S-3759.1 _______________________________________________
State of Washington 53rd Legislature 1994 Regular Session
By Senators Haugen, Deccio, Bauer and Winsley
Read first time 01/12/94. Referred to Committee on Ecology & Parks.
AN ACT Relating to on-site sewage additives; and amending RCW 70.118.020.
Sec. 1. RCW 70.118.020 and 1993 c 321 s 2 are each amended to read as follows:
As used in this chapter, the terms defined in this section shall have the meanings indicated unless the context clearly indicates otherwise.
(1) "Nonwater-carried sewage disposal devices" means any device that stores and treats nonwater-carried human urine and feces.
(2) "Alternative methods of effluent disposal" means systems approved by the department of health, including at least, mound systems, alternating drain fields, anaerobic filters, evapotranspiration systems, and aerobic systems.
(3) "Failure" means: (a) Effluent has been disÂcharged on the surface of the ground prior to approved treatment; or (b) effluent has percolated to the surface of the ground; or (c) effluent has contaminated or threatens to contaminate a ground water supply.
(4) "Additive" means any commercial product intended to affect the internal performance or aesthetics of an on-site sewage disposal system other than a biological septic tank additive.
(5) "Biological septic tank additive" means a commercial product consisting of naturally occurring microorganisms and/or enzymes and containing no chemical solvents or corrosive ingredients.
(6) "Department" means the department of health.
(7) "On-site sewage disposal system" means any system of
piping, treatment devices, or other facilities that convey, store, treat, or
dispose of sewage on the property where it originates or on nearby property
under the control of the user where the system is not connectÂed to a public
sewer system. For purposes of this chapter, an on-site sewage disposal system
does not include indoor plumbing and associated fixtures.
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