SHB 2865
As Amended by Senate
Title: An act relating to disclosure of information in local government economic development programs.
Brief Description: Concerning the release of personal financial information obtained by a governmental agency.
Sponsors: By House Committee on Trade, Economic Development & Housing (originally sponsored by Representatives Valle, Sheldon and Roland).
Brief History:
Reported by House Committee on:
Trade, Economic Development & Housing, February 3, 1994, DPS;
Passed House, February 9, 1994, 93-0;
Amended by Senate.
Majority Report: The substitute bill be substituted therefor and the substitute bill do pass. Signed by 12 members: Representatives Wineberry, Chair; Shin, Vice Chair; Schoesler, Ranking Minority Member; Chandler, Assistant Ranking Minority Member; Backlund; Campbell; Conway; Quall; Sheldon; Springer; Valle and Wood.
Staff: Bill Lynch (786-7092).
Background: Financial and commercial information furnished by businesses to state agencies for participation in economic development programs is exempt from public inspection and copying under the Public Disclosure Act. Similar information submitted to local governments is not exempt from public disclosure.
Summary of Bill: Financial and commercial information submitted by any person or business in order to apply for economic development loans or program services provided by a local agency is exempt from public inspection and copying under the Public Disclosure Act.
EFFECT OF SENATE AMENDMENT(S): Financial, commercial, operational, technical and research information submitted to or obtained by the Clean Washington Center in the course of expanding markets for recycled products is exempt from public disclosure and copying.
Fiscal Note: Not requested.
Effective Date: The bill takes effect July 1, 1994.
Testimony For: Business assistance cannot be provided if information is not kept confidential. State assistance programs can keep information confidential, local government assistance programs should be able to keep similar information confidential. Economic development is about building local capacity. The community can still participate in the process.
Testimony Against: None.
Witnesses: Robert Dahms, City of Bellingham (pro); Denise Selfridge, Pierce County (pro); David Dougherty, Clean Washington Center (pro); and Carol Dickinson, City of Bremerton (pro).
Yeas 93; Excused 4; Absent 1
Excused: Representatives Cooke, Edmondson, Sommers, Wood
Absent: Representatives Schmidt