As Passed House
February 8, 1994
Title: An act relating to fire protection districts mergers.
Brief Description: Concerning the merger of fire protection districts.
Sponsors: Representative Dunshee.
Brief History:
Reported by House Committee on:
Local Government, January 20, 1994, DP;
Passed House, February 8, 1994, 94-0.
Majority Report: Do pass. Signed by 11 members: Representatives H. Myers, Chair; Springer, Vice Chair; Edmondson, Ranking Minority Member; Reams, Assistant Ranking Minority Member; Dunshee; R. Fisher; Horn; Moak; Rayburn; Van Luven; and Zellinsky.
Staff: Steve Lundin (786-7127).
Background: Fire protection districts are governed by a board of commissioners consisting of either three or five members. Fire commissioners serve staggered six-year terms of office.
Whenever two or more fire protection districts merge, the board of commissioners of the resulting fire protection district consists of all of the commissioners of the merging fire protection districts. The size of this expanded board of commissioners is reduced gradually over each of the next district general elections to either three or five members. Where the eventual board will consist of three members, one commissioner is elected at each of the next three district general elections. Where the eventual board will consist of five members, one commissioner is elected at the first district general election, and two commissioners are elected at both the second and third district general elections.
Summary of Bill: The process to reduce the number of commissioners in a fire protection district that results from the merging of two or more fire protection districts is altered slightly. A vacancy shall not be filled on a board of commissioners of a merged fire protection district until the number of fire commissioners has been reduced to its eventual size of either three or five commissioners.
Fiscal Note: Not requested.
Effective Date: Ninety days after adjournment of session in which bill is passed.
Testimony For: This will encourage the merger of fire protection districts.
Testimony Against: None.
Witnesses: Roger Ferris, Washington Fire Commissioners Association.