S-4198.1 _______________________________________________
State of Washington 53rd Legislature 1994 Regular Session
By Senators Prentice, A. Smith, Williams, Fraser, Moyer and Bluechel
Read first time 01/24/94. Referred to Committee on Health & Human Services.
AN ACT Relating to nursing home contractor costs; and amending RCW 74.46.105 and 74.46.481.
Sec. 1. RCW 74.46.105 and 1985 c 361 s 10 are each amended to read as follows:
Cost reports and patient trust accounts of contractors shall be field audited by the department, either by department staff or by auditors under contract to the department, in accordance with the provisions of this chapter. The department when it deems necessary to assure the accuracy of cost reports may review any underlying financial statements or other records upon which the cost reports are based. The department shall have the authority to accept or reject audits which fail to satisfy the requirements of this section or which are performed by auditors who violate any of the rules of this section. Department audits of the cost reports and patient trust accounts shall be conducted as follows:
(1) Each year the department will provide for field audit of the cost report, statistical reports, and patient trust funds, as established by RCW 74.46.700, of all or a sample of reporting facilities selected by profiles of costs, exceptions, contract terminations, upon special requests or other factors determined by the department.
(2) Beginning with
audits for calendar year 1983, up to one hundred percent of contractors cost
reports and patient care trust fund accounts shall be audited: PROVIDED, That
each contractor shall be audited at least once in every ((three-year)) five-year
(3) Facilities shall be selected for sample audits within one hundred twenty days of submission of a correct and complete cost report, and shall be so informed of the department's intent to audit. Audits so scheduled shall be completed within one year of selection.
(4) Where an audit for a recent reporting or trust fund period discloses material discrepancies, undocumented costs or mishandling of patient trust funds, auditors may examine prior unaudited periods, for indication of similar material discrepancies, undocumented costs or mishandling of patient trust funds for not more than two reporting periods preceding the facility reporting period selected in the sample.
(5) The audit will result in a schedule summarizing appropriate adjustments to the contractor's cost report. These adjustments will include an explanation for the adjustment, the general ledger account or account group, and the dollar amount. Patient trust fund audits shall be reported separately and in accordance with RCW 74.46.700.
(6) Audits shall meet generally accepted auditing standards as promulgated by the American institute of certified public accountants and the standards for audit of governmental organizations, programs, activities and functions as published by the comptroller general of the United States. Audits shall be supervised or reviewed by a certified public accountant.
(7) No auditor under contract with or employed by the department to perform audits in accordance with the provisions of this chapter shall:
(a) Have had direct or indirect financial interest in the ownership, financing or operation of a nursing home in this state during the period covered by the audits;
(b) Acquire or commit to acquire any direct or indirect financial interest in the ownership, financing or operation of a nursing home in this state during said auditor's employment or contract with the department;
(c) Accept as a client any nursing home in this state during or within two years of termination of said auditor's contract or employment with the department.
(8) Audits shall be conducted by auditors who are otherwise independent as determined by the standards of independence established by the American institute of certified public accountants.
(9) All audit rules adopted after March 31, 1984, shall be published before the beginning of the cost report year to which they apply.
Sec. 2. RCW 74.46.481 and 1993 sp.s. c 13 s 12 are each amended to read as follows:
(1) The nursing services cost center shall include for reporting and audit purposes all costs related to the direct provision of nursing and related care, including fringe benefits and payroll taxes for the nursing and related care personnel, and the cost of nursing supplies. The department shall adopt by administrative rule a definition of "related care". For rates effective after June 30, 1991, nursing services costs, as reimbursed within this chapter, shall not include costs of any purchased nursing care services, including registered nurse, licensed practical nurse, and nurse assistant services, obtained through service contract arrangement in excess of the amount of compensation paid for such hours of nursing care service had they been paid at the average hourly wage, including related taxes and benefits, for in-house nursing care staff of like classification at the same nursing facility, as reported in the most recent cost report period.
(2) The department shall adopt through administrative rules a method for establishing a nursing services cost center rate consistent with the principles stated in this section.
(3) Utilizing regression or other statistical technique, the department shall determine a reasonable limit on facility nursing staff taking into account facility patient characteristics. For purposes of this section, facility nursing staff refers to registered nurses, licensed practical nurses and nursing assistants employed by the facility or obtained through temporary labor contract arrangements. Effective January 1, 1988, the hours associated with the training of nursing assistants and the supervision of that training for nursing assistants shall not be included in the calculation of facility nursing staff. In selecting a measure of patient characteristics, the department shall take into account:
(a) The correlation between alternative measures and facility nursing staff; and
(b) The cost of collecting information for and computation of a measure.
If regression is used, the limit shall be set at predicted nursing staff plus 1.75 regression standard errors. If another statistical method is utilized, the limit shall be set at a level corresponding to 1.75 standard errors above predicted staffing computed according to a regression procedure. A regression calculated shall be effective for the entire biennium.
(4) No facility shall receive reimbursement for nursing staff levels in excess of the limit. However, nursing staff levels established under subsection (3) of this section shall not apply to the nursing services cost center reimbursement rate only for the pilot facility especially designed to meet the needs of persons living with AIDS as defined by RCW 70.24.017 and specifically authorized for this purpose under the 1989 amendment to the Washington state health plan. (5) Every two years when rates are set at the beginning of each new biennium, the department shall divide into two peer groups nursing facilities located in the state of Washington providing services to medicaid residents: (a) Those facilities located within a metropolitan statistical area as defined and determined by the United States office of management and budget or other applicable federal office and (b) those not located in such an area. The facilities in each peer group shall then be arrayed from lowest to highest by magnitude of per patient day adjusted nursing services cost from the prior report year, regardless of whether any such adjustments are contested by the nursing facility, and the median or fiftieth percentile cost for each peer group shall be determined. Nursing services rates for facilities within each peer group for the first year of the biennium shall be set at the lower of the facility's adjusted per patient day nursing services cost from the prior report period or the median cost for the facility's peer group plus twenty-five percent. This rate shall be reduced or inflated as authorized by RCW 74.46.420. However, the per patient day peer group median cost plus twenty-five percent limit shall not apply to the nursing services cost center reimbursement rate only for the pilot facility especially designed to meet the needs of persons living with AIDS as defined by RCW 70.24.017 and specifically authorized for this purpose under the 1989 amendment to the Washington state health plan.
(6) If a nursing
facility is impacted by the limit authorized in subsection (5) of this section,
it shall not receive a prospective rate in nursing services ((for July 1,
1993)), less than the same facility's prospective rate in nursing services
as of June 30, 1993, adjusted in the first year of each biennium by any
increase in the implicit price deflator for personal consumption expenditures,
IPD index, as measured over the period authorized by RCW 74.46.420(3).
(7) A nursing facility's rate in nursing services for the second year of each biennium shall be that facility's rate as of July 1 of the first year of that biennium reduced or inflated as authorized by RCW 74.46.420. The alternating procedures prescribed in this section for a facility's two July 1 nursing services rates occurring within each biennium shall be followed in the same order for each succeeding biennium.
(8) Median costs for peer groups shall be calculated initially as provided in this chapter on the basis of the most recent adjusted cost information available to the department prior to the calculation of the new rate for July 1 of the first fiscal year of each biennium, regardless of whether the adjustments are contested or subject to pending administrative or judicial review. Median costs for peer groups shall be recalculated as provided in this chapter on the basis of the most recent adjusted cost information available to the department on October 31 of the first fiscal year of each biennium, and shall apply retroactively to the prior July 1 rate, regardless of whether the adjustments are contested or subject to pending administrative or judicial review. Median costs shall not be adjusted to reflect subsequent administrative or judicial rulings, whether final or not.
(9) The department is
authorized to determine on a systematic basis facilities with unmet patient
care service needs. The department may increase the nursing services cost
center prospective rate for a facility beyond the level determined in
accordance with subsection (((6))) (5) of this section if the
facility's actual and reported nursing staffing is one standard error or more
below predicted staffing as determined according to the method selected
pursuant to subsection (3) of this section and the facility has unmet patient
care service needs: PROVIDED, That prospective rate increases authorized by
this subsection shall be funded only from legislative appropriations made for
this purpose during the periods authorized by such appropriations or other laws
and the increases shall be conditioned on specified improvements in patient
care at such facilities.
(10) The department shall establish a method for identifying patients with exceptional care requirements and a method for establishing or negotiating on a consistent basis rates for such patients.
(11) The department, in consultation with interested parties, shall adopt rules to establish the criteria the department will use in reviewing any requests by a contractor for a prospective rate adjustment to be used to increase the number of nursing staff. These rules shall also specify the time period for submission and review of staffing requests: PROVIDED, That a decision on a staffing request shall not take longer than sixty days from the date the department receives such a complete request. In establishing the criteria, the department may consider, but is not limited to, the following:
(a) Increases in debility levels of contractors' residents determined in accordance with the department's assessment and reporting procedures and requirements utilizing the minimum data set;
(b) Staffing patterns for similar facilities in the same peer group;
(c) Physical plant of contractor; and
(d) Survey, inspection of care, and department consultation results.
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