SB 5905
As Passed House
April 8, 1993
Title: An act relating to the county road administration board.
Brief Description: Changing provisions regarding the county road administration board.
Sponsors: Senators Vognild, Fraser and Deccio; by request of County Road Administration Board.
Brief History:
Reported by House Committee on:
Transportation, April 1, 1993, DP;
Passed House, April 8, 1993, 98-0.
Majority Report: Do pass. Signed by 27 members: Representatives R. Fisher, Chair; Brown, Vice Chair; Jones, Vice Chair; Schmidt, Ranking Minority Member; Mielke, Assistant Ranking Minority Member; Brough; Brumsickle; Cothern; Eide; Finkbeiner; Forner; Fuhrman; Hansen; Heavey; Horn; Johanson; J. Kohl; R. Meyers; Miller; H. Myers; Orr; Patterson; Quall; Sheldon; Shin; Wood; and Zellinsky.
Staff: Roger Horn (786-7839).
Background: The County Road Administration Board (CRAB) provides grants to counties for improvements to rural arterials, administers the distribution of state revenue for county roads, sets standards of good practice for the administration of county roads, and provides technical assistance to county road departments.
Summary of Bill: The descriptions of standards of good practice and CRAB's responsibilities are changed to more accurately reflect the services provided by CRAB to counties, and to acknowledge "the safe and efficient movement of people and goods over county roads" as part of its mission. The due date for the CRAB annual report is changed from July 1 to January 15. The board may elect a chair to serve for one year at any time during the year rather than being required to do so during the first week of July.
Fiscal Note: Not requested.
Effective Date: Ninety days after adjournment of session in which bill is passed.
Testimony For: The revised language better reflects the responsibilities of the County Road Administration Board and the agency's recognition that roads are just one component of the transportation system.
Testimony Against: None.
Witnesses: Vern Wagar, County Road Administration Board.