As Reported By House Committee On:
State Government
Title: An act relating to late campaign contributions.
Brief Description: Extending late campaign contribution limitations to all state‑wide elections.
Sponsors: Representatives L. Thomas, Anderson, Reams, Horn and Dyer.
Brief History:
Reported by House Committee on:
State Government, February 1, 1994, DP.
Majority Report: Do pass. Signed by 9 members: Representatives Anderson, Chair; Veloria, Vice Chair; Reams, Ranking Minority Member; L. Thomas, Assistant Ranking Minority Member; Campbell; Conway; Dyer; King and Pruitt.
Staff: Kenneth Hirst (786-7105).
Background: A provision of the state's public disclosure law that pre-dates Initiative 134 restricts the size of the contributions that may be made within 21 days of a general election. No person, other than a state major political party, may make a contribution or group of contributions during this period which total more than $50,000 to a campaign for statewide office or more than $5,000 for any other campaign.
Among its other provisions, Initiative 134 limits the size of the contributions that may be made during a two or four year election cycle to candidates for state executive and state legislative offices.
Summary of Bill: The provisions of the disclosure law that limit the size of the contributions which may be made within 21 days of a general election now apply to primaries and special elections as well.
Fiscal Note: Requested January 25, 1994.
Effective Date: Ninety days after adjournment of session in which bill is passed.
Testimony For: The bill applies the current limit for contributions given in the 21 days before a general election to other elections as well.
Testimony Against: None.
Witnesses: Representative Les Thomas (in favor).