S-1864.2 _______________________________________________
State of Washington 53rd Legislature 1993 Regular Session
By Senate Committee on Natural Resources (originally sponsored by Senators Snyder, Hargrove and Owen)
Read first time 03/03/93.
AN ACT Relating to non-Puget Sound coastal commercial crab fishery; amending RCW 75.28.125, 75.28.130, and 75.30.050; adding new sections to chapter 75.28 RCW; adding new sections to chapter 75.30 RCW; and creating new sections.
NEW SECTION. Sec. 1. The legislature finds that the commercial crab fishery in coastal and offshore waters is overcapitalized. The legislature further finds that this overcapitalization has lead to the economic destablization of the coastal crab industry, and can cause excessive harvesting pressures on the coastal crab resources of Washington state. In order to provide for the economic well-being of the Washington crab industry and to protect the livelihood of Washington crab fishers who have historically and continuously participated in the coastal crab fishery, the legislature finds that it is in the best interests of the resource to reduce the number of fishers taking crab in coastal waters, to reduce the number of vessels landing crab taken in offshore waters, and to limit the number of future licenses.
NEW SECTION. Sec. 2. Unless the context clearly requires otherwise, the definitions in this section apply throughout this chapter.
(1) "Coastal crab" means Dungeness crab (Cancer magister) taken in all Washington territorial and offshore waters south of the United States-Canada boundary and west of the Bonilla-Tatoosh Line (a line from the western end of Cape Flattery to Tatoosh Island Lighthouse, then to the buoy adjacent to Duntz Rock, then in a straight line to Bonilla Point of Vancouver Island), Grays Harbor, Willapa Bay, and the Columbia river.
(2) "Hull length" means the length of a ship's hull as measured from extreme points on the stern to the bow, excluding extensions such as bowsprits or stern extensions, on a horizontal plane at right angles to the plane. Hull length documentation shall be by United States coast guard documentation or marine survey, or for vessels that do not require United States coast guard documentation by manufacturer's specifications or marine survey.
(3) "Comparable hull length" means hull length to within one foot difference.
Sec. 3. RCW 75.28.125 and 1989 c 316 s 7 are each amended to read as follows:
A delivery license is required to deliver
shellfish other than coastal crab or food fish other than salmon taken
in offshore waters and delivered to a port in the state. Unless
adjusted by the director pursuant to the director's authority granted in RCW
75.28.065, the annual license fee is fifty dollars for residents and one
hundred dollars for nonresidents. Licenses issued under RCW 75.28.113 (salmon
delivery ((license))), RCW 75.28.130(4) (coastal crab pot((,
other than Puget Sound))), or RCW 75.28.140(2) (trawl, other than Puget
Sound) shall include a delivery license.
Sec. 4. RCW 75.28.130 and 1989 c 316 s 8 are each amended to read as follows:
The following commercial fishing licenses are required for the licensee to use the specified gear to fish for shellfish in state waters. Separate licenses are required for the licensee to take Dungeness crab in both Puget Sound waters and coastal waters, as these waters are defined by rule of the director. Unless adjusted by the director pursuant to the director's authority granted in RCW 75.28.065, the annual license fees are:
Gear Resident Nonresident
Fee Fee
(1) Ring net $50 $100
Shellfish pot((s
(excluding)) (other than
crab) $50 $100
(3) Puget
Sound crab pot((s
(Puget Sound))) $50 $100
(4) Coastal
crab pot((s
(other than Puget Sound))) $200 $400
(5) Shellfish diver
than geoduck clams) $50 $100
(6) Squid gear, all types $100 $200
(7) Ghost shrimp gear $100 $200
((Commercial)) Razor
clam ((license)) gear $50 $100
Geoduck diver ((license)) $100 $200
(10) Other shellfish gear $100 $200
NEW SECTION. Sec. 5. A coastal crab pot license is required to deliver coastal crab taken in offshore waters and delivered to a port in the state.
NEW SECTION. Sec. 6. Coastal crab pot licenses issued under this section are not transferable from one owner to another owner, except from parent to child, or from spouse to spouse during marriage or as a result of marriage dissolution, or upon the death of the owner. This restriction applies to all changes in the vessel owner's name on the license, including (1) changes during the license year, and (2) changes during the license renewal process between years. This restriction does not prevent changes in vessel operator or transfers between vessels when the vessel owner remains unchanged. Upon request of a vessel owner, the director may issue a temporary permit to allow the vessel owner to use the license on a leased or rented vessel.
NEW SECTION. Sec. 7. Unless the context clearly requires otherwise, as used in this chapter, "coastal crab" means Dungeness crab (Cancer magister) taken in all Washington territorial and offshore waters south of the United States-Canada boundary and west of the Bonilla-Tatoosh Line (a line from the western end of Cape Flattery to Tatoosh Island Lighthouse, then to the buoy adjacent to Duntz Rock, then in a straight line to Bonilla Point of Vancouver Island), Grays Harbor, Willapa Bay, and the Columbia river.
NEW SECTION. Sec. 8. (1) Effective January 1, 1994, it is unlawful to fish for coastal crab in Washington state waters or deliver coastal crab to a port in the state without a coastal crab pot license. A coastal crab pot license is not required to take other species of crab, including red rock crab (Cancer productus), from waters containing coastal crab.
(2) A coastal crab pot license shall only be issued to a vessel that, during two of the following three qualifying periods:
December 1, 1988, through September 15, 1989;
December 1, 1989, through September 15, 1990; and
December 1, 1990, through September 15, 1991;
(a) Showed historical participation in the coastal crab fishery by having held one of the following:
(i) Crab pots license or crab pots (other than Puget Sound) license, issued under RCW 78.25.130;
(ii) Delivery permit or delivery license, issued under RCW 75.28.125;
(iii) Salmon troll license, issued under RCW 75.28.110; or
(iv) Salmon delivery permit or salmon delivery license, issued under RCW 75.28.113;
(v) Trawl license and trawl (other than Puget Sound) license, issued under RCW 75.28.140;
(b) Can prove active historical participation in the coastal crab fishery as evidenced by having made a minimum of eight crab landings per season in at least two of the three qualifying seasons, which landings total a minimum of five thousand pounds of crab in each qualifying season, taken in coastal and offshore waters as documented by valid Washington state shellfish receiving tickets. For purposes of this section, "crab taken in coastal and offshore waters" means crab taken in Washington state department of fisheries marine fish/shellfish management and catch reporting areas 58B, 59A, 59B, 60A, 60B, 60C, 60D, 61, or 62, as defined in WAC 220-20-410; and
(c) Can prove continuous participation in the coastal crab fishery by having held one or more of the licenses listed in (a) of this subsection each calendar year from 1990 through 1993.
(3) After January 1, 1994, it is unlawful for vessels licensed under the laws of this state to take dungeness crab (Cancer magister) in waters of the federal exclusive economic zone, or to land dungeness crab in Washington that have been taken in waters of the federal exclusive economic zone, without the licenses or endorsements required by the state whose territorial waters are contiguous to that portion of the federal exclusive economic zone.
NEW SECTION. Sec. 9. An applicant who can show historical participation under section 8(2) of this act but not satisfying the continuous participation requirement of section 8(2)(c) of this act shall be issued a coastal crab pot license if:
(1) The owner can prove that the owner was in the process on September 15, 1991, of constructing a vessel for the purpose of coastal crab fishing. For purposes of this section, "construction" means having the keel laid, and "for the purpose of coastal crab fishing" means the vessel is designed to retrieve crab pots mechanically and has a live well. A coastal crab pot license issued to a vessel under construction is not renewable after December 31, 1994, unless the vessel lands five thousand pounds of coastal crab into a Washington state port before December 31, 1994; or
(2) The applicant's vessel is a replacement for a vessel that is otherwise eligible for a coastal crab pot license, in which case the landing and licensing history shall follow the replacement vessel, and only the replacement vessel is eligible for a coastal crab pot license.
NEW SECTION. Sec. 10. (1) An Oregon resident who can show historical participation in the Washington state coastal crab fishery by having held a nonresident crab pots (other than Puget Sound) license issued under RCW 75.28.140 each year from 1990 through 1993, and who has delivered a minimum of five thousand pounds of crab into Oregon during any two of the three qualifying periods as provided in section 8(2) of this act as evidenced by valid Oregon fish receiving tickets, shall be issued a nonresident coastal crab pot license valid for fishing in Washington state waters north from the Oregon/Washington boundary to United States latitude forty-six degrees thirty minutes north. Such license shall be issued upon application and submission of proof of delivery.
(2) This section shall become effective contingent upon reciprocal statutory authority in the state of Oregon providing for equal access for Washington state coastal crab fishers to Oregon territorial coastal waters north of United States latitude forty-five degrees fifty-eight minutes north, and Oregon waters of the Columbia river.
NEW SECTION. Sec. 11. After December 31, 1994, a coastal crab pot license may only be issued to a vessel that held the license in 1994, and each year thereafter. If the license is transferred to another vessel, the license history shall also be transferred to the transferee vessel.
Where the failure to hold a license the previous year was the result of license suspension, the vessel may qualify by establishing that the vessel held a coastal crab pot license in the last year in which the license was not suspended.
NEW SECTION. Sec. 12. If fewer than one hundred twenty-five vessels are eligible for coastal crab pot licenses, the director shall accept applications for new licenses. The director shall determine by random selection the successful applicants for the additional licenses. The number of additional licenses issued shall be sufficient to maintain one hundred twenty-five vessels in the Washington coastal crab fishery. The director shall adopt rules governing the notification, application, selection, and issuance procedures for new coastal crab licenses, based on recommendations of a board of review established under RCW 75.30.050.
Sec. 13. RCW 75.30.050 and 1990 c 61 s 3 are each amended to read as follows:
(1) The director shall appoint three-member advisory review boards to hear cases as provided in RCW 75.30.060. Members shall be from:
(a) The salmon charter boat fishing industry in cases involving salmon charter boat licenses or angler permits;
(b) The commercial salmon fishing industry in cases involving commercial salmon licenses;
(c) The commercial crab fishing industry in cases involving Puget Sound crab license endorsements;
(d) The commercial herring fishery in cases involving herring validations;
(e) The commercial Puget Sound whiting fishery in cases involving Puget Sound whiting license endorsements;
(f) The commercial sea urchin fishery in cases
involving sea urchin endorsements to shellfish diver licenses; ((and))
(g) The commercial sea cucumber fishery in cases involving sea cucumber endorsements to shellfish diver licenses; and
(h) The commercial coastal crab industry in cases involving coastal crab pot licenses.
(2) Members shall serve at the discretion of the director and shall be reimbursed for travel expenses as provided in RCW 43.03.050 and 43.03.060.
NEW SECTION. Sec. 14. The director may reduce the landing requirement established under section 6 of this act upon the recommendation of an advisory review board established under RCW 75.30.050, but the director may not entirely waive the landing requirement. The advisory review board may recommend a reduction of the landing requirement in individual cases if in the board's judgment, extenuating circumstances prevented achievement of the landing requirement. The director shall adopt rules governing the operation of the advisory review board and defining "extenuating circumstances."
NEW SECTION. Sec. 15. The department of fisheries shall prepare a gear reduction plan to stabilize the coastal crab industry landing crab in Washington. The department shall submit the plan to the legislature by December 31, 1994.
NEW SECTION. Sec. 16. This act is null and void if by January 1, 1994, California and Oregon have not enacted legislation prohibiting vessels licensed under their laws from taking dungeness crab (Cancer magister) in waters of the federal exclusive economic zone without the licenses or endorsements required by the state whose territorial waters are contiguous to that portion of the federal exclusive economic zone. This act is null and void if by January 1, 1994, California and Oregon have not enacted legislation prohibiting vessels licensed under their laws from landing dungeness crab (Cancer magister) in their states that have been taken in the federal exclusive economic zone without the licenses or endorsements required by the state whose territorial waters are contiguous to that portion of the federal exclusive economic zone.
NEW SECTION. Sec. 17. (1) Sections 2, 5, and 6 of this act are each added to chapter 75.28 RCW.
(2) Sections 7 through 12 and 14 of this act are each added to chapter 75.30 RCW.
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