6393-S AMH APP H5043.1




SSB 6393 - H COMM AMD TO AG COMM AMD (H-4995.1/92)  ADOPTED  03/05/92

By Committee on Appropriations




    On page 1, after line 6 of the amendment, strike the remainder of the amendment and insert the following:


    "NEW SECTION.  Sec. 1.  A new section is added to chapter 15.36 RCW to read as follows:

    There is levied on all milk processed in this state an assessment not to exceed one-half of one cent per hundredweight.  The director shall determine, by rule, an assessment, that with contribution from the general fund, will support an inspection program to maintain compliance with the provisions of the pasteurized milk ordinance of the national conference on interstate milk shipment.  All assessments shall be levied on the operator of the first milk plant receiving the milk for processing.  This shall include milk plants that produce their own milk for processing and milk plants that receive milk from other sources.  All moneys collected under this section shall be paid to the director by the twentieth day of the succeeding month for the previous month's assessments.  The director shall deposit the funds into the dairy inspection account hereby created within the agricultural local fund established in RCW 43.23.230.  The funds shall be used only to provide inspection services to the dairy industry.  If the operator of a milk plant fails to remit any assessments, that sum shall be a lien on any property owned by him or her, and shall be reported by the director and collected in the manner and with the same priority over other creditors as prescribed for the collection of delinquent taxes under chapters 84.60 and 84.64 RCW.

    This section shall take effect July 1, 1992, and shall expire June 30, 1994."


    "NEW SECTION.  Sec. 2.  A new section is added to chapter 15.36 RCW to read as follows:

    (1) There is created a dairy inspection program advisory committee.  The committee shall consist of nine members.  The committee shall be appointed by the director from names submitted by dairy producer organizations or from handlers of milk products.  The committee shall consist of four members who are producers of milk or their representatives, and four members who are handlers or their representatives, and one member who must be a producer-handler.

    (2) The purpose of this advisory committee is to assist the director by providing recommendations regarding the dairy inspection program, that are consistent with the pasteurized milk ordinance.  The advisory committee shall (a) review and evaluate the program including the efficiency of the administration of the program, the adequacy of the level of inspection staff, the ratio of inspectors to number of dairy farm inspections per year, and the ratio of inspectors to management employees; and (b) consider alternatives to the state program, which may include privatization of various elements of the inspection program.

    (3) The committee shall meet as necessary to complete its work.  Meetings of the committee are subject to the open public meetings act.

    (4) Not later than October 15, 1992, the advisory committee shall issue a preliminary report of its findings to the dairy industry.  The committee shall solicit comments from the dairy industry which shall be reflected in the committee's final report.

    (5) Not later than December 1, 1992, the advisory committee shall report to the agricultural committees of the house of representatives and senate its recommendations for long-term structure and funding of the dairy inspection program."


    "Sec. 3.  RCW 69.07.040 and 1991 c 137 s 3 are each amended to read as follows:

    It shall be unlawful for any person to operate a food processing plant or process foods in the state without first having obtained an annual license from the department, which shall expire on a date set by rule by the director.  License fees shall be prorated where necessary to accommodate staggering of expiration dates.  Application for a license shall be on a form prescribed by the director and accompanied by ((a twenty-five dollar annual)) the license fee.  The license fee is determined by computing the gross annual sales for the accounting year immediately preceding the license year.  If the license is for a new operator, the license fee shall be based on an estimated gross annual sales for the initial license period.


    If gross annual sales are:              The license fee is:

    $0 to $50,000                       $50.00

    $50,001 to $500,000                 $100.00

    $500,001 to $1,000,000              $200.00

    $1,000,001 to $5,000,000            $350.00

    $5,000,001 to $10,000,000           $500.00

    Greater than $10,000,000            $750.00


Such application shall include the full name of the applicant for the license and the location of the food processing plant he or she intends to operate.  If such applicant is an individual, receiver, trustee, firm, partnership, association or corporation, the full name of each member of the firm or partnership, or names of the officers of the association or corporation shall be given on the application.  Such application shall further state the principal business address of the applicant in the state and elsewhere and the name of a person domiciled in this state authorized to receive and accept service of summons of legal notices of all kinds for the applicant.  The application shall also specify the type of food to be processed and the method or nature of processing operation or preservation of that food and any other necessary information.  Upon the approval of the application by the director and compliance with the provisions of this chapter, including the applicable regulations adopted hereunder by the department, the applicant shall be issued a license or renewal thereof.

    Licenses shall be issued to cover only those products, processes, and operations specified in the license application and approved for licensing.  Wherever a license holder wishes to engage in processing a type of food product that is different than the type specified on the application supporting the licensee's existing license and processing that type of food product would require a major addition to or modification of the licensee's processing facilities or has a high potential for harm, the licensee shall submit an amendment to the current license application.  In such a case, the licensee may engage in processing the new type of food product only after the amendment has been approved by the department.

    If upon investigation by the director, it is determined that a person is processing food for retail sale and is not under permit, license, or inspection by a local health authority, then that person may be considered a food processor and subject to the provisions of this chapter."


    "Sec. 4.  RCW 69.07.050 and 1991 c 137 s 4 are each amended to read as follows:

    If the application for renewal of any license provided for under this chapter is not filed prior to the expiration date as established by rule by the director, an additional fee of ((fifteen dollars)) ten percent of the cost of the license shall be assessed and added to the original fee and shall be paid by the applicant before the renewal license shall be issued:  PROVIDED, That such additional fee shall not be charged if the applicant furnishes an affidavit certifying that he or she has not operated a food processing plant or processed foods subsequent to the expiration of his or her license."


    "Sec. 5.  RCW 69.07.120 and 1967 ex.s. c 121 s 12 are each amended to read as follows:

    All moneys received by the department under the provisions of this chapter shall be paid into the ((state treasury)) food processing inspection account hereby created within the agricultural local fund established in RCW 43.23.230 and shall be used solely to carry out the provisions of this chapter and chapter 69.04 RCW."