HB 1966 - DIGEST
Discourages differential treatment of youth of color and their families who come in contact with the juvenile courts of the state and promotes racial and ethnic sensitivity and awareness throughout the juvenile court system.
Directs the administrator for the courts to develop a plan to improve the collection and reporting of information on juvenile offenders.
Requires the development of a curriculum for a general understanding of ethnic and cultural diversity and its implications for working with youth of color and their families.
Provides for training of court and law enforcement personnel.
Provides for interpreters for non-English speaking youth.
Prohibits the detention of a youth solely for reasons or factors related to family status, school attendance, race, or ethnicity.
Requires an evaluation of the effectiveness of the program and a report to the legislature by December 1, 1994, and annually thereafter.
Convenes a work group to develop standards and guidelines for the prosecution of juvenile offenders.