SHB 2246
C 113 L 94
Synopsis as Enacted
Brief Description: Changing provisions relating to substitute school employees.
ByHouse Committee on Education (originally sponsored by Representatives B. Thomas, Dorn, Brough, Cothern, Brumsickle, Pruitt, Dyer, Karahalios, Stevens, L. Thomas, Eide and Basich).
House Committee on Education
Senate Committee on Education
Background: Under current law, if the Superintendent of Public Instruction (SPI) or the state Board of Education requests a certificated employee of a school district to serve on a committee that would require the school district to hire a substitute, the superintendent and board are required to pay the school district for hiring the substitute.
When classified staff are asked to serve on committees, no similar reimbursement is required.
Summary: The board and SPI are required to pay school districts substitute costs for classified staff who serve on board and SPI committees.
Votes on Final Passage:
House 92 0
Senate 42 0
Effective: June 9, 1994