


By Senators Wojahn, Franklin, Gaspard, Winsley, Rassmussen and Oke


            WHEREAS, The Senate finds and declares that the Legislative Building, as the seat of representative government for the people of Washington, is both a temple of democracy as well as an educational platform; and


            WHEREAS, The study of history counsels our personal and professional lives; and


            WHEREAS, The study of history furnishes rational, concrete examples upon which to base a common civic pride, especially in the minds of young people;


            NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That the Senate do hereby extend an expression of appreciation to the Washington State Historical Society for taking the lead in the preparation of the historic bridges of Washington exhibit on display in the rotunda of the Legislative Building this session; and


            BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the Senate invites the Washington State Historical Society to continue its leadership role, in consultation with tenants of the Legislative Building and the department of General Administration, to preserve and interpret relevant facets of Washington's history within the Legislative Building for the benefit of citizens and visitors alike.



I, Marty Brown, Secretary of the Senate,

do hereby certify that this is a true and

correct copy of Senate Resolution 1994-8685,

adopted by the Senate March 10, 1994.





Secretary of the Senate