


By Senator Cantu


         WHEREAS,  The retail baking industry is vital to the state of Washington, greatly contributing to local economic prosperity and the health and well-being of our citizens; and


         WHEREAS, The retail baking industry, across the nation, includes more than forty-five thousand independent retail and in-store units generating over fifteen billion dollars in annual sales; and


         WHEREAS, Retail bakers play active business and community service roles in communities throughout this state, providing delicious fresh baked foods and serving as a valuable community resource on baking, food preparation, and food presentation; and


         WHEREAS, Retail bakers are excellent role models as successful entrepreneurs and provide quality training for our young people considering careers in the baking profession; and


         WHEREAS, February 21 through 27, 1993, has been designated "National Retail Bakers Week" by the Retail Bakers of America;


         NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That the Washington State Senate, to express appreciation to the retail bakers of Washington, hereby designates the week of February 21 through 27, 1993, as "Retail Bakers Week."



I, Marty Brown, Secretary of the Senate,

do hereby certify that this is a true and

correct copy of Senate Resolution 1993-8614,

adopted by the Senate February 24, 1993.





Secretary of the Senate