ESHB 2850
C 245 L 94
Synopsis as Enacted
Brief Description: Changing education provisions.
By House Committee on Education (originally sponsored by Representatives Dorn, Brough, Cothern and Karahalios).
House Committee on Education
Senate Committee on Education
Background: The Education Reform Act of 1993 included a number of programs and activities intended to improve student learning in the state's K-12 education system.
The law included, among other things, Student Learning Improvement grants, the development of a statewide technology plan, the establishment of a Joint Select Committee on Education Restructuring, a new Center for the Improvement of Student Learning, the issuance of school report cards, and the establishment of an Education Fiscal Committee.
Student Learning Improvement grants
Funding for the Student Learning Improvement grants is to be based on the number of certificated staff, classified instructional aides and classified secretaries in schools that apply for grants. However, budget language provided funding based only on the number of certificated staff in each school.
Also, budget language has been interpreted to read that these funds may only be used for certificated staff. This contradicts language in ESHB 1209 that states that the funding formula is for allocation purposes only and that local school representatives are to determine how the funds will be spent.
Statewide Technology Plan
The Superintendent of Public Instruction is required to develop a statewide technology plan and recommendations on a technology grant program by December 15, 1993. While progress has been made in both areas, participants have requested that more time be provided before final products are due.
Select Committee on Education Restructuring
One of the tasks given to the Select Committee on Education Restructuring is to review all laws pertaining to K-12 education, except laws involving the "health, safety and civil rights" of students and staff. In the process of the committee's review, some members found that excluding laws involving health, safety and civil rights prevented the committee from reviewing the entire K-12 education system, and, if needed, from recommending improvements to health, safety and civil rights laws.
Center for the Improvement of Student Learning
The Center for the Improvement of Student Learning replaced the State Clearinghouse for Education Information. However, several references in statute to the clearinghouse were not removed.
School Report Cards
Schools are required to complete annual "report cards" for parents and the community. Since 1977, schools have also been required to complete a descriptive guide that serves a similar function.
Education Fiscal Committee
An Education Fiscal Committee is required to review the education funding system. The due date for the committee's final recommendations is January 16, 1995.
Summary: Student Learning Improvement grants: Changes are made in the Student Learning Improvement grant program to clarify that funds may be used for staff development and planning for certificated and classified staff and for site-based planning activities. Funds may be used in July and August prior to the school year. Also, funding allocations are to be based on the number of certificated staff in each building, and funding for four "days" will be provided for each of the three years of the grant program.
School districts are strongly encouraged not to supplant funding previously used for planning and staff development, and SPI is required to estimate the increase in planning, staff development, and site-based activities occurring as a result of the grants.
Statewide Technology Plan: The due dates for the statewide technology plan and technology grant program recommendations are delayed until September 1, 1994.
Select Committee on Education Restructuring: The Select Committee on Education Restructuring is allowed to review K-12 education statutes pertaining to the health, safety and civil rights of students. The due date for the committee's report on data reporting requirements is delayed one year until January 1996.
Center for the Improvement of Student Learning: References to the State Clearinghouse for Education Information are deleted in statute.
School Report Cards
The requirement that school districts complete a descriptive guide is repealed.
Education Fiscal Committee
The Education Fiscal Committee's due date for its final recommendations is delayed one year until December 15, 1995.
Student Learning
A list of basic values and character traits is added to the Basic Education Act. These values and traits include such things as honesty, self-discipline, respect for authority, and healthy behavior. They are not intended to be assessed or to be standards for graduation.
Votes on Final Passage:
House 97 0
Senate 42 5 (Senate amended)
House (House refused to concur)
Conference Committee
Senate 40 7
House 95 0
Effective: June 9, 1994
April 1, 1994 (Section 1)
September 1, 1994(Section 10)