As Reported By House Committee On:
Human Services
Title: An act relating to information about domestic violence, sexual assault, and child abuse.
Brief Description: Providing for information about domestic violence, sexual assault, and child abuse.
Sponsors: Representatives L. Johnson, Wood, Long, Morris, Cooke, Caver, Flemming, Veloria, Mastin, Thibaudeau, Grant, Dyer, Forner, Dunshee, Van Luven, Wineberry, Brough, Shin, Pruitt, Karahalios, Springer, Tate and Anderson.
Brief History:
Reported by House Committee on:
Human Services, February 3, 1994, DP.
Majority Report: Do pass. Signed by 11 members: Representatives Leonard, Chair; Thibaudeau, Vice Chair; Cooke, Ranking Minority Member; Talcott, Assistant Ranking Minority Member; Brown; Caver; Karahalios; Lisk; Padden; Patterson and Wolfe.
Staff: Dave Knutson (786-7146).
Background: Cases of domestic violence, sexual assault, or child abuse often require several organizations to investigate, provide services, and ensure the safety of victims. It can be a difficult and traumatic experience for victims and their families if service response and delivery is not organized and coordinated.
Summary of Bill: Domestic violence shelters will provide information and referral services to victims and their families for appropriate services from other service providers. The Department of Social and Health Services will develop a system of coordinated data collection related to domestic violence, sexual assault, and child abuse.
Fiscal Note: Available.
Effective Date: Ninety days after adjournment of session in which bill is passed.
Testimony For: The collection and sharing of information related to domestic violence, sexual assault, and child abuse should be improved.
Testimony Against: None.
Witnesses: Mary Pontarolo, Coalition Against Domestic Violence (pro); Donna DeLeno, Washington Coalition Against Domestic Violence (pro); and Pam Davenport, Secretary of State (pro).