HOUSE RESOLUTION NO. 93-4609, by Representative Carlson
WHEREAS, It is the policy of the Washington State Legislature to recognize excellence in all fields of endeavor; and
WHEREAS, John R. Marshall has exhibited the highest level of excellence in his commitment to the citizens of Vancouver and Clark County through twenty years of sacrificial public and private service; and
WHEREAS, John R. Marshall proved his dedication and competence in various capacities as a businessman, educator, and public servant; and
WHEREAS, John R. Marshall served as the Curriculum Coordinator for the Vancouver School District No. 37; and
WHEREAS, John R. Marshall served as the Dean of Instruction and Program Development for Fort Vancouver High School, Vancouver School District No. 37; and
WHEREAS, John R. Marshall served as the Director of Assembly of Innovations, ESEA III, for the Vancouver School District No. 37; and
WHEREAS, John R. Marshall served as the Social Studies Supervisor for the Vancouver School District No. 37; and
WHEREAS, John R. Marshall served as the Manager of the Vancouver Tennis Center; and
WHEREAS, John R. Marshall served as Assistant and Executive Assistant to the Vancouver City Manager; and
WHEREAS, John R. Marshall has most recently served as Department Director for Community Resources and Public Information supplying support to the Vancouver City Manager, Mayor, and City Council with responsibilities for public communications, staff supervision, planning, development, and coordination of specialized community projects; and
WHEREAS, John R. Marshall spent years working in the private sector in farming, including beef cattle, fryers, and hay, and in property management and development; and
WHEREAS, John R. Marshall has been involved in international exchange programs, such as Nihonga, Chkalov Transportation Flight 50th Anniversary, and Horizon, community celebrations, such as Washington State Centennial, Fourth of July, Veterans Day, Celebrate Freedom, and the 1992 Columbia River Bicentennial Celebration, and cultural resource development, including Officer's Row, Columbia Arts Center, Vancouver National Historical Reserve, and WSU, Center for Study of Columbia River History; and
WHEREAS, John R. Marshall has served in numerous positions including directorships of the Washington State High School Tennis Tournament, the Vancouver-Amherst Project, the Vancouver National Humanities Faculty Project, and the Vancouver Question of Authority Project, chairmanships of Programs-West Coast Regional Studies Conference, and United Way-Public Sector, President of the Clark County Council for the Social Studies, and on many committees, including Educational Technology-National Council for the Social Studies, Planning-National Humanities Faculty, and the Clark County Centennial; and
WHEREAS, John R. Marshall has served as a consultant to Holt Rhinehart and Winston Publishing Company and to schools throughout Washington, Oregon, and Alaska, including Mt. Vernon Public Schools, Castle Rock Public Schools, Highline Public Schools, Tacoma Public Schools, Clover Park School District, Peninsula High School, University Place High School, Puyallup School District, Evergreen Public Schools, Renton Public Schools, Mercer Island High School, and Edmonds School District; and
WHEREAS, John R. Marshall has taught many classes and courses on subjects such as social studies, history and social science, conflict management, and humanities education at various institutions of higher education including Central Washington University, Portland State University, and Oregon College of Education; and
WHEREAS, John R. Marshall has written and produced numerous publications, presentations, and proposals including: The New Social Studies; A Report on the Education of the Experienced Teacher Fellowship Programs in History and the Social Sciences; High School Humanities Programs - Quality Now: Innovations That Work; A History of the Vancouver Public Schools; Vancouver Tennis/Racquetball Center: The First Two Years of Operation; A Unique Proposal for Advancing Humanistic Education; An Affectively-Oriented, Competency-Based Training Program for a Differentiated Staff; Developing Individual Responsibility Skills; Help One Student to Succeed (HOST) - A Model Reading Program; the Principal as School Climate Leader; and Educational Processes in the 1970's: Their Influence on the Role of Parents; and
WHEREAS, John R. Marshall has been the recipient of many awards: Approximately one hundred local, regional, and Pacific Northwest tennis titles, including collegiate singles and doubles championships; the Golden Fryer Award; Outstanding Young Educator; Presidents Award-Southwest Washington Independent Forward Thrust; Outstanding Support of the Arts in Clark County; Order of the Obscure Assignment-United States Army, Vancouver Barracks; Centennial Volunteer Award; Benjamin Franklin Award; and the 17th Biennial Convention of the Congressional Medal of Honor, City of Vancouver; and
WHEREAS, John R. Marshall has also proven his personal commitment to his family: His wife, Dona, their six children and seven grandchildren; his many faithful friends; his coworkers; and the citizens he has served so well;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the State of Washington honor John R. Marshall for the dedicated service that characterizes his life's work in both the public and private sectors, and for the outstanding example of diligence and excellence he has set for others, and that his future endeavors will bring him the same amount of satisfaction and success; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That copies of this resolution be immediately transmitted by the Chief Clerk of the House of Representatives to John R. Marshall, the Vancouver City Manager, the Mayor of Vancouver, the Vancouver City Council, the Clark County Commissioners, and to the Superintendent of the Vancouver School District No. 37.
I hereby certify this to be a true and correct copy of
Resolution adopted by the House of Representatives Rules Committee
February 2, 1993.
Alan Thompson, Chief Clerk