SHB 1023 - H AMD 039
By Representative Vance, Holland, Betrozoff and Brough
page 26, line 17, after "biennium;" strike "and" and
insert "(i) By June 30, 1992, establish a teacher performance-based
compensation plan for use in the state of Washington beginning with the 1992-1993
school year. At the same time the commission shall report this plan to the
legislature. The commission, before making its decision, shall study all
issues relating to teacher perfor-mance based on compensation plans, including
but not limited to the following issues:
(1) The experiences of other states that have adopted monetary incentives for teachers, including information on the successful aspects, problems, costs of development and implementation, impact on staff morale, and the recommendations of these states on the effectiveness of their programs;
(2) All current proposals, including the governor's recent building-based proposal, other building-based plans, and individual-based plans, including but not limited to career ladder plans; and
(3) New performance-based compensation plans for teachers.
The purpose of a performance-based compensation plan is to encourage excellence in teaching performance and give tangible recognition to those teachers who provide classroom teaching that enhances each student's educational performance; and"
page 26, at line 18 strike "(i)" and inserty "(j)"
EFFECT: Requires the commission to study and evaluate teacher performance-based compensation plans and proposals and to establish a plan for Washington state that will provide tangible recognition for teachers who enhance student educational performance.