S-2461.1 _______________________________________________
State of Washington 53rd Legislature 1993 Regular Session
By Senate Committee on Ways & Means (originally sponsored by Senators Pelz, Gaspard, Moyer, Rinehart, McAuliffe, Spanel, A. Smith, Winsley, Skratek and Drew; by request of Council on Education Reform and Funding)
Read first time 03/13/93.
AN ACT Relating to education; amending RCW 28A.630.884, 28A.630.885, 28A.415.250, 28A.300.130, 28A.225.220, 28A.300.040, 28A.630.862, 28A.630.864, 28A.630.866, 28A.630.868, 28A.630.870, 28A.630.874, 28A.630.876, 28A.630.878, and 28A.630.880; adding a new section to chapter 28A.150 RCW; adding new sections to chapter 28A.305 RCW; adding a new section to chapter 28A.415 RCW; adding a new section to chapter 28A.240 RCW; adding a new section to chapter 28A.410 RCW; adding a new section to chapter 28A.615 RCW; adding new sections to chapter 28A.300 RCW; adding new sections to chapter 28A.600 RCW; adding a new section to chapter 28A.320 RCW; adding a new section to chapter 28A.630 RCW; adding a new section to chapter 28B.80 RCW; creating new sections; decodifying RCW 28A.215.904; repealing RCW 28A.630.860; repealing 1992 c 141 s 505; and providing an expiration date.
NEW SECTION. Sec. 1. This act may be known and cited as the performance-based education act.
NEW SECTION. Sec. 2. (1)(a) The mission of Washington's K-12 education system is to enable people to be responsible citizens, to contribute to their own economic well-being and to that of their families and communities, and to enjoy productive lives. To these ends, schools, together with parents and communities, shall strive to help all students develop the knowledge, skills, and attributes essential to function effectively and lead successful lives.
(b) This mission is based on the recognition that our education system needs to keep pace with societal changes, changes in workplace environments, and an ever-changing international community. It recognizes that the state and nation continue to experience a transformation into an information and service-oriented age. Finally, the mission recognizes that the education must be improved to prepare students better to meet the challenges of their future, including acquisition of certain skills and knowledge and the ability to act on information and conclusions once they have assimilated and analyzed information.
(c) This mission can be accomplished through a restructured system of world-class, performance-based education requiring all the elements in chapter . . ., Laws of 1993 (this act).
(2) For all parents, greater involvement in their child's education is critical to their child's success. It is the intent of chapter . . ., Laws of 1993 (this act) that parents be equal partners in the education of their children. Parents should also play a significant role in local school decision making affecting instruction at the school level.
(3) The legislature believes that real improvement will come to student achievement when all parties responsible for education evaluate current behavior and modify it according to what is best for students. Creating a performance-based education system will require different ways of making decisions and completing work. Additional improvements envisioned will be brought about through different practices at the local level. Collaboration among parents, students, educators, community members, and elected officials will become a strong part of everyday effort. All systems and programs will be focused on what is best for increasing student achievement. The purpose is to strive to help all students master the essential learning requirements.
(4) It is the intent of the legislature that all children will have the opportunity to achieve at significantly higher levels. This will require setting high expectations for all students. For all students, learning shall be the constant. Time spent on learning and gaining competence shall be the variable. The education system, from the schoolhouse to the state house, must be responsible and accountable to citizens for meeting specific goals and outcomes.
(5) Students will learn more when:
(a) Each student exercises fully his or her share of the responsibility for his or her educational experience and performance, given positive support from parents and community, and instructional guidance from the schools;
(b) Parents take more responsibility for their child's education;
(c) Businesses assume greater responsibility for supporting schools; and
(d) Educators take responsibility for meeting the diverse educational needs of all students.
(6) It is the intent of the legislature to provide students the opportunity for an ample educational experience and an educational environment that fosters mutually respectful interactions in an atmosphere of collaboration and cooperation, and in which students develop awareness, understanding, and sensitivity to differences among people, including but not limited to gender, race, color, national origin, and religion.
(7)(a) It is the intent of the legislature that any student, from those at-risk to students who may be developmentally delayed or disabled, who is having difficulty meeting the student learning goals under section 202 of this act be provided with instructional opportunities to help him or her meet the goals.
(b) Similarly, in support of subsection (6) of this section, it is the intent of the legislature that any highly capable student who has met or exceeded the student learning goals under section 202 of this act be provided with instructional opportunities to help him or her advance his or her educational experience.
NEW SECTION. Sec. 101. (1) Each school district in the state shall develop educational programs designed to provide each student in the district with the opportunity to achieve the student learning goals under section 202 of this act.
(2) Each school district board of directors may authorize a school or schools in the district to participate in the performance-based education system developed under RCW 28A.630.885, following a public hearing by the school board and adoption of a motion stating the intent and scope of participation. The adopted motion shall require that schools authorized and choosing to participate in the performance-based education system shall administer the tests required under RCW 28A.230.190, 28A.230.230, and 28A.230.240 for at least five school years following the date of first participation in the performance-based system. A copy of the adopted motion shall be transmitted to the superintendent of public instruction by the district board of directors. After a public hearing, the school board may repeal the motion stating the intent and scope of participation and shall transmit a copy of the motion repealing the intent and scope of participation to the superintendent of public instruction.
(3) The state schools for the deaf and blind, pursuant to subsection (2) of this section, may participate in the performance-based education system developed under RCW 28A.630.885 and may apply for grants under section 401 of this act.
(4) Each school district board of directors may adopt procedures to permit parents to remove their children from courses of instruction offered primarily to meet student learning goal number four listed under section 201 of this act.
(5) Nothing under chapter . . ., Laws of 1993 (this act) shall affect the provisions of RCW 28A.230.070(4) that allow students not to participate in AIDS prevention education, and state board of education rules that allow students an excusal from planned instruction in sex education or human sexuality.
NEW SECTION. Sec. 201. The following student learning goals for Washington's primary and secondary students, as recommended by the governor's council on education reform and funding, are supported by the legislature:
The ultimate goal of Washington's K‑12 education system is to enable people to be responsible citizens, to contribute to their own economic well‑being and to that of their families and communities, and to enjoy productive and satisfying lives. To these ends, schools, together with parents and communities, shall help all students develop the knowledge, skills, and attributes essential to:
(1) Communicate effectively and responsibly in a variety of ways and settings;
(2) Know and apply the core concepts and principles of mathematics; social, physical, and life sciences; arts; humanities; and health and fitness;
(3) Think critically and creatively and integrate experience and knowledge to form reasoned judgments, solve problems, and resolve conflicts;
(4) Function as caring and responsible individuals and contributing members of families, work groups, and communities.
NEW SECTION. Sec. 202. The state board of education shall by rule adopt the final student learning goals in section 201 of this act recommended by the governor's council on education reform and funding. The student learning goals shall be effective for all school districts beginning with the 1993-94 school year. The state board shall review the goals at least once every ten years and update them as necessary. Local school districts may add goals to the student learning goals in section 201 of this act.
NEW SECTION. Sec. 203. It is the intent of the legislature that instruction in the broad subject areas of mathematics, social sciences, physical sciences, life sciences, arts, humanities, and health and fitness identified under student learning goal number two under section 201(2) of this act will continue to be offered in ways that emphasize the importance of these basic areas of knowledge to the future success of students after they graduate.
Sec. 301. RCW 28A.630.884 and 1992 c 141 s 201 are each amended to read as follows:
Unless the context clearly requires otherwise,
the definitions in this section apply throughout RCW 28A.630.884 ((and)),
28A.630.885, and sections 101, 201, 202, 401, 502, 701, 801, 902, 903, 1201,
and 1301 of this act.
(1) (("Academic assessment system"
or)) "Assessment system" means ((a series of academic
examinations and performance-based assessments developed by the commission on
student learning to determine if students have mastered the)) methods of
assessing student achievement that require demonstration of the essential
((academic)) learning requirements.
(2) "Commission" means the commission on student learning created in RCW 28A.630.885(1).
(3) "Essential ((academic))
learning requirements" means the academic and technical knowledge and
skills ((identified by the commission on student learning, as reviewed and
amended by the legislature and state board of education, that students are
expected to know and be able to do at specified intervals in their schooling.
The essential academic learning requirements, at a minimum, shall include
knowledge and skills in reading, writing, speaking, science, history,
geography, mathematics, and critical thinking)) that students are
expected to know and be able to do at specified intervals in their schooling.
The essential learning requirements at a minimum shall include knowledge and
skills in reading, writing, speaking, science, history, geography, mathematics,
and critical thinking.
(4) "Outcome" means an example or indicator of what a student knows or is able to do in relation to a student learning goal.
(5) "Performance‑based" or "outcomes‑based" education means a system designed to help students achieve specific goals and standards of what students should know and be able to do. The system provides flexibility for students as they proceed toward achieving and demonstrating the goals and standards. Students proceed through a performance‑based or outcomes‑based system by demonstrating competency.
(6) "Site‑based decision making" means an administrative system in which school employees, parents, and others in the community exercise shared decision making on some aspects of school operations.
(7) "Standards" means criterion or an agreed upon level of performance or achievement that are linked to the state-wide student learning goals and that serve as a basis for decision making.
(8) "Student learning goals" means the goals listed under section 201 of this act.
Sec. 302. RCW 28A.630.885 and 1992 c 141 s 202 are each amended to read as follows:
(((2))) (1) The Washington
commission on student learning is hereby established. The primary purposes of
the commission are to identify what all students need to know and be able to do
based on the final student learning goals ((of the governor's council
on education reform and funding, to develop)) adopted by the state board
of education under section 202 of this act, cause the further development of
student assessment and school accountability systems, and to take other steps
necessary to develop a performance-based education system.
(2)(a) The commission shall include
three members of the state board of education, three members appointed by the
governor before July 1, 1992, and ((three)) five members
appointed ((no later than February 1, 1993,)) by the governor elected in
the November 1992 election. Three of the five members shall be appointed no
later than February 1, 1993, and two of the five members shall be appointed no
later than July 1, 1993. In making the appointments, educators, business
leaders, and parents shall be represented, and nominations from state-wide
education, business, and parent organizations shall be requested. Efforts
shall be made to ensure that the commission reflects the cultural diversity of
the state's K-12 student population and that the major geographic regions in
the state are represented. Appointees shall be qualified individuals who are
supportive of educational restructuring, who have a positive record of service,
and who will devote sufficient time to the responsibilities of the commission
to ensure that the objectives of the commission are achieved.
(((3))) (b) The governor shall
appoint a chair from the commission members. The governor shall fill vacancies
that may occur on the commission except those vacancies determined by the state
board of education.
(c) The commission shall begin its
substantive work subject to ((subsection (1) of this section)) section
202(1), chapter 1, Laws of 1992.
(((4))) (3) The commission shall
establish technical advisory committees. Membership of the technical advisory
committees shall include, but not necessarily be limited to, professionals from
the office of the superintendent of public instruction and the state board of
education, and other state and local educational practitioners and student
assessment specialists.
(((5))) (4) The commission, with
the assistance of ((the)) any technical advisory committees,
(a) ((Identify what all elementary and
secondary students need to know and be able to do. At a minimum, these)) Develop
essential ((academic)) learning requirements ((shall include reading,
writing, speaking, science, history, geography, mathematics, and critical
thinking. In developing these essential academic learning requirements, the
commission shall incorporate the student learning goals identified by the
council on education reform and funding)) based on the student learning
goals adopted by the state board of education under section 202 of this act.
These requirements shall be implemented through the development of performance
standards. The essential learning requirements and standards shall not be less
than world class so that Washington, its students, and its businesses might more
effectively and continuously compete in the world market. "World class
standards" means standards set at levels that will enable Washington's
students to compete successfully with students throughout the world. In
developing the performance standards and assessment systems under this section,
the commission shall consider the experiences and information from local
districts and schools that are already involved in these areas;
(b) By December 1, 1995, present to the state
board of education and superintendent of public instruction a state-wide ((academic))
assessment system for use in the elementary grades designed to determine if
each student has mastered the essential ((academic)) learning
requirements identified in (a) of this subsection. The ((academic))
assessment system shall include a variety of methodologies, including
performance-based measures that are criterion-referenced. The
assessment system shall be designed so that the results under the assessment
system are used by educators as tools to evaluate instructional practices, and
to initiate appropriate educational support for students who do not master the
essential ((academic)) learning requirements. Mastery of each component
of the essential ((academic)) learning requirements shall be required
before students progress in subsequent components of the essential ((academic))
learning requirements. The state board of education and superintendent of
public instruction shall implement the elementary ((academic))
assessment system beginning in the 1996-97 school year, if completed and for
public schools choosing to participate, unless the legislature takes action
to delay or prevent implementation of the assessment system and essential ((academic))
learning requirements. The state board of education and superintendent of
public instruction ((may)) shall review and modify the ((academic))
assessment system, as needed, in subsequent school years;
(c) By December 1, 1996, present to the state
board of education and superintendent of public instruction a state-wide ((academic))
assessment system for use in the secondary grades designed to determine if each
student has mastered the essential ((academic)) learning requirements
identified for secondary students in (a) of this subsection. The ((academic))
assessment system shall use a variety of methodologies, including
performance-based measures, to determine if students have mastered the
essential ((academic)) learning requirements, and shall lead to a
certificate of mastery at about age sixteen. The certificate of mastery
shall be required for graduation but shall be based only on student learning
goals one through three in section 201 of this act. The assessment system
shall be designed so that the results are used by educators to evaluate
instructional practices, and to initiate appropriate educational support for
students who do not master the essential ((academic)) learning
requirements. The commission shall recommend to the state board of education
whether the certificate of mastery should take the place of the graduation
requirements ((or be required for graduation in addition to graduation
requirements)). The state board of education and superintendent of public
instruction shall implement the secondary ((academic)) assessment system
beginning in the 1997-98 school year, if completed and for public schools
choosing to participate, unless the legislature takes action to delay or
prevent implementation of the assessment system and essential ((academic))
learning requirements. The state board of education and superintendent of
public instruction ((may)) shall review and modify the assessment
system, as needed, in subsequent school years;
(d) Consider methods to address the unique needs of special education students and students who have demonstrated gaps in learning based on students' racial and ethnic minority status when developing the assessments in (b) and (c) of this subsection;
(e) ((Develop strategies that will assist
educators in helping students master the essential academic learning
(f) Establish a center the primary role of
which is to plan, implement, and evaluate a high quality professional
development process. The quality schools center shall: Have an advisory
council composed of educators, parents, and community and business leaders; use
best practices research regarding instruction, management, curriculum
development, and assessment; coordinate its activities with the office of the
superintendent of public instruction and the state board of education; employ
and contract with individuals who have a commitment to quality reform; prepare
a six-year plan to be updated every two years; and be able to accept resources
and funding from private and public sources;
(g) Develop recommendations for the repeal or
amendment of federal, state, and local laws, rules, budgetary language,
regulations, and other factors that inhibit schools from adopting strategies
designed to help students achieve the essential academic learning requirements;
Develop recommendations on the time, support, and resources, including
technical assistance, needed by schools and school districts to help students
achieve the essential ((academic)) learning requirements. These
recommendations shall include an estimate for the legislature, superintendent
of public instruction, and governor on the expected cost of implementing the
elementary and secondary ((academic)) assessment systems during the
1995-97 biennium and beyond;
(((i))) (f) Develop
recommendations for consideration by the higher education coordinating board
for adopting college and university entrance requirements that ((would
assist schools in adopting strategies designed to help students achieve the
essential academic learning requirements)) are consistent with a
performance-based education system;
(((j))) (g) By December 1, 1996,
recommend to the legislature, state board of education, and superintendent of
public instruction a state-wide accountability system to evaluate accurately
and fairly the level of learning occurring in individual schools and school
districts((. The commission also shall recommend to the legislature steps
that should be taken to assist school districts and schools in which learning
is significantly below expected levels of performance as measured by the
academic assessment systems established under this section));
(((k))) (h) Report annually by
December 1st to the governor and the legislature ((and the state
board of education)) on the progress, findings, and recommendations of the
commission; and
(((l))) (i) Complete other tasks,
as appropriate.
(((6))) (5) The commission shall
coordinate its activities with the state board of education and the office of
the superintendent of public instruction.
(((7))) (6) The commission shall
seek advice broadly from the public and all interested educational
organizations in the conduct of its work, including holding periodic regional
public hearings.
(((8))) (7) The commission shall
select an entity to provide staff support and the office of ((financial
management shall contract with that entity)) the superintendent of
public instruction shall provide administrative oversight and be the fiscal
agent for the commission on student learning. The superintendent shall report
annually to the commission on student learning on the activities of the superintendent's
office of educational restructuring, research, and technical assistance under
RCW 28A.300.130. The commission may direct the ((office of financial
management)) superintendent of public instruction to enter into
subcontracts, within the commission's resources, with school districts,
teachers, higher education faculty, state agencies, business organizations, and
other individuals and organizations to assist the commission in its
(((9))) (8) Members of the
commission shall be reimbursed for travel expenses as provided in RCW 43.03.050
and 43.03.060.
NEW SECTION. Sec. 401. (1) From appropriated funds, beginning with the 1994-95 school year, the office of the superintendent of public instruction shall provide staff development program grants, to the extent funds are appropriated, to local districts to provide state-funded certificated instructional staff, state-funded classified staff with instructional responsibilities, and state-funded classified secretarial staff in each school in the district with the equivalent of an average of five additional days beyond the student school calendar year. These nonstudent days shall be used by schools for staff development, planning, and implementation activities as local districts and schools move toward a performance‑based education program.
(2) The compensation for these days shall be at the regular salary rates and shall constitute supplemental compensation under RCW 28A.400.200(4).
(3) The staff development program grants shall be for school building activities related to planning, curriculum development, instructional strategies, assessment, evaluation, the use of technology, and other approaches to restructuring. The funds may be used by schools to shift to school-based decision making.
(4)(a) To be eligible for staff development program grants beginning in fiscal year 1994-95, districts shall submit to the state board of education, school building applications to develop broad-based strategic restructuring plans. The applications shall be submitted under the provisions of RCW 28A.305.140(1). Grants shall be renewed on the same basis as waivers are provided under RCW 28A.305.140(2).
(b) The building plan shall involve broad participation. In addition to the provisions of RCW 28A.305.140(1), the plan shall include: Performance-based assessment, evaluation, and in-service in cultural diversity, including how to work with diverse populations. The plan may contain elements including but not limited to technology, curriculum development, and continuous quality improvement.
(5) The school site council shall authorize the building plan and submit it to the school board.
(6) The school board shall conduct at least one public hearing on the building restructuring plans before the board votes to approve the plans and before the district files an application with the state for a staff development grant. Boards may hear more than one proposed plan at a hearing and may approve more than one plan at a hearing.
NEW SECTION. Sec. 402. A new section is added to chapter 28A.240 RCW to read as follows:
(1) To be eligible for grants under section 401 of this act, a school district board of directors shall adopt a policy authorizing school site-based councils.
(2) The policy adopted by a school district board of directors shall include but is not limited to:
(a) Procedures for forming a school site-based council and official recognition of the council by the district;
(b) Membership of the school site-based council including parents, staff, community members, and age-appropriate students. Existing organizations may be used to form the school site-based council;
(c) Designation of activities with which school site-based councils may become involved, including management, budget, personnel, and program decisions affecting instruction at the school level;
(d) Delegation of authority to school site-based councils to adopt their own bylaws and charters; and
(e) Provisions for educating members of school site-based councils to help all members to become knowledgeable about school funding, educational programs, and options for change.
NEW SECTION. Sec. 501. (1) The Washington state principal internship support program is created. The purpose of the program is to provide funds to school districts for employees who are in a principal preparation program to complete an internship with a mentor principal.
(2)(a) Beginning in the 1994-95 school year, school districts may participate in the principal internship support program to the extent funds are appropriated.
(b) A principal internship shall consist of a minimum of ninety school days. For internships funded under this program, the state shall provide reimbursement for substitute costs at the daily rate allocated in the omnibus appropriations act for sixty-eight days of instruction and the district shall cover substitute costs for the remainder of the internship. The superintendent of public instruction shall establish procedures, by rule, for a district to receive additional funds to pay for additional substitute costs, if the district would otherwise be unable to participate in the program.
(c) Funds appropriated for the principal internship support program shall be allocated by the superintendent of public instruction to the educational service districts based on the percentage of full-time equivalent public school students enrolled in school districts in each educational service district.
(d) Once principal internship participants have been selected, the educational service districts shall allocate the funds to the appropriate school districts. The funds shall be used to pay for replacement substitute staff while the school district employee is completing the principal internship.
(e) Educational service districts may be reimbursed for costs associated with implementing the program. Reimbursement rates shall be determined by the superintendent of public instruction.
(3) The process for selecting participants in the principal internship support program shall be as follows:
(a) The candidate must be enrolled in a state board of education approved principal preparation program.
(b) The candidate must apply in writing to his or her local school district.
(c) Candidates shall be selected to: (i) Reflect the racial and ethnic diversity of the student population in the educational service district region; and (ii) to the extent practicable, represent an equal number of women and men.
(d) Each school district shall determine which applicants meet its criteria for participation in the principal internship support program and shall notify in writing its educational service district of the school district's selected applicants. When submitting the names of applicants, the school district shall identify a mentor principal for each principal intern applicant.
NEW SECTION. Sec. 502. (1) The state board of education shall appoint a principal internship advisory task force to develop and recommend to the board standards for the principal internship support program.
(2) Colleges, universities, and school districts may establish additional standards.
(3) Principal interns shall complete all the standards in order to complete the internship program successfully.
(4) Task force membership shall include, but is not limited to, persons representing the office of the superintendent of public instruction, principals, school administrators, teachers, school directors, higher education principal preparation programs, and educational service districts. The task force membership shall, to the extent possible, be culturally diverse and gender balanced.
Sec. 601. RCW 28A.415.250 and 1991 c 116 s 19 are each amended to read as follows:
The superintendent of public instruction shall adopt rules to establish and operate a teacher assistance program. For the purposes of this section, the terms "mentor teachers," "beginning teachers," and "experienced teachers" may include any person possessing any one of the various certificates issued by the superintendent of public instruction under RCW 28A.410.010. The program shall provide for:
(1) Assistance by mentor teachers who will provide a source of continuing and sustained support to beginning teachers, or experienced teachers, or both, both in and outside the classroom. A mentor teacher may not be involved in evaluations under RCW 28A.405.100 of a teacher who receives assistance from said mentor teacher under the teacher assistance program established under this section. The mentor teachers shall also periodically inform their principals respecting the contents of training sessions and other program activities;
(2) Stipends for mentor teachers and beginning
teachers which shall not be deemed compensation for the purposes of salary lid
compliance under RCW ((28A.58.095)) 28A.400.200: PROVIDED, That
stipends shall not be subject to the continuing contract provisions of this
(3) Workshops for the training of mentor and beginning teachers;
(4) The use of substitutes to give mentor teachers, beginning teachers, and experienced teachers opportunities to jointly observe and evaluate teaching situations and to give mentor teachers opportunities to observe and assist beginning and experienced teachers in the classroom;
(5) Mentor teachers who are superior teachers based on their evaluations, pursuant to RCW 28A.405.010 through 28A.405.240, and who hold valid continuing certificates;
(6) Mentor teachers shall be selected by the district. If a bargaining unit, certified pursuant to RCW 41.59.090 exists within the district, classroom teachers representing the bargaining unit shall participate in the mentor teacher selection process; and
(7) Periodic consultation by the superintendent of public instruction or the superintendent's designee with representatives of educational organizations and associations, including educational service districts and public and private institutions of higher education, for the purposes of improving communication and cooperation and program review.
Any district may release a mentor teacher to work full time with beginning or experienced teachers, or both.
NEW SECTION. Sec. 701. (1) In conducting its study on outcomes-based standards for the approval of educator preparation programs, the state board of education shall assure that the adoption of new program approval standards are consistent with and support the establishment of a performance-based education system under the provisions of chapter . . ., Laws of 1993 (this act). In addition, the new standards shall ensure that graduates from the preparing institutions of the state are appropriately prepared to enter the performance-based education system, including knowledge and skills to work with culturally diverse students. The new standards shall be adopted not later than the beginning of the 1996-97 school year.
(2) The state board shall report to the governor, the legislature, and the commission on student learning by December 31, 1993, on the progress and any findings of the board's study of outcomes-based program approval standards. When the study is completed, the board shall submit a final report to the governor, the legislature, and the commission on student learning. The final report shall include findings and recommendations regarding the impact of the new standards on the recruitment of culturally diverse candidates to the teaching profession.
(3) The state board shall adopt necessary rules under chapter 34.05 RCW to implement the recommendations of the certification study required under section 104, chapter 141, Laws of 1992.
(4) The superintendent of public instruction and the state board of education shall review the provisions of chapter 28A.690 RCW, interstate agreement on qualifications of educational personnel, and make recommendations as necessary to the legislature and the governor to amend these provisions to be consistent with the new certification requirements to be implemented under subsection (3) of this section.
NEW SECTION. Sec. 801. (1) The superintendent of public instruction shall appoint an eight member parent and community advisory council whose membership shall include a minimum of three parents, at least two of whom shall be selected from a state-wide association representing parents, and a minimum of three educators.
(2) The parent and community advisory council shall advise the state superintendent on:
(a) How to increase parent and citizen involvement in education with a particular focus on reaching parents who have not previously been involved with their children's education;
(b) Identifying obstacles to greater parent and community involvement in school site-based decision making; and
(c) Recommend strategies for helping parents and community members to participate effectively in school site-based decision making, including understanding and respecting the roles of building administrators and staff.
(3) Through the office of educational restructuring, research, and technical assistance under RCW 28A.300.130, the superintendent shall, in consultation with the parent and community advisory council, on a request basis, provide or contract to provide to any school, district, or community, information, technical assistance, or training regarding citizen participation in education, including training to promote the effective participation of parents and community members on school site councils.
NEW SECTION. Sec. 901. From appropriated funds, the superintendent of public instruction shall provide incentive grants under section 902 of this act and provide assistance grants under section 903 of this act.
NEW SECTION. Sec. 902. (1) The commission on student learning shall develop an incentive program to provide rewards to schools in which a large percentage of students significantly exceed the essential learning requirements. Each school shall be assessed individually against its own baseline for the incentive program. Data collected for the incentive program shall be collected and analyzed by gender, racial or ethnic background, and socioeconomic status and shall not be used to compare one school against another. Rewards shall be based on the rate of percentage change of students achieving the performance standards. An explicit account shall be taken of the rate of percentage change of special needs and at-risk students achieving the performance standards and the mobility of students.
(2) Staff at each school, in partnership with the school site council, shall decide how to spend the reward.
(3) The incentive program shall be administered by the superintendent of public instruction. The first incentive grants shall be awarded the 1997-98 school year. Incentive grants shall be awarded every two years to eligible schools, to the extent funds are appropriated.
NEW SECTION. Sec. 903. (1) The commission on student learning shall develop an assistance program to provide assistance to schools and districts experiencing difficulty in assisting a significant percentage of their students to achieve the essential learning requirements.
(2) The assistance program shall include a process for the superintendent of public instruction to intervene in the operation of districts or schools that dramatically and persistently fail to help students meet the essential learning requirements.
(3) The assistance program shall be administered by the superintendent of public instruction. The first assistance grants shall be awarded the 1997-98 school year. Assistance grants shall be awarded every two years to schools or districts as determined by the state superintendent, to the extent funds are appropriated.
Sec. 904. RCW 28A.300.130 and 1986 c 180 s 1 are each amended to read as follows:
(1) ((Recent and)) Expanding
activity in educational research and educational restructuring initiatives
has produced and continues to produce much valuable information. The
legislature finds that such information should be shared with the citizens and
educational community of the state as widely as possible, including
school-based technical assistance coordinated by the office of the
superintendent of public instruction. To facilitate access to information
and materials on ((education)) educational restructuring and research,
the superintendent of public instruction shall ((act as the state
clearinghouse for educational information)) establish an office of
educational restructuring, research, and technical assistance.
(2) In carrying out this function, the
superintendent of public instruction's primary duty shall be to collect, ((screen,))
organize, analyze, synthesize, and disseminate, including technical
assistance, information pertaining to the state's ((educational system
from preschool through grade twelve, including but not limited to)) common
school system. The primary duty to collect and disseminate information is not
limited to but shall include information on:
(a) The work and activities of the commission on student learning;
(b) In-state research and development efforts, including restructuring initiatives in Washington schools and districts;
(c) Descriptions of exemplary, model, and innovative programs; and
(d) Related information that can be used
in ((developing)) helping schools and districts with restructuring
initiatives and developing more effective programs.
(3) The superintendent of public instruction
shall maintain a collection of such studies, articles, reports, research
findings, ((monographs, bibliographies, directories, curriculum materials,
speeches, conference proceedings, legal decisions that are concerned with some
aspect of the state's education system,)) and other applicable materials as
necessary in order that the office of educational restructuring, research, and
technical assistance can provide timely information services and technical
assistance to educational staff, students, parents, schools, districts, and
other groups or agencies as appropriate. All materials and information
shall be considered public documents under chapter 42.17 RCW and the
superintendent of public instruction shall furnish copies of educational
materials at nominal cost.
(4) The superintendent of public instruction
shall coordinate technical assistance and the dissemination of
information with the educational service districts ((and shall publish and
distribute, on a monthly basis, a newsletter describing current activities and
developments in education in the state)). In coordinating technical
assistance services, the superintendent shall make every effort to use
practitioners to assist both agency staff as well as educators and others in schools
and districts.
NEW SECTION. Sec. 1001. (1) The purpose of this section is to enhance the quantity, quality, efficiency, and effectiveness of services for children and families in order to enable children to learn while in school.
(2) Beginning with the 1993-94 school year, the office of the superintendent of public instruction, to the extent funds are appropriated, shall allocate funds for pilot programs in up to ten counties or municipalities to meet the needs of children and families better so that children can achieve in school.
(3) Beginning with the 1994-95 school year, the superintendent of public instruction, to the extent funds are appropriated, shall allocate funds annually for state-wide implementation for programs that assist children achieving in school. To qualify for funds, local districts and schools, local service providers, local governments, state agencies, and persons organized for the purpose of designing and providing services for children and families, shall develop plans for enhancing the flexibility, coordination, and responsiveness of the educational, social, and health services for students and families identified as at-risk. Plans shall address the needs of children and families in a county or multicounty area, or in a municipal or multimunicipal area.
(4) The family policy council established in chapter 70.190 RCW shall determine the information that must be included in the plans. At a minimum, plans shall include:
(a) A description of services, funding sources, intended outcomes, and measures to evaluate the programs implemented under the plan;
(b) Agreed upon responsibilities of participating agencies;
(c) Means to accommodate cultural diversity and changes in student populations and to ensure equity, access, and relevance in providing services;
(d) Means to ensure parental involvement in planning and the use of services; and
(e) An identified lead agency to receive state funds allocated for the purposes of this section.
(5) Funds provided for the purposes of subsections (3) and (4) of this section shall be used only for those plans approved by the family policy council. The council shall review local plans by November 1, 1993, and the beginning of every school year thereafter.
(6) The family policy council shall coordinate the provision of technical assistance to local communities for the development of coordinated services for students.
NEW SECTION. Sec. 1101. The legislature recognizes the ongoing necessity for public schools to use up-to-date tools for learning to meet goals for education. To participate successfully in the contemporary workplace, students should be able to use technology and be able to get information electronically. Workplace technology requirements will continue to change and students should learn the new requirements.
Furthermore, the legislature finds that the Washington systemic initiative is a broad-based effort to promote widespread public literacy in mathematics, science, and technology. A critical component of the systemic initiative is the electronic access to information by students. It is the intent of the legislature that components of sections 1102 through 1105 of this act will support the state-wide systemic reform effort in mathematics, science, and technology as planned through the Washington systemic initiative.
NEW SECTION. Sec. 1102. Unless the context clearly requires otherwise, the definitions in this section apply throughout sections 1101 through 1105 of this act.
(1) "Education technology" means the effective use of electronic tools and electronic pathways in meeting goals established for education.
(2) "Network" means integrated linking of education technology systems in schools for transmission of voice, data, video, or imaging, or a combination of these.
NEW SECTION. Sec. 1103. (1) The superintendent of public instruction may establish an educational technology section, and through that section develop and implement a Washington state technology program, the coordination and development of which shall be consistent with the applicable provisions of chapter 43.105 RCW. The program shall include:
(a) State-wide support to help school districts plan, implement, and educate staff in the use of technology for educational and administrative purposes;
(b) Grants to school districts to help districts integrate technology into the learning process and to connect to the state-wide and national networks for educational purposes;
(c) Development of on-line information services for Washington state, with links to other services. These links shall provide avenues of communication between all levels of education;
(d) Staff support for on-line educational projects involving students throughout the state and nation; and
(e) Expansion of state-wide networks, including educational video teleconferences.
(2) The superintendent of public instruction shall distribute grants, from moneys appropriated for this purpose, to educational service districts for:
(a) Establishing regional educational technology support centers to provide ongoing educator training, school district cost-benefit analysis, long-range planning, network planning, distance learning access support, and other technical and program support. Each educational service district shall establish an advisory council to advise the educational service district about spending the grant moneys; and
(b) Establishing each educational service district as a site for video conferences on the network.
(3) The superintendent of public instruction shall distribute grants, from moneys appropriated for this purpose, to school districts for:
(a) Support for school district personnel to become trainers on state-wide and national networks;
(b) Incentives to encourage school districts to plan for, implement, and evaluate the effective use of technology in the school curriculum; and
(c) Helping schools connect into the state-wide network for curricular purposes. The criteria for selection of schools to receive grants shall be based on schools' readiness to use network services and economic need.
(4) The superintendent of public instruction shall adopt rules requiring local districts to provide a twenty-five percent match of grant funds from other sources. However, the superintendent of public instruction shall adopt rules to waive all or part of the match requirement for districts that can demonstrate, based on the district's relative property tax wealth, that they would not be able to apply for the grant unless all or part of the match requirement was waived. A district capital levy for technology will satisfy the local match requirement under this section.
(5) The superintendent of public instruction shall distribute grants, from moneys appropriated for this purpose, to the Washington school information processing cooperative, for equipment to expand the current state-wide network and to establish a system for video conferences.
NEW SECTION. Sec. 1104. The superintendent of public instruction shall appoint an educational technology advisory committee. The committee shall include, but is not limited to, persons representing: The state board of education, the commission on student learning, educational service districts, school directors, school administrators, school principals, teachers, higher education faculty, parents, students, business, labor, scientists and mathematicians, the higher education coordinating board, the work force training and education coordinating board, the state library, and the department of information services.
The committee shall advise the superintendent of public instruction on the implementation of sections 1101 through 1103 of this act.
NEW SECTION. Sec. 1105. (1) The superintendent of public instruction may receive such gifts, grants, and endowments from public or private sources as may be made from time to time, in trust or otherwise, for the use and benefit of the purposes of education technology and expend the same or any income therefrom according to the terms of the gifts, grants, or endowments.
(2) The education technology fund is hereby established in the custody of the state treasurer. The superintendent of public instruction shall deposit in the fund all moneys received from gifts, grants, or endowments for education technology. Moneys in the fund may be spent only for education technology. Disbursements from the fund shall be on authorization of the superintendent of public instruction or the superintendent's designee. The fund is subject to the allotment procedure provided under chapter 43.88 RCW, but no appropriation is required for disbursements.
NEW SECTION. Sec. 1201. (1) The superintendent of public instruction and the state board of education shall review all laws pertaining to K-12 public education. Except those laws that protect the health, safety, and civil rights of students and staff, the intent of the review is to justify, modify, and maintain only those laws that support the new performance-based education system for all students.
(2) The superintendent and the state board shall conduct the review in a manner that includes a broad representation of citizens, including parents, students, educators, and others, to assist in the review process.
(3) The superintendent shall determine a specific timetable for the review. Beginning January 1994, and each succeeding January until the review is done, but not later than January 1997, the superintendent shall submit to the governor and legislature a list of all laws reviewed during the preceding year and the laws to be reviewed the next year.
(4) Private schools and parents who home school their children are subject only to those minimum state controls necessary to ensure the health and safety of all students in the state and to ensure that students have a basic educational opportunity. Parents who are home schooling their children under chapter 28A.200 RCW and RCW 28A.225.010(4) and private schools under chapter 28A.195 RCW shall not be subject to:
(a) State-wide student learning goals and essential learning requirements under RCW 28A.150.210 and 28A.630.885(5)(a);
(b) The elementary assessment system under RCW 28A.630.885(5); or
(c) The secondary assessment system, including the certificate of mastery, under RCW 28A.630.885(5)(c).
(5) The review of statutes under subsections (1) and (2) of this section shall be conducted consistent with the exemptions provided under subsection (4) of this section for private schools and parents who home school their children.
Sec. 1202. RCW 28A.225.220 and 1990 1st ex.s. c 9 s 201 are each amended to read as follows:
(1) Any board of directors may make agreements with adults choosing to attend school: PROVIDED, That unless such arrangements are approved by the state superintendent of public instruction, a reasonable tuition charge, fixed by the state superintendent of public instruction, shall be paid by such students as best may be accommodated therein.
(2) A district is strongly encouraged to honor the request of a parent or guardian for his or her child to attend a school in another district.
(3) A district shall release a student to a nonresident district that agrees to accept the student if:
(a) A financial, educational, safety, or health condition affecting the student would likely be reasonably improved as a result of the transfer; or
(b) Attendance at the school in the nonresident district is more accessible to the parent's place of work or to the location of child care; or
(c) There is a special hardship or detrimental condition.
(4) A district may deny the request of a resident student to transfer to a nonresident district if the release of the student would adversely affect the district's existing desegregation plan.
(5) For the purpose of helping a district assess the quality of its education program, a resident school district may request an optional exit interview or questionnaire with the parents or guardians of a child transferring to another district. No parent or guardian may be forced to attend such an interview or complete the questionnaire.
(6) Beginning with the 1993-94 school year,
school districts may not establish annual transfer fees or
tuition for nonresident students enrolled under subsection (3) of this
section and RCW 28A.225.225. ((Until rules are adopted under section 202,
chapter 9, Laws of 1990 1st ex. sess. for the calculation of the transfer fee,
the transfer fee shall be calculated by the same formula as the fees authorized
under section 10, chapter 130, Laws of 1969. These fees, if applied, shall be
applied uniformly for all such nonresident students except as provided in this
section. The superintendent of public instruction, from available funds, shall
pay any transfer fees for low-income students assessed by districts under this
section. All transfer fees must be paid over to the county treasurer within
thirty days of its collection for the credit of the district in which such
students attend.)) Reimbursement of a high school district for cost of
educating high school pupils of a nonhigh school district shall not be deemed a
transfer fee as affecting the apportionment of current state school funds.
NEW SECTION. Sec. 1203. The superintendent of public instruction shall work with appropriate organizations to ensure that every teacher, district and building administrator, and school director is aware of the waivers available under RCW 28A.305.140 and the broadened school board powers under RCW 28A.320.015.
NEW SECTION. Sec. 1204. (1) A legislative fiscal study committee is hereby created. The committee shall be comprised of two members from each caucus of the senate, appointed by the president of the senate, and two members from each caucus of the house of representatives, appointed by the speaker. In consultation with the office of the superintendent of public instruction, the committee shall study the state operating budget for the common school system and other sections of the budget that have a direct or indirect impact on the common school system.
(2) At a minimum, the study shall include an analysis of all K-12 related appropriations to determine which might be classified as being investments in prevention and which might be classified as remedial expenditures.
(3) By January 16, 1995, the committee shall report to the full legislature on its findings and any recommendations for a new funding model for the common school system.
NEW SECTION. Sec. 1301. (1) Beginning with the 1994-95 school year, each school district shall publish an annual school performance report to the community. The annual report shall be published in a format that can be easily understood and be the basis of informed educational decisions by parents, guardians, and other members of the community who are not professional educators.
(2) Data and descriptive material included in the annual report should enable parents, educators, and school board members to determine whether students in the district's schools are attaining mastery of the student learning goals under section 202 of this act, and other important facts about the schools' performance in assisting students to learn. The annual report shall make comparisons to a school's performance in preceding years and shall project goals in performance categories. As data becomes available it shall include:
(a) The change in the percentage of students, including special education and gifted students, attaining mastery of the student learning goals;
(b) Attendance and completion rates;
(c) The use and condition of school facilities;
(d) The level of satisfaction by the community served by each school; and
(e) A brief description of the strategic restructuring plan for each school.
(3) The office of the superintendent of public instruction shall compile district data and report annually to the governor and the legislature beginning with the 1994-95 school year. The superintendent shall monitor the performance of districts and schools that demonstrate gaps in student learning based on students' gender, racial, and ethnic minority status.
Sec. 1302. RCW 28A.300.040 and 1992 c 198 s 6 are each amended to read as follows:
In addition to any other powers and duties as provided by law, the powers and duties of the superintendent of public instruction shall be:
(1) To have supervision over all matters pertaining to the public schools of the state.
(2) To give an annual address on the state of education in separate presentations to the house of representatives and the senate the week immediately following the second Monday in January.
(3) To report to the governor and the legislature such information and data as may be required for the management and improvement of the schools.
(((3))) (4) To prepare and have
printed such forms, registers, courses of study, rules and regulations for the
government of the common schools, questions prepared for the examination of
persons as provided for in RCW 28A.305.130(9), and such other material and
books as may be necessary for the discharge of the duties of teachers and
officials charged with the administration of the laws relating to the common
schools, and to distribute the same to educational service district superintendents.
(((4))) (5) To travel, without
neglecting his or her other official duties as superintendent of public
instruction, for the purpose of attending educational meetings or conventions,
of visiting schools, of consulting educational service district superintendents
or other school officials.
(((5))) (6) To prepare and from
time to time to revise a manual of the Washington state common school code,
copies of which shall be provided in such numbers as determined by the
superintendent of public instruction at no cost to those public agencies within
the common school system and which shall be sold at approximate actual cost of
publication and distribution per volume to all other public and nonpublic
agencies or individuals, said manual to contain Titles 28A and 28C RCW, rules
and regulations related to the common schools, and such other matter as the
state superintendent or the state board of education shall determine. Proceeds
of the sale of such code shall be transmitted to the public printer who shall credit
the state superintendent's account within the state printing plant revolving
fund by a like amount.
(((6))) (7) To act as ex officio
member and the chief executive officer of the state board of education.
(((7))) (8) To file all papers,
reports and public documents transmitted to the superintendent by the school
officials of the several counties or districts of the state, each year
separately. Copies of all papers filed in the superintendent's office, and the
superintendent's official acts, may, or upon request, shall be certified by the
superintendent and attested by the superintendent's official seal, and when so
certified shall be evidence of the papers or acts so certified to.
(((8))) (9) To require annually,
on or before the 15th day of August, of the president, manager, or principal of
every educational institution in this state, a report as required by the
superintendent of public instruction; and it is the duty of every president,
manager or principal, to complete and return such forms within such time as the
superintendent of public instruction shall direct.
(((9))) (10) To keep in the
superintendent's office a record of all teachers receiving certificates to
teach in the common schools of this state.
(((10))) (11) To issue
certificates as provided by law.
(((11))) (12) To keep in the
superintendent's office at the capital of the state, all books and papers
pertaining to the business of the superintendent's office, and to keep and
preserve in the superintendent's office a complete record of statistics, as
well as a record of the meetings of the state board of education.
(((12))) (13) With the assistance
of the office of the attorney general, to decide all points of law which may be
submitted to the superintendent in writing by any educational service district
superintendent, or that may be submitted to the superintendent by any other
person, upon appeal from the decision of any educational service district
superintendent; and the superintendent shall publish his or her rulings and
decisions from time to time for the information of school officials and
teachers; and the superintendent's decision shall be final unless set aside by
a court of competent jurisdiction.
(((13))) (14) To administer oaths
and affirmations in the discharge of the superintendent's official duties.
(((14))) (15) To deliver to his
or her successor, at the expiration of the superintendent's term of office,
all records, books, maps, documents and papers of whatever kind belonging to
the superintendent's office or which may have been received by the
superintendent's for the use of the superintendent's office.
(((15))) (16) To administer
family services and programs to promote the state's policy as provided in RCW
(((16))) (17) To perform such
other duties as may be required by law.
NEW SECTION. Sec. 1303. (1) There is hereby created a joint select committee on education reform composed of twelve members as follows:
(a) Six members of the senate, three from each of the major caucuses, to be appointed by the president of the senate; and
(b) Six members of the house of representatives, three from each of the major caucuses, to be appointed by the speaker of the house of representatives.
(2) The cochairs shall be designated by the speaker of the house of representatives and the president of the senate.
(3) The staff support shall be provided by the senate committee services and the office of program research as mutually agreed by the cochairs of the joint select committee.
(4) The expenses of the committee members shall be paid by the legislature.
(5) The joint select committee on education reform shall monitor, review, and periodically report upon the enactment and implementation of education reform in Washington both at the state and local level, including the following:
(a) The progress of the commission on student learning in the completion of its tasks as designated by chapter 141, Laws of 1992, or any subsequent legislation relating to education reform;
(b) The progress of the commission on student learning in designing a state-wide assessment system that will accurately measure student mastery of essential academic learning requirements;
(c) The state board of education's implementation of teacher certification requirements that are required by law on the effective date of this section or subsequent to the effective date of this section, and whether such requirements as implemented are actually consistent with higher student achievement envisioned under a performance-based education system;
(d) Whether the shift to a performance-based education system is incurring or will incur resistance, and, if so, why, and by which group or groups;
(e) The progress and success of the commission on student learning in establishing essential learning requirements that accurately and clearly represent what students should know and be able to do at specified intervals in their schooling;
(f) The progress and success of the commission on student learning, the superintendent of public instruction, the state board of education, the higher education coordinating board, and the state board for community and technical colleges in carrying out such duties and completing tasks as designated by chapter 141, Laws of 1992, by the performance-based education act, chapter . . ., Laws of 1993 (House Bill No. 1209 or Senate Bill No. 5306), and any subsequent legislation relating to education reform; and
(g) Such other areas as the joint select committee may deem appropriate.
(6) The commission on student learning, the superintendent of public instruction, the state board of education, the higher education coordinating board, and the state board for community and technical colleges shall each report to the joint select committee on education reform regarding their progress in completing tasks as designated by chapter 141, Laws of 1992, by the performance-based education act, chapter . . ., Laws of 1993 (House Bill No. 1209 or Senate Bill No. 5306), and any subsequent legislation relating to education reform.
(7) The joint select committee on education reform shall report its initial findings to the legislature by December 31, 1993, and shall report its findings annually thereafter until December 31, 1998, at which time the committee shall make its final report.
NEW SECTION. Sec. 1401. (1) The legislature finds that demonstrated relevancy and practical application of school work is essential to improving student learning and to increasing the ability of students to transition successfully to the world of work. Employers have an increasing need for highly skilled people whether they are graduating from high school, a community college, a four-year university, or a technical college.
(2) The legislature further finds that the school experience must prepare students to make informed career direction decisions at appropriate intervals in their educational progress. The elimination of rigid tracking into educational programs will increase students' posthigh school options and will expose students to a broad range of interrelated career and educational opportunities.
(3) The legislature further finds that student motivation and performance can be greatly increased by the demonstration of practical application of course work content and its relevancy to potential career directions.
(4) The legislature further finds that secondary schools should provide students with multiple, flexible educational pathways. Each educational pathway should:
(a) Prepare students to demonstrate both core competencies common for all students and competencies in a career or interest area;
(b) Integrate academic and vocational education into a single curriculum; and
(c) Provide both classroom and workplace experience.
(5) The purpose of RCW 28A.630.862 through 28A.630.880 and section 1411 of this act is to equip students with improved school-to-work transition opportunities through the establishment of school-to-work transition model projects throughout the state.
Sec. 1402. RCW 28A.630.862 and 1992 c 137 s 2 are each amended to read as follows:
There is established in the office of the
superintendent of public instruction ((an academic and vocational
integration development)) a school-to-work transitions program which
shall fund and coordinate ((pilot)) projects to develop model secondary
school ((projects)) programs. The projects shall combine
academic and vocational education into a single instructional system that is
responsive to the educational needs of all students in secondary schools and
shall provide multiple educational pathway options for all secondary students.
Goals of the projects within the program shall include at a minimum:
(1) Integration of vocational and academic instructional curriculum into a single curriculum;
(2) Providing each student with a choice of multiple, flexible educational pathways based on the student's career or interest area;
(3) Emphasis on increased vocational((,
personal,)) and academic guidance and counseling for students as an
essential component of the student's high school experience;
(((3))) (4) Development of student
essential academic learning requirements, methods of accurately measuring
student performance, and goals for improved student learning;
(5) Partnership with local employers and employees to incorporate work sites as part of work-based learning experiences;
(6) Active participation of educators in the planning, implementation, and operation of the project, including increased opportunities for professional development and in-service training; and
(((4))) (7) Active participation
by employers, private and public community service providers, parents, and
community members in the development and operation of the project.
Sec. 1403. RCW 28A.630.864 and 1992 c 137 s 3 are each amended to read as follows:
(1) The superintendent of public
instruction shall develop a process for schools or school districts to apply to
participate in the ((academic and vocational integration development)) school-to-work
transitions program. The office of the superintendent of public
instruction shall review and select projects for grant awards, and monitor and
evaluate the ((academic and vocational integration development))
(2) The superintendent of public instruction, in selecting projects for grant awards, shall give additional consideration to schools or school districts whose proposals include collaboration with middle schools or junior high schools to develop school-to-work transition objectives. Middle school or junior high school programs may include career awareness and exploration, preparation for school-to-school transition, and preparation for educational pathway decisions.
(3) The superintendent of public instruction, in selecting projects for grant awards, shall give additional consideration to schools or school districts whose proposals include a tech prep site selected under P.L. 101-392 or other articulation agreements with a community or technical college.
(4) The superintendent of public instruction and the state board of education may develop a process for teacher certification programs to apply to participate in the school-to-work transitions program. The office of the superintendent of public instruction and the state board of education may review and select projects for grant awards. Teacher preparation grants shall be used to improve teacher preparation in school-to-work transitions, including course work related to integrated curriculum, tech prep concepts, updating technical skills, improving school and private sector partnerships, and assessing students.
Sec. 1404. RCW 28A.630.866 and 1992 c 137 s 4 are each amended to read as follows:
The superintendent of public instruction shall
appoint a ten-member task force on ((academic and vocational integration))
school-to-work transitions. The task force shall include at least one
representative from the work force training and education coordinating board and
the state board for community and technical colleges. The task force shall
advise the superintendent of public instruction in the development of the
process for applying to participate in the ((academic and vocational
integration development)) school-to-work transitions program, in the
review and selection of projects under RCW 28A.630.864, and the monitoring and
evaluation of the projects.
Sec. 1405. RCW 28A.630.868 and 1992 c 137 s 6 are each amended to read as follows:
(1) The superintendent of public instruction shall administer RCW 28A.630.860 through RCW 28A.630.880.
(2) The ((academic and vocational
integration development)) school-to-work transitions projects may be
conducted for up to six years, if funds are provided.
Sec. 1406. RCW 28A.630.870 and 1992 c 137 s 7 are each amended to read as follows:
(1) The superintendent of public instruction may accept, receive, and administer for the purposes of RCW 28A.630.860 through 28A.630.880 such gifts, grants, and contributions as may be provided from public and private sources for the purposes of RCW 28A.630.860 through 28A.630.880.
(2) The ((academic and vocational
integration development)) school-to-work transitions program account
is hereby established in the custody of the state treasurer. The
superintendent of public instruction shall deposit in the account all moneys
received under this section. Moneys in the account may be spent only for the
purposes of 28A.630.860 through 28A.630.880. Disbursements from this account
shall be on the authorization of the superintendent of public instruction or
the superintendent's designee. The account is subject to the allotment
procedure provided under chapter 43.88 RCW, but no appropriation is required
for disbursements.
Sec. 1407. RCW 28A.630.874 and 1992 c 137 s 9 are each amended to read as follows:
(1) The superintendent of public instruction, in coordination with the state board of education, the state board for community and technical colleges, the work force training and education coordinating board, and the higher education coordinating board, shall provide technical assistance to selected schools and shall develop a process that coordinates and facilitates linkages among participating school districts, secondary schools, junior high schools, middle schools, technical colleges, and colleges and universities.
(2) The superintendent of public instruction and the state board of education may adopt rules under chapter 34.05 RCW as necessary to implement its duties under RCW 28A.630.860 through RCW 28A.630.880.
Sec. 1408. RCW 28A.630.876 and 1992 c 137 s 10 are each amended to read as follows:
(1) The superintendent of public instruction
shall report to the education committees of the legislature on the
progress of the schools for the ((academic and vocational integration
development)) school-to-work transitions program by December 15 of
each odd-numbered year.
(2) Each school district selected to
participate in the academic and vocational integration development program
shall submit an annual report to the superintendent of public instruction on
the progress of the ((pilot)) project as a condition of receipt of
continued funding.
Sec. 1409. RCW 28A.630.878 and 1992 c 137 s 11 are each amended to read as follows:
The superintendent of public instruction,
through the state clearinghouse for education information, shall collect and
disseminate to all school districts and other interested parties information
about the ((academic and vocational integration development pilot)) school-to-work
transitions projects.
Sec. 1410. RCW 28A.630.880 and 1992 c 137 s 12 are each amended to read as follows:
RCW 28A.630.860 through 28A.630.880 may be
known and cited as the ((academic and vocational integration development))
school-to-work transitions program.
NEW SECTION. Sec. 1411. Unless the context clearly requires otherwise, the definitions in this section apply throughout RCW 28A.630.862 through 28A.630.880.
(1) "Integration of vocational and academic instruction" means an educational program that combines vocational and academic concepts into a single curriculum to increase the relevancy of course work, to strengthen and increase academic standards, and to enable students to apply knowledge and skills to career and educational objectives.
(2) "School-to-work transition" means a restructuring effort which provides multiple learning options and seamless integrated pathways to increase all students' opportunities to pursue their career and educational interests.
(3) "Work-based learning" means a competency-based educational experience that coordinates and integrates classroom instruction with structured, work site employment in which the student receives occupational training that advances student knowledge and skills in essential academic learning requirements.
NEW SECTION. Sec. 1501. By December 1, 1998, the higher education coordinating board shall develop a two-year scholarship plan for deserving students who have achieved a certificate of mastery and have graduated from high school. Deserving students shall be those whose family income is below the state-wide median family income. Receiving students shall be allowed to use the scholarship at a community or technical college or a public, four-year institution of higher education.
NEW SECTION. Sec. 1601. The superintendent of public instruction and the state board of education shall each adopt rules, as necessary, under chapter 34.05 RCW to implement the applicable provisions of chapter . . ., Laws of 1993 (this act).
NEW SECTION. Sec. 1602. RCW 28A.215.904 is decodified.
NEW SECTION. Sec. 1603. The following acts or parts of acts are each repealed:
(1) 1992 c 141 s 505; and
(2) RCW 28A.630.860 and 1992 c 137 s 1.
NEW SECTION. Sec. 1604. Part headings as used in this act constitute no part of the law.
NEW SECTION. Sec. 1605. (1) Section 101 of this act is added to chapter 28A.150 RCW;
(2) Sections 901 through 903, sections 1101 through 1105, 1203, and 1601 of this act are each added to chapter 28A.300 RCW;
(3) Sections 202, 502, and 701 of this act are each added to chapter 28A.305 RCW;
(4) Section 1301 of this act is added to chapter 28A.320 RCW;
(5) Section 501 of this act is added to chapter 28A.410 RCW;
(6) Section 401 of this act is added to chapter 28A.415 RCW;
(7) Sections 1001 and 1303 of this act are each added to chapter 28A.600 RCW;
(8) Section 801 of this act is added to chapter 28A.615 RCW;
(9) Section 1411 of this act is added to chapter 28A.630 RCW; and
(10) Section 1501 of this act is added to chapter 28B.80 RCW.
NEW SECTION. Sec. 1606. Section 1303 of this act shall expire January 1, 1999.
NEW SECTION. Sec. 1607. If specific funding for the purposes of section 801 of this act, referencing this section by bill and section number, is not provided by June 30, 1993, in the omnibus appropriations act, section 801 of this act shall be null and void.
NEW SECTION. Sec. 1608. If specific funding for the purposes of section 904 of this act, referencing this section by bill and section number, is not provided by June 30, 1993, in the omnibus appropriations act, section 904 of this act shall be null and void.
NEW SECTION. Sec. 1609. If any provision of this act or its application to any person or circumstance is held invalid, the remainder of the act or the application of the provision to other persons or circumstances is not affected.
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