SB 5695
As Reported By House Committee On:
Higher Education
Title: An act relating to the certificate of educational competence.
Brief Description: Changing provisions relating to GED tests.
Sponsors: Senators Bauer, Gaspard, Sellar, Pelz, Drew, Prince and M. Rasmussen; by request of State Board for Community and Technical Colleges.
Brief History:
Reported by House Committee on:
Higher Education, March 30, 1993, DP.
Majority Report: Do pass. Signed by 16 members: Representatives Jacobsen, Chair; Quall, Vice Chair; Brumsickle, Ranking Minority Member; Sheahan, Assistant Ranking Minority Member; Bray; Carlson; Casada; Finkbeiner; Kessler; J. Kohl; Mielke; Ogden; Orr; Rayburn; Shin; and Wood.
Staff: Susan Hosch (786-7120).
Background: The General Educational Development (GED) Testing Program is jointly administered by GED Testing Service and by state GED administrators. The tests are taken by adults who leave school without earning a high school diploma.
In 1991, the administration of the GED Testing Program transferred from the Office of the Superintendent of Public Instruction to the Office of Adult Literacy of the State Board for Community and Technical Colleges (SBCTC).
Summary of Bill: The age of 16 is established as the minimum age for students eligible to take the GED test. The State Board of Education will establish the eligibility criteria of individuals under age 19 to take the GED tests.
The SBCTC will establish rules and regulations governing the operating of the GED testing programs and the issuance of GED certificates in Washington.
Fiscal Note: Not requested.
Effective Date: Ninety days after adjournment of session in which bill is passed.
Testimony For: Legislation is needed to conform to rules of the testing agency. Clarification of the roles and responsibilities of the State Board of Education and the State Board for Community and Technical Colleges is required.
Testimony Against: None.
Witnesses: (In favor) Patricia Green, State Board for Community and Technical Colleges.