifying contributors whose annual aggregate contribution to a person or entity is twenty-five dollars or less during any calendar or fiscal year shall not be provided by the ((commission to the public or made available for public inspection or copying))PDC.
(4) Each person or entity who withholds contributions under RCW
42.17A.495 shall, upon request, deliver to the ((
PDC documents of books and accounts described in RCW
AMENDATORY SECTION(Amending WSR 12-03-002, filed 1/4/12, effective 2/4/12)
WAC 390-17-110Employee notification of payroll deduction withholding provisions.
(1)(a) By June 30, 2003, and at least annually by June 30 thereafter, employees from whom funds are being withheld for contributions to a candidate or political committee under RCW
42.17A.495 shall be notified, in writing, of the nondiscriminatory provisions of RCW
42.17A.495(2). Employee notification shall include the following language:
"No employer or labor organization may discriminate against an officer or employee in the terms or conditions of employment for:
(i) The failure to contribute to;
(ii) The failure in any way to support or oppose; or
(iii) In any way supporting or opposing a candidate, ballot proposition, political party, or political committee."
(b) The written notification shall be provided by the employer or labor organization. The employer or labor organization may agree on which entity shall send the notification.
(2)(a) Pursuant to RCW
42.17A.495(3), ((
by June 30, 2003, and)) at least annually by June 30
thereafter)), each employer or other person or entity responsible for the disbursement of funds in payment of wages or salaries shall ensure written notification is directly provided to the employees from whom funds are being withheld for contributions to a candidate or political committee stating that the employee authorization for withholding of wages or salary for such contributions may be revoked at any time. The employer or other person or entity responsible for the disbursement of funds in payment of wages or salaries and the candidate, political committee, or sponsor of the political committee may agree on which of them shall send the notification.
(b) The written notification shall identify where an employee can submit the revocation, which shall be either:
(i) The name and address of employer's contact; or
(ii) The name and address of the person or entity responsible for the disbursement of funds in payment of wages or salaries.
(c) The employee withholding authorization is revoked as of:
(i) The date specified in the revocation; or
(ii) If no date is specified, as of the date the written notification is received by the employer or other person or entity responsible for the disbursement of funds in payment of wages or salaries pursuant to RCW
(3) "Written notification" means notice provided by mail, email, newsletter, payroll insert or other similar direct communication in writing that is addressed to the employee. Posting information on web sites, bulletin boards and other passive communication vehicles shall not constitute notification under RCW
42.17A.495. If the written notification appears in a newsletter or similar publication, the notice shall be prominently displayed or announced on the first page of the written communication.
(4) Each employer or other person who provides notice pursuant to subsection (1) or (2) of this section shall maintain a copy of the annual notification and a listing of employees notified for a period of no less than five years.
AMENDATORY SECTION(Amending WSR 02-23-001, filed 11/6/02, effective 12/7/02)
WAC 390-17-200Major political party organizations.
(1) With respect to a major political party, each of the following is considered a separate organization for purposes of making and receiving contributions: Governing body of the state organization, county central committee, and legislative district committee.
(2) Each major political party is restricted to one state central committee, one county central committee per county, and one legislative district committee per legislative district for making and receiving contributions.
(3) Each major political party shall designate each county central committee and each legislative district committee and shall notify the commission in writing of the names, addresses, telephone numbers, and email addresses of each committee officer within two weeks following the designation.
AMENDATORY SECTION(Amending WSR 12-03-002, filed 1/4/12, effective 2/4/12)
WAC 390-17-302Contributions after the primary election.
(1) Pursuant to RCW
42.17A.405 and
42.17A.410, the date of the primary is the last day for making primary-related contributions unless a candidate subject to contribution limits loses in the primary, that candidate's authorized committee has insufficient funds to pay debts outstanding as of the date of the primary, and the contributions are used to satisfy this outstanding debt.
(2) For purposes of the contribution limit in RCW
42.17A.405 and
42.17A.410, any contribution made up to thirty days after the primary election pursuant to RCW
42.17A.405 and
42.17A.410 is aggregated with contributions made on or before the date of the primary from the same contributor and any person with whom that contributor shares a limit under RCW
42.17A.455 and WAC 390-16-309.
(3) The day following the primary election is considered the first day of the thirty-day period during which contributions may be made to candidates subject to contribution limits who lose in the primary election and who have outstanding primary debts.
(4) For purposes of RCW
42.17A.405 and
42.17A.410, "outstanding primary debts," "outstanding debts" and "debts outstanding" all mean:
(a) Unpaid primary-election-related debts incurred on or before the date of the primary by the authorized committee of a candidate who lost the primary election for an office subject to contribution limits; and
(b) Reasonable costs associated with activities of the losing candidate's authorized committee necessary to retire the ((primary-related))primary-election-related debts it incurred on or before the date of the primary. Examples of such reasonable costs include:
(i) Necessary administrative expenses (office space rental, staff wages, taxes, supplies, telephone and computer costs, postage, and the like) for activities actually and directly related to retiring the committee's debt; and
(ii) Necessary expenses actually and directly related to the fund-raising activities undertaken to retire the debt, as long as all persons solicited for contributions are notified that the contributions are subject to that contributor's primary election limit for that losing candidate.
(5) Nothing in this section is to be construed as authorizing contributors to make, or candidates subject to contribution limits who lose the primary to receive, contributions that are used for a purpose not specifically authorized by RCW
42.17A.405 or
42.17A.410, including use for some future election or as surplus funds.
(6) All contributions received in excess of the sum needed to satisfy outstanding primary debts shall be returned to the original contributors in an amount not to exceed the amount contributed in accordance with the first in, first out accounting principle wherein the most recent contribution received is the first to be returned until all excess funds are returned to contributors.
AMENDATORY SECTION(Amending WSR 12-03-002, filed 1/4/12, effective 2/4/12)
WAC 390-17-303Superior court candidates—Eligibility to receive contributions.
(1) Candidates for judicial office are subject to the contribution limits in RCW
42.17A.410 and the timing restriction on contributions of a candidate's personal funds in RCW
42.17A.420. Pursuant to Article 4, Section 29, Amendment 41 of the state Constitution and RCW
42.17A.410, candidates for the office of judge of the superior court may only receive contributions for each election in which the candidate is on the ballot or appears as a write-in candidate.
(a) Only superior court candidates who appear on the primary election ballot or as write-in candidates in the primary election may receive contributions with respect to that primary; and
(b) Only superior court candidates who appear on the general election ballot or as write-in candidates in the general election may receive contributions with respect to that general election.
(3)(a) A superior court candidate who is issued a certificate of election before the primary election and whose name does not appear on either the primary or general election ballot may receive contributions pursuant to RCW
(i) Through the last day for withdrawal of declarations of candidacy pursuant to RCW
29A.24.131; or
(ii) If there is a reopening of filing for the position and no other candidate files, the last day for reopening of filing pursuant to RCW
29A.24.171 and
(b) Contributions remaining in the account of such a superior court candidate who is issued a certificate of election must be returned to contributors within two weeks of certification. Primary-election-related contributions are to be returned using the first-in, first-out accounting method. Any contributions received with respect to the general election must be returned in full to contributors.
(4) A superior court candidate who is issued a certificate of election after the primary election and whose name does not appear on the general election ballot may receive contributions pursuant to RCW
42.17A.410. However, contributions received with respect to the general election must be returned in full to contributors within two weeks of certification.
AMENDATORY SECTION(Amending WSR 12-03-002, filed 1/4/12, effective 2/4/12)
WAC 390-17-305Personal funds of a candidate.
(1) The personal funds of a candidate include:
(a) Assets which the candidate has legal access to or control over, and which he or she has legal title to or an equitable interest in, at the time of candidacy;
(b) Income from employment;
(c) Dividends and proceeds from stocks and other investments;
(d) Income from trusts, if established before candidacy;
(e) Income from trusts established from bequests, even if established after candidacy;
(f) Personal gifts, if customarily received; and
(g) Proceeds from lotteries and similar games of chance.
(2) A candidate may also use, as personal funds, his or her portion of assets owned jointly with a spouse or domestic partner. If the candidate's financial interest is not specified, then the candidate's share is deemed to be half the value of the asset.
(3) If any person gives or loans the candidate funds in connection with ((
his or her))
their campaign, the funds are not considered personal funds of the candidate. Such funds are considered a contribution under chapter
42.17A RCW unless the loan meets the exemption provided in RCW
AMENDATORY SECTION(Amending WSR 12-03-002, filed 1/4/12, effective 2/4/12)
WAC 390-17-310Definition—Doing business in Washington.
A corporation or business entity is "doing business in Washington state" for purposes of RCW
42.17A.405 if it conducts continuous or substantial activities in Washington state of such character as to give rise to a legal obligation.
In determining whether a corporation or business entity is doing business in Washington state, the commission will take into consideration the following nonexclusive list of indicators:
• Purposefully availing itself of the privilege of conducting business in the state by invoking both benefits and protections of state law.
• Appointing an agent for service of process in Washington state.
• Registering as a corporation in Washington.
• Operating business locations in Washington.
• Hiring employees to work in Washington.
• Purchasing or selling goods or services in Washington.
• Operating an interactive internet web site for the purpose of conducting business.
AMENDATORY SECTION(Amending WSR 16-04-081, filed 1/29/16, effective 2/29/16)
WAC 390-17-400Time limit to solicit or accept contributions.
The purpose of this rule is to clarify and implement
the restriction period set forth in RCW
(1) "Campaign debt," as used in RCW
42.17A.560 and ((
these rule
s, means any debt incurred by a candidate seeking election to a
Washington state nonfederal public office, including campaigns for state, county, city, town, school district, special district or other state political subdivision elective office.
(2) "Known candidates" means individuals who are, or who become, candidates for state or local office during a legislative session freeze period.
(3) "Legislative session freeze period" means the period of time in RCW
42.17A.560 within which contributions shall not be solicited or accepted by a state official or a person employed by or acting on behalf of a state official.
(a) The freeze period begins at 12:01 a.m. on the thirtieth day before the start of the regular legislative session and ends at 11:59 p.m. on the day of adjournment of the regular legislative session.
(b) If a special session is held immediately following the end of the regular legislative session, the freeze period ends at 11:59 p.m. on the day the special session adjourns.
(c) If a special session is held other than within thirty days before a regular legislative session, the freeze period begins at 12:01 a.m. on the first day of the special session and ends at 11:59 p.m. on the final day of the special session.
(4) A successful candidate for state office who does not already hold a state office is not required to comply with RCW
42.17A.560 until sworn into office.
(5) A state official must comply with RCW
42.17A.560 until he or she no longer holds state office.
(6) Activities allowed during a freeze period. During a legislative session freeze period, the activities in which state officials may engage include, but are not limited to:
(a) Soliciting or accepting contributions to assist ((his or her))their own campaign for federal office;
(b) Accepting gifts or other items permitted under chapter
42.52 RCW, so long as the gift or other item is not
• | A contribution to an incumbent state official or known candidate, |
• | A contribution to a public office fund, |
• | Used to pay a nonreimbursed public office related expense, or |
• | Used to retire a campaign debt; |
(c) Attending and speaking at a fund-raising event held by or on behalf of a bona fide political party, so long as the contributions raised are not earmarked or otherwise designated for any incumbent state official or known candidate;
(d) Attending a fund-raiser held by a candidate who is not subject to RCW
42.17A.560, provided the state official does not solicit or accept any contributions in connection with the fund-raiser.
(i) The state official's planned attendance may be included in publicity for the fund-raiser.
(ii) The state official may receive complimentary admission from the candidate so long as the official attends to show support for the candidate and the attendance does not assist the official's own campaign.
(e) Transferring their own personal funds, as defined in WAC 390-17-305, or their own surplus funds, as defined in RCW
42.17A.005, to their own campaign account, so long as the funds are properly reported;
(f) Soliciting or accepting contributions on behalf of a nonprofit charity; or
(g) Soliciting or accepting contributions on behalf of any political committee, including a caucus political committee, a bona fide political party or a ballot measure committee, so long as the political committee does not spend the contributions for the benefit of incumbent state officials or known candidates.
(7) Activities not allowed during a freeze period. During a legislative session freeze period, a state official, or a person employed by or acting on behalf of a state official, may not solicit or accept contributions that:
(a) Go to an incumbent state official or known candidate;
(b) Go to a public office fund;
(c) Are used to pay a nonreimbursed public office related expense;
(d) Are used to retire a campaign debt;
(e) Go to a caucus political committee if the committee spends the contributions for the benefit of incumbent state officials or known candidates; or
(f) Go to a bona fide political party or a political committee if the political party or committee spends the contributions for the benefit of incumbent state officials or known candidates.
(8) "Person employed by or acting on behalf of a state official" includes a caucus political committee or any political committee financed or controlled by a legislative caucus as a whole or by one or more officers of a caucus political committee.
(a) During a legislative session freeze period, a person employed by or acting on behalf of a state official may not solicit or accept contributions for any of the purposes specified in subsection (7) of this section.
(b) During a legislative session freeze period, a caucus political committee may solicit or accept contributions from caucus members if the members make the contributions with their own personal funds, as defined in WAC 390-17-305, or with their own surplus funds, as defined in RCW
(c) During a legislative session freeze period, a caucus political committee may not solicit or accept contributions for any of the purposes specified in subsection (7) of this rule.
(9) Bona fide political parties. During a legislative session freeze period, a bona fide political party may not solicit or accept contributions that are
• | Used for a public office fund, |
• | Used for a state official's nonreimbursed public office related expenses, |
• | Used for retiring a state official's campaign debt, or |
• | Earmarked contributions to specific incumbent state officials or known candidates. |
However, a bona fide political party may solicit or accept contributions for its own fund-raising purposes.
(10) Segregating session freeze funds. During a legislative session freeze period, if a state official, a caucus political committee, or another person employed by or acting on behalf of a state official solicits or accepts contributions to
• | A caucus political committee, |
• | A bona fide political party, or |
• | Any political committee that supports or opposes state or local office candidates, the contributions are presumed to violate RCW 42.17A.560, unless the contributions are deposited into a separate bank account and not spent for the benefit of incumbent state officials or known candidates. |
((• | Deposited into a separate bank account and |
• | )) |
However, nothing in this subsection authorizes a state official, a caucus political committee or any person employed by or acting on behalf of a state official to take any of the actions prohibited by subsection (7) or (8)(c) of this section.
(11) Session freeze solicitations. If a person is solicited for a contribution during the legislative session freeze period
((• | By a state official, a caucus political committee, or another person employed by or acting on behalf of a state official, and |
• | The contribution is to a caucus political committee, a bona fide political party, or a political committee that supports or opposes candidates for state or local office, and |
• | )) |
by a state official, a caucus political committee, or another person employed by or acting on behalf of a state official; and the contribution is to a caucus political committee, a bona fide political party, or a political committee that supports or opposes candidates for state or local office; and the person makes a contribution during or after the freeze period in response to this solicitation; then the contribution is subject to RCW 42.17A.560 and subsection (12) of this section. (12) Spending contributions to benefit incumbents or known candidates. For purposes of complying with subsections (6)(g), (7)(e) and (f), and (10) of this section, contributions are considered spent for the benefit of incumbent state officials or known candidates if the contributions are used at any time for one or more of the following purposes((.)):
(a) Contributions to incumbent state officials or known candidates((.));
(b) Independent expenditures supporting incumbent state officials or known candidates, or opposing their opponents, whether or not the opponents are themselves known candidates during a legislative session freeze period((.));
(c) Payments to staff, consultants or advisors for performing activities that directly assist or promote the election of incumbent state officials or known candidates((.)); or
(d) Polls or surveys that relate to incumbent state officials, known candidates or their districts, or to general voter attitudes or preferences, unless
• | A poll or survey is produced, conducted, tabulated and analyzed according to the terms of a written confidentiality agreement and, if the agreement is breached, all reasonable steps are taken to enforce it, and |
• | The results of a poll or survey are not provided by the spender, or with the spender's permission or prior knowledge, to incumbent state officials, known candidates or their agents. |
However, candidate recruitment poll or survey results may be provided to an individual who later becomes a known candidate without the expenditure being considered as benefiting a known candidate so long as the poll or survey does not constitute a contribution to the individual or does not otherwise support or promote his or her election to state or local office. For purposes of this subsection, a "candidate recruitment poll or survey" is a poll or survey that is conducted for the sole purpose of recruiting candidates to run for public office and only determines
• | The respondent's party preference((,)); |
• | The level of support the incumbent currently has and how strong that support is, but not why he or she has that support((,)); |
• | Whether respondents recognize the names of individuals who may decide to seek that elective office((,)); |
• | Whether respondents currently hold a favorable opinion about these individuals, their abilities or fitness for elective office, but not why such opinions are held((,)); |
• | Whether respondents would likely vote for one or more of these individuals were they to seek office, but not why respondents would vote in the manner they indicated or whether they could be persuaded to change their vote((,)); and |
• | The validity of the poll or survey results. |
(e) Any other expenditure that directly benefits or promotes the election to state or local office of incumbent state officials or known candidates.
(13) For online or credit card contributions, the contribution is considered received at the time the transfer is made from the merchant account to a candidate or political committee account, except that a contribution made to a candidate who is a state official or legislator outside the restriction period established in RCW 42.17A.560, but transferred to the candidate's account within the restricted period, is considered received outside of the restriction period. (a) Any such contributions should be reported as received on the date the transfer is made from the merchant account to a candidate or political committee account.
(b) The PDC may request that the state official or legislator document that the contribution was received by the merchant account outside the restriction period.
AMENDATORY SECTION(Amending WSR 13-12-017, filed 5/24/13, effective 6/24/13)
WAC 390-17-405Volunteer services.
(1) In accordance with RCW
42.17A.005 ((
(16)(b)(vi), an individual may perform services or labor for a candidate or political committee without ((
it constituting a contribution, so long as the individual is not compensated by any person for the services or labor rendered and the services are of the kind commonly performed by volunteer campaign workers. These commonly performed services include:
(a) Office staffing;
(b) Doorbelling or leaflet drops;
(c) Mail handling (folding, stuffing, sorting and postal preparation, processing emails to and from the campaign);
(d) Political or fund-raising event staffing;
(e) Telephone bank activity (conducting voter identification, surveys or polling, and get-out-the-vote campaigns);
(f) Construction and placement of yard signs, hand-held signs or in-door signs;
(g) Acting as a driver for candidate or candidate or committee staff;
(h) Scheduling of campaign appointments and events;
(i) Transporting voters to polling places on election day;
(j) Except as provided in subsection (2) of this section, preparing campaign disclosure reports required by chapter
42.17A RCW and otherwise helping to ensure compliance with state election or public disclosure laws;
(k) Campaign consulting and management services, polling and survey design, public relations and advertising (including online advertising), or fund-raising performed by any individual, so long as the individual does not ordinarily charge a fee or receive compensation for providing the service;
(l) Creating, designing, posting to and maintaining a candidate or political committee's official campaign web site or online forum, so long as the individual does not ordinarily charge a fee or receive compensation for providing the service; and
(m) All similar activities as determined by the ((commission))PDC.
(2) An attorney or accountant may donate ((
his or her))
their professional services to a candidate, a candidate's authorized committee, a political party or a caucus political committee, without ((
it constituting a contribution in accordance with RCW
42.17A.005 ((
(16)(b)(viii), if the attorney or accountant is:
(a) Employed and ((his or her))their employer is paying for the services rendered;
(b) Self-employed; or
(c) Performing services for which no compensation is paid by any person.
However, neither RCW
42.17A.005 ((
(16)(b)(viii) nor this section authorizes the services of an attorney or an accountant to be provided to a political committee without a contribution ensuing, unless the political committee is a candidate's authorized committee, political party or caucus political committee and the conditions of RCW
42.17A.005 ((
(16)(b)(viii) and (a), (b) or (c) of this subsection are satisfied, or unless the political committee pays the fair market value of the services rendered.
AMENDATORY SECTION(Amending WSR 12-03-002, filed 1/4/12, effective 2/4/12)
WAC 390-17-410Electioneering communications may constitute contributions and be subject to limit.
(1) Electioneering communications are contributions when they satisfy the definition of contribution in RCW
(16) or
The following section of the Washington Administrative Code is repealed:
WAC 390-17-013 | Committee—Definition. |
AMENDATORY SECTION(Amending WSR 13-12-015, filed 5/24/13, effective 6/24/13)
WAC 390-18-010Sponsor identification of advertising, political advertising, electioneering communications, and independent expenditures.
(1) For the purposes of chapter
42.17A RCW and Title 390 WAC:
(a) "Sponsor of ((
political advertising, electioneering communication,
or independent expenditure ((
or political advertising))" is
, as used in the act and in these rules, and defined in RCW
(b) Unless the context clearly provides otherwise, "advertising" or "advertisement" means political advertising, ((
electioneering communications, or)) independent expenditures that are for political advertising and/or electioneering communications subject to the provisions of chapter
42.17A RCW and as defined in RCW
42.17A.005 or
(2) ((With advertising for which no payment is demanded or for which a cost is not readily ascertainable, the sponsor is the candidate, political committee or person who solicits or arranges for the advertising to be displayed or broadcast.
(3) If more than one person sponsors specific advertising, the identity of each sponsor must be shown. However, if a person contributes in cash or in-kind to a candidate or political committee to assist in paying the cost of advertising, that person is not deemed a sponsor provided the contribution is reported in accordance with applicable provisions of chapter 42.17A RCW and Title 390 WAC. ))All advertising shall clearly state, in an area set apart from any other printed matter, that it has been paid for by the sponsor (Example: (1) Paid for by the XYZ committee, mailing address, city, state, zip code; (2) Vote for John Doe, paid for by John Doe, mailing address, city, state, zip code). Additional requirements apply for the following:
(a) Political committees that sponsor political advertising costing or having a fair market value of one thousand dollars or more supporting or opposing a ballot measure must clearly ((state))identify the "top five contributors" to that political committee pursuant to WAC 390-18-025.
(b) ((
Advertising undertaken as an independent expenditure or electioneering communication shall comply with the "no candidate authorized this ad" sponsor identification and, if relevant, the "top five contributors" and identification of the individual, corporation, union, association, or other entity that established, maintains, or controls the sponsoring political committee provisions of RCW
42.17A.320 ((
and provide this information in an area set apart from any other printed matter)).
(c) Political committees that sponsor independent expenditure or electioneering communication printed advertising are required to ((provide))identify the "top five contributors" to that political committee pursuant to WAC 390-18-025((; however,)). This requirement does not apply to bona fide political parties sponsoring independent expenditures.
(((5)(a)))(3) Required sponsor identification shall be displayed in printed advertisements:
(a) In an area set apart from other printed matter;
(b) On the first page or fold of advertising consisting of more than one page ((but))that is intended to be presented as a single item (e.g., 3-page letter with return envelope) ((must identify the sponsor on the first page or fold of the advertising)). Identification on an enclosed return envelope or the envelope in which the advertising is sent is not sufficient((.
(c) By respective sponsor on advertising which is a collection of several items relating to more than one candidate or committee and distributed simultaneously ((must show the respective sponsor on the respective items.
(6) The name of the sponsor of all radio or television advertising shall be clearly spoken or identified as required in RCW 42.17A.320. (a) Political committees that sponsor political advertising costing one thousand dollars or more supporting or opposing a ballot measure shall comply with the "top five contributors" provisions of RCW 42.17A.320 and this information shall be clearly spoken or identified as provided in RCW 42.17A.320. The "top five" contributors shall be identified pursuant to WAC 390-18-025. (b) All radio, telephone and television advertising undertaken as an independent expenditure as defined in RCW 42.17A.005 shall comply with the "no candidate authorized this ad" sponsor identification and, if relevant, the "top five contributors" provisions of RCW 42.17A.320 and this information shall be clearly spoken or identified as provided in RCW 42.17A.320. (c) All radio and television advertising undertaken as an electioneering communication as defined in RCW 42.17A.005 shall comply with the "no candidate authorized this ad" sponsor identification and, if relevant, the "top five contributors" provisions of RCW 42.17A.320 and this information shall be clearly spoken or identified as provided in RCW 42.17A.320. )).
(4) Required sponsor identification shall be clearly identified or spoken in advertising on radio, by telephone, or on television.
(5) Required sponsor identification shall be clearly identified, spoken or displayed on advertising on web sites, social media and other digital communication. Political committee web sites and other online forums created by a political committee must include sponsor identification.
(6) With advertising for which no payment is demanded or for which a cost or fair market value is not readily ascertainable, the sponsor is the candidate, political committee or person who solicits or arranges for the advertising to be displayed, disseminated or broadcast.
(7) If more than one person sponsors specific advertising, the identity of each sponsor must be identified. However, if a person contributes in cash or in-kind to a candidate or political committee to assist in paying the cost of advertising, that person is not deemed a sponsor provided the contribution is not earmarked for the advertising and is reported in accordance with applicable provisions of chapter 42.17A RCW and Title 390 WAC.
AMENDATORY SECTION(Amending WSR 12-03-002, filed 1/4/12, effective 2/4/12)
WAC 390-18-020Advertising—Political party identification.
(1) ((
According to)) RCW
requires sponsors of
electioneering communications identifying a candidate or advertising supporting or opposing a candidate ((
who has expressed a party or independent preference on the declaration of candidacy must))
to clearly identify the candidate's political party or independent status in the advertising
when the candidate has expressed a party or independent preference on the declaration of candidacy.
(2) ((
According to RCW 42.17A.320, sponsors of electioneering communications identifying a candidate who has expressed a party or independent preference on the declaration of candidacy must clearly identify the candidate's political party or independent status in the advertising.)) To assist sponsors in complying with this requirement, the commission shall publish a list of abbreviations or symbols that clearly identify political party affiliation or independent status. These abbreviations may be used by sponsors to identify a candidate's political party.
AMENDATORY SECTION(Amending WSR 13-12-015, filed 5/24/13, effective 6/24/13)
WAC 390-18-025Advertising—Identification of "top five contributors."
(1) For purposes of RCW
42.17A.320 (2), (4), (5) and (6), "top five contributors" means the five persons, as defined in RCW
42.17A.005, giving the largest aggregate contributions exceeding seven hundred dollars during the twelve-month period preceding the date on which the advertisement is published or otherwise presented to the public. If more than five contributors give an amount equal to the largest aggregate contribution exceeding seven hundred dollars and the funds are received during the relevant twelve-month period, the political committee sponsoring the advertisement shall select five of these contributors to identify as the top five contributors.
(2) ((
For independent expenditure advertisements or electioneering communications, the "top five contributors" identification requirement of RCW 42.17A.320 applies to all political committees that make independent expenditures, including continuing political committees and out-of-state political committees subject to chapter 42.17A RCW other than a bona fide political party committee.(3) For political advertisements supporting or opposing ballot measures costing one thousand dollars, the "top five contributors" identification requirement of RCW 42.17A.320 applies to all political committees. )) If a political committee keeps records necessary to track contributions according to the use intended by contributors, and the committee subsequently makes independent expenditures for advertisements supporting or opposing a candidate or slate of candidates or an electioneering communication identifying a specific candidate or slate of candidates, that committee may identify the top five contributors giving for that purpose, as opposed to identifying the overall top five contributors to the committee as is otherwise required by RCW
42.17A.320 and this section.
However, a contributor's contributions earmarked for independent expenditures supporting or opposing a specific candidate or slate of candidates or electioneering communications identifying a specific candidate or slate of candidates shall not be used with respect to a different candidate or slate of candidates without the contributor being identified as one of the top five contributors for the actual expenditure if that contributor is one of the top five contributors for that expenditure.
AMENDATORY SECTION(Amending WSR 12-03-002, filed 1/4/12, effective 2/4/12)
WAC 390-18-027Definition—Medium that does not include a visual image.
(1) For electioneering communications identifying sponsors and top five contributors as required by RCW
42.17A.320, a "medium that does not include a visual image" means radio.
(2) For independent expenditures identifying sponsors and top five contributors as required by RCW
42.17A.320, a "medium that does not include a visual image" means radio or telephone transmissions.
AMENDATORY SECTION(Amending WSR 13-12-017, filed 5/24/13, effective 6/24/13)
WAC 390-18-030Advertising—Exemptions from sponsor identification and alternatives for online advertising.
(1) RCW
42.17A.320 requires that political advertising must identify certain information. The commission is authorized to exempt advertising where the sponsor identification disclosures required by RCW
42.17A.320 (1) and (2) are impractical. In addition, other political advertising is exempt from providing certain disclosures.
(2) The following forms of advertising need not include the sponsor's name and address, the "no candidate authorized this ad" sponsor identification, the "top five contributors," or the identification of the individual, corporation, union, association, or other entity that established, maintains, or controls the sponsoring political committee as otherwise required by RCW
42.17A.320 (1) and (2) because such identification is impractical: Ashtrays, badges and badge holders, balloons, bingo chips, brushes, bumper stickers - size 4" x 15" or smaller, buttons, cigarette lighters, clothes pins, clothing, coasters, combs, cups, earrings, emery boards, envelopes, erasers, frisbees, glasses, golf balls, golf tees, hand-held signs, hats, horns, ice scrapers, inscriptions, key rings, knives, labels, letter openers, magnifying glasses, matchbooks, nail clippers, nail files, newspaper ads of one column inch or less (excluding online ads), noisemakers, paper and plastic cups, paper and plastic plates, paper weights, pencils, pendants, pennants, pens, pinwheels, plastic tableware, pocket protectors, pot holders, reader boards where message is affixed in ((
movable letters, ribbons, 12-inch or shorter rulers, shoe horns, skywriting, staple removers, stickers - size 2-3/4" x 1" or smaller, sunglasses, sun visors, swizzle sticks, state or local ((
voter's pamphlets published pursuant to law, tickets to fund-raisers, water towers, whistles, yard signs - size 4' x 8' or smaller, yo-yos, and all other similar items.
(3) Online political advertising must provide the same disclosures that apply to non-online advertising to the extent practical. As an alternative, small online advertising may provide the required disclosures by using an automatic display with the advertising that takes the reader directly to the required disclosures.
(a) These automatic displays must be clear and conspicuous, unavoidable, immediately visible, remain visible for at least four seconds, and display a color contrast as to be legible. Online advertising that includes only audio must include the disclosures in a manner that is clearly spoken.
(b) Examples include nonblockable pop-ups, roll-overs, a separate text box or link that automatically appears with or in the advertising that automatically takes the reader directly to the required disclosures upon being clicked once, or other similar mechanisms that disclose the information required in RCW
(4) Political advertising created and distributed by an individual using ((
his or her))
their own modest resources is not required to provide the disclosures in RCW
42.17A.320, when all of the following criteria are satisfied:
(a) The individual spends in the aggregate less than one hundred dollars to produce and distribute the advertising or less than fifty dollars to produce and distribute online ((political)) advertising;
(b) The individual acts independently and not as an agent of a candidate, authorized committee, political committee, corporation, union, business association, or other organization or entity;
(c) The advertising is not a contribution under RCW
42.17A.005 ((
(16)(a)(ii) or (iii) or WAC 390-05-210;
(d) The individual does not receive donations, contributions, or payments from others for the advertising, and is not compensated for producing or distributing the advertising; and
(e) The advertising is either:
• A letter, flier, handbill, text ((or)), email or other digital communications from the individual that does not appear in a newspaper or other similar mass publication (except for letters to the editor and similar communications addressed in WAC 390-05-490(4)); or
• Disseminated on the individual's social media site, personal web site, or an individual's similar online forum where information is produced and disseminated only by the individual.
(5) Political advertising that is internal political communications to members is not required to separately include the disclosures in RCW
42.17A.320 where the sponsor's name is otherwise apparent on the face of the communication.
AMENDATORY SECTION(Amending WSR 15-12-058, filed 5/28/15, effective 6/28/15)
WAC 390-18-050Commercial advertisers—Public inspection of records.
RCW 42.17A.005(11) defines "commercial advertiser" as any person who sells the service of communicating messages or producing printed material for broadcast or distribution to the general public or segments of the general public whether through the use of newspapers, magazines, television and radio stations, billboard companies, direct mail advertising companies, printing companies, or otherwise. This includes communications such as paid internet or digital advertisements, brochures, fliers and any other means of mass communications used for the purpose of appealing, directly or indirectly for votes or for financial or other support in any election campaign.(2) RCW 42.17A.005 (8)(b) defines "books of account," in the case of a commercial advertiser, as details of political advertising or electioneering communications provided by the advertiser, including the names and addresses of persons from whom it accepted political advertising or electioneering communications, the exact nature and extent of the services rendered and the total cost and the manner of payment for the services. (3) Pursuant to RCW
each commercial advertiser who has accepted or provided political advertising, as defined in RCW 42.17A.005(39), or electioneering communications, as defined in RCW 42.17A.005(22), must maintain documents and current books of account. Such information must be available for public inspection: (a) In person during normal business hours;
(b) Provided electronically promptly upon request; or
(c) Available online on the advertiser's web site in machine-readable format.
(4) Any person, without reference to or permission from the ((public disclosure)) commission, is entitled to inspect a commercial advertiser's political advertising or electioneering communications documents and books of account.
(((2) No commercial advertiser shall be required to make available for public inspection))(5) Information regarding political advertising or electioneering communications ((prior to))must be made available as of the time when the advertisement or communication has initially received public distribution or broadcast. Such records must be maintained for a period of no less than three years after the date of the applicable election.
(6) The ((
information and books of account that must be maintained open for public inspection pursuant to RCW
42.17A.345(1) are:
(a) The name of the candidate or ballot measure supported or opposed or the name of the candidate otherwise identified, and whether the advertising or communication supports or opposes the candidate or ballot measure;
(b) The name and address of the ((person))person(s) who sponsored the advertising or electioneering communication;
(c) The total cost of the advertising or electioneering communication, how much of that amount has been paid, who made the payment, when it was paid, and what method of payment was used; and
(d) Date(s) the commercial advertiser rendered service.
(7) In addition to subsection ((
(6) of this section and pursuant to RCW
42.17A.345 (1)(b), the documents and books of account open for public inspection must include
the advertisement or communication itself, and a description of the major work components or tasks, as specified in (a) through ((
(g) of this subsection, that were required to provide the advertising or communications services.
(a) For printers, reproducers and other persons who provide commercial duplicating services: Quantity of items, item description, design, layout, typesetting, photography, printing, silk screening, binding.
(b) For mailing services: Quantity of items mailed, binding, stuffing, labeling, list or directory services, postage or delivery.
(c) For broadcast media: Air time and number of spot advertisements. If the broadcaster provides additional services such as copy writing, talent, production, and tape reproduction, some type of record or notation evidencing the additional service must be available.
(d) For billboard or sign companies: Number and location of signs, design, printing and art work, erection/removal costs.
(e) For specialty or novelty commercial advertisers: Quantity of items provided, silk screening, design, printing and art work.
(f) For newspapers and other print media: Amount of advertising space and dates of publication. If the advertiser provides additional services such as design or layout, some type of record evidencing such additional services must be available.
(g) For digital communication platforms: An approximate description of the geographic locations and audiences targeted, and total number of impressions generated by the advertisement of communication.
(8) At the request of the PDC, each commercial advertiser required to comply with this section shall deliver to the PDC copies of the information described above.
The following sections of the Washington Administrative Code are repealed:
WAC 390-18-015 | Online political advertising. |
WAC 390-18-060 | Electioneering communication reporting threshold and sponsors. |
AMENDATORY SECTION(Amending WSR 01-22-052, filed 10/31/01, effective 1/1/02)
WAC 390-19-010Intent of electronic filing.
(1) The public disclosure commission (PDC) was created and empowered by initiative of the people to provide timely and meaningful public access to information about the financing of political campaigns, lobbyist expenditures, and the financial affairs of public officials and candidates, and to insure compliance with contribution limits and other campaign finance restrictions.
(2) Full and prompt access to the political finance data filed by persons subject to the law is best realized through wide-spread use of electronic filing alternatives. The Washington state legislature has mandated that certain filers submit their PDC reports electronically. The ((commission))PDC makes available to all candidates, public officials, lobbyists, lobbyist employers, and political committees that are required to file reports under this chapter electronic filing alternatives for submitting reports, and encourages all persons required to report under the disclosure law to utilize the electronic filing alternatives provided by the PDC.
AMENDATORY SECTION(Amending WSR 16-04-027, filed 1/25/16, effective 2/25/16)
WAC 390-19-020Electronic filing—Mandatory filing.
(1) RCW
42.17A.245 mandates that persons ((
meeting the qualifying criteria in that section file all contribution and expenditure reports by electronic means.
(2) Persons filing by electronic means shall register with the PDC and receive a filer identification number and password. Filers must have a current C-1 Candidate Registration Statement or a C-1pc Committee Registration Statement on file with the PDC prior to receiving a filer identification number.
(3) A filer subject to RCW
42.17A.245 shall file all PDC C-3 and C-4 reports and all appropriate schedules electronically in compliance with subsection (5) of this section.
(4) Any filer required to file electronically, but who files on paper, is in violation of RCW
42.17A.245 and may be subject to enforcement action unless the filer is a candidate who has sought and been granted an exception from electronic filing under WAC 390-19-050.
(5) A filer subject to electronic filing shall file reports using one of the following:
(a) The ORCA software (Online Reporting of Campaign Activity) provided free-of-charge by the PDC; or
(b) Any other electronic filing application provided or approved by the PDC.
(6) Pursuant to RCW 42.17A.055, state agencies reporting their legislative activities under RCW 42.17A.635 are required to file electronically. AMENDATORY SECTION(Amending WSR 01-22-052, filed 10/31/01, effective 1/1/02)
WAC 390-19-040Electronic filing—Verification and amendments.
(1) An electronic report is filed when it is received and validated by the ((public disclosure commission ())PDC(())) computer system. The PDC shall notify the filer that the electronic report has been received.
(2) An electronic report is timely filed if received on or before 11:59 p.m. Pacific Time on the prescribed filing date.
(3) An electronic report that is infected with a virus, damaged, or is improperly formatted is not properly filed with the PDC and shall be rejected.
(4) To amend an electronically filed report, the filer shall electronically refile the entire report.
WAC 390-19-045Electronic filing system—Inoperable.
(1) For the purpose of RCW
42.17A.055,"electronic filing system" means the specific PDC-provided application or functionality necessary to file a specific report and does not include software provided by third parties;
(2) For the purpose of RCW
42.17A.055, "inoperable" means the electronic filing system used by the filer is unable to prepare or receive the required report except as provided in subsection (3) of this section;
(3) The electronic filing system is not considered inoperable during regular maintenance periods lasting less than thirty minutes between the hours of 11:00 p.m. and 5:00 a.m. Pacific Time or unscheduled events lasting less than fifteen minutes in any twenty-four-hour period;
(4) The PDC will provide notification for all periods of inoperability on its web site and will provide an option for individuals to also be notified by electronic notification upon request.
AMENDATORY SECTION(Amending WSR 12-03-002, filed 1/4/12, effective 2/4/12)
WAC 390-19-050Electronic filing—Exceptions.
(1) The ((commission))PDC may make exceptions on a case-by-case basis for candidates whose authorized committees lack the technological ability to file reports electronically.
(2) A candidate seeking an exception under RCW
42.17A.245 shall file with the PDC a written statement of reasons why the authorized committee lacks the ability to file reports electronically.
Chapter 390-37 WAC
AMENDATORY SECTION(Amending WSR 12-18-015, filed 8/24/12, effective 9/24/12)
WAC 390-37-001Enforcement cases—Jurisdiction.
public disclosure commission
(PDC) enforces chapter
42.17A RCW concerning campaign financing, lobbyist reporting, reporting of public officials' financial affairs, reporting by public treasurers, political advertising, campaign contribution limitations and the other provisions in chapter
42.17A RCW.
(The ((
PDC does not enforce the Public Records Act under chapter
42.56 RCW. RCW
42.56.550 provides for direct review by the superior courts for persons seeking to enforce chapter
42.56 RCW.
WAC 390-37-005Complaint review and categorization.
(1) PDC staff, upon receiving or initiating a complaint, will promptly conduct an initial review and preliminarily assign matters to certain categories.
(2) Upon initial review, a matter may be preliminarily categorized as:
(a) Unfounded or frivolous, pursuant to WAC 390-37-060;
(b) A remedial violation, pursuant to RCW
(c) Appropriate for resolution as a technical correction, pursuant to RCW
(d) A minor violation, appropriate for alternative resolution alternatives, pursuant to WAC 390-37-061;
(e) Appropriate for investigation as to whether or not there has been a material actual violation eligible for resolution pursuant to RCW
(f) Appropriate for referral to the attorney general, pursuant to WAC 390-37-042; or
(g) Other status as authorized and appropriate under chapter
42.17A RCW or Title 390 WAC.
(3) Each enforcement matter will be posted by PDC staff on the PDC's public case-tracking database, where its status will be updated from time to time as appropriate until the matter is closed.
AMENDATORY SECTION(Amending WSR 16-01-015, filed 12/4/15, effective 1/4/16)
WAC 390-37-010Enforcement procedures—General.
This chapter provides the procedures for
the PDC's enforcement of compliance with chapter 42.17A RCW, including categorization of enforcement matters, complaint processes, alternative resolutions, investigations, and adjudicative proceedings (enforcement hearings) in compliance cases under the commission's jurisdiction. The procedures are also governed by RCW
42.17A.755, and the adjudicative proceedings provisions of chapter
34.05 RCW. Unless they differ or are otherwise specifically addressed in this chapter, the procedure
s, are supplemented by the model rules of procedure in chapter 10-08 WAC. In lieu of holding an adjudicative proceeding or issuing an order as a result of such a proceeding, the commission may refer the matter to the attorney general or other law enforcement agency
at any time, pursuant to RCW
(5))) and
In addition, the procedures for ((
a person required to file a report under this chapter to request a hearing on a petition to modify or suspend reporting requirements are provided in RCW
42.17A.120 and chapters 390-24 and 390-28 WAC.
The policy of the ((
PDC is to facilitate the resolution of compliance matters in a fair and expeditious manner. The ((
PDC encourages the parties to consider
corrections, alternative resolution ((
, partial resolution
, statements of understanding, settlement and stipulation procedures as set forth in WAC
390-37-040, 390-37-060,
390-37-062, 390-37-075, ((
or)) 390-37-090, ((
or 390-37-142 whenever appropriate. Informal settlements are encouraged by RCW
AMENDATORY SECTION(Amending WSR 15-12-079, filed 5/29/15, effective 6/29/15)
WAC 390-37-020Enforcement procedures—((Alleging a violation))Who may allege a violation with the PDC.
Alleged violations of chapter
42.17A RCW may be brought to the attention of the ((
PDC staff by:
(1) A member of the public;
(2) The ((commission))PDC staff;
(3) A commission member, who shall ((then be disqualified))thereafter, in their discretion, determine whether disqualification from participating in the ((decision))adjudication of an enforcement matter that may arise from a complaint regarding the alleged violation(s) is appropriate;
(4) Referral from the office of the attorney general or any other law enforcement agency; or
(5) A state agency, local agency or member of a state or local agency.
AMENDATORY SECTION(Amending WSR 16-01-015, filed 12/4/15, effective 1/4/16)
WAC 390-37-030Enforcement procedures—((Citizen complaints filed with the commission))Standing and notice for complainants.
(1) When a ((citizen)) complaint ((has been filed with the agency))is filed with the PDC other than by PDC staff pursuant to WAC 390-37-040, neither the complainant nor any other person shall have special standing to participate or intervene in ((the))any investigation or consideration of the complaint by the commission or its staff. However, the staff shall give notice to the complainant of any ((open)) commission hearings on the matter and the complainant may be called as a witness in any enforcement hearing or investigative proceeding. The commission's presiding officer has the discretion to allow comment by a person other than the respondent during the consideration of a complaint by the commission. Any person who wishes to comment should notify staff at least three business days before the proceeding.
(2) The complainant or any other person may submit documentary evidence and/or written factual or legal statements to the staff at any time up to and including the fifth calendar day before the date of any enforcement hearing or proceeding, but complainants are encouraged to provide as much information as possible at the time of filing a complaint to help ensure the complaint review and investigation processes are as thorough as possible. Complainants and others are encouraged to submit evidence electronically wherever feasible.
(3) A person not satisfied with the dismissal of a complaint by the commission or its executive director may pursue an appropriate remedy under RCW 42.17A.765(4).))
AMENDATORY SECTION(Amending WSR 15-12-079, filed 5/29/15, effective 6/29/15)
WAC 390-37-040Enforcement procedures—Procedures for filing complaints with the ((commission))PDC.
(1) A complaint filed with the ((commission))PDC must be ((in))by electronic writing. Complainants ((are encouraged to))must use the ((complaint form))form(s) provided by the ((commission))PDC on its web site. The executive director may waive this requirement and allow for the use of another written format on the basis of hardship.
(2) A complaint must include:
(a) A statement of the nature of the alleged violation or violations
, referencing chapter 42.17A RCW and/or Title 390 WAC (if known), date, time and place of each occurrence and name of person or persons
believed to be responsible
, and a description of the impact of the alleged violation on the public;
(b) All available documentation and other evidence which the complainant is able to supply that supports the allegations made in the complaint. Information about where documents or evidence can be obtained and any relevant contact information should be included for any items that cannot be supplied with the complaint;
(c) The names and telephone numbers, email addresses, and U.S. mail address, if known, of any witnesses or other persons who have knowledge of facts ((that support))related to the complaint;
(d) The complainant's name, email address which will be the PDC's official method of communication, U.S. mail address, and telephone number; ((and))
(e) The signature of the complainant certifying under penalty of perjury under the laws of the state of Washington that the information provided with the complaint is true and correct to the best of ((his or her))their knowledge and belief; and
(f) Other pertinent information, as required by the PDC.
(3) The person or entity against whom a complaint is filed is known as the respondent.
WAC 390-37-042Enforcement procedures—Process and criteria for referring enforcement matters to the attorney general.
(1) When a complaint is filed or initiated by the PDC, the PDC may refer the matter at any time to the attorney general in accordance with RCW
42.17A.755. The determination to refer a matter to the attorney general will be made by either:
(a) A majority vote of the commission at a regular or special commission meeting; or
(b) By the executive director with the documented concurrence by electronic writing of either the chair or vice chair of the commission.
Any referral to the attorney general will be made in writing and may be made by electronic transmission.
(2) Enforcement matters potentially appropriate for referral may be brought to the executive director's attention by members of the commission, by PDC staff, by another party, or by the attorney general.
(3) Where the attorney general has requested referral of a matter and addressed the relevant criteria under RCW
42.17A.755, the executive director shall respond to the request within two business days. Both the request and the response shall be in writing and may be by electronic transmission.
(4) The executive director shall report at each regular commission meeting all referrals made by the executive director to the attorney general and all requests for referral by the attorney general since the prior commission meeting.
AMENDATORY SECTION(Amending WSR 17-03-004, filed 1/4/17, effective 2/4/17)
WAC 390-37-050Enforcement procedures—Respondent's notice of complaint.
(1) Within ten days of receipt by the ((commission))PDC of a complaint which on its face appears to have merit, the ((commission))PDC staff shall notify the respondent that a complaint has been filed((.)), along with an explanation of possible next steps, including the categorization process under WAC 390-37-005. Sending the complaint to the respondent's email address of record as provided to the PDC shall constitute sufficient notice.
(2) The notice shall set forth the nature of the complaint and ((its origin (citizen complaint, commission or other) and the statutory provision alleged to have been violated. If an alternative response to the alleged violation has been issued as provided by this chapter, the notice shall also describe that response, including any conditions the respondent is required to meet))the statutory and/or rule provision(s) alleged to have been violated.
(3) Respondents who wish to respond must file their response electronically within fourteen days of being notified by PDC staff, addressing the alleged noncompliance in the complaint. The response may address the respondent's view of which category(ies) appropriately address the alleged noncompliance pursuant to WAC 390-37-005 (remedial, technical corrections, etc.).
(4) If an alternative response to the alleged violation has been issued as provided by this chapter, the notice shall also describe that response, including any conditions the respondent is required to meet.
AMENDATORY SECTION(Amending WSR 17-03-004, filed 1/4/17, effective 2/4/17)
WAC 390-37-060Enforcement procedures—Alternative responses to noncompliance—Investigation of complaints—Initiation of adjudicative proceeding.
(1) Upon receipt of a complaint, the ((
executive director))
PDC staff will conduct an initial review of the complaint ((
to determine what action will be taken. An initial review is a preliminary investigation to determine whether the allegations are limited to minor or technical violations of chapter 42.17A or if there is sufficient ground indicating that a material violation of chapter 42.17A RCW may have occurred so as to warrant a formal investigation))
pursuant to WAC 390-37-005.
(a) If the executive director determines that any complaint is obviously unfounded or frivolous, or outside of the PDC's jurisdiction, the executive director will inform the complainant and, as appropriate, the respondent why no further ((investigation))action is warranted.
The executive director may resolve a matter as a technical correction pursuant to RCW 42.17A.755. PDC staff will notify the respondent of the need to make a correction and the deadline by which that correction must be made. The deadline will be no less than five days and no more than thirty days from the date of the notification. The failure to make the requested correction may result in the initiation of an investigation or other enforcement action.(c) The executive director may resolve a matter as a remedial violation pursuant to RCW 42.17A.755. (d) The executive director may resolve any complaint that alleges minor ((
or technical)) violations of chapter
42.17A by issuing a formal written warning. If the resolution is conditioned upon the respondent reaching or maintaining compliance, specific expectations and any deadlines ((
will be clearly explained in the written warning. A respondent's failure to meet conditions may result in a complaint being reopened.
(e) The executive director may use the complaint publication process set out in WAC 390-32-030 to resolve any complaint that alleges minor or technical violations of chapter
42.17A RCW.
(f) The executive director ((
may initiate ((
a formal))
an investigation whenever an initial review of a complaint indicates that a material violation ((
of chapter 42.17A RCW)) may have occurred.
(2) If the executive director determines ((a formal))an investigation will require the expenditure of substantial resources, the executive director may request review and concurrence by the commission before proceeding.
(3) ((
The executive director shall initiate an adjudicative proceeding or provide a report to the commission whenever a formal investigation reveals facts that the executive director has reason to believe are a material violation of chapter 42.17A RCW and do not constitute substantial compliance.))If the executive director determines an investigation is warranted, an initial hearing (also referred to as a "case status review") shall be held pursuant to WAC 390-37-071 within ninety days.
(4) Following the initial hearing (case status review), and further investigation if needed, the executive director may initiate an adjudicative proceeding whenever the facts support that an actual violation has occurred and the matter is not appropriate for a dismissal or an alternative resolution.
(5) The respondent and complainant shall be notified of the date of the adjudicative proceeding or a report on an enforcement matter resulting from a complaint no later than ten
calendar days before that date. The notice shall contain the information required by RCW
34.05.434, the staff investigative report, and any charges to be adjudicated. The notice, whenever possible, will be delivered electronically.
AMENDATORY SECTION(Amending WSR 16-01-015, filed 12/4/15, effective 1/4/16)
WAC 390-37-061Enforcement procedures—Alternative responses to noncompliance—Goals and objectives—Factors to be considered.
(1) In considering appropriate responses to ((
noncompliance with chapter 42.17A RCW or Title 390 WAC, the commission))
actual violations, as that term is used in the act, the PDC staff considers whether ((
a formal))
an investigation or adjudicative proceeding constitutes an efficient and effective use of public funds; or whether an alternative response better meets the ((
PDC's mission and public expectations by allowing the expedited resolution of minor ((
and technical alleged)) violations, and the focusing of ((
staff and commission)) resources on ((
major alleged))
more significant violations of chapter
42.17A RCW and Title 390 WAC.
(2) A minor violation is an actual violation that occurs:
(a) When required information is not timely disclosed, ((however))but the public is not deprived of critical information((.
)); or
(b) When incomplete information is disclosed, but a good faith effort to comply with disclosure is made, ((but incomplete information is disclosed))and the public is not deprived of critical information.
(c) When any other violation of chapter 42.17A RCW has occurred that does not materially affect the public interest.(3) In authorizing an alternative response to alleged noncompliance, the executive director may consider the nature of the alleged violation and any relevant circumstances including, but not limited to, the factors described in subsection (((3)))(4) of this section: Provided, that, if after weighing the relevant circumstances and factors, the executive director determines that there is evidence that so warrants, the allegations shall be addressed through ((a formal))an investigation as provided by WAC 390-37-060.
(((3)))(4) The factors the executive director may consider in permitting an alternative response to noncompliance, ((a formal))an investigation, or an adjudicative proceeding include, but are not limited to:
An alternative response to noncompliance may be appropriate if … | ((A formal))An investigation and possible adjudicative hearing may be appropriate if … |
It appears that noncompliance resulted from a good-faith error, omission, or misunderstanding. | It appears that the noncompliance may have resulted from a knowing or intentional effort to conceal, deceive or mislead, or violate the law or rule, or from collusive behavior. |
The respondent is a first-time filer. | The respondent has experience in complying with the applicable requirements. |
The respondent's compliance history indicates the noncompliance was isolated or limited in nature, and not indicative of systematic or ongoing problems. | The noncompliance is part of a pattern of violations by the respondent, or in the case of a political committee or other entity, part of a pattern of violations by the respondent's officers, staff, principal decision makers, consultants, or sponsoring organization. |
The impact of the noncompliance on the public was minimal. | The noncompliance deprived the public of timely or accurate information during a time-sensitive period in a campaign, legislative session, etc., or otherwise had a significant or material impact on the public. |
The respondent's organization or campaign was relatively unsophisticated or small. | The respondent or the respondent's organization or campaign demonstrated a relatively high level of sophistication, or was well financed and staffed. |
The total expenditures by the respondent in the campaign or statement period were relatively modest. | The campaign or statement period involved significant expenditures by the respondent. |
The amount of late-reported activity, or the duration of the untimely disclosure, was small in proportion to the amount of activity that was timely reported by the respondent. | The late or unreported activity was significant in amount or duration under the circumstances, including in proportion to the total amount of expenditures by the respondent in the campaign or statement period. |
There is no evidence that any person, including an entity or organization, benefited politically or economically from the noncompliance. | It appears the respondent or anyone else benefited politically or economically from the noncompliance. |
Personal emergency or illness of the respondent or member of his or her immediate family contributed to the noncompliance. | There are no circumstances that appear to mitigate or appropriately explain the late reporting or other noncompliance. |
Other emergencies such as fire, flood, or utility failure prevented compliance. | There are no circumstances that appear to mitigate or appropriately explain the late reporting or other noncompliance. |
((Commission))PDC staff or equipment error, including technical problems at the agency prevented or delayed electronic filing. | ((Commission))PDC staff or equipment error did not appear to contribute to the noncompliance. |
The noncompliance resulted from the respondent's demonstrated good-faith uncertainty concerning staff guidance or instructions, a lack of clarity in the rule or statute, or uncertainty concerning the valid application of the commission's rules. | It appears the respondent understood the application of staff's guidance or instructions, and did not dispute the valid application of the commission's rules. |
The respondent quickly took corrective action or initiated other remedial measures prior to any complaint, or when noncompliance was brought to respondent's attention (e.g., filing missing reports, amending incomplete or inaccurate reports, returning prohibited or over limit contributions). | The respondent appeared negligent or unwilling to address the noncompliance. |
The respondent made a good-faith effort to comply, including by consulting with ((commission))PDC staff following a complaint and cooperating during any preliminary investigation, or demonstrated a wish to acknowledge and take responsibility for the alleged violation. | The respondent failed to provide a timely or adequate response to the complaint, or was otherwise uncooperative. |
The alleged violation was or is being addressed under an analogous local ordinance, regulation, or policy. | The commission has primary jurisdiction over the alleged violation. |
The alleged violation presents a new question or issue for the commission's interpretation. | The alleged violation does not present a case of first impression. |
Other factors relevant to a particular case |
WAC 390-37-062Enforcement procedures—Alternative responses—Cases resolvable by stipulation prior to completion of investigation—Penalty schedule.
(1) The purpose of WAC 390-37-062 is to set forth a schedule of violations and penalties that may be agreed to by a respondent pursuant to a stipulation prior to an investigation, as authorized by RCW
42.17A.755. That schedule appears in the table below.
(2) A violation not set forth in the schedule may be resolved pursuant to a stipulation, provided that the proposed penalty amount is within the dollar ranges listed in the schedule.
(3) "Occasion" as used in the schedule means an "actual violation," as defined in RCW
42.17A.005, found by the commission.
(4) Only actual violations within the last five years will be considered for determining whether the violation under consideration shall be deemed a second or third occasion.
(5) Any proposed stipulation shall be in writing, must include a brief recitation of the facts, violations, and penalty, and be signed by each party to the stipulation or their representative and provided by 4:00 p.m. three business days preceding the commission meeting. The executive director shall sign for PDC staff.
(6) The commission has the option of accepting, modifying or rejecting the proposed stipulation. If the commission accepts the stipulation, or modifies the stipulation with the agreement of the parties, the commission shall enter an order in conformity with the terms of the stipulation. If the commission rejects the stipulation, the commission staff may consider whether:
(a) An investigation should be initiated; or
(b) The matter may appropriately be resolved in another manner.
(7) In determining whether to accept the stipulation, the commission may consider the nature of the violation(s), and any aggravating and/or mitigating factors as provided in WAC 390-37-182.
Violations: | | | |
Respondent failed to file or timely file an accurate or complete: (1) Statement of Financial Affairs (F-1 report) / (2) Candidate Registration / (C-1 report) / (3) Lobbyist Monthly Expense Report (L-2 report) / (4) Lobbyist Employer Annual Report (L-3 report) and (5) Local Treasurer's Annual Report (T-1 report). |
| 1st Occasion | 2nd Occasion | 3rd Occasion |
Filed missing report after being notified about the complaint, and provided written explanation with mitigating circumstances. | $0 - $300 | $300 - $600 | $600 - $1,000 |
Report is filed late and is incomplete or inaccurate. | $0 - $600 | $600 - $1,200 | $1,200 - $2,400 |
Respondent failed to file or timely file accurate and complete campaign disclosure reports: |
Cash Receipts Monetary Contributions Report (C-3 report) |
Filed missing C-3 report or amended C-3 report after being notified about the complaint, and provided written explanation with mitigating circumstances. | $0 - $750 | $750 - $1,500 | $1,500 - $2,250 |
Failed to timely deposit monetary contributions within five business days of receipt. | $0 - $750 | $750 - $1,500 | $1,500 - $2,250 |
Failed to include employer and occupation information for contributors of more than $100. | $0 - $750 | $750 - $1,500 | $1,500 - $2,250 |
Campaign Summary Receipts and Expenditures Report (C-4 report) | | |
Filed missing C-4 report or amended C-4 report after being notified about the complaint, and provided written explanation with mitigating circumstances. | $0 - $750 | $750 - $1,500 | $1,500 - $2,250 |
Failed to properly report the "purpose" of an expenditure under RCW 42.17A.240(6) or 42.17A.255 (5)(b). | $0 - $750 | $750 - $1,500 | $1,500 - $2,250 |
Failed to properly report expenditures made on behalf of a candidate or political committee by any person, agency, firm, organization, etc. | $0 - $750 | $750 - $1,500 | $1,500 - $2,250 |
Failed to report a contractual contingent liability. | $0 - $750 | $750 - $1,500 | $1,500 - $2,250 |
Failed to properly dispose of surplus funds. | $0 - $750 | $750 - $1,500 | $1,500 - $2,250 |
Failed to properly make campaign books of account available for public inspection as required immediately preceding the date of an election. | $0 - $750 | $750 - $1,500 | $1,500 - $2,250 |
Independent Expenditure Report (C-6 report) | | | |
Filed missing C-6 report or amended C-6 report after being notified about the complaint, and provided written explanation with mitigating circumstances. | $0 - $750 | $750 - $1,500 | $1,500 - $2,250 |
Report is incomplete or inaccurate. | $0 - $750 | $750 - $1,500 | $1,500 - $2,250 |
Out-of-State Political Committee Report (C-5 report) | | | |
Filed missing C-5 report or amended C-5 report after being notified about the complaint, and provided written explanation with mitigating circumstances. | $0 - $750 | $750 - $1,500 | $1,500 - $2,250 |
Last Minute Contribution Report (LMC report) |
Filed missing LMC report or amended LMC report after being notified about the complaint, and provided written explanation with mitigating circumstances. | $0 - $750 | $750 - $1,500 | $1,500 - $2,250 |
Exceeding Contribution Limits | | | |
Refunded contributions after being notified of the complaint, over limit contributions were not significant, and respondent provided written explanation with mitigating circumstances. | $0 - $750 | $750 - $1,500 | $1,500 - $2,250 |
Other Alleged Violations | | | |
Exceeding Mini Reporting Threshold | | | |
Filed C-3 and C-4 reports for full reporting after being notified about the complaint, and provided written explanation with mitigating circumstances. | $0 - $750 | $750 - $1,500 | $1,500 - $2,250 |
Failure to file electronically | | | |
Filed C-3 and C-4 reports electronically after being notified about the complaint, and provided written explanation with mitigating circumstances. | $0 - $750 | $750 - $1,500 | $1,500 - $2,250 |
Use of public facilities for the purpose of assisting a campaign for the election of any person to any office, or for the promotion of or opposition to any ballot proposition. | | | |
Use of public facilities was incidental and isolated, and evidence was not submitted indicating that the use may have affected the outcome of the election. | $0 - $750 | $750 - $1,500 | $1,500 - $2,250 |
Failure to file Lobbyist Registration report (L-1 report) | | | |
Filed missing L-1 report after being notified about the complaint, and provided written explanation with mitigating circumstances. | $0 - $300 | $300 - $600 | $600 - $1,000 |
Failure to File Agency Lobbying Report (L-5 report) | | | |
Filed missing L-5 report or amended L-5 report after being notified about the complaint, and provided written explanation with mitigating circumstances. | $0 - $300 | $300 - $600 | $600 - $1,000 |
Grassroots Lobbying Report (L-6 report) | | | |
Filed missing L-6 report or amended L-6 report after being notified about the complaint, and provided written explanation with mitigating circumstances. | $0 - $300 | $300 - $600 | $600 - $1,000 |
Sponsor identification requirements for political advertising | | | |
Political advertising failed to include any sponsor identification, or included improper or misleading sponsor identification. | $0 - $300 | $300 - $600 | $600 - $1,000 |
Party preference requirement for political advertising | | | |
Political advertising failed to include a candidate's party preference. | $0 - $300 | $300 - $600 | $600 - $1,000 |
Use of current picture requirement in political advertising | | | |
Political advertising fails to include at least one picture of the candidate used in the advertising that was taken within the last five years, that is no smaller than any other picture of the same candidate used in the same advertisement. | $0 - $300 | $300 - $600 | $600 - $1,000 |
Political advertising or electioneering communication—Libel or defamation per se |
Political advertising or an electioneering communication that contains a false statement of material fact about a candidate for public office. | $0 - $600 | $600 - $1,200 | $1,200 - $2,400 |
Political advertising or an electioneering communication that falsely represents that a candidate is the incumbent for the office sought when in fact the candidate is not the incumbent. | $0 - $600 | $600 - $1,200 | $1,200 - $2,400 |
Political advertising or an electioneering communication that makes either directly or indirectly, a false claim stating or implying the support or endorsement of any person or organization when in fact the candidate does not have such support or endorsement. | $0 - $600 | $600 - $1,200 | $1,200 - $2,400 |
Commercial advertisers—Public inspection of documents |
Commercial advertisers who after accepting or providing political advertising or electioneering communications during an election campaign fail to maintain documents or books of account as required by WAC 390-16-050. | $0 - $600 | $600 - $1,200 | $1,200 - $2,400 |
Candidates and political committees—Public inspection of books of accounts | | |
Candidates or political committees who fail to accommodate requests for public inspection as required by WAC 390-16-043. | $0 - $600 | $600 - $1,200 | $1,200 - $2,400 |
Limitations on employers or labor organizations |
Failed to maintain open for public inspection, during normal business hours, documents and books of accounts showing a copy of each employee's request for funds to be withheld for transfer to a political committee. | $0 - $600 | $600 - $1,200 | $1,200 - $2,400 |
(8) In a matter where the PDC staff have completed an investigation or resolved the matter as a technical correction, as authorized in RCW
42.17A.755, the schedule set forth in the table above is not applicable.
AMENDATORY SECTION(Amending WSR 12-03-002, filed 1/4/12, effective 2/4/12)
WAC 390-37-063Enforcement procedures—Demand for information—Subpoenas.
(1) During the course of ((an))a PDC audit or ((an)) investigation, the executive director may issue a subpoena directed to any person who probably possesses information which is relevant and material to the audit or the investigation. The subpoena shall:
(a) Specifically describe the information which is sought, and
(b) Set forth a reasonable time and place for the production of the information, and
(c) Notify the person that if the information is not produced, the executive director will apply to the superior court for an appropriate order or other remedy.
The subpoena may be personally delivered or sent by certified mail, return receipt requested.
(2) The commission
or the presiding officer may issue a subpoena under RCW
42.17A.110(6) and WAC 390-37-120 to compel persons to appear and give testimony and may require the production of any books, papers, correspondence, ((
memoranda or other ((
documents which))
evidence that the commission deems relevant and material.
AMENDATORY SECTION(Amending WSR 16-01-015, filed 12/4/15, effective 1/4/16)
WAC 390-37-070Enforcement procedures—Complaints dismissed by executive director after an investigation has been commenced.
The executive director, ((
with the concurrence of the chair or the chair's designee commissioner,)) at any time prior to consideration by the commission, may dismiss a complaint which on its face, or as shown by investigation, does ((
not show))
provide reason to believe that a ((
material)) violation ((
of the sections of chapter 42.17A RCW that are enforced by the commission)) has occurred, shows that the respondent is in substantial compliance with the relevant statutes or rules, or shows that formal enforcement action is not warranted.
The executive director shall report at each regular commission meeting all complaints dismissed.
WAC 390-37-071Enforcement procedures—Initial hearing (case status review prior to ninety days).
(1) After initiating an investigation pursuant to WAC 390-37-060, the executive director will conduct a case status review, referred to as an initial hearing in RCW
42.17A.755. The case status review is not an adjudicative proceeding conducted pursuant to the Administrative Procedure Act (chapter
34.05 RCW). Its purpose is to ensure the investigation, is being conducted expeditiously and to provide an opportunity to discuss possible alternative resolutions.
(2) The case status review will be conducted within ninety days of the complaint being filed in the matter, and may be held by telephone conference or in-person at a time and place specified by PDC staff. Notice of the case status review will be delivered electronically whenever possible.
(3) Participation in the case status review by the respondent is not mandatory. The failure to participate in the hearing will not prejudice any rights of the respondent with respect to the investigation or potential adjudication of the matter.
(4) The case status review shall have a set time limit as determined by the executive director.
(5) At the case status review, the executive director shall have the authority to:
(a) Provide the respondent with a brief opportunity to explain the respondent's view of the matter, including why further investigation may not be warranted;
(b) Identify any available options to resolve the matter;
(c) When appropriate, encourage the parties to enter into a stipulated agreement as authorized by RCW
42.17A.755 and WAC 390-37-062; and
(d) Consider such other matters as may aid in the investigation, disposition or resolution of the matter.
(6) Following the case status review, the executive director shall direct PDC staff to update the PDC's public case-tracking database pursuant to WAC 390-37-005.
(7) The executive director shall report to the commission, no later than the next regular commission meeting, any case status reviews held. The executive director's report shall include an overview of matters addressed and any review outcomes.
(8) Nothing in this section shall limit the authority of the commission or its staff to resolve a complaint or refer a matter to the attorney general at any time.
AMENDATORY SECTION(Amending WSR 16-01-015, filed 12/4/15, effective 1/4/16)
WAC 390-37-075Enforcement procedures—Deferred enforcement((—))after an investigation has been commenced.
(1) As provided by WAC 390-37-060, the chair or the chair's designee commissioner may authorize deferred enforcement:
(a) Following a ((
formal investigation))
case status review provided for in WAC 390-37-071, referred to as an initial hearing in RCW 42.17A.755, in lieu of a formal investigation;(b) Following an investigation, in lieu of a notice of administrative charges for an adjudicative proceeding; or
(((b)))(c) After a notice of administrative charges, prior to an adjudicative proceeding.
(2) The executive director will recommend to the chair or the chair's designee commissioner the conditions of a deferred enforcement. The conditions shall be clearly defined and agreed to by the respondent, along with the consequences for failure to meet the conditions of the deferral. Negotiations regarding deferred enforcement shall be informal and without prejudice to rights of a participant in the negotiations.
(3) With concurrence of the chair or the chair's designee commissioner, the executive director or designee (commission staff) shall memorialize the pertinent facts and the conditions of the deferral ((in))by electronic writing to the respondent, together with the consequences for failure to meet the conditions of the deferral. The agreement shall be signed by ((staff))the executive director and the respondent. Staff shall notify the respondent that any administrative charges issued in the matter are stayed pending satisfaction of the deferral conditions.
(4) Once the deferral conditions are met, the complaint shall be dismissed with no further investigation or action as provided by WAC 390-37-070.
(5) If the deferral conditions are not met, the complaint shall proceed in accordance with WAC 390-37-060.
AMENDATORY SECTION(Amending WSR 16-01-015, filed 12/4/15, effective 1/4/16)
WAC 390-37-090Enforcement procedures—Cases resolvable by stipulation after an investigation and prior to an enforcement hearing (adjudicative proceeding)((, or by other alternative dispute mechanisms)).
(1) RCW
34.05.060 authorizes agencies to establish by rule specific procedures for attempting and executing informal settlement of matters. The following procedures are available for informal dispute resolution prior to an adjudicative proceeding that may make more elaborate proceedings under the Administrative Procedure Act unnecessary.
(a) Any enforcement matter before the commission which has not yet been heard in an adjudicative proceeding may be resolved by settlement. The respondent shall communicate ((his or her))their request to the executive director or designee (commission staff), setting forth all pertinent facts and the desired remedy. Settlement negotiations shall be informal and without prejudice to rights of a participant in the negotiations.
(b) ((When))The executive director and respondent may also agree to ((terms of any))a stipulation of facts, violations, and/or penalty((,)). The commission staff shall prepare the stipulation for presentation to the commission.
(c) Any proposed stipulation shall be in writing, must include a brief recitation of the facts, violations and penalty, and be signed by each party to the stipulation or ((his or her))their representative. The executive director shall sign for ((commission))PDC staff. Any stipulation to facts, violations, or penalty shall be provided by 4:00 p.m. three business days preceding the hearing. The commission has the option of accepting, rejecting, or modifying the proposed stipulation or asking for additional facts to be presented. If the commission accepts the stipulation or modifies the stipulation with the agreement of the ((opposing party))parties, the commission shall enter an order in conformity with the terms of the stipulation. If the commission rejects the stipulation or ((the opposing))either party does not agree to the commission's proposed modifications to the stipulation, and if no revised stipulation or staff report is presented to the commission, then an adjudicative proceeding shall be scheduled and held.
(2) Parties are encouraged to be creative in resolving cases without further litigation where appropriate.
(3) ((Following a))As part of the commission's review of any proposed stipulation of facts ((or)), violations and law or other alternative resolution ruled on at a hearing, if the commission determines certain additional sanctions or other steps are required by the respondent ((as a result of the alternative dispute resolution including stipulations)) and states on the record that ((it))the commission intends to enter an order, and the respondent does not timely raise an objection at the hearing, it shall be presumed that the respondent has waived objections and appeals, and agrees to the entry of the order.
AMENDATORY SECTION(Amending WSR 17-03-004, filed 1/4/17, effective 2/4/17)
WAC 390-37-100Enforcement procedures—Conduct of hearings (adjudicative proceedings).
(1) An enforcement hearing (adjudicative proceeding) shall be conducted pursuant to the Administrative Procedure Act (chapter
34.05 RCW). Chapter 390-37 WAC further governs these proceedings, as supplemented by chapter 10-08 WAC. To the extent chapters 390-37 and 10-08 WAC differ, chapter 390-37 WAC controls.
(2) An adjudicative proceeding shall be heard by the commission, except for brief adjudicative proceedings which are conducted by the chair or the chair's designee.
(3) The commission or the presiding officer shall have the authority to:
(a) Determine the order of presentation of evidence;
(b) Administer oaths and affirmations;
(c) Rule on procedural matters, objections, and motions;
(d) Rule on offers of proof and receive relevant evidence;
(e) Pursuant to RCW
34.05.449(5), close parts of a hearing to public observation or order the exclusion of witnesses upon a showing of good cause;
(f) Interrogate witnesses called by the parties in an impartial manner to develop any facts deemed necessary to fairly and adequately decide the matter;
(g) Call additional witnesses and request additional exhibits deemed necessary to complete the record and receive such evidence subject to full opportunity for cross-examination and rebuttal by all parties;
(h) Take official notice of facts pursuant to RCW
(i) Regulate the course of the hearing and take any appropriate action necessary to maintain order during the hearing;
(j) Permit or require oral argument or briefs and determine the time limits for submission thereof;
(k) Issue an order of default pursuant to RCW
(l) Take any other action necessary and authorized by any applicable statute or rule;
(m) Waive any requirement of these rules unless a party shows that it would be prejudiced by such a waiver; and
(n) The commission chair or the chair's designee may conduct the procedural aspects of the adjudicative proceeding under (a) through (m) of this subsection, unless a majority of members present vote to seek a full commission decision on any particular matter.
(4) The commission may decide dispositive motions, and any other matters referred to it by the presiding officer at a prehearing conference.
(5) After an adjudicative proceeding by the commission, the commission may ((find that)):
Find that the respondent did not violate ((
the act))
chapter 42.17A RCW, as alleged, and dismiss the case; or
Find that the respondent violated chapter
42.17A RCW, as alleged, and determine the sanction, if any, to be imposed; or
Find that the respondent is in apparent violation of chapter
42.17A RCW, ((
its own))
and that the commission's statutory remedies are inadequate
, and enter ((
an order referring the matter to the
attorney general or another appropriate law enforcement agency as provided in RCW
42.17A.105 and
(6) Upon the conclusion of an adjudicative proceeding or after submission of memos, briefs or proposed findings when requested by the presiding officer, the commission:
(a) Shall set forth in writing its findings of fact, conclusions of law and decision on the merits of the case and enter an order within thirty days, unless extended by the presiding officer due to the complexity of the case or other good cause; and
(b) Shall serve the ((respondent))parties by electronic communication a copy of the findings of fact, conclusions of law and decision and order.
(7) Once the commission has drafted and approved an order, the executive director is authorized to sign orders on behalf of the commission at the discretion of the commission.
AMENDATORY SECTION(Amending WSR 16-01-015, filed 12/4/15, effective 1/4/16)
WAC 390-37-103Enforcement procedures—Commission options following receipt of a staff report on alleged violations.
Upon receipt of a
PDC staff report concerning alleged violations ((
of those sections of chapter 42.17A RCW that the commission enforces)), the commission may:
(1) Direct the executive director to ((issue))pursue an alternative ((response))resolution as provided in WAC 390-37-060;
(2) Defer enforcement as provided in WAC 390-37-075;
(3) Issue an order; or
(4) Refer the matter or apparent violations to the attorney general or other enforcement agency pursuant to RCW
42.17A.105(5) and ((
AMENDATORY SECTION(Amending WSR 17-03-004, filed 1/4/17, effective 2/4/17)
WAC 390-37-105Enforcement hearings (adjudicative proceedings)—Prehearing conference((—)).
(1) In any prehearing conference prior to an enforcement hearing (adjudicative proceeding), the ((chair or the chair's designee upon his/her))presiding officer upon their own motion or upon request by one of the parties or their qualified representative, may direct the parties to appear at a specified time and place for a conference to consider:
(a) Identifying and simplifying issues;
(b) The necessity of any amendments to the ((pleadings))case documents;
(c) The possibility of obtaining stipulations, admissions of facts and of documents;
(d) Limiting the number and consolidation of the examination of witnesses; ((and))
(e) Submitting proposed orders;
(f) Deadlines for briefs, exhibit and witness lists and objections thereto, proposed orders, and other procedural ((and such other)) matters as may aid in the conduct of the proceeding.
(2) Prehearing conferences may be presided over by the chair or ((his/her)) designee commissioner as presiding officer.
(3) Prehearing conferences may be held by telephone conference call or at a time and place specified by the presiding officer.
(4) In a prehearing conference, the presiding officer may hear prehearing motions regarding preliminary matters such as motions in limine, discovery motions, and other similar matters. The presiding officer shall not consider dispositive motions in a prehearing conference and such motions will automatically be scheduled for consideration before the commission.
(5) Following the prehearing conference, the presiding officer shall issue an order reciting the action taken and decisions made at the conference and the date on which objections to the order are to be filed and served. If no objection to the order is timely filed with the presiding officer, the order shall control the subsequent course of the proceeding unless modified for good cause by subsequent order.
(6) When the chair or ((
his/her)) designee
commissioner presides over a prehearing conference, ((
he or she))
the presiding officer is acting as a quasi-judicial body which relates to a quasi-judicial matter between named parties. Therefore, a prehearing conference is not subject to chapter
42.30 RCW, Open Public Meetings Act.
AMENDATORY SECTION(Amending WSR 03-22-065, filed 11/4/03, effective 12/5/03)
WAC 390-37-120Enforcement hearings (adjudicative proceedings)—Subpoenas—Discovery—Hearings.
(1) The commission, or presiding officer, may issue subpoenas for discovery, subpoenas to persons to appear and give testimony, and may require the production of any books, papers, correspondence, memorandums, or other records deemed relevant or material and the commission or presiding officer may issue protective orders as a part of an enforcement hearing. The ((
PDC staff or its legal representative may issue subpoenas as may the attorney of the party against whom action is being taken. Upon request of the commission or presiding officer, all subpoenas must be filed with the commission, together with proof of proper service. Such subpoenas will issue and may be enforced in the form and manner set forth in RCW
34.05.446 and WAC 10-08-120(4). The subpoena may be personally delivered or sent by certified mail, return receipt requested.
(2) The commission, or presiding officer, upon motion or before the time specified in the subpoena for compliance therewith, may:
(a) Quash or modify the subpoena if it is unreasonable and oppressive; or
(b) Condition denial of the motion upon the advancement by the person in whose behalf the subpoena is issued of the reasonable cost of producing the books, papers, documents, or tangible things.
(3) The attendance of witnesses and such production of evidence may be required from any place within the state of Washington to any location where a hearing is being conducted.
AMENDATORY SECTION(Amending WSR 03-22-065, filed 11/4/03, effective 12/5/03)
WAC 390-37-130Enforcement hearings (adjudicative proceedings)—Depositions and interrogatories—Right to take.
Unless otherwise provided, any party may take the testimony of any person, including a party, by deposition upon oral examination or written interrogatories for use as evidence in the hearing. The deposition of a commissioner, the executive director, or ((assistant director))other staff, may only be taken upon application to the commission, for good cause shown, and only in those circumstances where the statements or depositions of other staff members would not reveal the information, evidence, or details needed by the party for the case. The attendance of witnesses to a deposition may be compelled by use of a subpoena. Depositions shall be taken only in accordance with this rule and the rules on subpoenas.
AMENDATORY SECTION(Amending WSR 03-18-003, filed 8/20/03, effective 9/20/03)
WAC 390-37-134Enforcement hearings (adjudicative proceedings)—Depositions and interrogatories ((in enforcement hearings (adjudicative proceedings)))—Protection of parties and deponents.
After notice is served for taking a deposition, upon its own motion or upon motion reasonably made by any party or by the person to be examined and upon notice and for good cause shown, the commission or the presiding officer in a prehearing conference may make an order that the deposition shall not be taken, or that it may be taken only at some designated place other than that stated in the notice, or that it may be taken only on written interrogatories, or that certain matters shall not be inquired into, or that the scope of the examination shall be limited to certain matters, or that the examination shall be held with no one present except the parties to the action and their officers or counsel, or the commission may make any other order which justice requires to protect the party or witness from annoyance, embarrassment, or oppression. At any time during the taking of the deposition, on motion of any party or the deponent, and upon a showing that the examination is being conducted in bad faith or in such manner as unreasonably to annoy, embarrass, or oppress the deponent or party, the commission or the presiding officer in a prehearing conference may order the officer conducting the examination to cease forthwith from taking the deposition or may limit the scope and manner of the taking of the deposition as above provided. If the order made terminates the examination, it shall be resumed only upon the order of the agency. Upon demand of the objecting party or deponent, the taking of the deposition shall be suspended for the time necessary to make a motion for an order.
AMENDATORY SECTION(Amending WSR 17-03-004, filed 1/4/17, effective 2/4/17)
WAC 390-37-136Enforcement hearings (adjudicative proceedings)—Production of documents and use at hearing and other hearing procedures (((adjudicative proceedings))).
(1) Unless a prehearing order states otherwise, the provisions of this rule apply to evidence and written argument (legal briefs) filed and served in hearings (adjudicative proceedings). Parties or the executive director may request a prehearing conference if provisions of this rule need to be adjusted or if the provisions are not adhered to by the parties.
(2) The parties are encouraged to exchange copies of proposed exhibits, exhibit lists and witness lists prior to the deadline specified in subsection (3)(a) of this section. The parties are encouraged to exchange documents by email whenever possible. The parties are encouraged to confer and determine whether there are any objections to the evidence and whether any agreements or stipulations can be reached regarding proposed exhibits, witnesses, and legal and factual issues.
(3)(a) Unless the commission determines otherwise, when evidence is to be offered at the adjudicative proceeding or when briefs are to be submitted at the adjudicative proceeding, the party offering the evidence or brief shall file with the commission and serve on all parties a copy of proposed exhibits, exhibit lists, witness lists, and briefs with the commission via an email to the executive director or his or her designee by the date and time designated by the executive director or designee, which is typically by 1:00 p.m. Pacific Time at least eight days prior to the hearing. The email shall provide the name of the party submitting the documents, the total number of pages, the software used to prepare the document, and the name, address, telephone number and email address of the person sending the email message.
(b) In the event electronic submission is not readily available to a pro se respondent or the evidence is not suited to email transmission, other means of providing these materials to the commission may be approved by the chair or the executive director, or their designees if requested in advance of the date and time in (a) of this subsection.
(c) ((On the day the parties provide these materials electronically to the commission, they shall also mail or otherwise deliver a paper (or hard copy) set of the materials to the commission.
)) The parties shall confirm in advance with the executive director that any documents provided electronically are able to be accessed by software available at the agency. If they are not accessible, the executive director shall direct how the documents are to be submitted.
(((e)))(d) The documents are considered filed when received during actual business hours at the commission office. If received after actual business hours, they will be deemed filed the next business day.
(4) Respondent's exhibits shall be numbered R-1, R-2, etc. ((Commission))PDC staff exhibits shall be numbered S-1, S-2, etc. Jointly submitted exhibits shall be numbered J-1, J-2, etc. If an exhibit is not jointly submitted but there is no objection to it by the responding party, the party offering the exhibit shall designate agreed-to exhibits on the party's exhibit list.
(5) Briefs shall contain the name of the respondent in the caption and the cause number. Briefs shall be no more than twenty-five pages, double-spaced, excluding attachments or exhibits.
(6) The parties shall inform the executive director of any special equipment necessary for the adjudicative proceeding at the time documents are filed with the commission.
AMENDATORY SECTION(Amending WSR 16-01-015, filed 12/4/15, effective 1/4/16)
WAC 390-37-140Brief enforcement hearings (brief adjudicative proceedings)—Authority.
(1) The commission may provide a brief adjudicative proceeding for violations ((
of the sections of chapter 42.17A RCW that it enforces)) in which the facts are undisputed, the violations appear to be relatively minor in nature, and a penalty no greater than $1,000 will be assessed for the violations. Typical matters to be heard in a brief adjudicative proceeding include, but are not limited to, the following:
(a) Failure to file or late filing of required reports;
(b) Failure to report or accurately report campaign contributions or expenditures or funds spent in lobbying;
(c) Use of public office facilities in election campaigns when the value of public funds expended was minimal; and
(d) Infractions of political advertising law regarding sponsor identification or political party identification.
(2) The commission may utilize a penalty schedule for brief adjudicative proceedings.
AMENDATORY SECTION(Amending WSR 17-03-004, filed 1/4/17, effective 2/4/17)
WAC 390-37-142Brief enforcement hearing (brief adjudicative proceeding)—Procedure.
(1) A brief adjudicative proceeding may be presided over by the chair, or a member of the commission designated by the chair.
(2) When a violation, as described in WAC 390-37-140, is alleged, before taking action, the executive director shall send the ((alleged violator))respondent notice, which shall include:
(a) Alleged violation;
(b) The maximum amount of the penalty that can be imposed at the hearing, relevant penalty schedules, and the amount of any proposed fine; and
(c) Person's right to respond either ((in))by electronic writing or in person ((to explain his/her view of the matter)).
(3) As provided in RCW
34.05.050, a respondent ((
who has been notified of a brief adjudicative proceeding)) may waive the
opportunity for a hearing by providing the following ((
prior to the hearing)):
(a) A signed statement of understanding;
(b) Any missing required reports; and
(c) A penalty payment specified by the executive director in accordance with the penalty authority of WAC 390-37-140 and the brief enforcement hearing penalty schedules of this chapter.
(4) As used in this section, the term "statement of understanding" means a written statement signed by the respondent that:
(a) Acknowledges a violation of chapter
42.17A RCW and any relevant rules; and
(b) Expresses the respondent's understanding that the commission will not hold any adjudicative proceeding concerning the violation.
(5) At the time of the hearing if the presiding officer believes alleged violations are of such magnitude as to merit penalties greater than one thousand dollars, the presiding officer shall immediately adjourn the hearing and direct the matter be scheduled for an adjudicative proceeding by the full commission.
(6) ((At the time any unfavorable action is taken the presiding officer))Within thirty days after the hearing, the commission shall serve upon each party a written statement describing the violation, the reasons for the decision, ((and)) the penalty imposed((. Within ten days, the presiding officer shall give the parties a brief written statement of the reasons for the decision)), and information about any internal administrative review or reconsideration available. The executive director is authorized to sign the decision on behalf of the presiding officer.
(7) The written decision of the presiding officer is an initial order. If no review is taken of the initial order, the initial order shall be the final order.
AMENDATORY SECTION(Amending WSR 18-10-088, filed 5/1/18, effective 6/1/18)
WAC 390-37-143Brief enforcement hearings (brief adjudicative proceeding)—Penalty schedule.
The presiding officer may assess a penalty up to one thousand dollars upon finding a violation of chapter
42.17A RCW or Title 390 WAC.
(1) Base penalty amounts:
Violation | 1st Occasion | 2nd Occasion | 3rd Occasion |
Failure to timely file an accurate and complete statement of financial affairs (F-1): |
Filed report after hearing notice, but before enforcement hearing. Provided written explanation or appeared at hearing to explain mitigating circumstances. Did not enter into statement of understanding. | $0 - $150 | $150 - $300 | $300 - $600 |
Filed report after hearing notice, but before enforcement hearing. Did not enter into statement of understanding. | $150 | $300 | $600 |
Failed to file report by date of enforcement hearing. | $250 | $500 | $1,000 |
Candidate's failure to timely file an accurate and complete registration statement (C-1)/statement of financial affairs (F-1): |
Filed report after hearing notice, but before enforcement hearing. Provided written explanation or appeared at hearing to explain mitigating circumstances. Did not enter into statement of understanding. | $0 - $150 per report | $150 - $300 per report | $300 - $600 per report up to $1,000 |
Filed report after hearing notice, but before enforcement hearing. Did not enter into statement of understanding. | $150 per report | $300 per report | $600 per report up to $1,000 |
Failed to file report by date of enforcement hearing. | $250 per report | $500 per report | consideration by full commission |
Failure to timely file an accurate and complete lobbyist monthly expense report (L-2): |
Filed report after hearing notice, but before enforcement hearing. Provided written explanation or appeared at hearing to explain mitigating circumstances. Did not enter into statement of understanding. | $0 - $150 | $150 - $300 | $300 - $600 |
Filed report after hearing notice, but before enforcement hearing. Did not enter into statement of understanding. | $150 | $300 | $600 |
Failed to file report by date of enforcement hearing. | $250 | $500 | $1,000 |
Failure to timely file an accurate and complete lobbyist employer report (L-3): |
Filed report after hearing notice, but before enforcement hearing. Provided written explanation or appeared at hearing to explain mitigating circumstances. Did not enter into statement of understanding. | $0 - $150 | $150 - $300 | $300 - $600 |
Filed report after hearing notice, but before enforcement hearing. Did not enter into statement of understanding. | $150 | $300 | $600 |
Failed to file report by date of enforcement hearing. | $250 | $500 | $1,000 |
Failure to timely file accurate and complete disclosure reports: |
Political committee registration (C-1pc). | $150 | $300 | $600 |
Statement of contributions deposit (C-3). | $150 | $300 | $600 |
Summary of total contributions and expenditures (C-4). | $150 | $300 | $600 |
Independent expenditures and electioneering communications (C-6). | $150 | $300 | $600 |
Last minute contribution report (LMC). | $150 | $300 | $600 |
Out-of-state committee report (C-5). | $150 | $300 | $600 |
Annual report of major contributors (C-7). | $150 | $300 | $600 |
Failure to timely file accurate and complete reports disclosing lobbying activities: |
Lobbyist registration (L-1). | $150 | $300 | $600 |
Public agency lobbying report (L-5). | $150 | $300 | $600 |
Grass roots lobbying report (L-6). | $150 | $300 | $600 |
Failure to file electronically. | $350 | $650 | $1,000 |
Exceeding contribution limits. | $150 | $300 | $600 |
Exceeding mini reporting threshold. | $150 | $300 | $600 |
Failure to comply with political advertising sponsor identification requirements. | $150 | $300 | $600 |
Failure to include required candidate's party preference in political advertising. | $150 | $300 | $600 |
| $150 | $300 | $600 |
Use of public facilities to assist a campaign for election or promote a ballot measure. | $150 | $300 | $600 |
Treasurer's failure to timely file an accurate and complete annual treasurer's report (T-1): |
Filed report after hearing notice, but before enforcement hearing. Provided written explanation or appeared at hearing to explain mitigating circumstances. Did not enter into statement of understanding. | $0 - $150 | $150 - $300 | $300 - $600 |
Filed report after hearing notice, but before enforcement hearing. Did not enter into statement of understanding. | $150 | $300 | $600 |
Failed to file report by date of enforcement hearing. | $250 | $500 | $1,000 |
"Occasion" means established violation. Only violations in the last five years will be considered for the purpose of determining second and third occasions.
(2) In determining the appropriate penalty, the presiding officer may consider the nature of the violation and aggravating and mitigating factors, including:
(a) Whether the respondent is a first-time filer;
(b) The respondent's compliance history for the last five years, including whether the noncompliance was isolated or limited in nature, indicative of systematic or ongoing problems, or part of a pattern of violations by the respondent, or in the case of a political committee or other entity, part of a pattern of violations by the respondent's officers, staff, principal decision makers, consultants, or sponsoring organization;
(c) The respondent's unpaid penalties from a previous enforcement action;
(d) The impact on the public, including whether the noncompliance deprived the public of timely or accurate information during a time-sensitive period, or otherwise had a significant or material impact on the public;
(e) The amount of financial activity by the respondent during the statement period or election cycle;
(f) Whether the late or unreported activity was significant in amount or duration under the circumstances, including in proportion to the total amount of expenditures by the respondent in the campaign or statement period;
(g) Corrective action or other remedial measures initiated by respondent prior to enforcement action, or promptly taken when noncompliance brought to respondent's attention;
(h) Good faith efforts to comply, including consultation with ((commission))PDC staff prior to initiation of enforcement action and cooperation with ((commission))PDC staff during enforcement action, and a demonstrated wish to acknowledge and take responsibility for the violation;
(i) Personal emergency or illness of the respondent or member of his or her immediate family;
(j) Other emergencies such as fire, flood, or utility failure preventing filing;
(k) Sophistication of respondent or the financing, staffing, or size of the respondent's campaign or organization; and
(l) ((Commission))PDC staff, third-party vendor, or equipment error, including technical problems at the agency preventing or delaying electronic filing.
(3) The presiding officer has authority to suspend all or a portion of an assessed penalty under the conditions to be determined by that officer including, but not limited to, payment of the nonsuspended portion of the penalty within five business days of the date of the entry of the order in that case.
(4) If, on the third occasion, a respondent has outstanding penalties or judgments, the matter will be directed to the full commission for consideration.
(5) The presiding officer may direct a matter to the full commission if the officer believes one thousand dollars would be an insufficient penalty or the matter warrants consideration by the full commission. Cases will automatically be scheduled before the full commission for an enforcement action when the respondent:
(a) Was found in violation during a previous reporting period;
(b) The violation remains in effect following any appeals; and
(c) The person has not filed the disclosure forms that were the subject of the prior violation at the time the current hearing notice is being sent.
AMENDATORY SECTION(Amending WSR 17-03-004, filed 1/4/17, effective 2/4/17)
WAC 390-37-144Brief enforcement hearing (brief adjudicative proceedings)—((Administrative review procedures))Process for full commission review.
(1) The commission shall conduct a review of the initial order upon the
electronic written ((
or oral)) request of a party if the commission receives the request within twenty-one days after the service of the initial order. "Service" is defined as the date the order was deposited in the U.S. mail per RCW
electronically distributed or personally served. The party seeking review shall state the reason for the review, and identify what alleged errors are contained in the initial order.
(2) If ((the parties have))a party has not requested review, the commission may conduct a review of the initial order upon its own motion and without notice to the parties, but it may not take any action on review less favorable to any party than the original order without giving that party notice and an opportunity to explain that party's view of the matter.
(3) The order on review shall be ((in))by electronic writing stating the findings made, and the reasons for the decision, and notice that reconsideration and judicial review are available. The order on review shall be entered within twenty days after the date of the initial order or of the request for review, whichever is later.
(4) If the commission is not scheduled to meet within twenty days after the date of the initial order or request for review and therefore cannot dispose of the request within that time period, the request is:
(a) Deemed denied under RCW
34.05.491(5) and the initial order becomes final;
(b) Considered a request for reconsideration under WAC 390-37-150; and
(c) Scheduled for consideration and disposition at the next commission meeting at which it is practicable to do so.
AMENDATORY SECTION(Amending WSR 17-03-004, filed 1/4/17, effective 2/4/17)
WAC 390-37-150Commission reconsideration and judicial review of decisions.
(1) For purposes of this rule, "decision" means any findings, conclusions, order, or other action by the commission which is reviewable by a court.
(2) A decision may be reconsidered only upon (a) the ((written)) request of a party ((thereby))by electronic writing or (b) the motion or written request, by electronic writing, of a commissioner who voted on the prevailing side when that decision was made.
(3) Such a request or motion for reconsideration shall be filed electronically at the office of the public disclosure commission (PDC), or motion made, within ten days of service of the decision of which reconsideration is sought. Copies of the request or motion shall be served electronically on all parties of record at the time the request for reconsideration or motion is filed.
(4) A request or motion for reconsideration shall specify the grounds therefor. Grounds for reconsideration shall be limited to:
(a) A request for review was deemed denied in accordance with WAC 390-37-144(4);
(b) New facts or legal authorities that could not have been brought to the commission's attention with reasonable diligence in time for the review process in WAC 390-37-144. If errors of fact are alleged, the requester must identify the specific evidence in the prior proceeding on which the requester is relying. If errors of law are alleged, the requester must identify the specific citation; or
(c) Significant typographical or ministerial errors in the order.
(5) Upon being served with a decision, the respondent may treat that decision as final for the purpose of petitioning for judicial review. The commission may not reconsider any decision after being served with a petition for judicial review.
(6) When a request for reconsideration is served, or motion made, enforcement of the decision of which reconsideration is sought shall be stayed and the decision shall not be final until the commission has acted on the request or motion for reconsideration.
(7) The commission is deemed to have denied the request or motion for reconsideration ((or motion)) if, within twenty days from the date the request or motion is filed, the commission does not either (a) dispose of the request or motion, or (b) serve the parties with written notice specifying the date if will act upon the request or motion.
(8) The commission shall act on the reconsideration request or motion, at the next meeting at which it practicably may do so, by:
(a) Deciding whether to reconsider its decision; and
(b) If it decides to do so, either:
(i) Affirming its decision; or
(ii) Withdrawing or modifying the final order; or
(iii) Setting the matter for further hearing.
Provided, that before a decision may be amended other than by lowering a penalty, the respondent shall be given notice and an opportunity to be heard if, and in the same manner as, required for the original decision.
AMENDATORY SECTION(Amending WSR 16-01-015, filed 12/4/15, effective 1/4/16)
WAC 390-37-182Penalty factors.
(1) In assessing a penalty, the commission considers the purposes of chapter
42.17A RCW, including the public's right to know of the financing of political campaigns, lobbying and the financial affairs of elected officials and candidates as declared in the policy of RCW
42.17A.001; and, promoting compliance with the law. The commission also considers and applies RCW
42.17A.755 and may consider any of the additional factors described in subsection (3) of this section.
(a) May waive a penalty for a first-time actual violation;
(b) Shall assess a penalty for a second actual violation ((of the same rule)) by the same person or individual, regardless if the person or individual committed the violation for a different political committee;
(c) Shall assess successively increased penalties for succeeding actual violations ((of the same rule.))pursuant to the following schedule:
Violations: | | | |
Respondent failed to file or timely file an accurate or complete: (1) Statement of Financial Affairs (F-1 report) / (2) Candidate Registration / (C-1 report) / (3) Lobbyist Monthly Expense Report (L-2 report) / (4) Lobbyist Employer Annual Report (L-3 report) and (5) Local Treasurer's Annual Report (T-1 report). |
| 1st Occasion | 2nd Occasion | 3rd Occasion |
Filed missing report after being notified about the complaint and provided written explanation with mitigating circumstances. | $0 - $500 | $500 - $1,500 | $1,500 - $2,500 |
Report is filed late and is incomplete or inaccurate. | $0 - $1,000 | $1,000 - $2,000 | $2,000 - $3,000 |
Respondent failed to file or timely file accurate and complete campaign disclosure reports: |
Cash Receipts Monetary Contributions Report (C-3 report) |
Filed missing C-3 report or amended C-3 report after being notified about the complaint and provided written explanation with mitigating circumstances. | $0 - $1,500 | $1,500- $2,500 | $2,500 - $10,000 |
Failed to timely deposit monetary contributions within five business days of receipt. | $0 - $1,500 | $1,500- $2,500 | $2,500 - $10,000 |
Failed to include employer and occupation information for contributors of more than $100. | $0 - $1,500 | $1,500- $2,500 | $2,500 - $10,000 |
Campaign Summary Receipts and Expenditures Report (C-4 report) | | |
Filed missing C-4 report or amended C-4 report after being notified about the complaint and provided written explanation with mitigating circumstances. | $0 - $1,500 | $1,500- $2,500 | $2,500 - $10,000 |
Failed to properly report the "purpose" of an expenditure under RCW 42.17A.240(6) or 42.17A.255 (5)(b). | $0 - $1,500 | $1,500- $2,500 | $2,500 - $10,000 |
Failed to properly report expenditures made on behalf of a candidate or political committee by any person, agency, firm, organization, etc. | $0 - $1,500 | $1,500- $2,500 | $2,500 - $10,000 |
Failed to report a contractual contingent liability. | $0 - $1,500 | $1,500- $2,500 | $2,500 - $10,000 |
Failed to properly dispose of surplus funds. | $0 - $1,500 | $1,500- $2,500 | $2,500 - $10,000 |
Failed to properly make campaign books of account available for public inspection as required immediately preceding the date of an election. | $0 - $1,500 | $1,500- $2,500 | $2,500 - $10,000 |
Independent Expenditure Report (C-6 report) | | | |
Filed missing C-6 report or amended C-6 report after being notified about the complaint and provided written explanation with mitigating circumstances. | $0 - $1,000 | $1,000 - $2,000 | $2,500 - $10,000 |
Report is filed late and is incomplete or inaccurate. | $0 - $1,500 | $1,500 - $2,500 | $2,500 - $10,000 |
Out-of-State Political Committee Report (C-5 report) | | | |
Filed missing C-5 report or amended C-5 report after being notified about the complaint and provided written explanation with mitigating circumstances. | $0 - $1,000 | $1,000 - $2,000 | $2,500 - $10,000 |
Last Minute Contribution Report (LMC report) |
Filed missing LMC report or amended LMC report after being notified about the complaint and provided written explanation with mitigating circumstances. | $0 - $1,000 | $1,000 - $2,000 | $2,500 - $10,000 |
Exceeding contribution limits | | | |
Refunded contributions after being notified of the complaint, over limit contributions were not significant, and respondent provided written explanation with mitigating circumstances. | $0 - $1,500 | $1,500 - $2,500 | $2,500 - $10,000 |
Other Alleged Violations: | | | |
Exceeding mini reporting threshold | | | |
Filed C-3 and C-4 reports for full reporting after being notified about the complaint and provided written explanation with mitigating circumstances. | $0 - $1,000 | $1,000 - $2,000 | $2,500 - $10,000 |
Failure to file electronically | | | |
Filed C-3 and C-4 reports electronically after being notified about the complaint, and provided written explanation with mitigating circumstances. | $0 - $1,000 | $1,000 - $2,000 | $2,500 - $10,000 |
Use of public facilities for the purpose of assisting a campaign for the election of any person to any office, or for the promotion of or opposition to any ballot proposition | | | |
Use of public facilities was incidental and isolated, and evidence was not submitted indicating that the use may have affected the outcome of the election. | $0 - $1,000 | $1,000 - $2,000 | $2,500 - $10,000 |
Failure to File Lobbyist Registration Report (L-1 report) | | | |
Filed missing L-1 report after being notified about the complaint and provided written explanation with mitigating circumstances. | $0 - $500 | $500 - $1,500 | $1,500 - $2,500 |
Failure to File Agency Lobbying Report (L-5 report) | | | |
Filed missing L-5 report or amended L-5 report after being notified about the complaint and provided written explanation with mitigating circumstances. | $0 - $500 | $500 - $1,500 | $1,500 - $2,500 |
Grassroots Lobbying Report (L-6 report) | | | |
Filed missing L-6 report or amended L-6 report after being notified about the complaint and provided written explanation with mitigating circumstances. | $0 - $500 | $500 - $1,500 | $1,500 - $2,500 |
Sponsor identification requirements for political advertising | | | |
Political advertising failed to include any sponsor identification or included improper or misleading sponsor identification. | $0 - $500 | $500 - $1,500 | $1,500 - $2,500 |
Party preference requirement for political advertising | | | |
Political advertising failed to include a candidate's party preference. | $0 - $500 | $500 - $1,500 | $1,500 - $2,500 |
Use of current picture requirement in political advertising | | | |
Political advertising fails to include at least one picture of the candidate used in the advertising that was taken within the last five years, that is no smaller than any other picture of the same candidate used in the same advertisement. | $0 - $500 | $500 - $1,000 | $1,000 - $1,500 |
Political advertising or electioneering communication—Libel or defamation per se |
Political advertising or an electioneering communication that contains a false statement of material fact about a candidate for public office. | $0 - $500 | $500 - $1,500 | $1,500 - $2,500 |
Political advertising or an electioneering communication that falsely represents that a candidate is the incumbent for the office sought when in fact the candidate is not the incumbent. | $0 - $500 | $500 - $1,500 | $1,500 - $2,500 |
Political advertising or an electioneering communication that makes either directly or indirectly, a false claim stating or implying the support or endorsement of any person or organization when in fact the candidate does not have such support or endorsement. | $0 - $600 | $600 - $1,200 | $1,200 - $2,400 |
Commercial advertisers—Public inspection of documents |
Commercial advertisers who after accepting or providing political advertising or electioneering communications during an election campaign fail to maintain documents or books of account as required by WAC 390-18-050. | $0 - $600 | $600 - $1,200 | $1,200 - $2,400 |
Candidates and political committees—Public inspection of books of account | | |
Candidates or political committees who fail to accommodate requests for public inspections as required by WAC 390-16-043. | $0 - $600 | $600 - $1,200 | $1,200 - $2,400 |
Limitations on employers or labor organizations |
Failed to maintain open for public inspection, during normal business hours, documents and books of accounts showing a copy of each employee's request for funds to be withheld for transfer to a political committee. | $0 - $600 | $600 - $1,200 | $1,200 - $2,400 |
(3) In addition to the requirements of RCW
42.17A.755, the commission may consider the nature of the violation and any relevant circumstances, including the following factors:
(a) The respondent's compliance history, including whether the noncompliance was isolated or limited in nature, indicative of systematic or ongoing problems, or part of a pattern of violations by the respondent, or in the case of a political committee or other entity, part of a pattern of violations by the respondent's officers, staff, principal decision makers, consultants, or sponsoring organization;
(b) The impact on the public, including whether the noncompliance deprived the public of timely or accurate information during a time-sensitive period, or otherwise had a significant or material impact on the public;
(c) Sophistication of respondent or the financing, staffing, or size of the respondent's campaign or organization;
(d) Amount of financial activity by the respondent during the statement period or election cycle;
(e) Whether the noncompliance resulted from a knowing or intentional effort to conceal, deceive or mislead, or violate the law or rule, or from collusive behavior;
(f) Whether the late or unreported activity was significant in amount or duration under the circumstances, including in proportion to the total amount of expenditures by the respondent in the campaign or statement period;
(g) Whether the respondent or any person, including an entity or organization, benefited politically or economically from the noncompliance;
(h) Personal emergency or illness of the respondent or member of his or her immediate family;
(i) Other emergencies such as fire, flood, or utility failure preventing filing;
(j) ((Commission))PDC staff or equipment error, including technical problems at the ((agency))PDC preventing or delaying electronic filing;
(k) The respondent's demonstrated good-faith uncertainty concerning staff guidance or instructions;
(l) Corrective action or other remedial measures initiated by respondent prior to enforcement action, or promptly taken when noncompliance brought to respondent's attention (e.g., filing missing reports, amending incomplete or inaccurate reports, returning prohibited or overlimit contributions);
(m) Whether the respondent is a first-time filer;
(n) Good faith efforts to comply, including consultation with ((commission))PDC staff prior to initiation of enforcement action and cooperation with ((commission))PDC staff during enforcement action, and a demonstrated wish to acknowledge and take responsibility for the violation;
(o) Penalties imposed in factually similar cases; and
(p) Other factors relevant to a particular case.
(4) The commission((, and the presiding officer in brief adjudicative proceedings,)) may consider the factors in subsections (1) through (3) of this section in determining whether to suspend a portion or all of a penalty upon identified conditions, and whether to accept, reject, or modify a stipulated penalty amount recommended by the parties.
(5) ((
The presiding officer in brief adjudicative proceedings may consider whether any of the factors in subsections (1) through (3) of this section are factors that warrant directing a case to the full commission.))
Notwithstanding the above schedule, the commission may assess a penalty of up to ten thousand dollars per violation pursuant to RCW 42.17A.755, based on the aggravating factors set forth in subsections (1) through (3) of this section.REPEALER
The following section of the Washington Administrative Code is repealed:
WAC 390-37-041 | Citizen action notice procedures—Allegations submitted to the attorney general's office and/or prosecuting attorneys. |