HB 2374 - DIGEST


                              (DIGEST AS ENACTED)


      Encourages the increased involvement of senior volunteers by providing funding, provides a formula for the distribution of the funds, and designates the priorities for utilization of the funds.




                        March 26, 1992

To the Honorable, the House

  of Representatives of the

  State of Washington

Ladies and Gentlemen:

      I am returning herewith, without my approval as to sections 3 and 4, House Bill No. 2374 entitled:

"AN ACT Relating to senior volunteers."

      House Bill No. 2374 establishes a statutory formula for distributing funds to local retired senior volunteer programs. The legislation will provide a solid framework for funding these activities.  Senior volunteer programs provide important assistance to respond to a wide range of social concerns and local needs.

      I am concerned, however, with the possible confusion which may occur with the enactment of sections 3 and 4.  These sections direct the Department Community Development to act immediately to implement the bill, delay implementation of sections 1 and 2 until July 1 of this year, and enact section 3 of the bill at an intermediate date.  While I believe it is important to implement this legislation rapidly, the language in these sections is contradictory and unnecessary.

      For this reason, I have vetoed sections 3 and 4 of House Bill No. 2374.

      With the exception of sections 3 and 4, House Bill No. 2374 is approved.

                        Respectfully submitted,

                        Booth Gardner
