Chapter 194, Laws of 1993
53rd Legislature
1993 Regular Session
Passed by the House March 12, 1993 Yeas 73 Nays 25
BRIAN EBERSOLE Speaker of the House of Representatives
Passed by the Senate April 12, 1993 Yeas 30 Nays 14 |
I, Alan Thompson, Chief Clerk of the House of Representatives of the State of Washington, do hereby certify that the attached is SUBSTITUTE HOUSE BILL 1778 as passed by the House of Representatives and the Senate on the dates hereon set forth. |
JOEL PRITCHARD President of the Senate |
Approved May 6, 1993 |
May 6, 1993 - 1:12 p.m. |
MIKE LOWRY Governor of the State of Washington |
Secretary of State State of Washington |
Passed Legislature - 1993 Regular Session
State of Washington 53rd Legislature 1993 Regular Session
By House Committee on Human Services (originally sponsored by Representatives Wolfe, Brown, Talcott, Leonard, Johanson, Kessler, Appelwick, Romero, Pruitt, H. Myers, Edmondson, Linville, Veloria, Anderson, Reams, Rust, Miller, Wang and J. Kohl)
Read first time 03/03/93.
AN ACT Relating to state employee child care; amending RCW 41.04.370, 41.04.375, 41.04.380, 41.04.385, 43.88.160, and 74.13.090; and adding a new section to chapter 41.04 RCW.
Sec. 1. RCW 41.04.370 and 1984 c 162 s 1 are each amended to read as follows:
The legislature recognizes that
((on-site)) supporting child ((day)) care for employees of
public and private organizations is a worthwhile pursuit. To further the goals
of affordable, accessible, and quality child care for working parents, the
legislature intends to ((establish a)) provide for the development of
self-supporting child care ((demonstration project)) programs for
employees of state government. ((The legislature recognizes that
appropriate child day care services may enhance productivity and lower
absenteeism among state employees.))
Sec. 2. RCW 41.04.375 and 1984 c 162 s 2 are each amended to read as follows:
An agency may identify space
they wish to use for child care facilities or they may request assistance from
the department of general administration ((shall identify an amount of))
in identifying the availability of suitable space in state-owned or
state-leased buildings ((in the Olympia area)) for use as child ((day))
care centers for the children of state employees.
When suitable space is
identified in state-owned or state-leased buildings, the department of
general administration shall establish a ((fair)) rental rate for ((the))
organizations to pay for the space used by persons who are not state
Sec. 3. RCW 41.04.380 and 1984 c 162 s 3 are each amended to read as follows:
(((1) The department of
personnel shall conduct a needs assessment to determine the need for and
interest in child day care facilities for the children of state employees;
(2) The department of personnel
shall determine the number of children which may participate in the
demonstration project required under RCW 41.04.370 through 41.04.380; and
(3) If the)) When
suitable space is determined to be available, ((the department of personnel
shall)) either agencies or organizations of state employees may
contract with one or more ((organizations)) providers to operate
child ((day)) care facilities ((for the children identified under
this section. Such facilities may be located in one or more buildings as
identified under RCW 41.04.375)).
Subject to the approval of the director of financial management, suitable space for child care centers may be provided to organizations of state employees without charge or at reduced charge for rent or services solely for the purpose of reducing employee child care costs.
NEW SECTION. Sec. 4. A new section is added to chapter 41.04 RCW to read as follows:
In order to qualify for services under RCW 41.04.380, state employee child care organizations shall be organized as nonprofit under chapter 24.03 RCW.
Sec. 5. RCW 41.04.385 and 1986 c 135 s 1 are each amended to read as follows:
The legislature finds that (1)
demographic, economic, and social trends underlie a critical and increasing
demand for child ((day)) care in the state of Washington; (2) working
parents and their children benefit when the employees' child care needs have been
resolved; ((and)) (3) the state of Washington should serve as a model
employer by creating a supportive atmosphere, to the extent feasible, in which
its employees may meet their child ((day)) care needs; and (4) the
state of Washington should encourage the development of partnerships between
state agencies, state employees, state employee labor organizations, and
private employers to expand the availability of affordable quality child care.
The legislature finds further that resolving employee child ((day)) care
concerns not only benefits the employees and their children, but may benefit
the employer by reducing absenteeism, increasing employee productivity,
improving morale, and enhancing the employer's position in recruiting and
retaining employees. Therefore, the legislature declares that it is the policy
of the state of Washington to assist state employees by creating a supportive
atmosphere in which they may meet their child ((day)) care needs. Policies
and procedures for state agencies to address employee child care needs will be
the responsibility of the director of personnel in consultation with the child
care coordinating committee, as provided in RCW 74.13.090 and state employee
representatives as provided under RCW 41.06.140.
Sec. 6. RCW 43.88.160 and 1992 c 118 s 8 are each amended to read as follows:
This section sets forth the major fiscal duties and responsibilities of officers and agencies of the executive branch. The regulations issued by the governor pursuant to this chapter shall provide for a comprehensive, orderly basis for fiscal management and control, including efficient accounting and reporting therefor, for the executive branch of the state government and may include, in addition, such requirements as will generally promote more efficient public management in the state.
(1) Governor; director of financial management. The governor, through the director of financial management, shall devise and supervise a modern and complete accounting system for each agency to the end that all revenues, expenditures, receipts, disbursements, resources, and obligations of the state shall be properly and systematically accounted for. The accounting system shall include the development of accurate, timely records and reports of all financial affairs of the state. The system shall also provide for central accounts in the office of financial management at the level of detail deemed necessary by the director to perform central financial management. The director of financial management shall adopt and periodically update an accounting procedures manual. Any agency maintaining its own accounting and reporting system shall comply with the updated accounting procedures manual and the rules of the director adopted under this chapter. An agency may receive a waiver from complying with this requirement if the waiver is approved by the director. Waivers expire at the end of the fiscal biennium for which they are granted. The director shall forward notice of waivers granted to the appropriate legislative fiscal committees. The director of financial management may require such financial, statistical, and other reports as the director deems necessary from all agencies covering any period.
(2) The director of financial management is responsible for quarterly reporting of primary operating budget drivers such as applicable workloads, caseload estimates, and appropriate unit cost data. These reports shall be transmitted to the legislative fiscal committees or by electronic means to the legislative evaluation and accountability program committee. Quarterly reports shall include actual monthly data and the variance between actual and estimated data to date. The reports shall also include estimates of these items for the remainder of the budget period.
(3) The director of financial management shall report at least annually to the appropriate legislative committees regarding the status of all appropriated capital projects, including transportation projects, showing significant cost overruns or underruns. If funds are shifted from one project to another, the office of financial management shall also reflect this in the annual variance report. Once a project is complete, the report shall provide a final summary showing estimated start and completion dates of each project phase compared to actual dates, estimated costs of each project phase compared to actual costs, and whether or not there are any outstanding liabilities or unsettled claims at the time of completion.
(4) In addition, the director of financial management, as agent of the governor, shall:
(a) Make surveys and analyses of agencies with the object of determining better methods and increased effectiveness in the use of manpower and materials; and the director shall authorize expenditures for employee training to the end that the state may benefit from training facilities made available to state employees;
(b) Establish policies for allowing the contracting of child care services;
(c) Report to the governor with regard to duplication of effort or lack of coordination among agencies;
(((c))) (d) Review
any pay and classification plans, and changes thereunder, developed by any
agency for their fiscal impact: PROVIDED, That none of the provisions of this
subsection shall affect merit systems of personnel management now existing or
hereafter established by statute relating to the fixing of qualifications
requirements for recruitment, appointment, or promotion of employees of any
agency. The director shall advise and confer with agencies including
appropriate standing committees of the legislature as may be designated by the
speaker of the house and the president of the senate regarding the fiscal
impact of such plans and may amend or alter said plans, except that for the
following agencies no amendment or alteration of said plans may be made without
the approval of the agency concerned: Agencies headed by elective officials;
(((d))) (e) Fix
the number and classes of positions or authorized man years of employment for
each agency and during the fiscal period amend the determinaÂtions previously
fixed by the director except that the director shall not be empowered to fix
said number or said classes for the following: Agencies headed by elective
(((e))) (f)
Provide for transfers and repayments between the budget stabilization account
and the general fund as directed by appropriation and RCW 43.88.525 through
(((f) Promulgate regulations))
(g) Adopt rules to effectuate provisions contained in (a) through (((e)))
(f) of this subsection.
(5) The treasurer shall:
(a) Receive, keep, and disburse all public funds of the state not expressly required by law to be received, kept, and disbursed by some other persons: PROVIDED, That this subsection shall not apply to those public funds of the institutions of higher learning which are not subject to appropriation;
(b) Disburse public funds under the treasurer's supervision or custody by warrant or check;
(c) Keep a correct and current account of all moneys received and disbursed by the treasurer, classified by fund or account;
(d) Perform such other duties as may be required by law or by regulations issued pursuant to this law.
It shall be unlawful for the
treasurer to issue any warrant or check for public funds in the treasury except
upon forms duly prescribed by the director of financial management. Said forms
shall provide for authentication and certification by the agency head or the
agency head's designee that the services have been rendered or the materials
have been furnished; or, in the case of loans or grants, that the loans or
grants are authorized by law; or, in the case of payments for periodic
maintenance services to be performed on state owned equipment, that a written
contract for such periodic maintenance services is currently in effect and
copies thereof are on file with the office of financial management; and the
treasurer shall not be liable under the treasurer's surety bond for erroneous
or improper payments so made((: PROVIDED, That)). When services
are lawfully paid for in advance of full performance by any private individual
or business entity other than as provided for by RCW 42.24.035, such individual
or entity other than central stores rendering such services shall make a cash
deposit or furnish surety bond coverage to the state as shall be fixed in an
amount by law, or if not fixed by law, then in such amounts as shall be fixed
by the director of the department of general administration but in no case
shall such required cash deposit or surety bond be less than an amount which
will fully indemnify the state against any and all losses on account of breach
of promise to fully perform such services((: AND PROVIDED FURTHER, That)).
No payments shall be made in advance for any equipment maintenance services
to be performed more than three months after such payment. Any such bond so
furnished shall be conditioned that the person, firm or corporation receiving
the advance payment will apply it toward performance of the contract. The
responsibility for recovery of erroneous or improper payments made under this
section shall lie with the agency head or the agency head's designee in
accordance with regulations issued pursuant to this chapter. Nothing in this
section shall be construed to permit a public body to advance funds to a
private service provider pursuant to a grant or loan before services have been
rendered or material furnished.
(6) The state auditor shall:
(a) Report to the legislature the results of current post audits that have been made of the financial transactions of each agency; to this end the auditor may, in the auditor's discretion, examine the books and accounts of any agency, official or employee charged with the receipt, custody or safekeeping of public funds. The current post audit of each agency may include a section on recommendations to the legislature as provided in (c) of this subsection.
(b) Give information to the legislature, whenever required, upon any subject relating to the financial affairs of the state.
(c) Make the auditor's official report on or before the thirty-first of December which precedes the meeting of the legislature. The report shall be for the last complete fiscal period and shall include at least the following:
Determinations as to whether
agencies, in making expenditures, complied with the laws of this state((:
PROVIDED, That)). Nothing in this section may be construed to grant
the state auditor the right to perform performance audits. A performance audit
for the purpose of this section is the examination of the effectiveness of the
administration, its efficiency, and its adequacy in terms of the programs of
departments or agencies as previously approved by the legislature. The authority
and responsibility to conduct such an examination shall be vested in the
legislative budget committee as prescribed in RCW 44.28.085.
(d) Be empowered to take exception to specific expenditures that have been incurred by any agency or to take exception to other practices related in any way to the agency's financial transactions and to cause such exceptions to be made a matter of public record, including disclosure to the agency concerned and to the director of financial management. It shall be the duty of the director of financial management to cause corrective action to be taken promptly, such action to include, as appropriate, the withholding of funds as provided in RCW 43.88.110.
(e) Promptly report any irregularities to the attorney general.
(f) Investigate improper governmental activity under chapter 42.40 RCW.
(7) The legislative budget committee may:
(a) Make post audits of the financial transactions of any agency and management surveys and program reviews as provided for in RCW 44.28.085. To this end the committee may in its discretion examine the books, accounts, and other records of any agency, official, or employee.
(b) Give information to the legislature or any legislative committee whenever required upon any subject relating to the performance and management of state agencies.
(c) Make a report to the legislature which shall include at least the following:
(i) Determinations as to the extent to which agencies in making expenditures have complied with the will of the legislature and in this connection, may take exception to specific expenditures or financial practices of any agencies; and
(ii) Such plans as it deems expedient for the support of the state's credit, for lessening expenditures, for promoting frugality and economy in agency affairs and generally for an improved level of fiscal management.
Sec. 7. RCW 74.13.090 and 1989 c 381 s 3 are each amended to read as follows:
(1) There is established a child care coordinating committee to provide coordination and communication between state agencies responsible for child care and early childhood education services. The child care coordinating committee shall be composed of not less than seventeen nor more than thirty-three members who shall include:
(a) One representative each from the department of social and health services, the department of community development, the office of the superintendent of public instruction, and any other agency having responsibility for regulation, provision, or funding of child care services in the state;
(b) One representative from the department of labor and industries;
(c) One representative from the department of trade and economic development;
(d) One representative from the department of revenue;
(e) One representative from the employment security department;
(f) One representative from the department of personnel;
(g) One representative from the department of health;
(h) At least one representative of family home child care providers and one representative of center care providers;
(((g))) (i) At
least one representative of early childhood development experts;
(((h))) (j) At
least one representative of school districts and teachers involved in the
provision of child care and preschool programs;
(((i))) (k) At
least one parent education specialist;
(((j))) (l) At
least one representative of resource and referral programs;
(((k))) (m) One
pediatric or other health professional;
(((l))) (n) At
least one representative of college or university child care providers;
(((m))) (o) At
least one representative of a citizen group concerned with child care;
(((n))) (p) At
least one representative of a labor organization;
(((o))) (q) At
least one representative of a head start - early childhood education assistance
program agency;
(((p))) (r) At
least one employer who provides child care assistance to employees;
(((q))) (s)
Parents of children receiving, or in need of, child care, half of whom shall be
parents needing or receiving subsidized child care and half of whom shall be
parents who are able to pay for child care.
The named state agencies shall select their representative to the child care coordinating committee. The department of social and health services shall select the remaining members, considering recommendations from lists submitted by professional associations and other interest groups until such time as the committee adopts a member selection process. The department shall use any federal funds which may become available to accomplish the purposes of RCW 74.13.085 through 74.13.095.
The committee shall elect officers from among its membership and shall adopt policies and procedures specifying the lengths of terms, methods for filling vacancies, and other matters necessary to the ongoing functioning of the committee. The secretary of social and health services shall appoint a temporary chair until the committee has adopted policies and elected a chair accordingly. Child care coordinating committee members shall be reimbursed for travel expenses as provided in RCW 43.03.050 and 43.03.060.
(2) To the extent possible within available funds, the child care coordinating committee shall:
(a) Serve as an advisory coordinator for all state agencies responsible for early childhood or child care programs for the purpose of improving communication and interagency coordination;
(b) Annually review state programs and make recommendations to the agencies and the legislature which will maximize funding and promote furtherance of the policies set forth in RCW 74.13.085. Reports shall be provided to all appropriate committees of the legislature by December 1 of each year. At a minimum the committee shall:
(i) Review and propose changes to the child care subsidy system in its December 1989 report;
(ii) Review alternative models for child care service systems, in the context of the policies set forth in RCW 74.13.085, and recommend to the legislature a new child care service structure; and
(iii) Review options and make recommendations on the feasibility of establishing an allocation for day care facilities when constructing state buildings;
(c) Review department of social and health services administration of the child care expansion grant program described in RCW 74.13.095;
(d) Review rules regarding child care facilities and services for the purpose of identifying those which unnecessarily obstruct the availability and affordability of child care in the state;
(e) Advise and assist the child
care resource coordinator in implementing his or her duties under RCW
74.13.0903; ((and))
(f) Perform other functions to improve the quantity and quality of child care in the state, including compliance with existing and future prerequisites for federal funding; and
(g) Advise and assist the department of personnel in its responsibility for establishing policies and procedures that provide for the development of quality child care programs for state employees.
Passed the House March 12, 1993.
Passed the Senate April 12, 1993.
Approved by the Governor May 6, 1993.
Filed in Office of Secretary of State May 6, 1993.