State of Washington 53rd Legislature 1994 Regular Session
By Senators Sutherland, Amondson and Ludwig
Read first time 01/25/94. Referred to Committee on Energy & Utilities.
AN ACT Relating to the state energy strategy; amending RCW 43.21F.025, 43.21F.015, and 43.21F.045; adding a new section to chapter 43.21F RCW; and creating a new section.
NEW SECTION. Sec. 1. The legislature finds that the state energy strategy presented to the legislature in 1993 was developed by a dedicated and talented committee of hard-working representatives of the industries and people of this state and that the strategy document should serve to guide energy-related policy decisions by the legislature and other entities within this region.
Sec. 2. RCW 43.21F.025 and 1987 c 330 s 501 are each amended to read as follows:
(1) "Energy" means petroleum or other liquid fuels; natural or synthetic fuel gas; solid carbonaceous fuels; fissionable nuclear material; electricity; solar radiation; geothermal resources; hydropower; organic waste products; wind; tidal activity; any other substance or process used to produce heat, light, or motion; or the savings from nongeneration technologies, including conservation or improved efficiency in the usage of any of the sources described in this subsection;
(2) "Person" means an individual, partnership, joint venture, private or public corporation, association, firm, public service company, political subdivision, municipal corporation, government agency, public utility district, joint operating agency, or any other entity, public or private, however organized;
(3) "Director" means the director of the state energy office;
(4) "Office"
means the Washington state energy office; ((and))
(5) "Distributor" means any person, private corporation, partnership, individual proprietorship, utility, including investor-owned utilities, municipal utility, public utility district, joint operating agency, or cooperative, which engages in or is authorized to engage in the activity of generating, transmitting, or distributing energy in this state; and
(6) "State energy strategy" means the document and energy policy direction developed under section 1, chapter 201, Laws of 1991 including any related appendices.
Sec. 3. RCW 43.21F.015 and 1981 c 295 s 1 are each amended to read as follows:
It is the policy of the state of Washington that:
(1) The development and use of a diverse array of energy resources with emphasis on renewable energy resources shall be encouraged;
(2) The supply of energy shall be sufficient to insure the health and economic welfare of its citizens;
(3) The development and use of energy resources shall be consistent with the statutory environmental policies of the state;
(4) Energy conservation and elimination of wasteful and uneconomic uses of energy and materials shall be encouraged, and this conservation should include, but is not limited to, resource recovery and materials recycling;
(5) In energy emergency
shortage situations, energy requirements to maintain the public health, safety,
and welfare shall be given priority in the allocation of energy resources, and
citizens and industry shall be assisted in adjusting to the limited
availability of energy in order to minimize adverse impacts on their physical,
social, and economic well being; ((and))
(6) State government shall provide a source of impartial and objective information in order that this energy policy may be enhanced; and
(7) The state energy strategy shall provide primary guidance for implementation of the state's energy policy.
Sec. 4. RCW 43.21F.045 and 1990 c 12 s 2 are each amended to read as follows:
The energy office shall have the following duties:
(1) The office shall prepare and update contingency plans for implementation in the event of energy shortages or emergencies. The plans shall conform to chapter 43.21G RCW and shall include procedures for determining when these shortages or emergencies exist, the state officers and agencies to participate in the determination, and actions to be taken by various agencies and officers of state government in order to reduce hardship and maintain the general welfare during these emergencies. The office shall coordinate the activities undertaken pursuant to this subsection with other persons. The components of plans that require legislation for their implementation shall be presented to the legislature in the form of proposed legislation at the earliest practicable date. The office shall report to the governor and the legislature on probable, imminent, and existing energy shortages, and shall administer energy allocation and curtailment programs in accordance with chapter 43.21G RCW.
(2) The office shall establish and maintain a central repository in state government for collection of existing data on energy resources, including:
(a) Supply, demand, costs, utilization technology, projections, and forecasts;
(b) Comparative costs of alternative energy sources, uses, and applications; and
(c) Inventory data on energy research projects in the state conducted under public and/or private auspices, and the results thereof.
(3) The office shall coordinate federal energy programs appropriate for state-level implementation, carry out such energy programs as are assigned to it by the governor or the legislature, and monitor federally funded local energy programs as required by federal or state regulations.
(4) The office shall develop energy policy recommendations for consideration by the governor and the legislature.
(5) The office shall provide assistance, space, and other support as may be necessary for the activities of the state's two representatives to the Pacific northwest electric power and conservation planning council. To the extent consistent with federal law, the office shall request that Washington's council members request the administrator of the Bonneville power administration to reimburse the state for the expenses associated with the support as provided in the Pacific Northwest Electric Power Planning and Conservation Act (P.L. 96-501).
(6) The office shall cooperate with state agencies, other governmental units, and private interests in the prioritization and implementation of the state energy strategy elements and on other energy matters.
(7) The office shall represent the interests of the state in the siting, construction, and operation of nuclear waste storage and disposal facilities.
(8) The office shall
serve as the official state agency responsible for ((coordination of
energy-related activities)) coordinating implementation of the state
energy strategy.
(9) No later than
December 1, 1982, and by December 1st of each even-numbered year thereafter,
the office shall prepare and transmit to the governor and the legislature a
report on ((energy supply and demand, conservation, and other factors)) the
implementation of the state energy strategy and other important energy issues,
as appropriate.
(10) The office shall provide support for increasing cost-effective energy conservation, including assisting in the removal of impediments to timely implementation.
(11) The office shall provide support for the development of cost-effective energy resources including assisting in the removal of impediments to timely construction.
(12) The office shall adopt rules, under chapter 34.05 RCW, necessary to carry out the powers and duties enumerated in this chapter.
(13) The office shall provide administrative assistance, space, and other support as may be necessary for the activities of the energy facility site evaluation council, as provided for in RCW 80.50.030.
NEW SECTION. Sec. 5. A new section is added to chapter 43.21F RCW to read as follows:
The office shall review the state energy strategy as developed under section 1, chapter 201, Laws of 1991, periodically with the guidance of an advisory committee. The advisory committee shall be established in accordance with the membership requirements and procedures set forth in RCW 43.21F.047(1). Upon completion of a public hearing regarding the advisory committee's advice and recommendations for revisions to the energy strategy, a written report shall be conveyed by the office to the governor and the appropriate legislative committees.
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