As Passed House
February 13, 1992
Title: An act relating to state board of education size and terms.
Brief Description: Changing the membership and terms of the state board of education.
Sponsor(s): Representatives Peery, Neher, Valle, Betrozoff, Anderson, P. Johnson, Leonard, Haugen, Brumsickle, G. Cole, Roland, Dorn, Broback, G. Fisher, Orr, Jones, Rasmussen, Vance, Winsley, Spanel, Mitchell, J. Kohl and Pruitt; by request of Board of Education.
Brief History:
Reported by House Committee on:
Education, January 30, 1992, DP;
Passed House, February 13, 1992, 95-1.
Majority Report: Do pass. Signed by 18 members: Representatives Peery, Chair; G. Fisher, Vice Chair; Vance, Assistant Ranking Minority Member; Betrozoff; Broback; Brumsickle; Carlson; G. Cole; Dorn; P. Johnson; Jones; J. Kohl; Neher; Orr; Rasmussen; Roland; H. Sommers; and Valle.
Minority Report: Do not pass. Signed by 1 member: Representative Brough, Ranking Minority Member.
Staff: Robert Butts (786-7111).
Background: The state Board of Education is responsible for the oversight, management, and regulation of a wide range of common school programs and activities. For example, it approves teacher preparation programs, establishes teacher certification requirements, enforces basic education statutes, and allocates funds for school construction.
Membership on the board consists of two representatives from each of the eight congressional districts, the Superintendent of Public Instruction, and a private school representative. The addition of another congressional district will increase the size of the board from 18 to 20 members. State board members are elected by school board members residing in each congressional district.
The term of office for board members is six years.
In an effort to improve its effectiveness, the state board is recommending to the Legislature that the number of board members be reduced, and that the length of their terms be shortened.
Summary of Bill: The number of members on the state Board of Education is reduced. The number of representatives from each congressional district shall be reduced from two to one.
The term of office for board members is reduced from six years to four years.
A transition process for school board member terms, elections, and voting is provided.
Fiscal Note: Available.
Effective Date: Ninety days after adjournment of session in which bill is passed.
Testimony For: The decision by the state board to recommend that its membership and length of terms be reduced was made out of a desire to be more effective, more responsive, and a role model for schools and others as we restructure our education system.
Testimony Against: None.
Witnesses: Kathleen Anderson and William Stevenson, state Board of Education (supports); Marcia Costello, SPI (supports); and Dwayne Slate, Washington State School Directors' Association (supports).