C 71 L 94
Synopsis as Enacted
Brief Description: Concerning hearings related to improvement districts.
By House Committee on Local Government (originally sponsored by Representatives Dunshee, H. Myers and Edmondson).
House Committee on Local Government
Senate Committee on Government Operations
Background: Cities and towns may create local improvement districts (LID's) and impose special assessments within a LID to finance various improvements.
The use of special assessments in a LID to finance improvements involves various steps and two hearings. One hearing is at the beginning of the process on the issue of whether the LID should be created. The other hearing is at the end of the process on the assessment roll where the council acts as a board of adjustment and hears protests by property owners over the special assessments that are proposed to be imposed on property within the LID.
Any city with a population of 15,000 or more may designate a committee of the council or a hearings officer to take testimony at the first hearing and make a recommendation to the full council on the creation of the proposed LID. The full council need not hold a hearing before creating the LID.
Any city with a population of 15,000 or more may designate a committee of the council or a hearings officer to take testimony at the second hearing and make recommendations to the full council on the final assessment roll. The full council is not required to hold a hearing on the final assessment roll; however, the council must hear appeals from property owners over their final assessments, and it must approve, reject, or modify and approve the final assessment roll.
Counties are not granted similar authority to use a committee or hearings examiner when creating road improvement districts (RID's) but may do so for creating LID's for water or sewer improvements.
Summary: The minimum population requirements are removed, and any city or town may designate a committee of the full council or a hearings officer to hold hearings on both the proposed creation of the LID and on the proposed assessment roll and to make recommendations to the full council for its action.
A county may designate a committee or a hearings officer to hold hearings on both the proposed creation of a RID and the proposed assessment roll and to make recommendations to the full county legislative authority.
Votes on Final Passage:
House 97 0
Senate 47 1
Effective: June 9, 1994