EHB 1228
C 374 L 93
Synopsis as Enacted
Brief Description: Allowing information exchange of all agencies, including schools, with youth in their care.
By Representatives Jones, Miller, Riley, Vance, Kessler, Basich, Karahalios and Leonard.
House Committee on Human Services
Senate Committee on Law & Justice
Background: Washington law requires each "juvenile justice or care agency" to maintain accurate records on juveniles and govern the extent to which such records may be disclosed or shared with other juvenile justice or care agencies. The definition of a "juvenile justice or care agency" includes police, diversion units, court, prosecuting attorney, defense attorney, detention center, attorney general, the Department of Social and Health Services and its contracting agencies, and persons or public or private agencies having children committed to their custody. The definition does not include schools.
Summary: The definition of a juvenile justice or care agency is modified to include schools.
Votes on Final Passage:
House 95 0
Senate 44 0
Effective: July 25, 1993