SB 5031
AS OF JANUARY 14, 1993
Brief Description: Creating the marine fish enhancement research program.
SPONSORS: Senator Haugen
Staff: Ross Antipa (786‑7413)
Hearing Dates: January 15, 1993
Many marine fish species commonly known as bottom fish are declining in numbers and are below their maximum sustained yield level.
Creating a fund that would accelerate the research and development of the marine fish resource would improve the recovery of marine fish stocks.
A marine fish enhancement and research fund is created from user fees on recreational and commercial fishers. A research program is established to conduct basic and applied research on marine fish species, with emphasis on: artificial propagation, ecological requirements, population dynamics, success of stocking programs, stock identification, and genetic research. An advisory panel composed of commercial, charter and recreation fishers, a scientist, and a fisheries manager is created to assist the director in administering the program.
Funds are to be prorated between species important for commercial fishers and species important to recreational fishers based on each groups relative contribution to the program. Recreational anglers will pay $1 annually and commercial or charter boat owners shall be assessed $30 annually.
Appropriation: none
Revenue: yes
Fiscal Note: requested January 5, 1993