S-1999.1 _______________________________________________
State of Washington 53rd Legislature 1993 Regular Session
By Senators Williams, McCaslin, Fraser, Talmadge, M. Rasmussen, Moore, Deccio, Sutherland, Barr and Franklin
Read first time 02/26/93. Referred to Committee on Ecology & Parks.
We, your Memorialists, the Senate and House of Representatives of the State of Washington, in legislative session assembled, respectfully represent and petition as follows:
WHEREAS, The Congress has enacted comprehensive national legislation protecting public health and preserving the environment, including such measures as the Safe Drinking Water Act, the Clean Water Act, the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act, the Clean Air Act, the Toxic Substance Control Act, and the Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act; and
WHEREAS, The provisions of each of these measures and other similar measures envision a partnership and shared responsibility between the federal government and state governments for assuring that their objectives be attained and that they are best administered at the state or local level where the issues, problems, and remedies under each are best understood; and
WHEREAS, The State of Washington has formally accepted the delegation of responsibility from the federal government for administration and enforcement under these and other similar measures; and
WHEREAS, Each of these programs contains an express or implied promise of adequate federal resources to the states to assure full implementation of their requirements; and
WHEREAS, The costs to the states of administering each of these programs is escalating rapidly, while the level of support and funding to the states from the federal government for these programs is either declining or failing to keep pace with the cost of new requirements being imposed at the federal level; and
WHEREAS, It is incumbent upon the federal government, as part of its shared responsibility with state and local governments to assure safe drinking water; clean air; clean rivers, streams, and aquifers; safe disposal of contaminants; and the general health and safety of the citizens of this country, to provide adequate resources to the states that have accepted delegation of responsibility for enforcement of these federal programs with the understanding that the delegation includes a commitment by the federal government to provide such resources; and
WHEREAS, The Washington State Department of Health has determined that it will need to approximately double its budget and increase its budget by eight million six hundred thousand dollars over the next two years simply to provide adequate staff to carry out its mandates under the Safe Drinking Water Act administered by the Environmental Protection Agency; and
WHEREAS, The Washington State Department of Health conducted a Public Water System Needs Assessment in 1992, which concluded that the state's water systems will need to incur additional capital expenditures of six hundred eighty-six million dollars between 1993 and 1999 because of new requirements under the Safe Drinking Water Act, including millions of dollars for surface water treatment and other Safe Drinking Water Act requirements in 1993; and
WHEREAS, The costs incurred under these Safe Drinking Water Act requirements, both to the Department of Health and to the state's public water systems, may not be related to significant risks to the public health that exist in the State of Washington; and
WHEREAS, The federal government is proposing only modest increases in the federal grant to the State of Washington and other states for administering the Safe Drinking Water Act, in the face of major increases in costs to the state; and
WHEREAS, The federal government currently has no comprehensive and large-scale program of financial assistance to public water systems that will be forced to incur major capital costs for Safe Drinking Water Act compliance; and
WHEREAS, States are faced with major increased costs for administering many of these federal programs simultaneously and in the face of increasingly difficult fiscal situations; and
WHEREAS, The State of Washington is currently facing a budget deficit of approximately one and one-half billion to two billion dollars in a total budget of approximately sixteen billion dollars, which is forcing many painful decisions on budget cuts and tax or other revenue increases; and
WHEREAS, Both the Safe Drinking Water Act and the Clean Water Act are due for federal reauthorization; and
WHEREAS, The National Governors Conference in 1992 adopted an eight-point program with regard to reauthorization of the Safe Drinking Water Act that addresses many of these issues; and
WHEREAS, President Clinton has announced a program to provide both short-term and long-term investment into the infrastructure of this country, including its water systems; and
WHEREAS, The State of Washington desires to maintain the high quality of its waters and environment and the high level of health of its citizens;
NOW, THEREFORE, Your Memorialists respectfully pray that the President and the Congress of the United States:
(1) Review in a comprehensive fashion the Safe Drinking Water Act and other similar measures to assess the impact upon the states, local governments, and others subject to their provisions of the costs of complying with them and whether such costs are justified by the risk being addressed;
(2) Substantially increase to the states the amount of resources necessary to implement federal programs, so that the state financial burden is restored to the levels and proportions originally contemplated under such legislation;
(3) Study and implement, where appropriate, modified delegation and enforcement of federal laws to reflect the state's ability to implement and enforce all or a portion of such federal laws;
(4) Require that federal agencies accept the responsibility for implementation and enforcement of federal laws where the federal government has not provided adequate resources for the state to do so;
(5) Reauthorize the Safe Drinking Water Act, incorporating the recommendations of the National Governors Conference with regard to additional flexibility in state enforcement, increased efficiency in the operation of the Safe Drinking Water Act program, and increased resources to the states and water systems to meet the Safe Drinking Water Act requirements; and
(6) Make substantial funding available, for both 1993 and long-term needs, to water systems that are required to make capital improvements to their systems because of provisions of the Safe Drinking Water Act.
BE IT RESOLVED, That copies of this Memorial be immediately transmitted to the Honorable Bill Clinton, President of the United States, the President of the United States Senate, the Speaker of the House of Representatives, and each member of Congress from the State of Washington.
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