S-3366.2                   _______________________________________________


                                      SENATE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION 8410



State of Washington                              53rd Legislature                             1993 Regular Session


By Senators Gaspard, Vognild and Newhouse


Read first time 4/21/93.


Creating a legislative task force on workers' compensation.

          WHEREAS, The efficient operation of the state's industrial insurance program has a profound impact on the operation of businesses in the state; and

          WHEREAS, Adequate workers' compensation benefits are essential to ameliorate the devastating impact of industrial injuries and occupational diseases on the workers of this state and their families; and

          WHEREAS, The equity and adequacy of workers' compensation benefits is a matter of delicate balance of the interests of workers and their employers;

          NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, By the Senate of the state of Washington, the House of Representatives concurring, That a legislative task force on workers' compensation be appointed by the Speaker of the House of Representatives and the President of the Senate to review the state's industrial insurance system and make recommendations on the following issues:

          (1) The adequacy and equity of the industrial insurance benefit structure with regard to death and disability benefit increases;

          (2) Alternative benefit formulas such as utilizing spendable income in the computation;

          (3) The effectiveness and efficiency of claims management services with the department; and

          (4) Alternative claims management options; and

          BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the task force consists of up to fourteen voting members, as follows:

          (1) Two members from each caucus of the senate, appointed by the president of the senate, with at least two members from the membership of the labor and commerce committee;

          (2) Two members from each caucus of the house of representatives, appointed by the speaker of the house of representatives, with at least two members from the membership of the commerce and labor committee; and

          (3) Three representatives of business, including self-insurers, and self-insured public employers; and three representatives of labor appointed jointly by the president of the senate and the speaker of the house of representatives; and

          BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the department of labor and industries shall cooperate with the task force and the deputy director of the department of labor and industries in charge of industrial insurance shall be the nonvoting chairperson.  The task force shall use legislative staff and facilities, but may hire additional staff with specific technical expertise if such expertise is necessary to carry out the mandates of this section.  All expenses of the task force, including travel, shall be paid jointly by the senate and the house of representatives; and

          BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the task force shall report its findings and recommendations to the appropriate legislative committees by December 1, 1994.  The task force shall expire July 1, 1995.


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