WAC Citation | Subject Matter/Purpose of Rule | Current Activity/Anticipated Dates | ||
Preproposal (CR-101) | Proposed (CR-102) or Expedited (CR-105) | Permanent (CR-103) | ||
415-104-111, 415-104-109 (new section) | Law enforcement officers' and firefighters' (LEOFF) Plan 2 return to work options: To clarify language regarding the benefit options available to LEOFF Plan 2 retirees and members who return to work in a DRS-covered position. | WSR 22-11-025 Filed 5/10/2022 | CR-102 - TBD | TBD |
415-112-640 (new section) | Teachers' retirement system (TRS) Plan 2 and 3 disability benefits: To clarify TRS Plan 2 and 3 disability retirement benefits, including eligibility and application requirements. | WSR 21-12-098 Filed 6/2/2021 | CR-102 - TBD | TBD |
415-02-500, 415-02-510, 415-02-530, 415-02-540 | Property division in dissolution orders: To update and clarify the rules related to property division dissolution orders involving the retirement plan. Updates include the elimination of certain fees. | WSR 21-11-098 Filed 5/19/2021 | CR-102 - October 2022 | TBD |
415-111-310, 415-111-320, 415-501-485, 415-501-487, 415-501-488, 415-501-491, 415-501-510 | Deferred compensation program (DCP) and Plan 3 distribution options: To ensure customers understand their distribution options from their defined contribution (Plan 3) or DCP accounts, with the addition of new options permitted by the federal SECURE and CARES Acts, and the removal of direct purchases of commercial annuities. | WSR 21-07-139 Filed 3/24/2021 | CR-102-Filed on 7/6/2022 Public hearing 8/9/2022 | August 2022 |
415-02-380 | Nonspouse survivor benefit option: To comply with Internal Revenue Service regulations governing nonspousal survivor benefits from a retirement plan. | WSR 21-04-142 Filed 2/3/2021 | CR-102 - TBD | TBD |
415-108-710, 415-110-710, 415-112-525 | Retiree employment in an ineligible position: Eligibility for retirement requires a 30-day separation from covered employment. This amendment will clarify whether the 30-day separation requirement is met if the member has been employed in a position that is ineligible for membership in a retirement plan. | WSR 20-24-128 Filed 12/2/2020 | CR-102 - TBD | TBD |
TBD | Public safety employees' retirement system (PSERS) disability benefits: To support the implementation of HB 1669 - 2021-22 concerning disability benefits in PSERS. | August 2022 | CR-102 - TBD | TBD |
TBD | Retiree return to work limits for retirees from public employees' retirement system (PERS), teachers' retirement system (TRS), and school employees' retirement system (SERS) return to work option: To support the implementation of HB 1699 - 2021-22 permitting individuals retired from PERS, TRS, SERS additional opportunities to work for a school district for up to 1,040 hours per school year while in receipt of pension benefits until July 1, 2025. | August 2022 | CR-102 - TBD | TBD |
TBD | Law enforcement officers' and firefighters' (LEOFF) Plan 1 and 2 benefit enhancements: To support the implementation of SHB 1701 and SB 5791 adding benefit enhancements to LEOFF Plan 1 and 2. | August 2022 | CR-102 - TBD | TBD |
415-108-170 | Repeal business hours rule: In compliance with RCW 42.04.060, the agency's business hours are posted on the agency's website and office building. This rule is no longer necessary. | CR-105 - August 2022 | October 2022 | |
415-104-480 | LEOFF Plan 2 medical reimbursement: To clarify what type of medical premiums are available for reimbursement for a LEOFF Plan 2 member who is catastrophically disabled in the line of duty. | TBD | CR-102 - TBD | TBD |
TBD | Roth 457 option for DCP: To support the implementation of EHB 1752 adding a Roth option for DCP customers. | TBD | CR-102 - TBD | TBD |