SHB 1926
C 169 L 93
Synopsis as Enacted
Brief Description: Regulating the sale and distribution of state publications.
By House Committee on State Government (originally sponsored by Representatives Anderson and Reams).
House Committee on State Government
Senate Committee on Government Operations
Background: State law directs the state law librarian to distribute sets of the House and Senate journals to: the secretary of the Senate and each assistant secretary; the chief clerk of the House of Representatives and each assistant to the chief clerk; each minute clerk and sergeant-at-arms of the Legislature; each official whose office is created in the constitution; each director of a State Department; and numerous libraries and law libraries in the state.
Journals from the previous regular session and intervening special sessions of the Legislature must be provided for the use of legislators in such numbers as directed by the chief clerk and secretary.
Surplus sets must be sold at $30 plus postage for the journals of a regular session and at a price set by the state printer for separate journals of other sessions.
The state law librarian is authorized to retain sets for the use of the Law Library, to exchange sets for those of other states, and to make other distributions as the librarian deems proper.
Summary: Two copies of the journals are to be provided, without charge, to the State Library. State elected officials and directors of state departments are to be provided sets of the journals only upon their request.
The state law librarian may canvass those entitled to receive copies of the journals of the House and Senate and may reduce or eliminate the number of copies distributed to anyone who so concurs.
The prices of all of the journals sold by the law librarian are to be set by the chief clerk of the House and the secretary of the Senate in consultation with the state printer.
Votes on Final Passage:
House 98 0
Senate 44 0
Effective: July 25, 1993