SHB 1325
C 304 L 93
Synopsis as Enacted
Brief Description: Giving local governments the option to acquire services or goods under arrangements by state agencies.
By House Committee on Local Government (originally sponsored by Representatives Bray, Edmondson, Orr, H. Myers, Long and Springer).
House Committee on Local Government
Senate Committee on Government Operations
Background: The Department of General Administration is responsible for purchasing all materials, supplies, services, and equipment for all state institutions, institutions of higher education, and the offices of all elected and appointed state officers. This responsibility includes contracts for air service fares. Local governments are not authorized to participate in the air service fares contracts.
Summary: The Department of General Administration is required to develop a proposal to offer contracts for air service fares to local government employees at the best available rates. The department must consult with associations of local governments in the development of the proposal.
Elements that must be considered in the development of the proposal are: guidelines for predicting and reporting the volume, frequency, and destinations of air travel of local government employees; a cost-effective system for aggregating bookings, accounting, and payments for local government employee air travel; the most appropriate means for preparing invitations to bid to encourage use of bulk rates; establishment of a clearinghouse that is available to local government managers in planning air travel; and other services that will assist local governments in planning air travel.
The results of the consultation and progress on the proposal must be reported to the House Local Government Committee and Senate Governmental Operations Committee by December 15, 1993.
Votes on Final Passage:
House 98 0
Senate 47 0 (Senate amended)
House 95 0 (House concurred)
Effective: July 25, 1993