HJR 4200
As Passed Legislature
Brief Description: Amending the Constitution to permit municipalities and state agencies to employ chaplains.
By Representatives Franklin, Zellinsky, Campbell and Kremen.
House Committee on Local Government
Senate Committee on Health & Human Services
Background: Article 1, section 1, of the state constitution prohibits the use of public money or property for any religious worship, exercise, or instruction, or for the support of any religious establishment. However, these prohibitions do not forbid the Legislature from providing for the state to employ a chaplin for state custodial, correctional, and mental institutions.
Summary: The Legislature is authorized to permit a county's or public hospital district's hospital, health care facility, or hospice to hire a chaplain.
Votes on Final Passage:
House 67 31
Senate 36 13 (Senate amended)
House (House refused to concur)
Senate 43 4 (Senate receded)